[PDF] LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 3 ???. 2004 ?. Ambassador Head of

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The Machine as Art (in the 20th Century): An Introduction

23 ???. 2019 ?. teaching and research institutions in France or ... art Swiss-born Jean Tinguely and Hungarian-born Nicolas Schöffer

Copyright by Stephanie Jennings Hanor 2003

Roots and Context for Tinguely's Early Useless Machines. 6 A dependence on biography has dominated much of the scholarship on Tinguely adding to the.

Artbotics Artist Presentations: Jean Tinguely - Nanopdf.com

Artist biography basics: date born education

La collaboration artistique atypique entre Niki de Saint-Phalle et

Niki de Saint Phalle en tant qu'architecte et Jean Tinguely en tant Château-Chinon France ... www.expoparis.fr/magazine/frequentation-201415.html.

The fantastic and enigmatic art of Niki de Saint Phalle

She met Jean. Tinguely (Fribourg 1925-Berne 1991)

Endemism and diversification in freshwater insects of Madagascar

of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) are widely used as bio-indicators and form an important the case for most stream insects on Madagascar (Elouard et al..


BIO + FILMO OFFICIELLE 1985 - 2008 Réalisateur du Journal Télévisé France 2/France 3 ... Pierre Restany : Yves Klein

La métaphysique dans la sculpture de Jean Tinguely: mécanique

https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01130172. Submitted on 11 Mar 2015 teaching and research institutions in France or.


In 2011 she was awarded the Grange Prize Canada's foremost award for Tinguely's Mengele-Totentanz


3 ???. 2004 ?. Ambassador Head of Department for Disarmament







Nairobi, 29 November - 3 December 2004




Mr. Mohammad Haider Reza Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Head of Delegation

Mr. Mohammad Qasim Hashimzai Deputy Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice Mr. Meskin Nasrullah General, First Deputy, Disaster Response

Department, Ministry of Defence

Mr. Khaled Ahmad Zekriya Director, Fifth Political Department, Ministry of

Foreign Affairs


Mr. Besnik Baraj Deputy Minister, Ministry of Defence, Chairman of

Albanian Mine Action Committee

Mr. Vladimir Thanati Ambassador, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Arben Braha Director of the Albanian Mine Action Executive


M. Amine Kherbi Conseiller au près de M. Le Président de la République, Représentant Personnel du Chef de l'Etat

Chef de délégation

M. Mohamed-Hacen Echarif Ambassadeur d'Algérie au Kenya


Page 2

M. Sid Ali Ketrandji Chargé de mission à la Présidence de la République M. Abdelaziz Lahiouel Directeur des Affaires politiques internationales,

Ministère des Affaires étrangères

M. Ahcene Gherabi Colonel, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Président du Comité interministériel chargé de la mise en oeuvre de la Convention d'Ottawa M. Toufik Dahmani Directeur d'études, Présidence de la République M. Mohamed Belaoura Sous-directeur du Désarmement et des Questions de sécurité internationale, Ministère des Affaires


M. Mohamed Messaoud Adimi Directeur auprès des services du Chef du gouvernement, Secrétaire executif du Comité interministériel chargé de la mise en oeuvre de la convention d'Ottawa M. Abdelhakim Mihoubi Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Algeria in



Mr. Joao Bernardo de Miranda Minister of External Relations of Angola

Head of Delegation

In representation of the President of Republic of

Angola, H.E. Jose Eduardo dos Santos

Mr. Santana Andre Pitra (Petroff) Inter-Sector National Commission Coordinator of


Mr. Brito Antonio Sozinho Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the

Republic of Angola to the Republic of Kenya, non

resident Mr. Balbina M. Dias da Silva National Coordinator of Programs Ms. Rita Botelho de Jesus Head of the Planning Department of Inter-Sector

National Commission of Demining

Mr. Adriano Francisco Gonçalves Coordinator of Sub-Commission of the victims of mines Mr. Arcanjo Maria do Nascimento Director of the office of Ministry of External Relations


Page 3

Mr. Mario Costa Translator

Mr. Vicente Muanda 1


Secretary of the Embassy of Angola in Tanzania

Mr. Rui Fernando Rodrigues Vasco Press Attache of the Embassy of Angola in Tanzania Mr. Junior Joao Deputy Minister of Social Reinsertion Mr. Patrick Kiala Escort of Mr. Santana Andre Pitra (Petroff) Ms. Natacha Antonio Secretary of Mr. Santana Andre Pitra (Petroff)

Mr. Christian Larssen Senior Technical Advisor

Mr. Joaquim Belo Mangueira Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva


