[PDF] Partial Differential Equations: Graduate Level Problems and Solutions

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Partie 1 : Intervalles de ?

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Partial Differential Equations: Graduate Level Problems and Solutions

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24 nov. 2021 exercices TigerJython se prête aussi bien à l'utilisation en ... Il ne définit pas une égalité au sens d'une équation

Partial Differential Equations: Graduate Level Problems and Solutions

Igor Yanovsky

1 Partial Differential Equations Igor Yanovsky, 20052 Disclaimer:This handbook is intended to assist graduate students with qualifying examination preparation. Please be aware, however, that the handbook might contain, and almost certainly contains, typos as well as incorrect or inaccurate solutions. I can not be made responsible for any inaccuracies contained in this handbook. Partial Differential Equations Igor Yanovsky, 20053


1 Trigonometric Identities 6

2 Simple Eigenvalue Problem 8

3 Separation of Variables:

Quick Guide 9

4 Eigenvalues of the Laplacian: Quick Guide 9

5First-OrderEquations 10

5.1 Quasilinear Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5.2 Weak Solutions for Quasilinear Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5.2.1 Conservation Laws and Jump Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5.2.2 FansandRarefactionWaves..................... 12

5.3 GeneralNonlinearEquations ........................ 13

5.3.1 TwoSpatialDimensions....................... 13

5.3.2 ThreeSpatialDimensions...................... 13

6 Second-Order Equations 14

6.1 ClassificationbyCharacteristics....................... 14

6.2 CanonicalFormsandGeneralSolutions .................. 14

6.3 Well-Posedness ................................ 19

7WaveEquation 23

7.1 TheInitialValueProblem.......................... 23

7.2 WeakSolutions................................ 24

7.3 Initial/Boundary Value Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

7.4 Duhamel"sPrinciple ............................. 24

7.5 TheNonhomogeneousEquation....................... 24

7.6 HigherDimensions.............................. 26

7.6.1 Spherical Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

7.6.2 ApplicationtotheCauchyProblem ................ 26

7.6.3 Three-DimensionalWaveEquation................. 27

7.6.4 Two-DimensionalWaveEquation.................. 28

7.6.5 Huygen"sPrinciple.......................... 28

7.7 EnergyMethods ............................... 29

7.8 ContractionMappingPrinciple ....................... 30

8 Laplace Equation 31

8.1 Green"sFormulas............................... 31

8.2 PolarCoordinates .............................. 32

8.3 Polar Laplacian inR

2 forRadialFunctions ................ 32

8.4 Spherical Laplacian inR

3 andR n forRadialFunctions.......... 32

8.5 Cylindrical Laplacian inR

3 forRadialFunctions ............. 33

8.6 MeanValueTheorem............................. 33

8.7 MaximumPrinciple ............................. 33

8.8 The Fundamental Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

8.9 RepresentationTheorem........................... 37

8.10Green"sFunctionandthePoissonKernel.................. 42

Partial Differential Equations Igor Yanovsky, 20054

8.11PropertiesofHarmonicFunctions...................... 44

8.12EigenvaluesoftheLaplacian......................... 44

9HeatEquation 45

9.1 ThePureInitialValueProblem....................... 45

9.1.1 FourierTransform .......................... 45

9.1.2 Multi-IndexNotation ........................ 45

9.1.3 Solution of the Pure Initial Value Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

9.1.4 NonhomogeneousEquation ..................... 50

9.1.5 Nonhomogeneous Equation with Nonhomogeneous Initial Condi-

tions.................................. 50

9.1.6 The Fundamental Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

10 Schr¨odinger Equation 52

11 Problems: Quasilinear Equations 54

12 Problems: Shocks 75

13 Problems: General Nonlinear Equations 86

13.1TwoSpatialDimensions........................... 86

13.2ThreeSpatialDimensions .......................... 93

14 Problems: First-Order Systems 102

15 Problems: Gas Dynamics Systems 127

15.1Perturbation .................................127

15.2StationarySolutions .............................128

15.3PeriodicSolutions ..............................130

16 Problems: Wave Equation 139

16.2 Initial/Boundary Value Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

16.4TravelingWaveSolutions ..........................156

16.6EnergyMethods ...............................174

17 Problems: Laplace Equation 196

17.2 The Fundamental Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

17.3RadialVariables ...............................216

17.5Uniqueness ..................................223

17.7 Spherical Means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

17.8 Harmonic Extensions, Subharmonic Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

Partial Differential Equations Igor Yanovsky, 20055

18 Problems: Heat Equation 255

19 Contraction Mapping and Uniqueness - Wave 271

20 Contraction Mapping and Uniqueness - Heat 273

21 Problems: Maximum Principle - Laplace and Heat 279

21.2LaplaceEquation-MaximumPrinciple ..................281

22 Problems: Separation of Variables - Laplace Equation 282

23 Problems: Separation of Variables - Poisson Equation 302

24 Problems: Separation of Variables - Wave Equation 305

25 Problems: Separation of Variables - Heat Equation 309

26 Problems: Eigenvalues of the Laplacian - Laplace 323

27 Problems: Eigenvalues of the Laplacian - Poisson 333

28 Problems: Eigenvalues of the Laplacian - Wave 338

29 Problems: Eigenvalues of the Laplacian - Heat 346

29.1 Heat Equation with Periodic Boundary Conditions in 2D

(withextraterms) ..............................360

30 Problems: Fourier Transform 365

31 Laplace Transform 385

32 Linear Functional Analysis 393

32.2BanachandHilbertSpaces .........................393

32.3Cauchy-SchwarzInequality .........................393

32.4 H¨olderInequality...............................393

32.6SobolevSpaces ................................394

Partial Differential Equations Igor Yanovsky, 20056

1 Trigonometric Identities

cos(a+b)=cosacosb-sinasinb cos(a-b)=cosacosb+sinasinb sin(a+b)=sinacosb+cosasinb sin(a-b)=sinacosb-cosasinb cosacosb=cos(a+b)+cos(a-b) 2 sinacosb=sin(a+b)+sin(a-b) 2 sinasinb=cos(a-b)-cos(a+b) 2 cos2t=cos 2 t-sin 2 t sin2t=2sintcost cos 2 1


sin 2 1


1+tan 2 t=sec 2 t cot 2 t+1 = csc 2 t cosx=e ix +e -ix 2 sinx=e ix -e -ix 2i coshx=e x +e -x 2 sinhx=e x -e -x 2 d dxcoshx= sinh(x) d dxsinhx=cosh(x) cosh 2 x-sinh 2 x=1 du a 2 +u 2 =1 atan -1 u a+C ?du a 2 -u 2 =sin -1 u a+C? L -L cosnπx


0n?=m Ln=m L -L sinnπx


0n?=m Ln=m L -L sinnπx


L 0 cosnπx


0n?=m L 2 n=m L 0 sinnπx


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