[PDF] Untitled Jan 15 2014 leurs chevaux

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méthodiquement pour aider le praticien et le patient à rechercher les soins les plus appropriés dans des circonstances cliniques données ». Leur objectif 


méthodiquement pour aider le praticien et le patient à rechercher les soins les plus appropriés dans des circonstances cliniques données ». Leur objectif 


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Jan 15 2014 leurs chevaux harnachés pour la joute ou la guerre (Clovis

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Perspective 2

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Oct 31 2019 de Volodine et de ses hétéronymes et leur importance dans la constitution de l' ... Les premiers plans du film


29 acquisitions pour le catalogue. 50 bibliothèques partenaires


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Aquaductstraat 38-40 Rue de lVAqueduc, B-1060 BRUSSEL-BRUXELLES Tel.: 0032 (0) 2 544 10 55 - Tel.: 0032 (0) 2 544 10 56 - Fax. 0032 (0) 2 544 10 57 Naam - Nom - Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adres - Adresse - Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Veiling_nr59.indd 310/10/16 16:08


Veiling_nr59.indd 410/10/16 16:08


2tdpp"qyBhm2gq. BIByiBdhI4 Lots purchased caBn be collected durBing and after the

sale, from TuesdayB 29 November till FBriday 2 December fBrom 10 a.m. to 6 p.Bm., on

Saturday 3 DecembeBr by appointment.

2AhpbM"e"hy2E"I2pdiyI2après acquittementB, pendant et aprèsB la vente,

du mardi 29 novembBre au vendredi 2 dBécembre de 10 à 18h Bet le samedi

3 décembre sur renBdez-vous.

2HR7gpBhm na betaling, tijdBens en na de veiliBng en van dinsdag B29 november tot

vrijdag 2 decemberB van 10u tot 18u en Bop zaterdag 3 deceBmber na afspraak.






Volledig geïllustreerdte cataloog online ~ tCatalogue illustré ent ligne.

Full illustrated cataltogue online.

www.romanticagony.Bcom28 & 29 - April - 2B017

24 & 25 - November B- 2017

Veiling_nr59.indd 510/10/16 16:08


2 222o[B]Egm2102hdM"eF"i[2de2852

Dessins et gravureBs anciens

1 - 154 Oude tekeningen en Bgravures

Arts graphiques XIBXe-XXe s.

155 - 416 Grafiek 19de-20ste eBeuw

Photographies et cBartes postales

417 - 439 Foto"s en postkaarBten

Images pieuses

440 - 452 Devotieprenten

Images populaires

453 - 471 Volksprenten

Livres populaires

472 - 481 Volksboeken

Littérature néerlaBndaise

482 - 499 Nederlandstalige liBteratuur

Autographes XVIIe-BXXe s.

500 - 537 Autografen 17de-20sBte eeuw

Editions originaleBs et illustrées

538 - 624 Originele en geïlluBstreerde uitgaven

Beaux-Arts et arts Bappliqués

625 - 694 Kunst en toegepasteB kunsten

Histoire, varia

695 - 714 Geschiedenis, variBa


2 222wgy"[Egm2192hdM"eFi"[2de2852


715 - 809 Topografie

Atlas, livres topoBgraphiques et voyaBges

810 - 850 Atlassen, topografiBsche boeken en reiBzen


851 - 864 Archiefstukken

Manuscrits anciensB

865 - 887 Oude manuscripten

Sciences XVIIe-XIXBe s.

888 - 907 Wetenschappen 17de-B19de eeuw


908 - 910 Incunabula

Editions XVIe s.

911 - 1029 16de-eeuwse drukkenB

Editions XVIIe s.

1030 - 1203 17de-eeuwse drukkenB

Editions XVIIIe s.B

1204 - 1341 18de-eeuwse drukkenB

Books on books

1342 - 1387 Books on books


1388 - 1405 Belgicana

Environ 130 lots à l"theure ~ Ongeveer 130t loten per uur ~ Abtout 130 lots per hour

Frais 25% ~ Opgeld t25% ~ Premium 25%


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Première vacation ~ Eerste sessie ~ First session

25 novembre ~ 25 november ~ 25 November



schleunig vnd richtig unterhalten (...) . Germany, s.n., s.d., very large broadsheet, c. 95 x 64,5 cm, consisting of a woodcut in 6 blocks, with printed title added on top. As issued, pasted together and partly underlaid. Very good copy, with crafty impression of the woodcuts (minor browning, sm. tear in folds).

