[PDF] Wolfgang Klein The present perfect puzzle* Abstract In John has left

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The Portuguese Present Perfect - James E. Algeo

It will be seen in the sentences below that the two imperfect tenses may be used in environments that will not admit the present perfect: 1. Escrevo uma carta.


PRESENT PERFECT. Presente Perfecto. Un componente esencial del presente perfecto son los verbos en participio pasado. Los.

The Distribution and the Use of the Present Perfect and the past

Use of the Present Perfect and the Past Perfect Forms in American Spanish. U Maurice Westmoreland Ohio State University. General studies of American 

Wolfgang Klein The present perfect puzzle* Abstract In John has left

A new strictly compositional analysis of the English perfect is suggested

Contextual Factors in the Use of the Present Perfect

these different meanings but in determining when one can or cannot use the present perfect in contrast to the past tense. When a student is told to use the 

The Present Perfect Puzzle

the incompatibility of the present perfect and most past tense adverbials has neither syntactic nor semantic causes but follows from a simple pragmatic 

Irregular Verbs Simple Present Simple Past and Present Perfect

Present perfect tense. I have been in class since 6:30pm. Become became become. Simple present tense. Many people become U.S. citizens every year. Simple past 

The Ambiguity of the English Present Perfect

This study examines grammatical and discourse-pragmatic reflexes of the existential and resultative readings of the English present perfect.

The Present Perfect Again

present perfect and the present perfect continuous are for the non-native speaker of English two of the most troublesome tenses in the English verb system.

Present perfect for preterite across Spanish dialects

It is well known that the present perfect (PP) in several Romance varieties has encroached on the semantic domain of the simple past or preterite.

Wolfgang Klein

Th e presen t perfec t puzzle



John has left London, it is clear that the event

in question, John's leaving


has occurred in the past, for example yesterday at ten. Why is it impossible, then, to make this the event time more explicit by such an adverbial, as in Yesterday at ten, John has left

London? Any

solution of this puzzle crucially hinges on the meaning assigned to the perfect, and the present perfect in particular. Two such solutions, a scope solution and the 'current relevance'-solution, are discussed and shown to be inadequate. A new, strictly compositional analysis of the


perfect is suggested, and it is argued that the imcompatibility of the present perfect and most past tense adverbials has neither syntactic nor semantic reasons but follows from a simple pragmatical constraint, called here the 'position-definiteness constraint'. It is the very same constraint, which also makes an utterance such as

At ten, John

had left at nine pragmatically odd, even if John indeed had left at nine, and hence the utterance is true. 1 Th e proble m I n a n utteranc e suc h a s (1 Joh n ha s lef t hi s wife th e even t talke d about John' s leavin g hi s wife i s clearl y i n th e pas t (relativ e t o th e tim e o f utteranc e TU) I t ma y stil l b e particularl y relevan t t o th e presen t i n on e wa y o r th e other an d som e author s argu e tha t thi s i s th e reaso n wh y th e presen t perfec t i s use d here rathe r tha n th e simpl e past Bu t ther e i s littl e doub t tha t th e even t a s suc h i s ove r a t TU. i I t coul d hav e bee n yesterday o r las t fall o r som e te n year s ago Wh y i s i t impossible then t o say (2a *Joh n ha s lef t hi s wif e yesterday (2b *Yesterday Joh n ha s lef t hi s wife (3a *Joh n ha s lef t hi s wif e las t year (3b *Las t year Joh n ha s lef t hi s wife (4a *Joh n ha s lef t hi s wif e som e te n year s ago (4b *Som e te n year s ago Joh n ha s lef t hi s wife Th e constrain t i s no t restrictequotesdbs_dbs46.pdfusesText_46
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