[PDF] Lidée de droit naturel à la lumière de la sociologie juridique de Max

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sociales: la sociologie des groupes ethniques de Max Weber. Les Cahiers du. Gres 1(1)

1 ? La problématique ? Max Weber : lhomme et le sociologue

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Lidée de droit naturel à la lumière de la sociologie juridique de Max

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5 déc. 2019 La sociologie compréhensive de Weber a proposé une analyse de la vie sociale qui était opposée aux passages réducteurs chez Marx où l'économie.

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DE MAX WEBER(1) par Joseph Gabel. « Max Weber comme beaucoup d'autres sociologues

Max Weber le sociologue


Tous droits r€serv€s Facult€ de droit de l'Universit€ Laval, 1988 Ce document est prot€g€ par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. l'Universit€ de Montr€al, l'Universit€ Laval et l'Universit€ du Qu€bec " Montr€al. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. https://www.erudit.org/fr/Document g€n€r€ le 23 oct. 2023 13:48Les Cahiers de droit L'id€e de droit naturel la lumi're de la sociologie juridique de

Max Weber

Michel Coutu

Coutu, M. (1988). L'id€e de droit naturel " la lumi...re de la sociologie juridique de Max Weber.

Les Cahiers de droit

(1), 121†146. https://doi.org/10.7202/042871ar

R€sum€ de l'article

Max Weber's


of Law provides, according to the author, a strong basis for understanding and discussing not only modern natural law but also contemporary human rights law. In the first part of this article, Weber's sociological analysis of natural law is briefly outlined, mainly in relation to the opposition between formal and material rationality of law. In the Weberian perspective, the antinomy between formal and material natural rights plays a key role in understanding the decline of natural law, and partly explains the irresistible rise of a purely positivistic conception of law. The second part of the study shows how the idea of natural law is in itself inconsistent with Max Weber's epistemological positions. For the author, the

Sociology of Law

remains closely connected to these positions, which form the basis of the Weberian methodology of (value-free) scientific research. In conclusion, the author emphasizes the importance of Weberian epistemology for the understanding of natural law and, to a certain extent, of contemporary human rights law. He raises doubts, however, as to whether legal positivism can provide a proper comprehension of recent trends in contemporary human rights law. He then suggests that the positivistic conclusion of the

Sociology of Law

should be reconsidered in light of the reemergence of value-rationality as a basic principle of democratic legal order.

L'idée de droit naturel à la lumière

d e la sociologie juridique de Max Weber Miche l COUTU * Max



y o f La w provides, according to the author, a strong basis for understanding and discussing not only modern natural law but also contemporary human rights law. In the first part of this article,


sociological analysis of natural law is briefly outlined, mainly in relation to the opposition between formal and material rationality of law. In the


perspective, the antinomy between formal and material natural rights plays a key role in understanding the decline of natural law, and partly explains the irresistible rise of a purely positivistic conception of law. The second part of the study shows how the idea of natural law is in itself inconsistent with Max


epistemologicalpositions. For the author, the


y o f La w remains closely connected to these positions, which form the basis of the


methodology of (value-free) scientific research. In conclusion, the author emphasizes the importance of


epistemology for the understanding of natural law and, to a certain extent, of contemporary human rights law. He raises doubts, however, as to whether legal positivism can provide a proper comprehension of recent trends in contemporary human rights law. He then suggests that the positivistic conclusion of the


y o f La w should be reconsidered in light of the re- emergence of value-rationality as a basic principle of democratic legal order. Pages I ntroductio n 122 1 . L'analyse sociologique du droit naturel chez Weber 126 1.1


s générale s su r la sociologi e juridiqu e wébérienn e 12 6 1.2 L a sociologi e d u droi t nature l 129
Avoca t l a


n d e la recherch e d e la


n de s droit s d e l a personn e d u



r remerci e l e professeu r




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