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Berchtesgadener Schicksalsjahre 1803 – 1820

Berchtesgadener Schicksalsjahre. 1803 – 1820. Dokumentation. Ausstellung anlässlich des Jubiläums. Berchtesgaden 200 Jahre bei Bayern.


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Monarchy and the “Invention of Tradition” c.1820–1977'

Fakten Tendenzen


Sons and Heirs

Palgrave Studies in Modern Monarchy

Series editors:

, University College London;

Heather Jones

, London School of Economics;

Heidi Mehrkens

, University of St Andrews;

Frank Lorenz Müller

University of St Andrews

The death of Louis XVI on the scaffold in 1793 did not mark the beginnin g of the end of monarchy. What followed was a Long Nineteenth Century during which monarchical systems continued to be politically and culturally dominant both in Europe and beyond. They shaped political cultures and became a reference point for debates on constitutional government as well as for understandings o f political liberalism. Within multinational settings monarchy offered an alternative to centralised national states. Not even the cataclysms of the twentieth ce ntury could wipe monarchy completely off the political, mental and emotional maps. Palgrave Studies in Modern Monarchy reflects the vibrancy of research into this topic by bringing together monographs and edited collections exploring the his tory of monarchy in Europe and the world in the period after the end of the ancien régime . Committed to a scholarly approach to the royal past, the series is open in terms of geographical and thematic coverage, welcoming studies examining any aspe ct of any part of the modern monarchical world.

Titles include:

Frank Lorenz Müller and Heidi Mehrkens ( editors )


Succession and Political Culture in Nineteenth-Century Europe

Forthcoming titles:

Matthew Glencross


Reinventing Royal Diplomacy for the Twentieth Century

Frank Lorenz Müller


Preparing a Monarchical Future in Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg

Palgrave Studies in Modern Monarchy

Series Standing Order ISBN 9781137454942 hardcover ( outside North America only ) You can receive future titles in this series as they are published by pla cing a standing order. Please contact your bookseller or, in case of difficulty, write to us at the address below with your name and address, the title of the series and the ISBN quoted above. Customer Services Department, Macmillan Distribution Ltd, Houndmills, Basingstoke, H ampshire

RG21 6XS, England

Sons and Heirs

Succession and Political Culture in

Nineteenth-Century Europe

Edited by

Frank Lorenz Müller

University of St Andrews, UK


Heidi Mehrkens

University of St Andrews, UK

Editorial matter and selection © Frank Lorenz Müller and Heidi Mehrkens 2015

All other chapters © respective authors 2015

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Mehrkens, University of St Andrews, UK.

pages cm

1. Monarchy - Europe - History - 19th century. 2. Europe - Kings and

rulers - Succession - History - 19th century. 3. Political culture - Europe - History - 19th century. 4. Europe - Politics and government - 1789-1900.

5. Europe - Politics and government - 1871-1918. I. Müller, Frank Lorenz,

1970- II. Mehrkens, Heidi.

JN10.S66 2015

3219.609409034"dc23 2015021901

Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2015 978-1-137-45496-6 ISBN 978-1-349-57296-0 ISBN 978-1-137-45498-0 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-137-45498-0



List of Illustrations vii

Acknowledgements ix

Notes on Contributors x

1 Stabilizing a 'Great Historic System" in the Nineteenth

Century? Royal Heirs and Succession in an Age of Monarchy 1

Frank Lorenz Müller

Part I Dynasties as Royal Families

2 Fathers and Sons in the History of the Hohenzollern Dynasty 19

Sir Christopher Clark

3 Heirs and Their Wives: Setting the Scene for Umbertian Italy 38

4 Heirs before the Altar: Hohenzollern Marriages in a Bourgeois Age 53

Part II Courtly Contexts

5 Education and the Rituals of Monarchy in the Kingdom of Württemberg: Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince Karl and Prince Wilhelm Compared 75

Eberhard Fritz

6 Travels with a Camera: The Prince of Wales, Photography and the Mobile Court 92

Sophie Gordon

7 The Spatial and Architectural Presence of Heirs to the Throne: The Apartments of the Habsburg Crown Princes in the Viennese Hofburg in the Long Nineteenth Century 109

