[PDF] Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health

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Connecting Global Priorities:

Biodiversity and Human Health

A State of Knowledge Review

Connecting Global Priorities:

Biodiversity and Human Health

A State of Knowledge Review

© World Health Organization and Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2015.

Cover photo credits: (left to right) 1

st row i) iStockphoto/pailoolom ii) Conor Kretsch iii) Glen Bowes 2nd row i) Danny Hunter ii) Bioversity International iii) A.Camacho 3rd row i) Glen Bowes ii) Jon Betz / NGS iii) Barry Kretsch 4th row i) iStockphoto/

rssfhs ii) iStockphoto iii) Ecohealth Alliance by Inís Communication (www. iniscommunication.com)


isvolume was jointly prepared by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the World

Health Organization, in collaboration with several partners including: Bioversity International, COHAB

Initiative,DIVERSITAS, Ecohealth Alliance, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR), United NationsUniversity-Institute for Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), United NationsUniversity -International

Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH),Wildlife Conservation Society, Health and Ecosystems Analysis of

Linkages(WCS-HEAL) and several other partners and experts.

e World Health Organization and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, wish to express

particular gratitude to the numerous authors and contributors to this volume without whom this unique volume

would not have been possible.

WHO and SCBD also wish to extend their gratitude to the following reviewers: Maria Puri“cacion Neira (WHO),

Sir Andy Haines (Chair of the e Lancet-Rockefeller Foundation Commission on Planetary Health), Carlo Blasi

(Sapienza University of Rome), Luiz Augusto Cassanha Galvão (PAHO), Ruth Charrondiere (FAO), Florence

Egal, Pablo Eyzaguirre (Bioversity International), Jessica Fanzo (Columbia University), Viviana Figueroa (CBD

Secretariat), Trevor Hancock (University of Victoria), Danna Leaman (IUCN, MPSG-SSC), Markus Lehmann

(CBD), Catherine Machalaba (EcoHealth Alliance), Keith Martin (CUGH), Jonathan Patz (Global Health Institute,

University of Wisconsin), Simone Schiele (CBD Secretariat), Cristina Tirado (UCLA), and the numerous Parties,

Governments and other peer reviewers who participated in two open peer review processes and in the “nal

consultation held at IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia.

WHO and SCBD additionally wish to thank the following individuals and organizations: Flavia Bustreo (WHO)

Annie Cung (CBD), David Ainsworth (CBD), Didier Babin (CIRAD), Mateusz Banski (CBD), Charles Besancon

(CBD), Francesco Branca (WHO), Kathryn Campbell (Parks Victoria, Australia), Kimberly Chriscaden (WHO),

Stéphane de la Rocque (WHO/OIE), Carlos Francisco Dora (WHO), Beatriz Gomez Castro (CBD), Samantha

Collins (Bioversity International), Annie Cung (CBD), Jennifer Garard, Bruce Allan Gordon (WHO), Johan

Hedlund (CBD), Kahoru Kanari, Sakhile Koketso (CBD), Lina Mahy (WHO/SCN), Yukiko Maruyama (WHO), Tanya McGregor (CBD), Christian Morris (CBD), Sabina Moya Huerta (WHO), Liz Mumford (WHO), Trang Nguyen (Bioversity International), Steve Osofsky (WCS), Nada Osseiran (WHO), Michaela Pfeier (WHO),

Neil Pratt (CBD), Cathy Roth (WHO), Catalina Santamaria (CBD), Yahaya Sekagya, Negar Tayyar (UNU-IAS),

Billy Tsekos (CBD), Ann Tutwiler (Bioversity International), Kieran Noonan Mooney (CBD), Anthony Ramos

(EcoHealth Alliance), Shekar Saxena (WHO), Mohammad Taghi Yasamy (WHO), Stephan Weise (Bioversity

International), Sarah Whitmee (Lancet... Rockefeller Foundation Commission on Planetary Health), Ekaterina

Yakushina, Elena Villalobos (WHO), Qi Zhang (WHO), Camilla Zanzanaini (Bioversity International), United

Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Alexander von Humboldt Institute, Australian National

University, Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, CONABIO, Global Crop Diversity Trust, Inís Communication,

Loyola Sustainability Research Centre (LSRC), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Parks

Victoria, Australia, Organization for Animal Health (OIE), TRAFFIC, and World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).

e production of the State of Knowledge Review was enabled through “nancial and in kind contributions from

the European Commission and the Government of France.


