[PDF] Automorphic Galois representations and the inverse Galois problem

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Automorphic Galois representations and the inverse Galois problem

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arXiv:1911.02141v3 [math.NT] 6 Jul 2020 Automorphic Galois representations and the inverse Galois problem for certain groups of typeDm ADRI


July 7, 2020


Letmbe an integer greater than three and?be an odd prime. In this paper, we prove that at least one of the following groups: PΩ

2m(F?s), PSO±2m(F?s), PO±2m(F?s) or


2m(F?s) is a Galois group ofQfor infinitely many integerss >0. This is achieved by

making use of a slight modification of a group theory result ofKhare, Larsen and Savin, and previous results of the author on the images of the Galoisrepresentations attached to cuspidal automorphic representations of GL


Mathematics Subject Classification. 11F80, 12F12, 20G40.


In recent years, the study of the images of the Galois representations associated to RAESDC (regular algebraic, essentially self-dual, cuspidal) automorphic representations of GLn(AQ) with prescribed local conditions has been an effective strategy to address the inverse Galois problem for finite groups of Lie type. In particular, the existence of RAESDC automorphic representations of GL n(AQ), with a local componentπpthat is a self-dual supercuspidal representation of GLn(Qp) of depth zero, has been crucial to construct Galois representations with controlled image. For example, in [KLS08], self-dual supercuspidal representationsof GLn(Qp), associated to certain tamely ramified symplectic representations of Gal(

Qp/Qp), were used to show that for any

prime?there exist infinitely many positive integersssuch that either PSpn(F?s) or PGSpn(F?s) can be realized as a Galois group overQ. Similar results have been obtained in [KLS10] for groups of typeBmandG2. In this paper, we prove a similar result for groups of typeDmby studying the images of certain tamely ramified orthogonal representations of Gal(

Qp/Qp) associated to self-dual supercuspidal

representations of GL

2m(Qp). More precisely we prove the following result.

Theorem 1.1.Letm≥4be an integer and?be an odd prime. Then, there exist infinitely many positive integersssuch that at least one of the following groups: PΩ can be realized as a Galois group overQ. To the best of our knowledge, these orthogonal groups are not previously known to be Galois overQ, except for some cases wheresormis small, which were studied in [MM99], [Re99], [Zy], [Ze19] and [Ze20].

?Instituto de Matem´aticas, Pontificia Universidad Cat´olica de Valpara´ıso, Blanco Viel 596, Cerro Bar´on,

Valpara´ıso, Chile.adrian.zenteno@pucv.cl

1 Notation:Through this paper, ifFis a perfect field, we denote byFan algebraic closure ofF and byGFthe absolute Galois group Gal(

F/F). WheneverGis a subgroup of a certain linear

group GL n(F), we write PGfor the image ofGin the projective linear group PGLn(F). In fact, for classical groups in general, we will use the same notation and conventions as in Section 2 of [Ze19].

2.Admissible pairs and local Langlands correspondence

LetFbe ap-adic field (i.e., a finite extension of thep-adic fieldQp) with ring of integersOFand Weil groupWF. We denote bypFthe maximal ideal ofOFand byqthe order of the residue field F=OF/pF. Moreover,U1F= 1+pFdenotes the group of 1-units and?denotes a uniformizing element. For each integern≥1, letG0F(n) be the set of equivalence classes of irreducible smooth representations ofWFof dimensionnandA0F(n) be the set of equivalence classes of irreducible admissible supercuspidal representations of GL n(F). The local Langlands correspondence gives a bijective map rec

