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In conversation with the body conveniently known as Stelarc

During Stelarc the has last been three experimenting or four decades with the the body


The Cadaver the Comatose & the Chimera. STELARC. Issues of identity and alternate

Interview with Stelarc-1996

That is part of my philosophy I am trying to find different ways in which I can. INTERVIEW WITH STELARC


highlight of the Lorne Sculpture Biennale in 2011 and re- emerged as a central motif in Stelarc's 2012 exhibition at. Melbourne's Scott Livesey Galleries last 




Stelarc the performance artist


THE CADAVER THE COMATOSE & THE CHIMERA: ALTERNATE ANATOMICAL ARCHITECTURES. STELARC. We live in the time when flesh is circulating and organs are being 


There in the 1985 Copenhagen City Suspension was sixty metres above the ground. Stelarc remembers how frightening the experience was but at the same time the 

stelarc - excess and indifference

sperm cells. The face of a donor body becomes a third face on the recipient. Limbs can be reattached or amputated from a dead body and.

Fluid esh and rhythmic skin: On the un nished bodies of Stelarc

Stelarc’s explorations have been crystallised in a series of performances using diverse media such as shooks and stones as in the body supensions (1970-) mechatronic machines as in Exoskeleton (1999) and Muscle Machine (2003) internet data and virtual avatars as in Parasite (1997) and Movatar (1999) and


STELARC Issues of identity and alternate intimate and involuntary experiences of the body as well as the telematic scaling of experience are explored in recent performances Technology is inserted and attached The body is invaded augmented and extended

Flinders University - Adelaide South Australia - Flinders

Stelarc is an Australian-based performance artist who engineers and experiments with body architectures probing the physical limits of human experience His work has incorporated bodily interventions and extensions including prosthetics robotics virtual reality and biotechnology

Who is Stelarc and what does he do?

Stelarc is an Australian-based performance artist who engineers and experiments with body architectures, probing the physical limits of human experience. His work has incorporated bodily interventions and extensions including prosthetics, robotics, virtual reality and biotechnology.

What is Stelarc's second level of existence?

Through Stelarc's work, we reach a second level of existence where the body becomes the object for physical and technical experiments in order to discover its limitations.

How long did it take Stelarc to make a video?

To create approximately 15 minutes of video it took two days and six attempts at the procedure. His body was ‘invaded’, not for medical reasons, but to further his art. While in Luxembourg he invited internet users to log on and take control of his body's involuntary muscle movements by means of electrodes. In this online Stelarc a minute later.

How did Stelarc become a robot?

Hanging in suspension, Stelarc heard only the whistle of the wind and the creaking of his stretched skin. Thirty years later, in a performance called Propel, Stelarc was strapped onto an industrial robot arm in a factory in a suburb of Perth, then flipped and twirled like a human pinwheel for over half-an-hour.

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