[PDF] Industrial symbiosis a model of strong sustainability: par Manuel E

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Industrial symbiosis a model of strong sustainability: an analysis of

28 mai 2020 In the 90's two General Motors' employees wrote the ... biophysical mechanism reliant on the environmental conditions (territory) and human ...

Industrial symbiosis a model of strong sustainability: par Manuel E

In the 90's two General Motors' employees wrote the biophysical mechanism reliant on the environmental conditions (territory) and human actors.

Industrial symbiosis a model of strong sustainability: An analysis of

10 avr. 2020 In the 90's two General Motors' employees wrote the ... biophysical mechanism reliant on the environmental conditions (territory) and human ...

Ecole Doctorale des Sciences Economiques, Juridiques, Politiques et de gestion FHQPUH G·(PXGHV HP GH 5HŃOHUŃOH VXU OH GpYHORSSHPHQP HQPHUQMPLRQMO F(5GH Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, IRD, CERDI, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France Industrial symbiosis, a model of strong sustainability: An analysis of two case studies, Tampico and Dunkirk Thèse présentée et soutenue publiquement le 21/Juin/2019 SRXU O·RNPHQPLRQ GX PLPUH GH GRŃPHXU HQ 6ŃLHQŃHV (ŃRQRPLTXHV par


sous la direction de Arnaud DIEMER (UCA), Gemma CERVANTES (DeLaSalle-Bajio)et Suren ERKMAN (UNIL)

Membres du Jury

Claude-Gilles DUSSAP Professor, Université Clermont Auvergne Président du jury Paul JAMES Professor, Western Sydney University Rapporteur Nicolas BUCLET Professeur, Université Grenoble Alpes Rapporteur Arnaud DIEMER Associate Professor, Université Clermont Auvergne Directeur de thèse Gemma CERVANTES Professor, La Salle Bajio University, Industrial Ecology

Research Group Directrice de thèse

Suren ERKMAN Professor, University of Lausanne, Institute for Earth

Surface Dynamics Directeur de thèse

Raffaella TADDEO Fellow Researcher, University of Pescara Suffragant Sabrina BRULLOT Associate Professor, Université de Technologie de

Troyes Sufraggant


aux opinions émises dans cette thèse. Ces opinions doivent être considérées comme propres à

´6PMPLŃ MQG PHŃOMQLVPLŃ MQMO\VLV ORRHYHU LV not adequate to understand the changing world in which we live. In

order to adequately address the most pressing social and environmental challenges looming ahead, we need to develop


Elinor Ostrom (2011)

Je soussigné,


imprimée ou électronique, sans mentionner précisément leur origine et que les citations intégrales sont signalées entre guillemets. Conformément à la loi, le non-respect de ces dispositions me rend passible de poursuites devant la commission disciplinaire et les tribunaux de la République


Fait à Clermont-Ferrand, le 1 avril 2019


I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my thesis director Professor Dr. Arnaud DIEMER, you have been a tremendous mentor for me. I would like to thank you for the research opportunity you offer me the first time I came in France with my family in 2015, encouraging to take the DU in Sustainability Education training and for allowing me to grow as a research scientist. Your advice on both research as well as on my career have been invaluable. Furthermore, without your support this would not have been possible. I would also like to thank my co-directors Suren ERKMAN and Gemma CERVANTES for all your brilliant comments and suggestions. As well as the opportunity Gemma facilitate me to make this research mobility in Guanajuato during 4 months, sharing your network contacts with me, and making possible to gather the data I needed for the case study development. Without your support and guidance, the development of the Altamira case study diagnosis and analysis would not be possible. All my appreciation to the committee members, professor Claude-Gilles DUSSAP, Nicolas BUCLET, Paul JAMES and Raffaella TADDEO for serving as my committee members even at hardship. I also want to thank you for letting my defense be an enjoyable moment, and for your brilliant comments and suggestions during the writing process, thanks to you. I would especially like to thank the business associations and the environment and security director/manager of each company that participate in the case studies for trust in this project and invest your worthy time to provide me insightful data through the interviews and the data you shared with me. Thanks to the municipality authorities in Altamira and Dunkirk industrial symbiosis project for insightful comments and the commitment, you show in the development of this research study. A special thanks to my beloved wife Fatima and my daughters Frida and Elise. Words cannot express how grateful I am to my wife for all of the sacrifices that you have made on my behalf. Your prayer for me was what sustained me thus far. I would also like to thank the French Ph.D. team for all the grateful and insightful academic discussions we had. But also for this 3 year we spend working together and challenging ourselves for a deep self-conviction that world could become better, thanks Timothy PARRIQUE, Ganna GLADKIKH, Abdourakhmane NDIAYE, Florian DIERICKX, Julian TORRES, Faheem KHUSHIK and all PhD students, administrative and academic staff at CERDI, the Industrial Bioeconomy Chair members at NEOMA

BS Ȯ Campus Reims and the ACTe laboratory.

