[PDF] Social Anchoring of Means for intervention 1

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vrai fondateur de la psychologie sociale ; ils n'en reven diquent pas moins cette science son c?l?bre Polish Peasant la notion d'attitudes ; Thorns.


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Authoritarian attitudes are associated with higher autonomic

Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale 17

Social Anchoring of Means for intervention 1

REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE PSYCHOLOGIE SOCIALE 2OOO N" 3 bat or to change racist attitudes also effectively involves explo-.

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1 août 2007 · En psychologie sociale l'établissement d'un lien entre les attitudes et les comportements permet différentes applications pratiques Si l' 

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1 août 2007 · En psychologie sociale l'établissement d'un lien entre les attitudes et les comportements permet différentes applications pratiques Si l' 

PDF | On Jan 1, 2013, Fabien Girandola and others published Attitude, changement d'attitude et Le concept d'attitude est central en psychologie sociale.
  • C'est quoi l'attitude en psychologie sociale ?

    L'attitude renvoie en effet à une évaluation générale d'un objet de notre environnement social ou physique. Elle permet un jugement rapide, l'adaptation à notre environnement et l'apprentissage des croyances, affects et comportements valorisés.
  • Quelles sont les différentes attitudes ?

    En fait, les attitudes désignent des dispositions positives ou négatives acquises exprimant ce que nous ressentons. Nos comportements désignent des réactions observables exprimant ce que nous faisons. Les attitudes sont supposées être des prédispositions à agir, et donc induire des comportements.
  • Comment définir l'attitude ?

    1. Manière de tenir son corps, position qu'on lui donne ; posture : Avoir une attitude gauche, nonchalante. 2. Manière d'être qui manifeste certains sentiments ; comportement : Avoir une attitude ferme.
  • Selon Rosenberg et Hovland, à une attitude correspond l'évaluation d'un objet suivant trois dimensions : affective (les sentiments favorables ou défavorables suscités par le stimulus), cognitive (les perceptions et les croyances), conative (la disposition à l'action, orientée vers le futur ou le passé) (1975, p. 340).
RIPS / lRSe 15 (3). 41-63 @ 2000. Presses Universitaires de GrenobleA-1

Social Anchoring of

Racism Consciousness :

Means for intervention 1


Although latent racism per-

sists, openly racist attitudes are nowadays censored by a norm of social desirability.

This state of affairs requires

novel means of intervention to counter racism. This article explores a model called"social anchoring of racism consciousness". The main hypothesis is that conscious- ness of racism is created by inserting people into a tripo- lar social metasystem of rela- tionships: racist vs. non-racist factions in the majority and minority target of racism. In an experiment (N= l3 4) an ethnic minority (a male Cypsy or a female Gypsy) reported circumstances in which s/he has suffered subtle racism.

After that, half of subjects par-

ticipated in discussion ses-sions (subdivided into sessions in which subgroups defended a position either supporting racism or oppo- sing it). Attitudes (manifest and latent) towards racism


Alors que le racisme latent

persiste, les attitudes ouver- tement racistes sont de nos jours censurées par la norme de désirabilité sociale. Cet état de fait nécessite de nouveaux moyens d'intervention contre le racisme. Cet article exploreun model appelé "ancrage social de la conscience du racisme". L'hypothése géné- rale est que la conscience du .acisme est créée en insérant les individus dans un méta- systéme social tripolaire de relations : factions raciste vs. non raciste de la majorité et cible minoritaire du racisme.

Dans une expérience (N=134)

une minorité ethnique (un homme gitan ou une femme gitane) rapportait Ies circons- tances dans lesquelles illelle avait souffert d'un racisme latent. La moitié des sujets ont ensuite participé á une dis- cussion (dans laquelle Ies sous groupes défendaient une position, soit supportant, soit s'opposant au racisme). Les

Rosario Alonsor

Berta Chulvi.

luan Antonio rerez' '

Key words :

latent yJ. manifest racism, tripolar social metasystem. attitude change, racism consciousness

Mots-clés :

racisme latent vs manifeste, métasystéme social tripolaire, changement d'attitudes, conscience du racism * Universily of

Valencia. Facultad de

Psicolog¡a i Av.

Blasco lbáaez. 2l .

46010'Valencia, Spa¡n" Please address cor'

respondeoce 10 :

Jua -Anlonio Pérez :

Facultad de Psicologia

Av. Blasco Ibáirez, 2l

46010 Valcncia

(Spain) E'mail : juan.a.perez@uv es I This research was made possible by financial support from the Comis¡ón Inlerministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICYT). project SEC95 0628. REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE PSYCHOLOGIE SOCIALE 2OOO N" 3I were measured three times.

