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Magento® Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 1. © 2013 X.commerce Inc. version 2.2 Describe Magento templates and layout files location.

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Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 1

© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ 1

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3

1- Basics ......................................................................................................................... 4

2- Request Flow .............................................................................................................. 7

3- Rendering ................................................................................................................. 11

4- Working with Database in Magento........................................................................... 18

5- Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model ........................................................................... 20

6- Adminhtml ................................................................................................................. 23

7- Catalog ...................................................................................................................... 28

8- Checkout ................................................................................................................... 32

9- Sales and Customers ................................................................................................ 36


- Advanced features .................................................................................................. 39


- Enterprise Edition .................................................................................................... 41


- Challenge Questions ............................................................................................... 43

Sample Questions ......................................................................................................... 44

Answers to Sample Questions ...................................................................................... 46


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 2

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Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 3

© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013


This Study Guide is intended to help you prepare for the Magento®

Certified Developer Plus

Exam. For each content area of the exam, the Study Guide details the objectives (skills) that are tested by the exam. For each objective, it provides questions that you should ask yourself as you study the Magento code base, along with code references that you can use as entry points to find answers to those questions.

This Study Guide is continual

ly being revised and improved.

When preparing for the

exam, remember to check the website for the latest version of this Study Guide.


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1- Basics

This topic comprises approximately 5% of the Standard form of the exam. Questions are drawn randomly from the following topics and objectives:

High-level Magento architecture

ż Describe Magento codepools

ż Describe typical Magento module structure

ż Describe Magento templates and layout files location ż Describe Magento skin and JavaScript files location ż Identify and explain the main Magento design areas (adminhtml and frontend) ż Explain class naming conventions and their relationship with the autoloader ż Describe methods for resolving module conflicts. To verify your understanding of these objectives, ask yourself the following questions: These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

Magento configuration

ż Explain how Magento loads and manipulates configuration information ż Describe class group configuration and use in factory methods ż Describe the process and configuration of class overrides in Magento

ż Register an Observer


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 5

© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013 ż Identify the function and proper use of automatically available events, including *_load_after , etc.

ż Set up a cron job

Since Magento is an XML DOM configuration-based framework, a thorough understanding of how Magento loads and assembles its configuration XML DOM is a core competency. configuration? configuration values and areas? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:


ż Describe how to plan for internationalization of a Magento site ż Describe the use of Magento translate classes and translate files ż Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using subdomains and subdirectories in internationalization


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 6

© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013 To verify your understanding of these objectives, ask yourself the following questions: objects is it generally available? translations? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:


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© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013

2- Request Flow

This topic comprises approximately

6% of the exam. Questions are drawn randomly from the

following topics and objectives:

Application initialization

ż Describe the steps for application initialization ż Describe the role of the system entrypoint, index.php

Starting with the

index.php , including


, follow through the steps

Magento takes to set up the run time environment.

configuration, and the database configuration? current locale set? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

Front Controller

ż Describe the role of the front controller

ż Identify uses for events fired in the front controller

Follow the flow of control through

front controller initialization until an action controller is dispatched.


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© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013 These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above: dispatch()

URL rewrites

ż Describe URL structure/processing in Magento

ż Describe the URL rewrite process

Focus on the internals of database-based URL rewrites: table? products? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

Request routing

ż Describe request routing/request flow in Magento ż Describe how Magento determines which controller to use and how to customize route-to-controller resolution Starting with the front controller delegating the process of mapping a request to a controller action, study the steps that occur until a controller action is dispatched. might contain a matching action controller? action method is executed?


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 9

© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013 These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above: ectRoutes( ) and match()

Module initialization

ż Describe the steps needed to create and register a new module

ż Describe the effect of module dependencies

ż Describe different types of configuration files and the priorities of their loading This objective covers how Magento loads modules and how modules interact with each other: module?




These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

Design and layout initialization

ż Identify the steps in the request flow in which: - Design data is populated - Layout configuration files are parsed - Layout is compiled - Output is rendered


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 10

© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013 The design configuration is part of Magento's view implementation. This objective covers the processing of these XML instructions: processed during a request? These code references can be used as an entry point to fin d answers to the questions above:

Flushing data (output)

ż Describe how and when Magento renders content to the browser ż Describe how and when Magento flushes output variables using the front controller This objective covers the response object as well as combining

JavaScript and CSS

files. using the typical output mechanism, but is instead sent to the browser directly? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above: classes


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© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013

3- Rendering

This topic comprises approximately 6% of the exam. Questions are drawn randomly from the following topics and objectives:

Themes in Magento

ż Define and describe the use of themes in Magento:

Magento themes?

These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above: ż Define and describe the use of design packages: These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:


ż Describe the process of defining template file paths: templates and layout files?


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 12

© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013 These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:


ż Describe the programmatic structure of blocks: template file? Does it store an absolute or a relative path to the template? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above: ż Describe the relationship between templates and blocks: These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above: ż Describe the stages in the lifecycle of a block: created for certain pages?


