[PDF] Grammar for Academic Writing: Making your Writing more Readable

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Module 4: Cohesive Devices Module 4: Cohesive Devices

Directions: For items 11-15 identify whether the following sentences use correct cohesive device. Put ☑ if the sentence is correct and ☒ if it is wrong.


I can describe the effect created by different cohesive devices. 1. Highlight the words/phrase which have been repeated to create cohesion. Jasper looked up at 

Academic English Cohesive Devices

Cohesion means linking your ideas together in your writing. There are 3 ways to do this: a) linking words & phrases b) pronouns c) this / these + noun.

Cohesion Overview Cohesion Overview

Conjunctions and connectives are cohesive devices that operate within and between sentences. Different types of conjunctions are used to express different types 

Cohesive Devices

When using Power Result Verbs have I used the correct Word Patterns?2. Page 12. 12

Revisiting Cohesive Devices in Academic L2 English Writing: What

25 abr 2007 The last lexically cohesive device collocation

Pronouns and Determiners (Cohesion) Pronouns and Determiners (Cohesion)

It is not just a list of random sentences. Cohesive devices can help to create cohesion. Pronouns make links to what has already been said and help avoid 


exercises dealing with “cohesive devices” are also given. At the end of this study there is a conclusion part which summarizes the whole study. Page 3. ii.

C2 Proficiency - Handbook for teachers for exams from 2023

cambridge-english-qualifications.pdf or scan the. QR code below. • Give your cohesion not just with basic cohesive devices (e.g. and but


Cohesive devices are divided into lexical and grammatical categories. Grammatical cohesion involves four major chapters: reference substitution

Academic English Cohesive Devices

Academic English Cohesive Devices. Cohesion means linking your ideas together in your writing. There are 3 ways to do this: a) linking words & phrases.


*Some of these imply both contrast and concession (for example: however) while others such as on the contrary


Alternative Methods of Cohesion. Improving your Coherence & Cohesion. Examples of Cohesive Devices. This is a vital feature of writing – manage this 

Cohesion Overview

Conjunctions and connectives are cohesive devices that operate within and an individual worksheet in the follow up component of the lesson.

Grammar for Academic Writing: Making your Writing more Readable

grammar and vocabulary (lexis) through cohesion. This policymakers_approved.pdf ... learners experience when trying to use cohesive devices and suggests.


I can describe the effect created by different cohesive devices. D. 1. Highlight the words/phrase which have been repeated to create cohesion.

cohesive devices.pdf

COHESIVE DEVICES. Writers use transitional words and phrases to achieve a clear logical flow of thought from sentence to sentence and from paragraph to 

Exercises and Answer Key - Chapter 6

cohesion devices used. Then classify each device per Halliday and Hasan's typology. Second language communicative competence involves both knowledge of 

GPS Year 6 Recognising Devices to Build Cohesion (Fiction) Varied

Developing Questions to support recognising cohesive devices in fiction in sentences using vocabulary mainly taken from Year 3 and 4 Spelling Lists.

GPS Year 5 Using Devices to Build Cohesion Varied Fluency

Paragraphs to include some use of relative clauses commas and brackets for parenthesis

Grammar for Academic Writing:

Making your Writing more


³Every writer wishes to make their points clearly to their readers, with pieces of writing that are are easy to read and have logical links between the various points made. This coherence, this clarity of expression, is created by grammar and vocabulary (lexis) through cohesion. This is the "glue" that joins your ideas together to form a cohesive wholeB´ (Academic English Online)

1.Reference Words and Phrases

2.Substitution and Ellipsis

3.Conjunctions/Sentence Connectors

4. Lexical Cohesion

i. repetition ii. synonyms


5.Information Flow

6.Paragraph Transitions

pronounshe/she/it/they object pronounsher/him/them other phrasestheformer/the latter/the first/the second

Examples of reference words and

phrases Jenkins (1987) has researched the life cycle of new businesses.He found that they have average life of only 4.7 years. This is due to two main reasons: one economic and one social. The former appears to be a lack of capital, the latter a failure to carry out sufficient market research. Jenkins considers that together these account for approximately 70% of business failures.



