[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Die UIC unterstützte die UIMC von Anfang an und stärkte auf diese Weise die Zusammenarbeit in En 1948 une réunion de médecins de 5 Etats européens

Treaty Series

Organisation des Nations Unies pour le diveloppement industriel et. Guinke : legislation and/or regulations for death injury


Réunion du Comité exécutif Die Tagesordnung der Generalversammlung 2010 ... low for fiscal reasons is now over FIMM can be active again.

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

Recueil des Traites

Trait~s et accords internationaux

enregistrjs ou classjs et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

Copyright © United Nations 2001

All rights reserved

Manufactured in the United States of America

Copyright © Nations Unies 2001

Tous droits rdserv6s

Imprimd aux Etats-Unis d'Am&rique

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traitis

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistrdjs ou classis et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations * Nations Unies

New York, 2001

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 1988 1997 I. Nos. 34007-34025


Treaties and international agreements

registered from 21 August 1997 to 29 August 1997 Page No. 34007. Austria and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Long-term Programme on the development and intensification of economic, scien- tific, technical and industrial cooperation for the years 1981-1990 (with annexes). Signed at Moscow on 19 January 1981 Protocol on the expansion and extension of the above-mentioned Agreement (with annexes). Signed at M oscow on 4 October 1985 ................................................... 3 No. 34008. Austria and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreement concerning the legal protection of industrial property. Signed at Vienna

on 10 A pril 198 1 ........................................................................................................ .7 1

No. 34009. Austria and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation in the field of agriculture (with annex). Signed at Vienna on 12 November 1989 ................................................... 87 No. 34010. Austria and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreement on cooperation for the control of illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and organised crime. Signed at Vienna on 11 January 1990 ................... 89

No. 34011. Austria and Lithuania:

Agreement for the promotion and protection of investments. Signed at Vienna on

28 Ju ne 1996 ................................................................................................................ 10 1

No. 34012. Austria and Hungary:

Agreement on cooperation for the control of international terrorism, the interna- tional illicit traffic in narcotic drugs, and international organised crime. Signed

at N ickelsdorf on 12 July 1996 ................................................................................. 131

Vol. 1988

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistrs ou classis et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 1988 1997 I. NOs 34007-34025



Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistrds du 21 aoat 1997 au 29 aoCt 1997 Pages N 0

34007. Autriche et Union des Rpubliques socialistes sovirtiques:

Programme h long terme relatif au d6veloppement et A l'intensification de la coop6- ration 6conomique, scientifique, technique et industriele, pour les annres

1981 A 1990 (avec annexes). Sign6 A Moscou le 19 janvier 1981

Protocole concernant l'extension et la prolongation de l'Accord susmentionn6 (avec annexes). Sign6 b Moscou le 4 octobre 1985 ............................................... 3 NO 34008. Autriche et Union des Rpubliques socialistes sovirtiques : Accord concernant la protection juridique de la propri~t6 industrielle. Sign6

V ienne le 10 avril 1981 .............................................................................................. 71


34009. Autriche et Union des Republiques socialistes soviftiques :

Accord de coopration scientifique et technique dans le domaine de l'agriculture (avec annexe). Sign6 A Vienne le 12 novembre 1989 ............................................. 87 N O

34010. Autriche et Union des Rkpubliques socialistes soviftiques :

Accord de coop6ration en mati6re de lutte contre le trafic illicite de stuprfiants et

le crime organis6. Sign6 A Vienne le 11 janvier 1990 ............................................. 89

N 0

34011. Autriche et Lituanie :

Accord relatif h la promotion et A la protection des investissements. Sign6 A Vienne

le 28 ju in 1996 ............................................................................................................. 10 1

NO 34012. Autriche et Hongrie :

Accord relatif A la coopdration pour le contr6le du terrorisme international, du trafic illicite international des stupdfiants et du crime organis6 international.

Sign6 A N ickelsdorf le 12 juillet 1996 ...................................................................... 131

Vol. 1988

VI United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis 1997 Page

No. 34013. Austria and Latvia:

Agreement on cooperation for the control of international organised crime, inter- national illicit traffic in narcotic drugs, and international terrorism. Signed at

V ienna on 16 July 1997 .............................................................................................. 149

No. 34014. United Nations and Israel:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the United Nations/ Israel International Workshop on Satellite Communications Technology for Capacity building, to be held in Haifa, Israel, from 21 to 25 September 1997

(with related letter). Vienna, 13 and 22 August 1997 ............................................. 165

No. 34015. France and Poland:

Agreement on the employment in France of Polish seasonal workers (with

annexes). Signed at Warsaw on 20 May 1992 ........................................................ 167

No. 34016. France and Zimbabwe:

Convention for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income, capital gains and capital (with protocol). Signed at Paris on 15 December

1993 ............................................................................................................................. 189

No. 34017. France and Turkmenistan:

Agreement concerning the mutual promotion and protection of investments.

