[PDF] Nuclear Energy Data/Données sur lénergie nucléaire 2019

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^cycling of

this plutonium in MOX fuel is now under consideration. The Technical Committee Meeting on Recycling of Plutonium and Uranium in Water. Reactor Fuel was 

Nuclear Energy Data/Données sur lénergie nucléaire 2019

electricity production at nuclear power plants (NPPs) increased by 0.2% over the Latvia and New Zealand have been included for OECD area calculations.

Nuclear Energy Data/Données sur lénergie nucléaire 2020

11 mars 2021 electricity production at nuclear power plants increased by 1.8% over the same ... production of uranium-plutonium mixed oxide fuel for the ...


académique de Laon tome 33

Documentation des facteurs démissions de la Base Carbone

increase the atmospheric concentration of the gas because the additional emissions caused by humans are offset by new sinks created by humans (a typical 

Energy efficiency action plan for France - 2014

France's commitments with regards to energy efficiency . implementation of performance improvement measures of new vehicles will enable a saving of ...

Information Exchanges Between Competitors under Competition

11 juil. 2011 Increased transparency in the market as a result of information sharing may both benefit consumers directly as well as produce efficiencies for ...

Le Système international dunités The International System of Units

bâtiment pour l'atelier des bureaux et des salles de réunion. lorsque l'on utilise des unités cohérentes

Les ménages et la consommation dénergie

dans la mesure où les ménages ne peuvent affecter les dépenses de logement (pas Dans le premier graphique on utilise la dépense d'énergie réelle pour ...


21 août 2017 With fuel being an airline's single largest cost item ... should be generated (usually from the aircraft) to calculate a new fuel.

Improved MOX fuel calculations using new Pu-239 Am-241 and

configurations of MOX fuel assemblies • The parameter of interest in this work is the residual reactivity • New reactivity calculations using the TRIPOLI-4 Monte-Carlo Code with the JEFF-3 1 1 nuclear data library have confirmed the systematic overestimation of the keff

Criticality evaluation of BWR MOX fuel transport packages

performing calculations using the average Pu-content and calculations using the real heterogeneous representations The comparisons made cover two configurations: • infinite lattice of fuel assemblies of the same type • fuel assemblies loaded in a transport cask The study is divided into different steps the main ones being:

Improved Mixed Oxide Fuel Calculations with the Evaluated

(MOX) fuel con?gurations were carried out in the zero- power reactor EOLE of Commissariat a` l’énergie atom- ique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) Cadarache France

Assessment of TRITON and PARCS for Full-Core MOX Fuel

Lattice Physics calculations using t-depl • The t-depl sequence of TRITON couples 2-D NEWT calculations with multiple ORIGEN-S calculations to provide a robust and accurate depletion method with

Working Party on Pu-MOX fuel physics and innovative fuel

MOX utilisation in PWRs with plutonium both of typical and poor isotopic quality The typical type is a plutonium isotopic vector with higher fissile fraction using commercial PWR MOX The latter type is a plutonium of low isotopic vector expected for a self-generation recycling mode in PWR MOX

How is MOX fuel made?

  • MOX fuel can be made by grinding together uranium oxide (UO 2) and plutonium oxide (PuO 2) before the mixed oxide is pressed into pellets, but this process has the disadvantage of forming much radioactive dust.

What is the difference between MOX and Pu-239?

  • This gives fuel with about 1% Pu-239 and 4% U-235 which can sustain burn-up of 50 GWd/t over four years and has similar characteristics to normal LWR fuel. It is distinct from MOX in having low and incidental levels of plutonium – none is added.

How much plutonium is in MOX fuel?

  • MOX fuel, consisting of about 7-11% plutonium mixed with depleted uranium, is equivalent to uranium oxide fuel enriched to about 4.5% U-235, assuming that the plutonium has about two-thirds fissile isotopes. If weapons plutonium is used (>90% Pu-239), only about 5% plutonium is needed in the mix.

How much MoX does a nuclear reactor use?

  • Most reactors use it as about one third of their core, but some will accept up to 50% MOX assemblies. In France, EDF aims to have all its 900 MWe series of reactors running with at least one-third MOX. Japan aimed to have one third of its reactors using MOX by 2010, and has approved construction of a new reactor with a complete fuel loading of MOX.
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