Thank to my family in Mexico for supporting me for everything, and especially I cannot thank you enough for encouraging me throughout this experience. Finally, I thank my God, my good Father, for letting me through all the difficulties. I have experienced your guidance day by day. You are the one who let me finish my degree. I will keep on trusting you for my future. Thank you, Lord.


This thesis is the outcome of a research effort that encompasses a set of published papers with the intention to unfold a clear narrative string. It addresses industrial symbiosis as an inter-firm innovative strategy looking forward to achieve strong sustainability in developing and developed countries. One of the benefits of the (Mauelshagen et al., 2014) goes beyond the merely analytical-deliberative process integrating technical assessments and social values to produce legitimate policy design and outcomes. Given that IS cannot expect strong sustainability accomplishment if its governance does not place significant effort into managing and supporting this collaborative network, with a complementary commitment in efficiency and resilience, as well as conciliating local and global issues. Our study aims to provide a territorial and systemic approach able to integrate the complexity of motivations and values sometimes contradictory between stakeholders, seeking to provide a rigorous and coherent framework for public/private policy recommendations. For this purpose, we call on some disciplines like economics geography, industrial ecology and systems analysis.

The thesis structure encompasses:

- An introduction, presenting the context of the study, the state of the art related to industrial symbiosis, the research questions and objectives of the dissertation, the theoretical assumptions we state and the theoretical framework we call to bear the assumptions we previously state. We present the methodology and the relevant outcomes we obtain when giving answer to the research questions analyzed. - A set of five scientific papers, published or under revision, inquiring in the theoretical foundations, the literature review on what we build the theoretical assumptions stated, and the methodology process that we draw up to analyze the case studies in France and Mexico. - Finally, the conclusion highlights the main outcomes of the study and the theoretical and methodological contributions shedding light to the analyzed problematic.


Industrial symbiosis (IS) is presented as an inter-firm organizational strategy with the aim of social innovation that targets material and energy flow optimization, but also structural sustainability. In this study, we present systems thinking and geographical proximity as the theoretical framework used to analyze industrial symbiosis through a methodology based on System Dynamics and the underpinning use of Causal Loop Diagrams, aiming to identify the

main drivers and hindrances that reinforce or balance ‘Žȱ "—žœ›"Š•ȱ œ¢-‹"˜œ"œȂœȱ

sustainability. The understanding of industrial symbiosis is embedded in a theoretical framework that conceptualizes industry as a complex ecosystem in which qualitative and quantitative approaches can be integrated, if we use a methodology flexible enough to Furthermore, the methodology performs a comparative strength over descriptive statistical forecasting, because it is able to integrate social causal rationality when estimating essential to the complex understanding of this institution, because by shaping individual behavior in a social context, industrial symbiosis provides a degree of cooperation in order to overcome social dilemmas for actors like the tension between efficiency/resilience, who cannot be achieved by their own. The proposed narrative encourages us to draw up scenarios, integrating variables from different motivational value in the industrial symbiosis. We use the Altamira and the Dunkirk case studies to explain the role of geographical systems analysis, identifying loops that reinforce or regulate the sustainability of industrial symbiosis,

and three driversDZȱȃEfficiency/Resilience dilemmaȄǰȱȃ—žœ›"Š•ȱœ¢-‹"˜œ"œȱ˜ŸŽ›—Š—ŒŽȄǰȱŠ—ȱ

ȃThe role of global recycling networks in the by-product valorizationȄǯȱ3he social dimension

integration in the analysis of a complex system is indeed applied to enhance the understanding of IS dynamics, but a great potential is foreseen for other micro-level social systems like for example urban metabolism dynamics or bio-economy. Keywords: Industrial symbiosis; Dunkirk; Altamira; complex analysis; system dynamics; social systems


durabilité structurelle. Dans cette étude, la pensée systémique et la proximité géographique

constituent les deux piliers du cadre théorique de la symbiose industrielle. La dynamique des

systèmes et son utilisation des diagrammes de boucles causales, ™Ž›-Žȱ Ȃidentifier les

variables clés (key drivers) qui renforcent ou régulent les systèmes industriels. ĄȂŠ—Š•¢œŽ de la

complexe à •Ȃ"—·›"Žž›ȱ žquel des approches qualitatives et quantitatives peuvent être

intégrées, de manière à englober la complexité du système et les motivations des parties

prenantes. Un avantage important de la méthodologie utilisée repose sur sa capacité à intégrer