PAR platform foragrobiodiversityresearch

Chapter authors

Lead coordinating authors: Cristina Romanelli, David Cooper, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Marina Maiero, William B. Karesh, Danny Hunter and Christopher D. Golden


: Introduction to the state of knowledge review / Biodiversity and human health linkages: concepts, determinants, drivers of change and approaches to integration

Lead authors:

Cristina Romanelli, David Cooper, Marina Maiero, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Elena Villalobos, Johannes Sommerfeld and Mariam Otmani del Barrio

Contributing authors:

William B. Karesh, Catherine Machalaba, Anne-Hélène Prieur-Richard, Daniel

Buss, Christopher D. Golden, and Lynne Gaffikin


: Freshwater, wetlands, biodiversity and human health

Lead authors: Cristina Romanelli and Daniel Buss

Contributing authors:

David Coates, Toby Hodgkin, Peter Stoett, and Ana Boischio : Biodiversity, air quality and human health

Lead authors: David Nowak, Sarah Jovan

Contributing authors:

Cristina Branquinho, Sofia Augusto, Manuel C Ribeiro and Conor E. Kretsch : Agricultural biodiversity and food security

Lead authors: Toby Hodgkin and Danny Hunter

Contributing authors:

Sylvia Wood, Nicole Demers

: Biodiversity and nutrition Lead authors: Danny Hunter, Barbara Burlingame, Roseline Remans Contributing authors: Teresa Borelli, Bruce Cogill, Lidio Coradin, Christopher D. Golden, Ramni Jamnadass, Katja Kehlenbeck, Gina Kennedy, Harriet Kuhnlein, Stepha McMullin, Samuel Myers,

Daniela Moura de Oliveira Beltrame, Alberto Jorge da Rocha Silva, Manika Saha, Lars Scheerer, Charlie

Shackleton, Camila Neves Soares Oliveira, Celine Termote, Corrado Teofili, Shakuntala ffilsted, and

Roberto Valenti.

: Infectious diseases Lead authors: William B. Karesh and Pierre Formenty Contributing authors: Christopher Allen, Colleen Burge, Marcia Chame dos Santos, Peter Daszak, iv Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health Piero Genovesi, Jacqueline Fletcher, Pierre Formenty, Drew Harvell, William B. Karesh, Richard Kock,

Elizabeth H. Loh, Juan Lubroth, Catherine Machalaba, Anne-Hélène Prieur-Richard, Kristine M. Smith,

Peter J. Stoett, and Hillary S. Young.

ffffl?ffi : Environmental microbial diversity and noncommunicable diseases

Lead Authors: Graham A.W. Rook and Rob Knight

ffffl?ffi : Biodiversity and biomedical discovery

Lead author: Aaron Bernstein

ffffl?ffi :

Biodiversity, health care & pharmaceuticals

Lead authors: Alistair B.A. Boxall and Conor E. Kretsch ffffl?ffi :

Traditional medicine

Lead authors: Unnikrishnan Payyappallimana and Suneetha M. Subramanian Contributing authors: Anastasiya Timoshyna, Bertrand Graz, Danna Leaman, Rainer W. Bussman,

Hariramamurthi G., Darshan Shankar, Charlotte I.E.A. vant Klooster, Gerard Bodeker, Yahaya Sekagya,

Wim Hemstra, Felipe Gomez, Bas Verschuuren, Eileen de Ravin, James Ligare, Andrew M. Reid and

Leif M. Petersen

ffffl?ffi : Contribution of biodiversity and green spaces to mental and physical “tness, and cultural dimensions of health

Lead Authors: Pierre Horwitz and Conor Kretsch

Contributing Authors:

Aaron Jenkins, Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Hamid, Ambra Burls, Kathryn Campbell, May Carter, Wendy Henwood, Rebecca Lovell, Lai Choo Malone-Lee, Tim McCreanor, Helen Moewaka- Barnes, Raul A. Montenegro, Margot Parkes, Jonathan Patz, Jenny J Roe, Cristina Romanelli, Katesuda Sitthisuntikul, Carolyn Stephens, Mardie Townsend, Pam Wright



Climate change, biodiversity and human health

Lead authors: Cristina Romanelli, Anthony Capon, Marina Maiero, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum

Contributing authors: Colin Butler, Carlos Corvalan, Rita Issa, Ro McFarlane, and M. Cristina Tirado-

von der Pahlen ffffl?ffi : Increasing resilience and disaster risk reduction: the value of biodiversity and ecosystem approaches to resistance, resilience and relief Lead Authors: R. David Stone, Emma Goring and Conor E. Kretsch ffffl?ffi : Population, consumption and the demand for resources; pathways to sustainability

Lead Authors: Cristina Romanelli, David Cooper

ffffl?ffi : Integrating health and biodiversity: strategies, tools and further research Lead Authors: David Cooper, Cristina Romanelli, Marina Maiero, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Carlos Corvalan and Lynne Gakin, Contributing authors: Kevin Bardosh, Daniel Buss, Emma Goring, William B. Karesh, Conor Kretsch, Christopher D. Golden, Catherine Machalaba, Mariam Otmani del Barrio and Anne-Hélène Prieur-Richard vConnecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health

Table of Contents


Preface __________________________________________xi

Executive Summary


Part I.

