[PDF] Une Écriture de la liberté chez Jean Genet: analyse critique de

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MOTS-CLEFS: Les Bonnes Jean Genet

Une Écriture de la liberté chez Jean Genet: analyse critique de

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Une Écriture de la liberté

chez Jean Genet: analyse critique de


Alexandra Joy Stewart

sous la direction de Bernard De Meyer 2014


Given the amount of time it has taken me to compile this study, the amount of financial support it has required for me to do so and the amount of emotional turmoil it has caused me, I would like, firstly, to thank my lovely parents, Rod and Di Stewart, for enduring endless chatter about Jean Genet and his literary prowess, for making me countless cups of coffee and for telling me to shut up and get on with it when I felt like giving it all up. Without them, I would certainly not have made it past the first page. When one is conducting an analysis of the works of an author who, as an orphan, has on every occasion been misunderstood, abused and constrained by the very system designed to protect him, one comes to realise the value of having parents who love and support you no matter what your interests or lifestyle may be. I am so grateful to mine for not having deposited me at the in Paris, as I would also like to thank my supervisor, Bernard De Meyer, for his unwavering faith in me. Few supervisors would have dealt with such an insufferable student with such kindness and patience. I am particularly thankful that, after three-and-a-half years of missed deadlines, last-minute scribbling together of half-baked notions and, at times, months of silence on my part, he was never once unkind to me, but always showed great understanding and compassion. His guidance and advice has been utterly invaluable to me throughout the course of this analysis, and has led me to achieve something which I deemed at times to be impossible. My friends, of course, merit acknowledgement for their part in the completion of this dissertation. My thanks must go to Sonia, who painstakingly read through my entire analysis to be able to discuss it with me and give me advice on how to improve it, to Warwick, Dan and Tara, for keeping me sane in a parallel universe, to Butters, for motivating me, to Kelly, for always being so lovely to me and to Amy, for always making me laugh. I am grateful also to my boyfriend, Jason, for enduring months of chain-smoking in his bedroom, demands for his opinion on shoddy English translations of my work and much thinking aloud. immediately enchanted me with his beautiful descriptions of the most grotesque acts always love him for transforming his prison cell into a universe where anything is possible and beautiful. 2



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Chapitre 1 : Genet démasqué......................................................................Page 10

Chapitre 2 quotesdbs_dbs46.pdfusesText_46

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