Richard Kurdiovsky

Part III Overcoming Succession Crises

8 Domesticating a German Heir to the Danish Throne 129

Jes Fabricius Møller

vi Contents

9 The Succession of an Unborn King: Constitutional Politics in

Spain after the Death of Alfonso XII 147

Carmina López Sánchez

10 An Italian Heir for the New Century: Vittorio Emmanuele, Prince of Naples 160

Valentina Villa

Part IV The Impact of Dynastic Deaths

11 1834-1869-1891: The Untimely Deaths of Three Heirs to the Belgian Throne 179

Christoph De Spiegeleer

12 The Impossible Task of Replacing a Model Heir: The Death of Ferdinand-Philippe d"Orléans and the 'New France" 196

Heidi Mehrkens

13 The Opposition of the Archdukes: Rudolf, Franz Ferdinand and the Late Habsburg Monarchy 211

Günther Kronenbitter

Part V Heirs in the Great War

14 A Prince in the Trenches? Edward VIII and the First World War 229

Heather Jones

15 Wilhelm"s War: A Hohenzollern in Conflict 1914-18 247

Katharine Anne Lerman

16 Germany"s Ersatz Kaiser? The Political Opportunities of Max von Baden: Royal Heir and Imperial Chancellor 263

Lothar Machtan

Index 281


List of Illustrations

3.1 The Princess of Piedmont with her baby and dog (1870) © The

National Media Museum, Bradford 45

4.1 To commemorate the marriage of the German Crown Prince

Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia and Cecilie, Duchess of Mecklenburg- deutschen Kronprinzen Friedrich Wilhelm von Preussen mit Herzogin Cecilie von Mecklenburg-Schwerin am 6. Juni 1905, private collection

Heidi Mehrkens) 66

5.1 Prince Friedrich Wilhelm (later King Wilhelm I) of Württemberg ©

Archiv des Hauses Württemberg, Altshausen 78

5.2 Crown Prince Karl of Württemberg, wood engraving, B 6610 ©

Stadtarchiv Stuttgart 81

5.3 Prince Wilhelm (later King Wilhelm II) of Württemberg © Archiv

des Hauses Württemberg, Altshausen 86

6.1 William Notman (1826-91), HRH the Prince of Wales, with Sir John

Rose and companions, Montreal, Canada, 1860, albumen print,

2106465, Royal Collection Trust/© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015 95

6.2 Abdullah Frères, HRH The Prince of Wales, Constantinople,

27 May

1862, albumen carte-de-visite, 210649, Royal Collection Trust/© Her

Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015 100

6.3 Bourne and Shepherd, The Prince"s First Tiger, 1876, albumen

cabinet card, 2701970, Royal Collection Trust/© Her Majesty Queen

Elizabeth II 2015 105

7.1 The facade of the Schweizerhof towards the Innerer Burghof ©

Bundesdenkmalamt, Vienna. Photograph by Bettina Neubauer-Pregl (2013) 113

7.2 Wilhelm Gause: The Turkish room of Crown Prince Rudolf in the

Schweizerhof-wing, 166.515 © Wien Museum, Vienna 117

7.3 Panorama from the Albertina palace towards the suburb Wieden

with the Church of St Charles to the right and the Upper Belvedere in the middle background, photograph by Franz Antoine the Younger, 1860, Foto GLV2000/6471 © Albertina, Vienna - on

Versuchsanstalt, Vienna 120

8.1 Laurits Tuxen, King Christian IX of Denmark with family (Christian

9. med familie) (1886) © Royal Reception Rooms, Christiansborg

Palace, Copenhagen. Photograph by Thorkild Jensen 141 viii List of Illustrations

8.2 Laurits Tuxen, The Four Generations (De fire Slaegtled) (1902)

© Royal Reception Rooms, Christiansborg Palace, Copenhagen.

Photograph by Thorkild Jensen 142

9.1 Francisco Jover y Casanova and Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida, Oath

before the Courts of Queen Maria Cristina (30 December 1885) (Jura de la Constitución por S.M. la Reina Regente Doña María Cristina) (1897) © Patrimonio Histórico-Artístico del Senado,

Madrid. Photograph by Fotografía Oronoz 155

10.1 The royal family with Umberto I, Queen Margherita and

the crown prince (La famiglia reale con Umberto I, la regina Margherita e il principe ereditario) (1878). The small inset at the top shows the late King Vittorio Emanuele II © Biblioteca

Comunale dell"Archiginnasio, Bologna 163

13.1 Dashing but ineffective: Crown Prince Rudolf around 1886 ©

Wikimedia Commons 213

13.2 A happy yet inappropriate marriage: Portrait of Duchess Sophie

von Hohenberg and Archduke Franz Ferdinand d"Este in uniform, private collection Heidi Mehrkens 216

14.1 Christmas card image sent by Edward, Prince of Wales to a

friend in 1915, MC P163/14 © Reproduced by kind permission of the President and Fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford 238

14.2 HRH The Prince of Wales in the garden of the chateau which

was his Headquarters in France, 2001-02-256-11 © Image repro- duced courtesy of the Council of the National Army Museum,

London 239

15.1 Crown Prince Wilhelm of Germany in his car equipped with

his lucky horseshoe on a French road occupied by Germans during WWI, private collection Katherine Anne Lerman 253

16.1 Portrait of Prince Max von Baden in Mainberg (1912), private

collection Lothar Machtan 268

16.1/16.2 Half prince/general, half human being: Representations of

the heir to the Baden throne, Prince Max, in 1912 and 1914, private collection Heidi Mehrkens (16.1) and Lothar Machtan (16.2) 268 ix