F,n:G0F(n)-→ A0F(n)

for eachn[HT01] [He00] [Sch13] . Unfortunately, the existence of the family{recF,n}nhas been established indirectly and explicit information about it is very hard to obtain. However, whenp andnare relatively primes, Howe [Ho77] defined a set of characters of certain extensions ofF of degreenwhich parameterizes bothG0F(n) andA0F(n), and allows us to describe (in this case) the local Langlands correspondence in a very explicit way (see also [Moy86] and [BH05]). So, from now on, we will assume that (n,p) = 1. LetE/Fbe a tamely ramified extension of degreenandχbe a character ofE×. The pair (E/F,χ) is called admissible if it satisfies the following two conditions. LetLrange over intermediate fields,F?L?E. i) Ifχfactors through the relative normNE/L, thenL=E. ii) Ifχ|U1E, factors throughNE/L, thenE/Lis unramified. Two admissible pairs (E/F,χ) and (E?/F?,χ?) are equivalents if there is anF-isomorphism ψ:E→E?such thatχ=χ?◦ψ. The map (E/F,χ)?-→ρχ= IndWFW Eχ provides a canonical bijection between the setPn(F) of equivalence classes of admissible pairs (E/F,χ), withE/Fof degreen, andG0F(n). Here, we regardχas a character ofWEvia class

field theory. Similarly, it is possible to construct a canonical bijection(E/F,χ)?→πχbetween

P n(F) andA0F(n). For our purposes, it will be enough to know the explicit construction of the irreducible representations ofWF. We refer the reader to [Ho77] and [Moy86] for details about the construction of the supercuspidal representations of GL n(F) associated to the admissible pairs (E/F,χ). These two bijections yield a canonical bijection rec N

F,n:G0F(n)-→ A0F(n)

for eachn. In [BH05, Theorem A], recF,nand recNF,nwere compared, and it was proven that they differ by a character. More precisely, if (E/F,χ)?Pn(F), there is a tamely ramified character μofE×such that (E/F,μχ) is admissible and rec

F,n(ρχ) =πμχ.

Of interest for us will be the self-dual representations. In [Ad97],Adler proved thatρχis self-dual if and only if one of the following conditions holds: 2 i) there is an intermediate fieldF?L?E, such that [E:L] = 2 andχ|NE/L(E×)is trivial, ii)p= 2 andχhas order two. In particular, this implies, by local Langlands correspondence, that GLnadmits self-dual super- cuspidal representations only ifnorpis even. Finally, and for the sake of the explicitness, we will explain how to construct concrete examples which will be useful through this article. Example 2.1.First take any even integernandEthe unique unramified extension ofFof degreen. Recall thatE×? ??? ×κ×E×U1E. Then, take any integertthat dividesqn/2+ 1 but that does not divide anyqn/pi-1, wherepirange over the primes dividingn. Finally, take any

character ofκ×Eof ordert, inflate trivially to a character ofU1E, and extend toE×by sendingω

to either 1 or-1. So, we obtain an admissible pair (E/F,χ) such thatρχis self-dual. We remark that all previous constructions are much more generalthan we need. However, we decided to write this section in this way since the exposition hardly simplifies by restricting it to the particular case that we need.

3.On the images of certain tame self-dual representations ofWQp

In this section we will study the image of some of the Galois representations constructed in

Example 2.1.

Letnbe a positive even integer andp > nbe a prime. Lettbe a prime such thatt≡1 modnand the order ofpmodulotisn. LetEbe the unique unramified extension ofQpof

degreenandE×? ?p?×F×pn×U1E. We will say that a characterχ:E×→C×is ofO-type(resp.

S-type)atpof ordert, ifχ(p) = 1 (resp.χ(p) =-1) andχ|F×pn×U1Ehas ordert. In particular,χ

is a character as in Example 2.1 and the pair (E/Qp,χ) is admissible. Let?be a prime distinct frompandt. From now on, we will fix an isomorphismι:


C, which allows us to compare

Q?-valued characters withC-valued ones. As we pointed out previously, by local class field theory, we can regardχas a character ofWE, or in fact as a character ofGE. Then, by the discussion in the previous section, we have a GLn(