Sr. Fernando Enrique Petrella Embajador, Jefatura de Gabinete del Sr. Canciller,

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio

Internacional y Culto Jefe de Delegaciou

Sr. José Luis Casal Embajador, Embajada en Nairobi Sra. Mariela Fogante Secretario de Embajada, Dirección de Seguridad

Internacional, Asuntos Nucleares y Espaciales,

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio

Internacional y Culto

Sra. Susana Beatriz Carranza Miembro del Grupo de Tabajo sobre Desminado

Humanitario, Ministerio de Defensa

Sr. Fernando Carlos Dorrego Coronel, Asesor Militar, Grupo de Tabajo sobre

Desminado Humanitario Ejercito Argentino


Mr. Bruce Billson Parliamentary Secretary and Special Representative on

Mine Action

Head of Delegation

Mr. Michael Smith Ambassador, Alternative head of delegation

Ms. Rachel Moseley Adviser

Ms. Ada Cheung Adviser


Page 4

Ms. Margaret Johnson Adviser

Mr. Vincent Sheehy Adviser to Parliamentary Secretary

Sister Patricia Pak Poy ICBL Australia Network

Mr. Michael G. Smith AUSTCARE, Australia


Mr. Peter Jankowitsh Frm. Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Special

Representative of the Austrian Government

Head of Delegation

Mr. Wolfgang Petritsch Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Wernfried Koffler Ambassador, Head of Department for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non Proliferation, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Vienna

Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. Klaus Derkowitsch Austrian Ambassador to the Republic of Kenya,


Mr. Alexander Kmentt Counsellor for Disarmament Affairs, Permanent

Mission, Geneva

Ms. Romana Konigsbrunn Counsellor, Embassy for the Republic of Kenya,


Mr. Gunther Greindl General ret., Adviser, Federal Ministry of Defence,

Dep.Mil.Pol./Shirbrig, Vienna

Mr. Richard Monsberger Colonel, Adviser, Head of Arms Control Section,

Federal Ministry of Defence, Vienna

Ms. Gerda Binder Desk Officer for Mine Action, Adviser, Austrian

Development Agency, Vienna

Mr. Wolfgang Kopetzky Secretary General of the Austrian Red Cross, Vienna Mr. Berhard Schneider Legal Adviser, Austrian Red Cross, Vienna Mr. Karl Ernst First Secretary, Adviser, Embassy for the Republic of

Kenya, Nairobi


Page 5

Mr. Mark Blaisse Special communications and media adviser

Mr. Irmgard Kopetzky

Ms. Agnes Schneider


Mr. Syeed Ahmed High Commissioner, Bangladesh High Commission,


Ms. Ismat Jahan Director General (United Nations Wing), Ministry of

Foreign Affairs

Mr. Mohammad Mesbah Ahmed Major, Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance

Services, Ordnance Directorate, Master General of

Ordnance Branch, Army Headquarter

Mr. Shah Ahmed Shafi First Secretary, Bangladesh High Commission, Nairobi


Mr. Alexandr Sychev Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs

Head of Delegation

Mr. Aleksandr Baichorov Head, Department of International Security and Arms

Control, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Deputy Head of Delegation

Mr. Sergei Luchina Major-General, Chief of Engineering Troops, Ministry of Defence


M. Didier Donfut Secrétaire d'Etat aux Affaires européennes M. Frédéric Renard Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent au Kenya M. Paul Huynen Chef du Service Non-Prolifération et Désarmement, Service Fédéral Affaires Etrangères, Commerce Extérieur et Coopération au Développement M. Mark Van Der Vreken Conseiller, Cabinet du Ministre des Affaires



Page 6

M. Baudouin Briot Lieutenant-Colonel, Ministère de la défense M. Luc Timmermans Conseiller, Service Public Fédéral de la Coopération au Développement M. Alain Van Gucht Premier Secrétaire, Mission Permanente, Genève M. Marc Acheroy Expert, Académie Royale Militaire

Mme Cindy Hannard Ministère de la Défense

Mme Roxane de Bilderling Premier Secrétaire, Ambassade au Kenya

Mme Anna Hajdu Consul, Ambassade au Kenya

M. Jean-Pierre Driesmans Colonel, Attaché Défense, Ambassade au Kenya M. Pol Dupaix Assistant Attaché Défense, Ambassade au Kenya BENIN

M. Jean Marie Ehouzou Ambassadeur, Representant

Permanent du Benin en Ethiopies,

Chef de delegation

M. Hermanne G. Araba Chef, Service des Organisations Internationales Politiques Spécialisées, Ministère des Affaires

Etrangères et de l'Intégration Africaine


Mr. Safet Halilovic Minister for Civil Affairs

Head of Delegation

Ms. Amira Arifovic-Harms Counsellor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Member of Delegation Mr. Darko Vidovic Member of the Commission for Demining, Member of