Cfr. ill.

€ 4000/6000 Very rare and spectacular allegory of trade with a view of Antwerp by the German artist Jost Amman (1539-1591). It was possibly produced on commission from an Augsburg commercial representation of capital. On the right good tradingperils of trading i.a. war and robbery. In the background is the harbour of Antwerp. At the top stands Mercury, god of trade part consists of a multitude of small scenes showing the daily business of the merchant. At the top are

171 coats-of-arms

watermarked paper. Ref.

2 [Architecture - Vignola]

- Livre nouveau ou Regles des cinq ordres d'architecture (...). Paris,

Mondhare et Jean, s.d. [après 1776], in-folio, demi-vélin moderne, dos lisse, étui, 43 pl. gravées

(plus. manquantes, 1ères pp. lég. souillées, qqs pet. mouill. marg.). Vendu sans retour possible.


€ 150/300

Recueil de 43 planches gravées


3 BAILLY, Ernest Joseph - 38 dessins, croquis et esquisses

papiers et formats divers; non signés. Certains découpés et mon tés sur ff. volants. € 300/400

A noter


Veiling_nr59.indd 710/10/16 16:08

4 [Bible - picture Bible] - 20 plates , 17th c. Disparate set of engr. publ. by Visscher, diff. sizes, laid paper 27,5 x 30 cm. Formerly bound, some still sewn. Good general condition. € 150/200

We join

Vade ad mare (...) by

. - Defosso similis Thesauro est gloria coeli 5 [Bible - picture Bible] - Historiae sacrae Novi Testamenti,

17th c. Disparate set of 20 engr. publ. by Visscher, diff. sizes, laid paper 27,5 x 30 cm. Loose.

Formerly bound, some marg. tears, 2 pl. stuck together by the left margin. Good general condition. € 150/200 6 [Bible - picture Bible] - [The Parable of the talents]. - [The Parable of the unmerciful servant], € 150/200 2. 7 [Bible - picture Bible] - Visiones apocalypticae, exhibitae Iohanni Apostolo in insula Pathmos , 17th c. Suite of 8 engr. publ. Nicolas Jansz. Visscher, 21 x

29,5 cm (left & right margins trimmed to the platemark), laid paper 27,5 x 30 cm; engr. numbers.

Formerly bound, faint marg. damp(stains), printer's crease to pl. 6 & 8, tear with lack of paper affecting pl. 8. € 200/300 8 [Biblical scenes - optical prints] - = Licencia del hijo prodigo. - Filiius deperditus cum patre dona dividens = El hijo prodigo reparte los bienes con el padre . - Filius deperditus povertitur (...) = El hijo prodigo volve a su padre pidiendo perdon, end 18th c.

Set of 3

Good set. € 150/200

Rare optical prints depicting 3 episodes of the story of the prodigal son. These prints were

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9 [Biblical scenes] - 14 engr., 17th-18th c. Various artists and sizes. Some trimmed to borderline,

some fox., tears, soiling, but still rather good general condition. € 150/250 10

[Biblical scenes] - 3 suites. Antwerp, Ph. Galle, 1582-1587, sm. folio, cont. blindruled overl. vellum

(soiled), small armorial stamp on covers, 64 double page pl. (paper age-toned, somewhat spotted and soiled, edges of 1st pl. frayed). Good copy with all pl. mounted on stubs. Generally very good impressions.

Cfr. ill.

€ 750/1000

Collaert, A.

- . Engr. title and 9 (of 10)

Stradanus, J. - Acta Apostolorum elegantiss.


D. Seraphici

Francisci totius evangelicae

Ref. Armorial stamp (crowned

11 [Biblical scenes] - 4 engr., 17th c. Stuck by upper corners under passe-partout. € 200/300

Bolswert, Schelte

Adams - [


Jacob Deploration of Christ with the Virgin and S. Jerome

Vorsterman, Lucas - [

Van den

Wijngaerde, Franciscus

Same title

Interesting iconographic set.


