[PDF] MARK KAC Steinhaus. Sur les fonctions independantes

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Steinhaus. Sur les fonctions independantes III. Stud. Math. 89-97. 1937. With H. Steinhaus. Sur les fonctions 

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n a t i o n a l a c a d e m y o f s c i e n c e s Any opinions expressed in this memoir are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the

National Academy of Sciences.

ma r k ka c

1914 - 1984

A Biographical Memoir by

h . p . m c k e a n

Biographical Memoir

C opyright 1990 national aCademy of sCienCes washington d.C.




B Y H P MCKEA N POLAND. Mark Kac was born "to the sound of the guns of Augus t o n th e 16t h da y o f tha t month 1914,
i n th e tow n o f

Krzemieniec - the

n i n


late r i n


no w i n th e Sovie t


e (1985,1 p 6) I n thi s connectio n Ka c like d t o quot e Hug o


who whe n aske d i f h e ha d crosse d th e borde r replied "No bu t th e borde r crosse d me. I n th e earl y day s o f th e centur y


c wa s a pre dominantl y Jewis h tow n surrounde d b y a Polis h societ y gen erall y hostil e t o Jews Kac' s mother' s famil y ha d bee n mer chant s i n th e tow n fo r thre e centurie s o r more Hi s fathe r wa s a highl y educate d perso n o f


n background a teache r b y profession holdin g degree s i n philosoph y fro m


an d i n histor y an d philosoph y fro m


A s a bo y Ka c wa s educate d a t hom e an d a t th e Lyce e o f


a well-know n Polis h schoo l o f th e day A t hom e h e studie d geometr y wit h hi s fathe r an d discovere d a ne w derivatio n o f


s formul a fo r th e solutio n o f th e cu bic - a first bit e o f th e mathematica l bu g tha t cos t Ka c pere five Polis h zloty s i n priz e money A t school h e obtaine d a splendi d genera l educatio n i n science literature an d history H e wa s gratefu l t o hi s earl y teacher s t o thquotesdbs_dbs46.pdfusesText_46
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