Mr. Mustafa Alikadic Member of the Commission for Demining, Ministry of

Civil Affairs, Member of Delegation

Mr. Darvin Lisica Assistant Director of the Mine Action Centre, Member of Delegation


Page 7

Ms. Aida Duric Professional Associate in the Ministry of Civil Affairs,

Member of Delegation


Mr. Zibane J. Ntakhwana High Commissioner, Nairobi Mr. Rhee Omphile Hetanang First Secretary, High Commission, Botswana

Foreign Affairs Officer

Mr. Karabo Mokoto Second Secretary, High Commission, Botswana


Mr. Antonio José Rezende de Castro Ambassador

Head of Delegation

Mr. Santiago Irazábal Mourao Counselor, Ministry of External Relations Mr. Manel Pafiadache Colonel, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Fernando De Lima Carvalho Captain, Permanent Mission, Geneva

Mr. Heldo Souza Colonel, Ministry of Defense

Mr. Cláudio Medeiros Leopoldino Secretary, Ministry of External Relations


Mr. Stéfan Tafrov H.E., Ambassador, Permanent Representative, New York

Head of Delegation

Ms. Lachezara Stoeva Desk Officer, NATO and International Security Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Advisor


M. Yéro Boly Ministre de la Défense

Chef de Délégation

M. Blaise Kiema Commandant, Ministère de la Défense


Page 8

Mme Ali Bibata Sanou Direction des Affaires Juridiques et Consulaires du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération



Mr. Donatien Sindakira Col., Ministre de la Sécurité Publique Mr. Zacharie Gahutu Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Genève Mr. Antoine Nimbesha Col. Directeur Général de la Sécurité du Territoire Mr. Herménégilde Bavakure Conseiller au Ministère des Relations Extérieures et de Coopération et Point Focal de la Convention d'Ottawa sur les mines antipersonnel


Mr. Sok An Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in Charge of the

Office of Council of Ministers

Head of Delegation

Mr. Sam Sotha Advisor to the Prime Minister and Secretary-General of Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance


Alternate Head of Delegation

Mr. Chea Vandeth Chief of Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Khem Sophoan Lieutenant-General, Director-General, Cambodian

Mine Action Center

Mr. Sokhon Prak Chief of Planning


M. Jean-Hilaire Mbea Mbea Ambassadeur du Cameroun à Addis Abeba

Chef de la délégation

M. Jean Bosco Nack Colonel, Ministère de la Défence M. Jacques Alfred Ndoumbe Eboule Premier Conseiller, DELECAM New York M. Richard Etoundi Diplomate, Ministère des Relations Extérieures


Page 9


Ms. Adrienne Clarkson H.E., The Right Honourable Governor

General General

Head of Delegation/Representative to

High Level Segment

Mr. Ross Hynes Ambassador for Mine Action

Alternate Head of Delegation/Representative for

Officials Meetings

Ms. Paddy Torsney The Honourable, Parliamentary

Secretary to the Minister of

International Cooperation

Parliamentary Representative/Observer

Ms. Diane Bourgeois Member of Parliament (Terrebonne-


Mr. James Wall Canadian High Commissioner to

Kenya, Alernate Representative

Ms. Barbara Uteck Private Secretary to the Governor


Mr. Haig Safarian Deputy Chief of Protocol

Mr. Maurice Baril General (ret.), Special Advisor to the

Ambassador for Mine Action, Alternate


Mr. Andrew Shore Coordinator, Mine Action Team, Foreign Affairs,

Alternate Representative

Mr. Jean Devlin Chief, Mine Action Unit, CIDA

Alternate Representative

Ms. Shannon Smith Head of Policy and Research, Mine

Action Team, Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representative

Ms. Anne Woodbridge Senior Programme Officer, Mine Action Unit CIDA Mr. Jean Lapointe LCol., Arms Control and Proliferation

Control Policy, Department of National



Page 10

Mr. Tom Stewart MWO, J3 Engineer Operations,

Mine/Countermine Info. Centre

Department of National Defence

Ms. Ann Pollack Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Cory Anderson Program Coordinator, Research and Policy Section,

Mine Action Team, Foreign Affairs.

Mr. John MacBride LCol. (ret.), Military Advisor and Program

Coordinator, Mine Action Team, Foreign Affairs.