la dimension sociale Ȃž—ȱŽ››"˜"›Žȱ˜žȱȂž—ȱ›·œŽŠžȱȂŽntreprises. La structure des interactions

causales entre les acteurs de la symbiose joue ici un rôle important, car en façonnant les comportements individuels dans un contexte social, la symbiose industrielle offre un degré de coopération permettant de surmonter les dilemmes sociaux auxquels sont confrontés les

parties prenantes. Les scénarios proposés dans cette étude sont ainsi susceptibles de prendre

en compte la diversité des -˜"ŸŠ"˜—œȱŽœȱŠŒŽž›œȱŠžȱœŽ"—ȱȂž—Žȱsymbiose industrielle. A partir

des études de cas, Altamira (Mexique) et Dunkerque (France), nous avons cherché à identifier

les boucles qui renforcent ou régulent la durabilité de la symbiose industrielle. Trois

dynamiques ont été mises en avant : " le rapport Efficacité / Résilience », " la gouvernance de

la symbiose industrielle » et " le rôle des réseaux de recyclage dans la valorisation des

coproduits ȎǯȱĄȂ"—·›Š"˜—ȱŽȱ•Šȱ"-Ž—œ"˜—ȱœ˜Œ"Š•ŽȱŠ—œȱ•ȂŠ—Š•¢œŽȱŽs systèmes complexes est

préconisée pour améliorer la compréhension de la dynamique de la SI. Ce travail de recherche

Mots clés : Symbiose industrielle, Dunkerque, Altamira, analyse complexe, dynamique des systèmes, systèmes sociaux


AISTAC Industrial Association of South Tamaulipas A.C.

ABP Altamira By-Product

ADEME Environmental and Energy Control French Agency AGSEO Analysis and Socioeconomic Management Organization AGUR Urban planning and development of Dunkirk city

BPS By-Product synergie

CAM City analysis methodology

CAS Complex Adaptive Systems

CEMEX Mexican Concrete Company

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CERDI Research Centre of Economic Studies and International


CEWEP Confederation of European Waste to Energy Plants

CFE Mexican Electricity Federal Agency

CICATA Research Centre of Applied Sciences and Technology CiViTaS City, Vitality and Sustainability initiative in Burgos, Spain

CLD Causal Loop Diagram

CNRS French National Centre of Scientific Research

CO Carbone monoxide

CO2 Carbon dioxide

CO2eq Carbon dioxide equivalent

CONACYT Mexican National Agency of Science and Technology

CONAGUA Mexican Water National Agency

COV Volatile organic compound

DESA Department of Economic and Social Affaires

EA Economic Analysis

ECOPAL Economy & ecology partners in territory actions - Dunkirk

EDF French Energy Company

EFA Energy Flow Analysis

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

EU European Union

EU28 European Union (BE, BG, CZ, DK,DE, EE, IE, EL, ES, FR, HR, IT, CY, LV, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, AT, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, FI, SE, UK)

GHG Greenhouse gases

GIEI Industrial Ecology Research Group

GWh Giga watts hour

ICLEI International council boosting the local ecological initiatives

IE Industrial Ecology

IMF International Monetary Fund

IRD Development Research Institute

IS Industrial Symbiosis

ISD Industrial symbiosis diagrams

ISIE International Society of Industrial Ecology

ISN Industrial Symbiosis Network

ISRS Industrial Symbiosis Research Symbiosis

ITE Industrial Territorial Ecology

Kcal/kg Kilocalories/kilograms

Kcal/ton Kilocalories/tonnes

Kg kilograms

KWh/kg Kilowatts. Hour/kilograms

LCA Life cycle analysis

M3/year cubic meters/year

MEF Material Energy Flows

MEFA Material Energy Flow Analysis

MFA Material Flow Analysis

MMDS Mental models dynamic system

MSW Municipal solid waste

Mt Megatons

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

NOx Nitrogen oxide

OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

OR2D Sustainable Development Partners Association

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration

PEMEX Mexican Petroleum

PET Polyethylene terephthalate

PVC Polyvinyl chloride

REV Rebuilding Economic Vitality

RIS Regional Industrial System

SC Supply chain

SDG Sustainable Development Goals

SEC Securities and Exchange Commission

SFD Stock and Flow Diagrams

SL Social system

SME Small and medium enterprise

SNA Social Network Analysis

SO2 Sulphur dioxide

SUM Sustainable Urban Mobility

TJ Tons of Joules

UCA Université Clermont Auvergne

UK United Kingdom

ULIN Université de Lausanne

UN United Nations

UNEP United Nations Environmental Program

UNS Units for steel (metal alloys)

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