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12 [Bol, Hans, after] - 3 engr., s.d. Publ. by J. Sadeler, 20,5 x 27 cm (large margins); engr. names "H.

partly erased. Otherwise good condition. € 150/200 hawking in the centre. -

We join

Matham, Jacob -

13 BOLSWERT, Boetius Adams - Sylva anachoretica Aegypti et Palaestinae. Figuris aeneis et brevibus vitarum elogiis expressa (...) Boetio a Bolswert sculptore. Antwerp, H. Aertssens, € 200/300

Rosweyde. Ill. with

53 full-page engravings

Old armorial bookpl.

Ref. 14 [Book trade, printers and collectors] - +/- 58 engravings and publications, 18th - 19th c. Various placed in a box covered with brown cloth. Good to very good condition. € 200/300

Becker, L. - Ink

drawing plates


15 plates of

typographical designs ink and 1 in black ink on blue background. - Engr. title page


9 caricatures

5 other

engrs. - de Gille

3 ordonnances


[BOUCHER, François, attr.] - [Amour dans un char attelé à 2 boucs]. - [Amour dans un char attelé à 2 tigressesnon signés. Montés par les coins sur 2 ff. de support, l'ensemble sur 1 grand support de bristol gris. Souillures, petits défauts marg. € 300/400

Charles Vilain XIIII

Veiling_nr59.indd 1010/10/16 16:08


16 [BRAMER, Leonard, attr.] - [Diana and Actaeon], s.d. Black pen and wash heightened with small

white touches, recto verso on tinted paper, 20 x 17,5 cm; not signed. Faint dampstain in upper corner. € 200/300 17

[BRIL, Paul, attr.] - [], s.d. Pen and brown ink, brown and blue wash, laid paper 25 x 17,5 cm; not signed. Stuck by upper margin under passe-partout. Some folds and stains, sl. brown., one single wormhole. € 300/400

18 [Bruegel, Jan, after] - DE PASSE the Elder, Crispijn - 2 landscapes, s.d. Suite of 2 engr. after Jan Bruegel, 22,5 x 31,8 cm (uneven margins); engr. names and Latin captions. Sl. fox., right upper corner of the 2nd pl. sl. stained. Otherwise good condition. € 100/150 Ref. 19 [Brussels] - CARDON, Antoine - [Reliquaire (?) bruxellois], 1769. Un dessin et une gravure. Montés par les coins sur 1 f. de support. € 180/220

Rare ensemble

Joint 20

[Brussels] - [Drawing for a statue or house sign], Brussels, c. 1700. Brown ink with light yellow Good condition.

€ 350/500



Broadsheet ordinance


[BURGKMAIER, Hans, attr. or circle of] - [, Southern monogram of Albrecht Dürerrepairs, margins and corners strengthened. Good condition Cfr. ill.

€ 1000/2000 more probably by or from the circle of Hans Burgkmaier the Elder

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Georg 22

CALLOT, Jacques - La grande chasse, 1619-1620. Eau-forte, 19,4 x 46,4 cm (rognée à la cuvette);

Van Gelder, 31,5 x 58,5 cm. Min. rest. angulaires, pli central avec qqs min. défauts et manques. € 500/700

Ref.Jointdu même

et (pl. des . (3 pcs) 23
[Camels - menagerie] - 2 gravures€ 150/200

Miger -

[Charles V] - HOGENBERG, Nicolaus, BRUNING, Engelbert - Emperor Charles V in procession [1610], 37 (of 40) loose engraved pl., plates c. 33 x 30 cm, paper c. 39 x 32,5 cm; numbered 2-38, [40] (lacking Pl. A, 1, 33). Some spotting or marginal staining, edges of 1st ff. frayed with sm. € 500/700 Ref. 25

[CIPRIANI, Giovanni Battista, attr.] - [], s.d. Sepia pen and wash, laid paper esp. verso. € 200/300

We join

with his stamp baron Cassel

Veiling_nr59.indd 1210/10/16 16:08


26 COLLAERT, Adriaen - , 1585. Set of 13 tool

captions. Formerly bound, some marg. folds and pale dampstains, marg. tear roughly repaired to condition. € 400/600 Ref. 27

COLLAERT, Hans II - Aetas argentea

(not unframed). Sl. fox., esp. in the margins. € 100/150 Ref. 28
[Copper plate] - , 18th-20th c. Various sizes between 47 x 33 cm and 13 x 11 cm, some plates protected with a steel layer. Some rusty stains, one pl. unusable. € 200/300

Royal cyphers

corners - [

A fair lady


[CORREGGIO, attr.] - [Old woman sitting], s.d. Sepia pen and wash heightened with red chalk, part, old red traces on verso visible on recto. € 400/600

We join

3 drawings

former collection Cintrat de la Gautrais ~ Portrait of a Metz juweler ~ 30
COSSIN, Louis - Louis Roupert M[ai]tre Orfere A Metz, [1668]. Burin d'après Pierre Rabon, publ.