Ms. Karen Mollica Program Coordinator for Africa and the Middle East,

Mine Actrion Team, Foreign Affairs.

Ms. Sumita Dixit Program Coordinator for Asia, Mine Actrion Team,

Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Tim McCarthy Assistant Program Coordinator, Mine Actrion Team,

Foreign Affairs.


M Lazare Doko Colonel, Charge de Mission en matière de sécurité au

Ministère des Affaires Etrangères

CHAD M. Mahamat Ali Hassan Minister of Plan, Development and and Cooperation M. Saleh Hissein Hassan Haliki Coordinateur du HCND (Haut Commissariat National de Deminage) M. Assane N'guéadoum Directeur Administratif, Financier et Logistique, HCND M. Michel Destemberg Conseiller Technique Principal, HCND Mme Randah Hanriette Conseiller Juridique de la Croix Rouge du Tchad


Page 11

CHILE Sr. Luis Winter Director de Política Especial, Ministerio de Relaciones


Head of Delegation

Sr. Rafael Guerra Coronel, Secretario Ejecutivo de la Comision Nacional de Desminado Humanitario Sr. Felipe Llanes Asesor, Ministerio de Defesa Nacional


Sr. Francisco Santos Calderón Vicepresidente de la República

Jefe de la Delegación

Sra. Maria Victoria García de Santos

Sr. Carlos Alberto Gamba López Embajador Representante ante los Organismos de las

Naciones Unidas en Kenia

Sra. Diana Patricia Aguilar Pulido Coordinadora de Asuntos para Desarme de la Dirección de Asuntos Políticos Multilaterales del

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Sra. Luz Piedad Herrera Ramirez Coordinadora del Observatorio de Minas Antipersonal de la Vicepresidencia de la República Sr. Edwar Lenin González Roa Segundo Secretario en la Misión Permanente ante los

Organismos de las Naciones Unidas en Kenia


Mme Rahimat Said Abdelfatah Directrice des Etudes prévision et développement au

Ministère des Relations Extérieures

CONGO M. Jacques Yvon Ndolou Général de Division, Ministre Délégué à la Présidence de la République chargé de la Défense Nationale M. Louis Mahoungou S.E., Ambassadeur, Secrétaire Général Adjoint Près le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, de la Coopération et de la Francophonie


Page 12

M. Jean-José N'kounkou Conseiller aux infrastructures et aux équipments du ministre de la déense nationale M. Pierre Mongo Conseiller a la sécurité du ministre de la sécurité et de la police

M. Léonce Nkabi Colonel, Commandant du 1


Regiment du Génie des

Forces Armées Congolaises (FAC)

M. Boniface Lezona Chef de Division près le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, de la Coopération et de la Francophonie M. Edgard Ngoka-Ayeba Attaché de Cabinet du Ministre de la Défense


Sr. Javier Sancho Embajador, Director General de Política Exterior del

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto

Jefe de la Delegación

Sr. Arnoldo Brenes Asesor del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Sr. Sergio Ugalde Asesor del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Sr. Walter Solano Montero Assistente del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto


M. Guébo Noel Emmanuel Ahipeaud Ministère des Affaires Etrangères M. Zié André Gnato Ministère des Affaires Etrangères M. Patrick-Alexandre M'Bahia Capitaine, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères


Mr. Tomislav Vidosevic Assistant Minister

Head of Delegation

Mr. Drazen Margeta Assistant Minister, Delegation Member

Mr. Matko Zupanic Ambassador, Delegation Member


Page 13

Ms. Dijana Plestina Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs for Mine


Mr. Toma Galli Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva,

Delegation Member

Mr. Vlado Funaric Colonel, Ministry of Defense, Delegation Member Mr. Otto Jungwirth Director of the Croatian Mine Action Center,

Delegation Member

Ms. Martina Belosevic Head of the Croatian Mine Victim's Association,

Delegation Member

Mr. Vjekoslan Majetic Chairman of the Board DOK-ING, Delegation



Ms. Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis Ambassador, Chairman, National Committee for the Implementation of the Ottawa Convention, Director,

Cyprus Question and EU Affairs Division

Head of Delegation

Mr. Konstantinos Eliades High Commissioner, Nairobi


Mr. Pavel Svoboda Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Head of Delegation

Mr. Alexander Slabý Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva

Alternate Head of Delegation

Mr. Petr Kopriva Ambassador, Embassy, Kenya

Alternate Head of Delegation

Mr. Otakar Gorgol Deputy Director, United Nations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Petr Kvacek First Secretary, Embassy, Kenya


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M. Arthur Z'Ahidi Ngoma Prof., Vice-Président de la République en charge de laquotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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