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Médecins Sans Frontières and the ICRC: matters of principle

Keywords: humanitarian principles neutrality

Médecins Sans Frontières and the ICRC: matters of principle

Keywords: humanitarian principles neutrality


2 déc. 2018 Médecins Sans Frontières mental health project Nauru. December 2018. © MSF ... Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders.

medecins sans frontieres - msf statuts

1. L'association MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES dite "M.S.F." fondée en 1971


22 févr. 2008 To formalize MSF-OCA's and the employee's commitment to what is laid down in the ethical rules a psychological contract


8 juil. 2020 Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) est une organisation médicale humanitaire internationale indépendante qui apporte une aide d'urgence aux ...

Management Statute association Artsen zonder Grenzen (Médecins

28 sept. 2012 Grenzen (Médecins sans Frontières the Netherlands). ... authority who manages MSF-Holland projects in a country of operations;.


MSF Suisse a mis en place et utilise un système de contrôle interne complet des procédures comptables et de reporting financier unifiées ainsi que des 

Financial Report 2019 - Vereniging Artsen zonder Grenzen

9 juin 2020 MSF-Holland is part of the international network of. Médecins Sans Frontières which in 2019 counted 25 institutional members (MSF-sections) ...

Médecins Sans Frontières Factsheet

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international independent




First version : 22-02-2008

Revised version : 04-02-2015

Version number : 5.0

Copy number _____

"As staff and volunteers of MSF-OCA, our behaviour and actions are defined by the beliefs, values and principles of the organisation. We demonstrate this in our respect for all individuals and communities with whom we work. We hold each other accountable for our behaviour accordingly, and when we identify unacceptable behaviour or malpractice in the organisation, we address it." ii

Document control


Date Author Version Details

0 14-Feb-08 Steven van Gestel 1.0 Text parts copied from the working group Abuse of


22-Feb-08 Steven van Gestel 1.1 After review HR platform

21-Apr-08 Steven van Gestel 1.2 Final edits before request of approval to OCA-MT

23-May-08 Steven van Gestel 2.0 After approval OCA-MT with minor text edits

04-Jan-13 Steven van Gestel 3.0 After approval OCA-MT on revised reporting

mechanism (incl. complaint scheme)

29-Aug-13 Steven van Gestel 3.1 New graphic representation of framework (p15)

26-Jun-14 Marco Visser 3.2 Checked after end of PA position (replaced PA by HR

Specialist in scheme on page 10)


02-Feb-15 Steven van Gestel 5.0 Edit definition of Fraud



Document control.................................................................................................................... ii

History ............................................................................................................................... ii

General ....................................................................................................................................... 1

Aim of this framework ..................................................................................................... 1

Scope of this framework .................................................................................................. 1

The starting point .............................................................................................................. 3

When does behaviour become unacceptable? .............................................................. 3

Impact ................................................................................................................................. 4

Operating with integrity ......................................................................................................... 5

Abuse of power / exploitation........................................................................................ 5

Use of drugs, alcohol or other substance while at work ............................................. 6

Use of organisational property ....................................................................................... 6

Handling organisational information ............................................................................ 6

Accurate and complete bookkeeping and financial administration ......................... 7

Interpersonal behaviour .......................................................................................................... 8

Working environment without intimidation ................................................................ 8

Workplace romance .......................................................................................................... 8

Prostitutes .......................................................................................................................... 9

Addressing behaviour ........................................................................................................... 10

Prevention ........................................................................................................................ 10

Reporting .......................................................................................................................... 11

Investigation .................................................................................................................... 12

Action................................................................................................................................ 13

Annex I ² MSF-2F$·V FRGH RI FRQGXŃP ............................................................................ 15

Annex II ² Set of instruments ............................................................................................... 16

Annex III ² Complaint scheme ............................................................................................. 17

General principles ........................................................................................................... 17

Flowchart of procedures ................................................................................................ 18



Aim of this framework

The organisation Médecins Sans Frontières ² Operational Centre Amsterdam (MSF-OCA) believes that for the realisation of its strategy and objectives it is essential that its employees observe the organisational (medical) ethical and social standards and values. While employees are personally responsible and accountable for their own conduct, in particular regarding abuse of power, MSF- OCA as an employing agency has a duty of care towards its employees to safeguard their physical and emotional well-being. This framework intends to give a foundation for conduct that safeguards a culture of personal commitment, respect for medical ethics, humanitarian ideals and (international) human rights. The framework is not a legal document as such, but MSF-2F$·V YLVLRQ RQ ŃRQGXŃP LQ POH SURÓHŃP ŃRXQPULHV MQG RIILŃHV RI

MSF-OCA. The aim of the framework is:

ƒ To help employees:

- Understand and observe the basic rules for compliance and integrity applicable to humanitarian aid work; - Recognize that this line of work provides a certain position of power that is potentially subject to abuse; - Recognize when and where to ask for advice.

ƒ To create a safe working environment

As elaborated hereafter, this framework is meant as a starting point.

Scope of this framework

Employee and MSF have a mutual interest to create, observe and maintain an employment relations structure within which all issues arising between them can be considered and resolved. In principle, different labour laws and the Terms & Conditions of Employment (T&CE) of MSF-Holland regulate the employment relationship between MSF- OCA and its employees. Next to this legal framework, MSF-OCA imposes organisational standards and values by means of ethical rules and topics for further discussion.