The editors would like to record their gratitude to the AHRC whose funding provides the very basis of our research project and enabled us to organize the conference (in August 2013) on which the present volume is based. More information about the 'Heirs to the Throne" project and further material relevant to the themes addressed in this volume can be found at http:// heirstothethrone-project.net . Our conference was also generously supported by the Royal Historical Society and the German History Society, and we are very grateful for that, too. We would also like to thank Melissa Boyd and Andrew Dodd for their excellent translations of the chapters by Carmina López Sánchez and Lothar Machtan. We are grateful to Charles Jones for his work on the index for this volume. The editors would like to thank the following archives and copyright holders for granting permission for the use of material within the volume: National Media Museum, Bradford; Archiv des Hauses Württemberg, Altshausen; Stadtarchiv Stuttgart; Royal Collection Trust; Bundesdenkmalamt Bundes-Lehr-und Versuchsanstalt, Wien; Christiansborg Palace, Copenhagen; Patrimonio Histórico-Artístico del Senado, Madrid; Magdalen College, Oxford; National Army Museum, London; and Biblioteca

Comunale dell"Archiginnasio, Bologna.


Notes on Contributors

Sir Christopher Clark

is Regius Professor of Modern European History at the University of Cambridge, UK. His research interests are centred on the history of nineteenth-century Germany and continental Europe. His most recent books are Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947 (2006), Kaiser Wilhelm II A Life in Power (2009) and The Sleepwalkers: How

Europe Went to War in 1914 (2012).

Eberhard Fritz is Director of the Archives of the House of Württemberg at Altshausen Castle. His research interest focuses on the history of the courts in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, on religious history and on the House of Württemberg. His works include a register of the officials and servants at the royal court of Württemberg (1806-1918), published in 2012, and various articles about aspects of court life and activities. Sophie Gordon is Head of Photographs at the Royal Collection Trust. Her main field of research is the study of nineteenth- and early twentieth-cen- tury travel photography. Her recent works include Cairo to Constantinople: Francis Bedford"s Photographs of the Middle East (2013) and The Heart of the Great Alone: Scott, Shackleton and Antarctic Photography (2010). She also contributed to the Getty exhibition and publication A Royal Passion: Queen

Victoria and Photography (2014).

Heather Jones is Associate Professor of International History at the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. She is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, where she was a foundation scholar and a Government of Ireland Research Scholar in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and St John"s College, Cambridge, UK. Jones has held a Max Weber Fellowship at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, and is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Research Centre of the Historial de la Grande Guerre, Péronne. Her monograph Violence Against Prisoners of War in the First World War: Britain, France and Germany, 1914-1920 was published in 2011; she is currently researching the British monarchy at war during 1914-18. and Director of the UCL Centre for Transnational History. A cultural and intellectual historian, he works on Europe between the late eighteenth and the twentieth centuries, with a particular interest in music theatre and in transnational exchanges. His latest works include Politics of Culture in Liberal

Italy: From Unification to Fascism

(2009) and America in Italy: The United States in the Political Thought and the Cultural Imagination of the Risorgimento , which will be published in 2016.

Notes on Contributors xi

Günther Kronenbitter is Professor of Modern History at the University of Augsburg, Germany. He specializes in German intellectual history in the nineteenth century, the history of international relations and military history in the Long Nineteenth Century and the history of the Habsburg monarchy. His works include Wort und Macht: Friedrich Gentz als politischer Schriftsteller (1994) and a study of Austria-Hungary"s military elite on the eve of the First World War 'Krieg im Frieden": Die Führung der k.u.k. Armee und die Großmachtpolitik Österreich-Ungarns, 1906-1914 (2003). He has edited the collected writings of Friedrich Gentz (1997-2004) and volumes on military occupation (2006) and the privatization of war (2010). Richard Kurdiovsky is a senior staff scientist at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for History of Art and Musicology, Division for History of Art. His research is focused on the history of central European architecture, garden art from the baroque to the twentieth century, and urban culture in the Habsburg monarchy. He has contributed to a research project on the Hofburg in Vienna and has specialized in the nineteenth-century state of this imperial palace; the results have recently been published in the volume Die Wiener Hofburg 1835-1918 (2012, edited by Werner Telesko). He has also published numerous articles on nineteenth-century Viennese architecture (including the World Fair of 1873 and the Ringstraße boulevard). Katharine Anne Lerman has written widely on the politics and culture of imperial Germany and is the author of two books: The Chancellor as Courtier: Bernhard von Bülow and the Governance of Germany 1900-1909 (1990) and Bismarck (2004). She teaches at London Metropolitan University, UK. Carmina López Sánchez is a PhD student at Carlos III University, Madrid, Spain. Her research focus is on late modern Spanish history, particularly the Restoration, the reign of and court life under Alfonso XII, and the regency of his wife, María Cristina Habsburgo Lorena. In her Master"s thesis 1885, año bisagra de las dos restauraciones: el Pacto de El Pardo she focused on the succes- sion crisis following the death of Alfonso XII. Her works include La soberaníaquotesdbs_dbs25.pdfusesText_31
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