Concepts, Themes & Directions

1. Introduction to the State of Knowledge

Review __________________________24

2. Biodiversity and human health linkages:

concepts, determinants, drivers of change and approaches to integration 28



_______________________282. EQUITY AND SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF


____________30 3. BI


AND SERVICES ________________________33

4. D


__________________37 5. IN



6. CO


COMMON LINKAGES __________________43

Part II.

Thematic Areas in Biodiversity & Health

3. Freshwater, wetlands, biodiversity

and human health _________________46

1. Introduction __________________________46

2. W ater resources: an essential ecosystem service _______________________________47 3. D ual threats to freshwater ecosystems and human health ______________________49

4. Impacts of a

griculture on water ecosystems and human health _____________54 5. W aterborne and water-related diseases ______56 6. W ays forward and additional considerations __61

4. Biodiversity, air quality and human

health ___________________________63

1. Introduction __________________________63

2. A ir pollution and its eects on human health _63

3. Impacts of ve

getation on air quality ________64

4. e r

ole of plant biodiversity in regulating air quality _____________________________67

5. Impacts of air quality on plant c

ommunities __71 6. B ioindicators __________________________72 7. K nowledge gaps and ways forward _________74 vi Connecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health

5. Agricultural biodiversity, food

security and human health _________75

1. Introduction __________________________75

2. A gricultural biodiversity _________________76 3. A gricultural production, land use, ecosystem services and human health _______________78 4. F ood production, food security and human health________________________________89

5. Conclusions


6. Biodiversity and Nutrition __________97

1. Introduction __________________________97

2. B iodiversity and food composition _________99

3. Syst

ems diversity and human nutrition _____102 4. W ild foods and human nutrition __________107 5. B iodiversity and traditional food systems ___112 6. B iodiversity and the nutrition transition ____114

7. Nutr

ition, biodiversity and agriculture in the context of urbanization _________________117 8. F ood cultures: local strategies with global policy implications _____________________119

9. Mainstr

eaming biodiversity for food and nutrition into public policies _____________122

10. Global polic

y initiatives ________________124 11. W ays forward: toward a post-2015 development agenda __________________127

7. Infectious diseases _______________130

1. Introduction and background ____________130

2. Inf

ectious disease ecology and drivers ______132 3. C hallenges and approaches ______________144

8. Environmental microbial diversity

and noncommunicable diseases ____150

1. Introduction _________________________150

hygiene hypothesis: the updated concept 150

3. Commensal micr

obiotas and environmental biodiversity __________________________153 4. L oss of biodiversity: consequences for human health ________________________153

5. Commensal micr

obiota and noncommunicable diseases ______________157 6. W ays forward: preliminary recommendations for global and sectoral policy _____________159

9. Biodiversity and biomedical discovery 164

1. Introduction _________________________164

2. W hy biodiversity matters to medical discovery 164
3. B iodiversity, the microbiome and antimicrobial resistance _________________167

4. Futur

e challenges: implications of biodiversity loss for medical discovery _____168 5. W ays forward: conservation as a public health imperative ______________________169

10. Biodiversity, health care

& pharmaceuticals _______________170

1. Introduction _________________________170

2. Inputs and oc

currence of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) _________172

3. Impacts of phar

maceuticals on biodiversity and ecosystem services _________________174

4. Futur

e challenges: eects of social and environmental changes _________________177 5. W ays forward: reducing the impact of APIs in the environment ____________________179 viiConnecting Global Priorities: Biodiversity and Human Health

11. Traditional medicine_____________180

1. Introduction _________________________180

2. T rends in demand for biological resources ___181 3. T raditional medicine and traditional knowledge at a crossroads _______________188

4. Str

engthening traditional health practices and addressing loss of resources __________189 5. C hallenges to the protection of traditional medical knowledge ____________________193 6. W ays forward _________________________196

12. Contribution of biodiversity and green

spaces to mental and physical “tness, and cultural dimensions of health ___200

1. Introduction _________________________200

2. B iodiversity and mental health ___________201 3. B iodiversity, green space, exercise and health _205

4. e c

ontribution of biodiversity to cultural ecosystem services that support health and well-being ___________________________212

5. Conclusions and wa

ys forward ____________219

Part III:

Cross-Cutting Issues, Tools & Ways Forward

13. Climate change, biodiversity and

human health __________________222

1. Introduction _________________________222

2. C limate change challenges at the intersection of biodiversity and human health _________227 3. W ays forwardquotesdbs_dbs25.pdfusesText_31
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