The ethical rules embody standards and values on:

ƒ Operating with integrity

- Abuse of power / exploitation - Use of drugs, alcohol or other substance while at work - Use of organisational property - Handling organisational information - Accurate and complete bookkeeping and financial administration

ƒ Interpersonal behaviour

- Working environment without intimidation - Workplace romance

ƒ Professional ethics

To formalize MSF-OCA's and the employee's commitment to what is laid down in the ethical rules, a psychological contract, a so-called Code of Conduct (see 2 Annex I on page 15), has been put in writing for every employee to sign upon hire. The contract makes reference to the ethical rules as part of this framework. It is important to understand that the contract does not function as a legal status agreement, but a moral commitment. Nevertheless, the employee is made aware of certain ethical rules; a breach from which can result in an appropriate response from the organisation. The ethical rules are first and foremost applicable to employees that have signed MSF-2F$·V FRGH RI FRQGXŃP LQ M SULYMPH ŃMSMŃLP\B HQ MGGLPLRQ RLPOLQ POH 06) movement the exchange of human resources has been regulated by framework contracts between sections. The Code of Conduct is an inextricable part of each framework contract concluded between a contracting section and MSF-Holland. As a result, each employee seconded by a contracting section to MSF-Holland will be managed by MSF-OCA on his conduct according the code. The ethical rules will also be applied to independent third parties1 that act on behalf of MSF- OCA, in those cases where MSF-OCA can be held liable for their doings. The ethical rules are applicable to all parts of the world. Employees bound to the code are expected to carry out its standards and values across the globe. To a certain extent the code is even applicable outside the regular office hours; in particular when it involves field employees living amongst the target population.

Are all the rules one should know listed?

The code is a demonstration of MSF-2F$·V ŃRPPLPPHQP PR LQPHJULP\B +RRHYHU it is not meant to describe each and every law or rule that can be applicable to an HPSOR\HH·V ŃRQGXŃPB HP LV POH HPSOR\HH·V UHVSRQVLNLOLP\ PR NQRw what additional rules are applicable to him. For example: ƒ Each contracting section has its own terms and conditions of employment including obligations for the employee who has concluded a contract with that section. Some contracting sections even operate with an own code of conduct; ƒ Each MSF-OCA mission has specific rules and regulations (e.g. country policy and security guidelines); ƒ Naturally the countries in which MSF-OCA runs a project have laws and customs which are applicable. In case of contradicting rules or regulations, the code prevails. Unless the contradiction concerns a rule that is more precise within the contract, the local code or any ruling legislation. Whenever this framework document refers to legislation, it intends to trigger the employee to consider an issue beyond the code rather than to provide an exhaustive list of laws.

Different laws in different countries

MSF-OCA realizes it has employed staff with different custom and work ethics, often on the basis of employment contracts governed by different (labour) laws of the countries of origin. Furthermore, it operates in areas where local laws and custom are applicable to our activities. MSF-OCA has committed to respect these different laws and custom. Notwithstanding the above, MSF-OCA maintains a willingness to challenge laws in the interest of our patients and will not accept laxity (or gaps) in the contracts or legislation as an excuse for malpractice or any practice in violation with the ethical rules as described in this booklet.

1 With the exception of contract workers of local Ministries of Health who are working in MSF-OCA projects on the basis of incentives


The starting point

The basis of the humanitarian mandate of MSF-OCA lies in the standards and values as described in the international Charter of MSF. These values need to be carried and defended on a daily basis through the choices we make, both by the organization and its employees. The Charter states as follows:

The Charter of Médecins Sans Frontières

Médecins Sans Frontières is a private organisation, which operates internationally and in which doctors, nurses and other health workers participate, as well as those professional groups that might be of use for the task the organisation has set for itself. They subscribe to the following principles:

1. Médecins Sans Frontières provides aid to people in need, to victims of

natural and man-made disasters, wars and civil wars, irrespective of race, religion, ideology or politics.

2. Médecins Sans Frontières observes strict neutrality and is completely

independent. Based on universally recognized principles of medical ethics and the right to humanitarian aid, Médecins Sans Frontières demands complete freedom in the performance of its task.

3. The members, volunteers and staff of Médecins Sans Frontières observe the

medical code of conduct and maintain complete independence from any political, religious or economic power.

4. The members, volunteers and staff of Médecins Sans Frontières decide for

themselves whether the risks and dangers of the work are acceptable and do not demand any compensation whatsoever for themselves or claimants aside from what the organisation can give them.

Chantilly and La Mancha

Additionally, all MSF sections have agreed on operating principles as laid down in the Chantilly document and its revisionary successor, the La Mancha document. In the Chantilly document, MSF outlines its guiding principles and values of independence, impartiality and neutrality, medical ethics and respect for human rights and the voluntary nature of the organization. MSF goes further in FOMQPLOO\ PR VPMPH POMP ´L"@ 7OH SULQFLSOHV RXWOLQHG DERYH JRYHUQ 06)quotesdbs_dbs47.pdfusesText_47
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