n-dimensional, tamely ramified, self-dual, irreducible Galois representation

χ= IndG

Qp G Eχ associated to (E/Qp,χ). Whenχis ofO-type (resp.S-type) atpof ordert, it can be proven thatρχis orthogonal (resp. symplectic) in the sense that it can be conjugated to take values in SO n( Q?) (resp. Spn(Q?)). Moreover, ifα:GQp→Q×?is an unramified character, then the residual representation ρχ?αis irreducible and tensor-indecomposable. See Section 5 of [Ze19] for details. Henceforth, we will assume thatχis ofO-type atpof ordertbecause the characters ofS-type have been studied extensively in [KLS08] and [ADW16]. Let Γ tbe a non-abelian homomorphic image of an extension ofZ/nZbyZ/tZsuch thatZ/nZacts faithfully onZ/tZ. For example, tcan be the image of the residual representation ρχofρχ. On the other hand, let Γ be a group anddbe a positive integer. We define Γdas the intersection of all normal subgroups of Γ of index at mostd. Then we have the following result which gives us information about Γ when Γd contains Γ t. Theorem 3.1.There exist constantsd(n)andt(n)depending only onnsuch that, ifd > d(n) is an integer,t > t(n)and?are distinct primes, andΓ?GLn(

F?)is a finite group such thatΓd

3 containsΓt, then there existg?GLn(F?)and a positive integerksuch thatg-1Γgis a group containing one of the following groups:SLn(F?k),SUn(F?k),Spn(F?k)orΩ±n(F?k). Proof.The proof is the same as that of Theorem 2.2 of [KLS08], since it only depends on the metacyclic group structure of Γ tand the faithful action ofZ/nZonZ/tZ. Corollary 3.2.Letn≥8and?be an odd prime. Under the hypothesis of the previous theorem, ifΓ?GOn( F?), then there existsg?GLn(F?)such thatg-1ΓgcontainsΩ±n(F?k)for some positive integerk. Proof.The proof is adapted from Corollary 2.6 of [KLS08] where the symplectic case is dealt with. Assume thatg-1Γgcontains SLn(F?k), SUn(F?k) or Spn(F?k). As Γ?GOn(

F?), one of

these groups has ann-dimensional symmetric representation. Then, by Steinberg"s theorem, we have that the algebraic group SL nor Spnhas a non-trivial self-dualn-dimensional representation defined over F?which maps the fixed points of a Frobenius map into SOn(F?). However, SLnhas no non-trivial self-dual representation of dimensionnwhenn >2 and as?is odd, an irreducible n-dimensional representation of Spn(F?k) cannot preserve a symmetric form since it already preserves a symplectic form. Then by Theorem 3.1g-1Γgcontains Ω±n(F?k).

4.Maximally induced representations and the inverse Galois problem

Letnbe a positive even integer, andp,t,?,χandρχas in the previous section. As before, we assume thatχis ofO-type atpof ordert. We say that a Galois representation ?:GQ-→GOn( Q?) ismaximally inducedofO-type atpof ordertif the restriction ofρ?to a decomposition group D patpis equivalent toρχ?αfor some unramified characterα:GQp→

Q×?. The following

result states that, for an appropriate couple of primes (p,t), the residual image of a maximally induced representation is large. Theorem 4.1.Letn≥8be an even integer, andd(n),t(n)be constants as in Theorem 3.1. Let?be an odd prime andKbe the compositum of all number fields of degree at mostd(n) + 1 which are unramified outside{?,∞}. Let(p,t)be a couple of primes satisfying thatp > ?splits completely inK,t≡1 modn,t >max{d(n) + 1,t(n),?}and the order ofpmodulotisn. Let ?:GQ-→GOn( Q?) be a maximally induced Galois representation ofO-type atpof ordertwhich is unramified outside {p,?}. Then, the image of ρ?containsΩ±n(F?k)for some positive integerk. Proof.The proof is adapted from Proposition 5.5 of [AD] where a character ofS-type is used.

Let Γ be the image of

ρ?andHbe a normal subgroup of Γ of index at mostd(n)+1. Associated toH, we have a Galois extensionL/Qof degree at mostd(n)+1. Moreover, by the ramification ofρ?, we have thatL/Qis unramified outside{p,?,∞}. Asρ?is maximally induced ofO-type atpof ordert, we have that the restriction


equivalent to ρχ?α, for some unramified characterα, and the image of the inertiaρ?(Ip) has ordert. Then, ast > d(n) + 1, we can conclude thatL/Qis unramified atp. In particular,L is unramified outside{?,∞}, soL/Qis a subextension ofK/Q. Moreover, by the choice ofp, it is split inL. Thus, ρ?(Dp) (which is isomorphic to a non-abelian homomorphic image of an extension ofZ/nZbyZ/tZsuch thatZ/nZacts faithfully onZ/tZ) is contained inH. Therefore, we can conclude that Γ satisfies the conditions of Theorem 3.1, takingd=d(n) + 1. Finally, as

Γ is contained in GO


F?) our result follows from Corollary 3.2.

