[PDF] Assessment Biodiversity Biodiversity therefore means many different

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Gardening for Biodiversity

We can all help to form a patchwork of biodiversity-friendly gardens across the countryside. Page 4. Irish insect species diversity. 3194. Wasps Bees &.


Biodiversity in the Garden. THEME: EXPLORING THE ECOLOGY OF FOOD. 2ND. GRADE. FALL. 45. MIN. ESSENTIAL QUESTION. Why is diversity in the garden important?

Assessment Biodiversity

Biodiversity therefore means many different kinds of plants in one place. 10 Questions to Assess Your Garden. What types of plants are there in the garden?

Garden Organic

Simply put 'biodiversity' means many different life forms. For the gardener

Biodiversity In Your Garden - A Colouring Book

Your garden is home to lots of flowers trees

How community gardens can contribute to biodiversity

To simplify things we will refer to biodiversity in this document as wildlife. How gardening with wildlife can help you. • Pollination of crops.


National Biodiversity Data Series No. 9. All-Ireland No matter the size if your garden has pollinator friendly flowers it will provide a pit.

Virtual Garden Computer Program for use in Exploring the Elements

Abstract: Urban ecology is emerging as an integrative science that explores the interactions of people and biodiversity in cities.

Addressing the threat to biodiversity from botanic gardens

Increasing evidence highlights the role that botanic gar- dens might have in plant invasions across the globe. Botanic gardens often in global biodiversity 


make if 2 million gardens became biodiversity friendly! Gardening for Biodiversity also has ... Sometimes in Ireland we take owning a garden for.

© 2020

Assessment Biodiversity

Check: How biodiverse is your garden?

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Assessment Biodiversity


Have you ever wondered what biodiversity actually is? A lot of people don't know what it means. We'll explain it briefly. Just like humans, every animal needs food. This also applies to insects.

Most insects get their food from plants. However, they do not all use the same plants for this. It is

very important that there are many different kinds of plants, so that many different kinds of in- sects can use them. Biodiversity therefore means many different kinds of plants in one place.

10 Questions to Assess Your Garden

What types of plants are there in the garden?

Tree տ Shrub տ Plant տ Climbing plant տ Potted plant տ None տ

2. How much of the garden is covered with artificial grass, paving stones or (patio) tiles?

10% - 20% տ 30% - 50% տ 60% - 100% տ

3. Is there water in the garden, e.g. a pond or a bird bath?

Yes տ No տ

4. Is there a compost heap in the garden?

Yes տ No տ

5. What happens to the weeds in the garden?

Will all be removed տ Will be partly removed տ Will not be removed տ

6. What type of garden fence is there around the garden?


տ Wall տ Fence տ None տ

7. How many flowering plants are there in the garden?

Many տ A few տ None տ

8. Are there any plants with berries or fruit in the garden?

Yesտ Noտ

9. What happens to leaves and cutting material - e.g. branches - left in the garden?

Clean up and dispose of տ On a compost heap տ Leave as is տ

10. How often is the ground weeded or turned?

Often տ Occasionally տ Never տ

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Assessment Biodiversity

Score questions (A)

Question Correct answers Weight Max

Score Score achieved

1.. More than one answer may be

given . All answers are correct, except the last answer.

2 points per answer.

Last answer gets no

points. 10

2. First two answers get points:

10 to 20%, or

30 to 50%

10 to 20% = 8 points

30 to 50%

= 2 points 10

3. Yes Yes = 10 points 10

4. Yes Yes = 10 points 10

5. Totally gone

Partially gone

Totally gone = 6 point

Partially gone

= 4 points 10

6. All answers are correct. 2 points per answer. 10

7. Answer: a lot

Answer: a few.

A lot: 8 points

A few: 2 points

None: 0 points


8. Antwoord: ja Ja; 10 punten

Nee; 0

punten 10

9. Answer: leaving it.

Answer: On compost heap

Leaving it = 6 points

On compost heap = 4

points 10

10 Answer: never

Answer: occasionally

Never = 8 points

Occasionally = 2

points 10

Total score A Max. 100

Additional measures (B)

Max s core Score achieved

Wood piles 7

Rain barrel 5

Nesting boxes 6

Wall of house or garden shed with plants 5

Bird feeder(s) 5

Potted plans 5

Planted garden fence 7

Total score B Max. 40


Total score A

Total score B

Final score

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Assessment Biodiversity

Rating score:

Between 100 and 140 = excellent

Between 60 and 100 = good

Between 40 and 60 = moderate

Between 0 and 40 = insufficient

E-mail address of garden owner:

Tip: Use this score as baseline assessment to see how and what to adjust to improve the biodi- v ersity of your garden.quotesdbs_dbs25.pdfusesText_31
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