Results confirmed hypotheses

concerning the interaction between the tripolar/bipolar system and high (male Gypsy) vs. low (female Gypsy) satu- ration of racism. In the tripo- lar system a positive attitude change in the female Gypsy conditions and a negative change in the male Cypsy .onditions was found: the reverse was found in the bipolar system. We discuss how the group may constitute the social factory of individual change. attitudes (manifestes et latentes) envers le racisme ont

été mesurées á trois reprises.

Les résultats confirment les

hypothéses concernant f in- teraction entre le systéme bipolaire/tripolaire et le fort (homme gitan) vs. faible (femme gitane) degré de racisme. Le systéme tripolairea entrainé un changement d'attitude positif pour la femme gitane et un change- ment négatif pour I'hommegitan. Des changements inverses ont été trouvés dansle systéme bipolaire. La maniére dont le groupe peut constituer un facteur social de changement est discuté.


Nr-"ror, "o.ial psychological studies on racism now indi- cate üat the problem of modern racism is about the discrepancy between manifest acceptance and latent rejection of minority targets of discrimination (eg., Word, Zanna and Cooper, 1974 ; Dovidio and Gaertner, 1986 ; Mc Conahay, 1986 , Pettigrew,

1988 ;Devine, 1995 : Greenwald and Banaji, 1995 ; for a Spanish

review, see Pérez. 1996). Perhaps the first social psychological study making this explicit was that by LaPiere (1934) showing that the mino.ity was more likely to be accepted publicly that in private or under conditions of anonymity. But until the nine-

teen eighties the issue was seen \\,ithin social psychology aslittle more than a problem of measurement and of the

congruence of attitudes and behaviours. Perhaps a different intellectual context was needed. in which differences between conscious and unconscious. automatic and controlled. manifest and latent, etc., were accepted (Gilbert, Fiske and Lindzey, 1998), in order to recognise that this could be more than a measure ment issue and might actually be a st.uctural feature of modern racism.I l\.¡INORITY INFLUENCE AND At\.4BIVALENCE The problem investigated here concerns the consequences that this structure of racism (manifest acceptance combined with latent rejection) may have when considering interyentions to counter racism. In spite of the numerous studies indicating this structural feature of modern racism, to our knowledge in none of them has this question been explicitly addressed. In all societies the groups that are usually the targets of racism constitute social minorities. Therefore, studying how to com- bat or to change racist attitudes also effectively involves explo- ring how the culture of the minority, and indeed the minority itself, is accepted by the majority. In fact this ambivalence toward minorities (indicated in discrepancies between mani- fest and latent judgements) was discovered in the very first stu, dies of minority influence (Moscovici, Lage and Nafrechoux,

1969), and it has since become one of the more substantive

theoretical issues in this area (for reviews, see Moscovici and Mugny, 1987 ;for a meta analysis, see Wood e¡ a1., 1994). However, the problem in modern racism is that this ambiva-

lence is expressed in the opposite direction to that observedin studjes on conversion : the minority target of .acism is

accepted at the manifest level but rejected at the latent level. This kind of ambivalence seems to be rather deeper than a mere discrepancy between responses on manifest ye¡ius latent attitude scales. It can touch upon the relationship between the stereotype and the attitude. For example, in one study (Pérez, Falomir, Báguena and Mugny. 1993) rve found an absence of any correlation between the number of positive or negative stereotyped characteristics attributed to Gypsies and manifest attitudes toward this group as measured by agreement or disa- greement with various pro-Gypsies affirmative actions. Horvever, latent attitudes towa.d this ethnic minority, measu, red by the position assigned to Gypsies in comparison to Gadje (i.e. non-Gypsies) on values that are consensual for the latter (e.g. I disagree / I agree that the Gypsies are less inter-

ested than Cadje in the school attendance of their children/ in politics / in technological progress"), appeared to be cor-

related only with the number of negative attributes assigned to Gypsies. Additionally, more positive characteristics were attri- buted to Gadje than to Gypsies. but there were not symme- trically - more negative characteristics attributed to Gypsies than to Gadje. These social judgements by Gadje undergra- duate students seem guided by the principle of ensuring posi- REVUE INTEBNATIONALE DE PSYCHOLOGIE SOCIALE 2OOO N'3tJ tive judgements about their own Broup while avoiding expres- sions of negative judgements about the Gypsy minority (for similar asymmetries in other intergroup domains, see Wenzel and Mummendey, 1996). This pattern may be explained in terms of the operation of a norm of social desirability, which nowadays censors manifest racism. In lay thinking racismquotesdbs_dbs15.pdfusesText_21
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