4 In order to use the previous result to prove our result on the inverse Galois problem, we need to find a source of Galois representations satisfying the hypothesis in Theorem 4.1. In our case, such a source will be certain automorphic representations of GL n(AQ). More precisely, letπ be a RAESDC (regular algebraic, essentially self-dual, cuspidal) automorphic representation of GL n(AQ) unramified outside a finite set of primesS. Then, by the work of Caraiani, Chenevier, Clozel, Harris, Kottwitz, Shin, Taylor and several others; we havethat, for any prime?, there exists a semi-simple Galois representation


Q?) unramified outsideS?{?}, compatible with the local Langlands correspondence. In particular, as πis essentially self-dual, the image ofρπ,?is contained in GOn(

Q?) or GSpn(Q?). See [BLGGT14,

Section 2.1] and [Ze19, Section 3] for details and references. Proof of Theorem 1.1Let?be an odd prime and (p,t) be a couple of primes satisfying the hypothesis of Theorem 4.1. The existence of such a couple of primes is guaranteed by Chevotarev"s Density Theorem as in Lemma 6.3 of [Ze19]. Let (E/Qp,χ) be an admissible pair (as in Section 3), withχofO-type atpof ordert. As we remark in Section 2, (by local Langlands

correspondence) associated to (E/Qp,χ), there is a self-dual supercuspidal representationπμχof

GL n(Qp) of depth zero. Letn= 2m≥8. Following Section 7 of [Ze19], we can construct a RAESDC automorphic representationπ=?vπvof GLn(AQ) unramified outside{p}, such that the local componentπp ofπat the primepisπμχ. We remark that inloc. cit., a parity restriction onmwas imposed due to the fact that the split orthogonal group SO(m,m) has discrete series if and only ifmis even. However, the construction in [Ze19] (which follows from the results of Arthur [Art13] and Shin [Shi12], that also work for quasi-split orthogonal groups) can be extended tomodd, by considering the quasi-split group SO(m+ 1,m-1) which has discrete series?. Then, for all?, there exists a semi-simple Galois representationρπ,?:GQ→GLn(

Q?) unram-

ified outside{p,?}and maximally induced ofO-type atpof ordert. In fact, as

ρχis irreducible

and orthogonal, ρπ,?is irreducible and its image is contained in GOn(Q?). Thus, by Theorem

4.1, we have that

ρπ,?contains Ω±n(F?k) for some positive integerk. Consequently, the image of ρproj?(the projectivization ofρ?) is one of the following groups: PΩ for some positive integers, which implies that such group can be realized as a Galois group over Q. Finally, by Chebotarev"s Density Theorem, there are infinitely many ways to choose the couple of primes (p,t), and we can construct infinitely many RAESDC automorphic representations

{πi}i?Nof GLn(AQ) as above. Hence, there exists a family of Galois representations{ρπi,?}i?N

such that the size of the image ofρprojπi,?is unbounded for runningi, because we can choosetas large as we please so that elements of larger and larger orders appear in the inertia images. This concludes our proof. Acknowledgments:I would like to thank Luis Dieulefait for many enlightening discussions

and his encouragement to work on this project. I thank Luis Lomel´ı for useful discussions about

automorphic representations. I also thank Andrew Odesky for useful comments on a previous

?This follows from Harish-Chandra"s criterion for the existence of discrete series representations for the non-

exceptional real Lie groups. See Chapter XII of [Kna86] and its bibliographic notes. 5 version. Finally, I want to give special thanks to the referee, whose suggestions and comments have greatly improved the presentation of this paper. In particular, his/her questions helped me remove a parity restriction imposed in a previous version of this manuscript. The author was supported by CONICYT Proyecto FONDECYT Postdoctorado No. 3190474.


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