Signed at Achgabat on 28 April 1994 ...................................................................... 245

No. 34018. France and Republic of Korea:

Convention concerning judicial assistance in criminal matters. Signed at Paris on

2 M arch 1995 .............................................................................................................. 267

No. 34019. France and Bulgaria:

Agreement concerning the readmission of persons in an irregular situation. Signed

at Paris on 29 M ay 1996 ............................................................................................ 301

No. 34020. France and Belgium:

Agreement on the reciprocal holding of stocks of crude oil, intermediate petro- leum products and petroleum products. Signed at Brussels on 5 September

1996 .............................................................................................................................. 327

No. 34021. United Nations and Lebanon:

Agreement concerning the Headquarters of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. Signed at Beirut on 27 August 1997 ...... 339

No. 34022. Finland and Republic of Moldova:

Agreement for the promotion and protection of investments. Signed at Helsinki on

25 A ugust 1995 ........................................................................................................... 385

No. 34023. Finland and Kuwait:

Agreement for the promotion and protection of investments. Signed at Kuwait on

10 M arch 1996 ............................................................................................................ 397

Vol. 1988

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks Pages N O

34013. Autriche et Lettonie:

Accord relatif b la coop6ration pour le controle du crime organis6 international, du trafic illicite international des stup6fiants et du terrorisme international. Sign6

A V ienne le 16juillet 1997 .......................................................................................... 149


34014. Organisation des Nations Unies et IsraEl :

tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif A la R6union de travail internatio- nale Organisation des Nations Unies/Isradl sur le renforcement des capacit6s de la technologie des communications par satellite, devant se tenir A Haifa (Israel) du 21 au 25 septembre 1997 (avec lettre connexe). Vienne, 13 et 22 aofit

1997 .............................................................................................................................. 165

N 0

34015. France et Pologne:

Accord sur l'emploi en France des travailleurs saisonniers polonais (avec

annexes). Sign6 A Varsovie le 20 mai 1992 .............................................................. 167

N 0

34016. France et Zimbabwe :

Convention en vue d'6viter les doubles impositions en mati~re d'imp6ts sur le revenu, sur les gains en capital et sur la fortune (avec protocole). Sign6e A

Paris le 15 ddcem bre 1993 ......................................................................................... 189


34017. France et Turkministan:

Accord sur l'encouragement et la protection rdciproques des investissements.

Sign6 A Achgabat le 28 avril 1994 ............................................................................ 245


34018. France et Republique de Corke :

Convention d'entraide judiciaire en matiire pdnale. Sign6e A Paris le 2 mars

199 5 ............................................................................................................................. 267

N 0

34019. France et Bulgarie :

Accord relatif A la rdadmission des personnes en situation irrigulire. Sign6 bt Paris

le 29 m ai 1996 ............................................................................................................. 30 1

NO 34020. France et Belgique :

Accord relatif A l'imputation r6ciproque des stocks de p~trole brut, de produits interm~diaires du ptrole et de produits ptroliers. Sign6 A Bruxelles le 5 sep-

tem bre 1996 ................................................................................................................ 327


34021. Organisation des Nations Unies et Liban :

Accord relatif au Siege de la Commission 6conomique et sociale des Nations Unies pour l'Asie occidentale. Signd A Beyrouth le 27 aoflt 1997 ........... 339 N O

34022. Finlande et R6publique de Moldova :

Accord pour la promotion et la protection des investissements. Sign6 A Helsinki le

25 aocit 1995 ................................................................................................................ 385

NO 34023. Finlande et Koweit :

Accord relatif A la promotion et A la protection des investissements. Sign6 b

K ow e'ft le 10 m ars 1996 ............................................................................................. 397

Vol. 1988

VIII United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Trait~s 1997 Page

No. 34024. Finland and Indonesia:

Agreement for the promotion and protection of investments (with protocol).