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How is the tree of blocks typically rendered?

without using the Magento layout? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

ż Describe events fired in blocks:


fire? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

ż Identify different types of blocks:




pages? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 14


ż Describe block instantiation:

file, and how can other block instances be accessed? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above: ż Explain different mechanisms for disabling block output: These code references can be used as an entry point to f ind answers to the questions above:

ż Describe how a typical block is rendered:

including the template file? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 15

© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013 Design layout, XML schema, and CMS content directives ż Describe the elements of Magento's layout XML schema, including the major layout directives:

Magento layout?

correspond to certain URLs? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

ż Register layout XML files:

areas? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

ż Create and add code to pages:

following methods

Template customizations

Layout customizations

Overriding block classes

Registering observers on general block events

These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 16


ż Explain how variables can be passed to block instances via layout XML:

From layout xml file

From controller

From one block to another

From an arbitrary location (for example, install/upgrade scripts, models) appropriate than others?

These code references can be used as an

entry point to find answers to the questions above: ż Describe various ways to add and customize JavaScript to specific request scopes: file isn't being rendered on a page? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:


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© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013

General References for this section:







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© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013

4- Working with Database in Magento

This topic comprises approximately 11% of the exam. Questions are drawn randomly from the following topics and objectives:

Models, resource models, and collections

ż Describe the basic concepts of models, resource models, and collections, and the relationship they have to one another

ż Configure a database connection

ż Describe how Magento works with database tables ż Describe the load-and-save process for a regular entity

ż Describe group save operations

ż Describe the role of Zend_Db_Select in Magento ż Describe the collection interface (filtering/sorting/grouping) ż Describe the hierarchy of database-related classes in Magento ż Describe the role and hierarchy of setup objects in Magento These objectives fall into two broad areas. The first is about how models work with resource models and collections in order to access the database storage layer; the second is about how to work with the database directly by using the adapter classes and the


object to create queries. on select instances?

INSERT or an UPDATE query?

table collections? How do the methods differ?


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 19

Why and how does Magento differentiate between setup, read, and write database resources? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

Install/upgrade scripts

ż Describe the install/upgrade workflow

ż Write install and upgrade scripts using set-up resources ż Identify how to use the DDL class in setup scripts Each module can encapsulate the preparation and upgrade of the database table it requires via setup scripts. setup scripts? updateAttribute() in EAV setup scripts? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above: and applyAllDataUpdates() updateAttribute()


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© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013

5- Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model

This topic comprises approximately 8% of the exam. Questions are drawn randomly from the following topics and objectives:

EAV model concepts

ż Define basic EAV concepts and class hierarchy ż Describe the database schema for EAV entities ż Describe the EAV entity structure and its difference from the standard core resource model ż Describe the EAV load-and-save process and its differences from the regular load- and-save process This objective covers understanding how EAV entity values are stored in the database, how the involved tables relate, how the EAV resource models differ from the flat table resource models and how the EAV models process CRUD operations. used as regular models? and why? resource models? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:


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_Collection_Abstract:: load()

Attributes management

ż Identify the purpose of attribute frontend, source, and backend models ż Describe how to implement the interface of attribute frontend, source, and backend models models and attribute frontend models relate to each other? frontend model or backend model)?

EAV attributes?

storage is enabled for that entity type?

Magento installation?

These code references can be used as an entry point to f ind answers to the questions above: ollection::load() ż Describe how to create and customize attributes. Besides simply using the stock EAV attributes that come with Magento, one of the most common operations for developers is to modify or create attributes.


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Which setup methods are available to work with EAV entities? specified in the XML configuration for a setup resource? updateAttribute()

EAV attributes in a custom module?

This code reference

can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:


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6- Adminhtml

This topic comprises approximately 6% of the exam. Items are drawn randomly from the following topics and objectives:

Common structure/architecture

ż Describe the similarities and differences between adminhtml and frontend interface and routing: These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above: ż Describe the components and types of cache clearing using the adminhtml interface: admin cache cleaning page?


These code references can be used as an

entry point to find answers to the questions above:


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Forms in Magento

ż Define form structure, form templates, grids in Magento, and grid containers and elements: implemented in Magento. These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

Grids in Magento

ż Create a simple form and grid for a custom entity ż Describe how to implement advanced Adminhtml Grids and Forms, including editable cells, mass actions, totals, reports, custom filters and renderers, multiple grids on one page, combining grids with forms, and adding custom JavaScript to an admin form


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 25

© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013 These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

System configuration

ż Define the basic terms, elements, and structure of system configuration XML: template? elements in the System Configuration view? multiselects? configuration? and


>getNode(. These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:

ż Describe system configuration scopes:

system configuration?


Certified Developer Plus Exam Study Guide page 26

© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013 These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the que stions above: Access Control Lists (ACL) and permissions in Magento ż Define/identify basic terms and elements of ACL

ż Use ACL to:

- Set up a menu item - Create appropriate permissions for users - Check for permissions in permissions management tree structures To verify your understanding, ask yourself these questions: types implement it? class applies it? code that applies it? These code references can be used as an entry point to find answers to the questions above:


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Working with extensions in Magento

ż Describe how to enable and configure extensions ż Define Magento extensions and describe the different types of extension available (Community, Core, Commercial)

Questions to ask yourself:


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© 2013 X.commerce, Inc. version 2.2 January 2013

7- Catalog

This topic comprises approximately 8% of the exam. Items are drawn randomly from the following topics and objectives:

Product Types

ż Identify and describe standard product types (simple, configurable, bundled, etc.)quotesdbs_dbs47.pdfusesText_47
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