[PDF] Feldtheorie der Kondensierten Materie RG und Quantenkritikalität

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Richtlinie Nr 3 Blatt 1 7.Ausgabe 2008 03 01:ÖAL-Richtlinie.qxd

Schallimmissionen von Baubetrieb und. Veranstaltungen nehmen im Hinblick auf ihre begrenzte Dauer eine Sonderstellung ein. Page 7. ÖAL-Richtlinie Nr. 3 Blatt 1 

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2022-01-19. 2004-01-23. Dieses Blatt gilt nur in Verbindung mit Blatt 1 des Zeichengenehmigungsausweises Nr. 40009108. This supplement is only valid in 

ÖAL-Richtlinie Nr. 36 Blatt 1

2007/01/25 36 Ausgabe 1997-08-01 mit Ergänzungen 2001-10-01. Erstellung von ... 24 Blatt 1 und Blatt 2


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01 6806916. Servicetelefonnummer: 01 6806919 1. PostBase franking machine

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23 juil. 2014 Dieses Blatt gilt nur in Verbindung mit Blatt 1 des Zeichengenehmigungsausweises Nr. 40040303. This supplement is only valid in conjunction ...

Feldtheorie der Kondensierten Materie RG und Quantenkritikalität

Blatt 01. Dr. P. Orth. Besprechung 23.04.2013. 1. Ising ?4-field theory take values Si = ?1 Jij > 0 denotes a ferromagnetic coupling between spins.

KV-Blatt 01/2021 Januar-Februar

1 janv. 2021 1 KV-BLATT 01 /2021. Mitgliedermagazin der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung Berlin. Honorarverhandlungen. Schiedsamtsverfahren eingeleitet.

Absorptionsgrad groesser 1 - Blatt 1

Absorptionsgrad größer 1 - Blatt 1. Sound absorption coefficient greater than 1.00. Siehe auch Absorptionsgrad größer 1 - Blatt 2 mit Abbildungen:.

Stoffdatenblatt für DIAZION - Blatt 1

1. Identity of substance. Priority Substance No: 17. Hexachlorobutadiene. CAS-Number: 87-68-3. Classification WFD Priority List *: PHS.

Richtlinie Nr 3 Blatt 1 7.Ausgabe 2008 03 01:ÖAL-Richtlinie.qxd

ÖAL-Richtlinie Nr. 3 Blatt 1. Ausgabe 2008-03-01. Ersatz für Ausgabe 2006-10-01. Beurteilung von Schallimmissionen im Nachbarschaftsbereich.

Karlsruher Institut f

ur Technologie Institut fur Theorie der Kondensierten Materie Feldtheorie der Kondensierten Materie, RG und Quantenkritikalit at SS 2013

Prof. Dr. J. SchmalianBlatt 01

Dr. P. OrthBesprechung 23.04.20131. Ising4-eld theory(10 + 20 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 70 Punkte) In this exercise we derive the scalar4-eld theory starting from the microscopic Ising


H=12 N X i;j=1J ijSiSj;(1) wherei;jrun over lattice sites (e.g.of ad-dimensional cubic lattice), the Ising variables take valuesSi=1,Jij>0 denotes a ferromagnetic coupling between spins. (a) Prove the following identity for multi-dimensional integrals over real variables Z 1 1dx


P i;jxiAijxj+P ixiJi= [detA]1=2e12 P ijJi(A1)ijJj; whereAis a real symmetric positive denite matrix. (b) Use this identity to make the exponent of the partition sum for the Ising model linear in the spin variablesSi(Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation). The partition sum reads Z=X fSigexp(H): The price to pay is to introduce a (Hubbard-Stratonovich) real variablexiat each lattice site. (c) It is now possible to exactly perform the summation over Ising variablesP fSig, which leads to a spatially local (potential) term inxj. Then perform the variable transformationi=1p2 P jK1 ijxjwhereKij=Jijandxjare the elds introduced in part (b). (d) Now expand the exponentHe[j] inZRD[j]exp(He[j]) up to quartic order injand then go to momentum space. Here,D[j] denotes the integrati- on measure. Explicitly calculate the coupling functionJ(k) in momentum space (assuming translational invarianceJij=Jr=rirj)

J(k) =X

rJ reik(rirj) assuming ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor coupling on ad-dimensional cubic lattice. (e) ExpandJ(k) up to second order ink2, and identify the temperatureTcat which the (T-dependent) constant in front of thek-independent part of the quadratic term vanishes and changes sign. Then expand the coecient in front of the quadratick2term as well as the quartic term to lowest order inTTcto bring the expression into the form H e[k] =12 Z ddk(2)dka0(TTc)+bk2k+u4 Z ddk1(2)dd dk2(2)dd dk3(2)dk1k2k3k1k2k3:

Identify the constantsTc,a0,bandu.

(f) Transform back to real space to obtain the real-space form ofHe[x]. How is this expression related to Landau theory ?

2. Field theory for the three-state Potts model(10 + 10 + 10 = 30 Punkte)

An extension of the Ising model is the Potts model, which assumes that there areq states at each lattice site and the energy of two sites depends only on whether they are in the same state or not. The Hamiltonian reads H=J2 X hi;ji qqi;qj1 withqi2 f1;:::;qgandhi;jidenotes the sum over nearest-neighbors. We want to derive the mean-eld theory for theq= 3 state Potts model using the same prescription as in exercise 1. (a) Show that one can represent the energy of this system byE=P i;jJijsisjwithsi being a two-dimensional normalized vector at sitei. Give an explicit representation of these vectorssi. (b) Following the same prescription as in exercise 1 derive the eective eld theory up to quartic order in the Hubbard-Stratonovich elds starting from the microscopic


i;jJijsisjwithsibeing one of the three possible vectors at sitei. (c) Check to each order in the elds that the terms inHe[x] obey the symmetries of the system.quotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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