Signed at H elsinki on 13 M arch 1996 ...................................................................... 437

No. 34025. Latvia and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern


Agreement on cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture. Signed

at Riga on 22 N ovem ber 1995 .................................................................................. 451

ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc., con- cerning treaties and international agreements registered with the

Secretariat of the United Nations

No. 1734. Agreement on the importation of educational, scientific, and cultural materials. Opened for signature at Lake Success, New York, on

22 November 1950:

A ccession by the Czech Republic ................................................................................... 464

No. 2631. Agreement for facilitating the international circulation of visual and auditory materials of an educational, scientific and cultural char- acter. Opened for signature at Lake Success, New York, on 15 July 1949:

A ccession by the Czech Republic ................................................................................... 465

No. 12140. Convention on the taking of evidence abroad in civil or commercial matters. Opened for signature at The Hague on 18 March 1970:

Acceptance by Argentina of the accession of Estonia ................................................. 466

Acceptance by Argentina of the accession of Latvia ................................................... 466

Acceptance by Argentina of the accession of Poland .................................................. 467

Acceptance by Argentina of the accession of Venezuela ............................................. 467

No. 14531. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on

16 December 1966:

R atification by M onaco .................................................................................................... 468

No. 14583. Convention on wetlands of international importance especially as waterfowl habitat. Concluded at Ramsar, Iran, on 2 February 1971:

A ccession by N icaragua ................................................................................................... 469

Succession by U kraine ..................................................................................................... 469

N otification by U kraine under article 2 ......................................................................... 470

Vol. 1988

1997 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Trait6s IX

Pages N 0

34024. Finlande et Indonesie:

Accord relatif A la promotion et A la protection des investissements (avec proto-

cole). Sign6 6 H elsinki le 13 m ars 1996 ................................................................... 437

NO 34025. Lettonie et Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du

Nord :

Accord de coop6ration dans les domaines de l'6ducation, de la science et de la

culture. Sign6 A Riga le 22 novembre 1995 ............................................................. 451

ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhesions, accords ult6rieurs, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistrs au Secretariat de. l'Organisation des Nations Unies NO 1734. Accord pour l'importation d'objets de caractire 6ducatif, scientifique ou culturel. Ouvert i la signature A Lake Success, New-York, le

22 novembre 1950:

Adh6sion de la Rdpublique tcheque ................................................................................ 464

NO 2631. Accord visant i faciliter la circulation internationale du mat6riel visuel et auditif de caract~re educatif, scientifique et culturel. Ouvert A la signature a Lake Success, New-York, le 15 juillet 1949 :

A dh6sion de la R6publique tch~que ................................................................................ 465


12140. Convention sur robtention des preuves h i'etranger en matiire civile

ou commerciale. Ouverte A la signature i La Haye le 18 mars 1970:

Acceptation par l'Argentine de l'adh6sion de 'Estonie .............................................. 466

Acceptation par l'Argentine de l'adh6sion de la Lettonie ........................................... 466

Acceptation par l'Argentine de l'adh6sion de la Pologne ............................................ 467

Acceptation par l'Argentine de l'adh6sion du Venezuela ............................................ 467

NO 14531. Pacte international relatif aux droits kconomiques, sociaux et cultu- rels. Adopt6 par l'Assembl6e gkn6rale des Nations Unies le 16 d6- cembre 1966 :

R atification de M onaco ..................................................................................................... 468

NO 14583. Convention relative aux zones humides d'importance internationale particuliirement comme habitats des oiseaux d'eau [ant6rieure- ment A ramendement par Protocole du 3 decembre 1982 -prior to the amendment by Protocol of 3 December 1982 : < Convention relative aux zones humides d'importance internationale particu- lierement comme habitats de ia sauvagine > J. Conclue A Ramsar (Iran) le 2 f6vrier 1971 :

A dh6sion du N icaragua ....................................................................................................


Succession de l'U kraine ................................................................................................... 469

Notification de l'Ukraine en vertu de l'article 2 ........................................................... 470

Vol. 1988

X United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis 1997 Page No. 14668. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 16 December 1966:
Ratification by Honduras of the above-mentioned Covenant .................................... 471 Notification by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea ...................................... 471 Ratification by Monaco of the above-mentioned Covenant ....................................... 476 No. 15511. Convention for the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage. Adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization at its seventeenth session, Paris, 16 November 1972:

Acceptance by Papua N ew Guinea ................................................................................. 478

No. 20669. Protocol to the Agreement on the importation of educational, scien- tific and cultural materials of 22 November 1950. Concluded at

Nairobi on 26 November 1976:

A ccession by the Czech Republic ................................................................................... 479

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