Paris, Mariette, 15 x 21,5 cm (rogné à la cuvette); avec la lettre gravée dans la partie dr. Contrecollé.

Min. manques dans la marge inf. € 150/200

[Costume] - HOLLAR, Wenceslaus - foeminei sexus diversorum Europae nationum (...) sculpta Londini 1643 x 6 cm (trimmed to the platemark or more); engr. name, dates and captions. Pasted on 6 ff. One pl. brown. € 150/250 Ref.

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32 DE GHEYN, Jacob II - , s.d. Engraving, 20,5 x 15 cm (sm. margins); engr.

€ 150/200 . Ref. 33
[De Vos, Maarten, after] - Solitudo sive Vitae patrum eremicolarum (...), end 17th-begin. 18th c. Set of 30 engr., publ. Rome, Domenico De Rossi, 16,5 x 20,5 cm (large margins); title p. with

1-29 and Latin captions. Bound in 1 vol., obl. folio, 29,5 x 24 cm, mod. marbled sheep (lower cover

margin of 29 pl. stained. € 250/350 Ref. 34
[De Wael, Cornelis, after] - 5 engravings, 17th c. From 2 different series, publ. Antwerp by Alexander Voet the Elder. Framed under passe-partout (not unframed). Good set. € 250/350




Ref. 35
[Della Bella, Stefano, after] - [CHAUVEAU, François] -

Vulson de la Colombiere Chevalier et Gentilhomme (...), [1645?]. Eau-forte, Paris, P. Mariette, 56,5 x

43,5 cm (rognée à la cuvette); texte gravé. Lavée, soigneu

sement remargée et restaurée. € 150/200 Ref. 36
[Della Bella, Stefano, after] - KÜSEL, Melchior - Diversi animali di Steff Della Bella, 17th c. title and pl. 10, engr. numbers. Framed under passe-partout (not unframed). Some small rest. at the corners. Good set. € 400/600 37
[DELLA BELLA, Stefano, attr.] - [], s.d. Black pen, 18 x 18 cm (irregular cutting); not signed. Damaged, defect., waterstained, completely underl aid. S.w.a.f. € 200/300

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38 DELLA BELLA, Stefano - [],

[5] trimmed to the borderline); engr. names and numbers but for pl. [5]. Framed under passe-partout (not unframed). Good condition. € 200/300 39

[DESPORTES?] - [Portrait de famille], s.d. Plume d'encre brune, vergé 20,2 x 31,7 cm; non signé. Rouss., plis avec petits trous aux intersections, petit manque rest. dan

s la partie sup. € 200/300 Joint

Mac Ardell

[Drawing - Annibale Carracci, after] - [Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne], s.d. Bistre ink pen and wash over pencil sketch, 34 x 69 cm on 2 sheets pasted together, laid paper 37,8 x 70,5 cm; not signed. Underlaid. Stuck by corners on cardboard, under passe-partout. Folds, stains, tears, paper locally rubbed, etc. Cfr. ill. € 400/500

Count Charles Vilain XIIII

[Drawing - Cantarini, Simone, after] - [], 18th c. (or earlier). Black chalk heightened with white gouache, blue-grey paper 25,8 x 32,8 cm; not signed. Underlaid.


Cfr. ill.

€ 300/400

Count Charles Vilain


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42 [Drawing - Dutch school] - [Brawl in a cabaret] with on verso [Various studies], s.d. Bistre pen

and sepia wash over sanguine pencil sketch, laid paper 26 x 36,5 cm; not signed. Stuck by upper corners under passe-partout. Central stain, some sm. holes, one corner s trengthened. € 200/300 43
[Drawing - Flemish school] - [The Assumption of the Virgin], 17th c. Sepia pen and wash heightened wih small touches of white gouache, laid paper 10,6 x 7,2 cm; not signed . Paper thinner and sm. tear and hole to lower central part, old traces on verso. € 200/300

We join

the 1st one from the former collection Cintrat de la Gautrais. (3 pcs) 44
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