[PDF] command and control regulation example

The use of Command and Control in regulation involves the government or similar body to “command” the reduction of pollution (e.g. setting emissions levels) levels and to “control” the manner in which it is achieved (e.g. by installing pollution-control technologies).
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  • What is the command-and-control regulation?

    Command and control is a type of environmental regulation that allows policy makers to specifically regulate both the amount and the process by which a firm should maintain the quality of the environment.

  • What are command and control and market based policies?

    Market-based instruments differ from other policy instruments such as voluntary agreements (actors voluntarily agree to take action) and regulatory instruments (sometimes called "command-and-control"; public authorities mandate the performance to be achieved or the technologies to be used).

  • Which example would be part of a technological solution to reducing air pollution?

    What tools can be used? Renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro power – shifting away from fossil fuels can significantly help to reduce the amount of pollution generated by traditional power plants.
    The use of electric vehicles can also help reduce pollution generated by transportation.

  • Which example would be part of a technological solution to reducing air pollution?

    The command-and-control strategy for pollution reduction refers to. A requirement specifying the level of pollution and the process to reduce pollution.
    The Clean Air Acts of 1970 and 1990 reduced pollution through.
    Command-and-control regulatory standards.

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