newbusinesses averagelife of only 4.7 years oneeconomic one social theIRUPHU" POH OMPPHU Jenkins(1987) has researched the life cycle of new businesses.He found that they have average life of only 4.7 years. Thisis due to two main reasons: one economicand one social. The former appears to be a lack of capital, the latter a failure to carry out sufficient market research. Jenkins considers that together theseaccount for approximately 70% of business failures.



newbusinessesthey averagelife of only 4.7 yearsThis oneeconomicThe former one socialThe latter theIRUPHU" POH OMPPHUthese There is little prospect of improvement in the standard of living of the villagers from theirpresent low level Without the support of electricity. Presently, the households can enjoy only a limited number of hours of illumination based on kerosene or diesel. Theseare not cheap and so are not affordable by a large majority of the rural masses. Thisrestricts the range as well as the intensity of theiractivities severely. But even if supply of power from these sources is available more abundantly, there is the problem of adverse effects of such use.


their these this their thesesources such sources There is little prospect of improvement in the standard of living of the villagers from theirpresent low level Without the support of electricity. Presently, the households can enjoy only a limited number of hours of illumination based on kerosene or diesel. Theseare not cheap and so are not affordable by a large majority of the rural masses. Thisrestricts the range as well as the intensity of their activities severely. But even if supply of power from these sources is available more abundantly, there is the problem of adverse effects of such use.


the villagerstheir kerosene or dieselthese not being affordable by a large majority of the rural masses this kerosene and dieselthesesources from kerosene and dieselsuchuse One group of commentators have little faith in the ability RI IRRG MYMLOMNLOLP\ PR LPSURYH ŃOLOG QXPULPLRQB M"""""B arguments are supported by the fact that two-thirds of malnourished children live in countries with food supplies Ń"""""SRLQP PR SURNOHPV RI SRYHUP\ MQG PR QRQ IRRG G"""BB ŃMUHB H"""" NHOLHI LV POMP NRPO IMŃPRUV NXP HVSHŃLMOO\ I""""" ROLŃO LV LQŃUHMVLQJ LQ PMQ\ countries), play a more significant part in malnutrition than is often admitted.

Adapted from Bailey (2003)

One group of commentators have little faith in the ability of food availability to improve child nutrition. a)Their arguments are supported by the fact that two-thirds of malnourished children live in countries with food supplies problems of poverty and to non food factors, such as belief is that both factors, but especially f) the former (which is increasing in many countries), play a more significant part in malnutrition than is often admitted.


1.The scientific study of memory began in the early 1870s

when a German philosopher, Hermann Ebbinghaus, came up with the revolutionary idea that memory could be studied experimentally. In ______ ______hebroke away from a 2000-year-old tradition that firmly assigned the study of memory to the philosopher rather than to the scientist.

4.B: Well, I hope _____.

1. Some of the water which falls as rain flows on the

surface as streams. Another part of the water is evaporated. The remainder of the water sinks into the ground and is known as ground water.

2. The younger child was very outgoing; the older child

was much more reserved.

How could you improve these two texts?


1. Some of the water which falls as rain flows on the

surface as streams. Another part is evaporated. The remainder of sinks into the ground and is known as ground water.

2. The younger child was very outgoing; the older

much more reserved.

Sentence Connectors

Effective mitigation will not be achieved if individual agents advance their own interests independently. Climate change has the characteristics of a collective action problem at the global scale, because most greenhouse gases (GHGs) accumulate over time and mix globally, and emissions by any agent (e. g., individual, community, company, country) affect other agents. International cooperation is thereforerequired to effectively mitigate GHGemissions and address other climate change issues. Furthermore, research and development in support of mitigation creates knowledge spillovers. International cooperation can play a constructive role in the development, diffusion and transfer of knowledge and environmentally sound technologies policymakers_approved.pdf

AdditionContrastExampleEmphasiseIntroduce an

effect or result also inaddition furthermore moreover however in contrast nevertheless despite in spite on the otherhand on the contrary for example for instance infactasa result therefore thus hence consequently

Examples of Sentence Connectors

Which of these two texts is more cohesive?

Text A

Attracting customers to buy your products and services needs a great deal of research and planning to ensure the money you invest in gaining customers pays off. This is normally achieved through market research and involves finding more about the people you hope to sell to. Armed with this information you can then formulate an effective plan of action based on your evidence. Once you are aware of the needs of your potential customers you need to examine your product in detail, fix a suitable price which will help your product sell, ensure you choose the correct method of distribution and select an appropriate promotion to attract your audience. This is known as the marketing mix and can help your business to spend money wisely with the best results.

Text B

Attracting customers to buy your products and services needs a great deal of research and planning to ensure the money you invest in gaining customers pays off. Firstly, there is market research and involves finding more about the people you hope to sell to. Secondly, formulate an effective plan of action based on your fix a suitable price which will help your product sell, ensure you choose the correct method of distribution and select an appropriate promotion to attract your audience. So this is known as the marketing mix and in summary it can help your business to spend money wisely with the best results.

Adapted from http://www.dcielts.com/



Patients who repeatedly take overdoses pose considerable management difficulties. The problem-orientated approach is not usually effective with such patients. When a patientseems to be developing a pattern of chronic repeats, it is recommended that all staff engaged in his or her care meet to reconstruct each attempt in order to determine whether there appears to be a motive common to each act.

2. Complex

In each of these cases the basic problem is the same: a will has been made, and in it a debtor is left a legacy of liberatiofrom what he owes the testator. The question is, if he has subsequently borrowed more from the testator, up to what point he has been released from his debts. It is best to begin with the second case. Here there is a straightforward legacy to the debtorof a sum of money and also of the amount of his debtto the testator. This is followed by a clause in which there is a general damnatioand also a general trust that the legacies in the will be paid. The debtorgoes on to borrow more money, and the question is whether that is taken to be included in the legacy too. The response is that since the words relate to the past, later debts are not included.


benefitdisadvantagemaintainforecast resultstendencypredictassert optionadvantageconcentrate oncite drawbackfindingsprohibitfocuson trendpossibilitychallengereinforce expansionincreasequotequestion areafieldstrengthenban

Match the academic synonyms in each list.

Adapted from Bailey (2003)

What synonyms are there for the

following? a)economy b)culture c)globalisation d)theory e) clone Effective mitigation will not be achieved if individual agents advance their own interests independently. Climate change has the characteristics of a collective action problem at the global scale, because most greenhouse gases (GHGs) accumulate over time and mix globally, and emissions by any agent (e. g., individual, community, company, country) affect other agents. International cooperation is therefore required to effectively mitigate GHG emissions and address other climate change issues. Furthermore, research and development in support of mitigation creates knowledge spillovers. International cooperation can play a constructive role in the development, diffusion and transfer of knowledge and environmentally sound technologies policymakers_approved.pdf What examples of repetition and the use of synonyms do you notice in this text you saw earlier? Effective mitigation will not be achieved if individual agents advance their own interests independently. Climate change has the characteristics of a collective action problem at the globalscale, because most greenhouse gases (GHGs) accumulate over time and mix globally, and emissions by any agent (e. g., individual, community, company, country) affect other agents. International cooperationis thereforerequired to effectively mitigateGHGemissions and address other climate changeissues. Furthermore, research and development in support of mitigationcreates knowledge spillovers. Internationalcooperationcan play a constructive role in the development, diffusion and transfer of knowledge and environmentally sound technologies $QMSORULŃ ³VOHOO´ QRXQV Moulds do not usually grow fast, and conditions had to be found in which large quantities of Penicilliumnotatumcould be produced as quickly as they were wanted. The solution to this p__________was helped by N. G. Heatley, a young biochemist also from Hopkins's laboratory in Cambridge, who had been prevented by the outbreak of war from going to work in the Carlsberg laboratories in Copenhagen. Reports of original work, headed often by the names of many joint authors, became too full of jargon to be understood even by trained scientists who were not working in the particular field. This s_________persists today, though strong movements towards interdisciplinary research help to avoid total fragmentation of scientific understanding. This led many later Greek thinkers to regard musical theory as a branch of mathematics (together with geometry, arithmetic, and astronomy it constituted what eventually came to be called the quadrivium). This v_____, however, was not universally accepted, the most influential of those who rejected it being

Aristoxenusof Tarentum (fourth century BC).

This/These = noun

account criticism fall rejectionquotesdbs_dbs19.pdfusesText_25
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