[PDF] Our MMO Story – the next ten years - GOV.UK

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Reluctant readers and game literature

community websites for example

Seriously get out: Feminists on the forums and the War(craft) on

forums as well as on numerous fan sites like MMO-Champion and WoW Insider


Huthead lolnexus

Childrens Champion

2 déc. 2019 Ms Debbie Brayshaw - Director of Children and Families Department of Health and. Social Care (DHSC). • Ms Sue Mowle – Director of Inclusion ...

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on the message board MMO-champion many players acknowledge the long-standing belief Blood Elves textually embody homosexuality. As one wrote

Our MMO Story – the next ten years - GOV.UK

We champion and lead sustainable development of our seas and coasts supporting the UK's £46 billion marine development sector.


SkillsUSA Winner. Uses Math to Win! Lanier Technical College's Cosmetology student Abigail Rodriquez competed at the 2016 SkillsUSA National Champion- ships in 

MMO Competency Framework MMO Values

Ineffective Behaviour & Actions. People who are less effective are likely to… Level 6 (CEO). Champion the strategic importance of people talent management and 

Réglementation Sportive

27 févr. 2022 Championnat de France F.S.G.T. de Cross-Country Minimes - Cadets - Juniors - Seniors TC - ... MMO. M ou F né(e)s en 2016 et 2017. MOUSTIQUES.

Inner Dowsing Race Bank and North Ridge European Marine Site

(MaCAA) established MMO to lead champion and manage a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries

...ambitious for our seas and coastsOur MMO Story - the next ten years


In 2020, the Marine

Management Organisation

proudly marks ten years as the manager and independent regulator of England's seas. In just one decade, we have developed and delivered a trusted marine planning, licensing and regulatory framework supporting environmental and economic progress. Now, as we embrace a period of momentous change for our nation, the importance of the sea to the country's future prosperity and wellbeing has never been greater. How we use and look after our seas remains one of the biggest challenges of our times. At MMO we are focussed on how we will tackle this challenge over the next ten years. Our aspirations are high for our marine environment, our industries and our coastal communities, and to achieve them we will need the support of our many stakeholders. Here we share the story of who we are, what we do, and what we are aiming for. I look forward to our next steps, which will be to engage and work with our customers, stakeholders and delivery partners on how we will achieve our aims together.

Hilary Florek

Chair, MMO Board

...Ambitious for our seas and coasts

MMO was created i

n 2010 by the Marine and

Coastal Access Act, and has many achievements

to be proud of. We will build on these past years as we enter a new decade with a fresh, bold vision for the future prosperity of our seas, coasts and communities.

Driven by government's aim for clean, healthy,

safe, productive and biologically diverse oceans and seas, MMO's purpose is to protect and enhance our precious marine environment, and support UK economic growth by enabling sustainable marine activities and development.

MMO manages 230,000 square kilometres

of hugely diverse seas, almost double that of

England's land mass. Our seas are among the

busiest in the world. We don't always appreciate construction, energy and communications.

To give some context, 95% of imports and exports

come by sea. Around 20m tonnes of aggregates are safely taken from our seas for construction projects each year.

And the UK is wor

king towards a third of our e lectricity produced from offshore wind by

2030. Our sea

s are also home to 175 marine protected areas.

At the same time, our seas

s eafood industries with a combined gross value a dd to the economy of almost £2 billion per y ear. M MO will be at the centre of a successful transition f rom the EU, at the heart of enabling the further d evelopment and delivery of renewable energy, and we will play a key role in supp orting delivery of the government's exciting e nvironmental ambitions.

We know we won't d

o this alone. We will be outward-looking , collaborating with our s takeholders on our aspirations and shared ambitions for our marine environment, i ndustries and communities. M

MO will engage with our customers and

s takeholders and together create 'win-win' o utcomes that use the natural asset of the sea e nsure we protect and enhance our marine e nvironment for future generations. U sing our expertise in marine management w e will also continue to play a leading global role, s upporting the protection and sustainable development of the world's seas . Put simply, MMO a ims to deliver for the good of the UK, as well as for the whole o f the planet.

We were on our way to unveiling o

ur new MMO vision just as the

Covid-19 pandemic hit. As

our attention quickly turned to supporting our customers and sta keholders to respond to the health and economic crisis, we began being the MMO we aspire to be, and to use guiding principles and values to help secure and deliver support for our marine development sectors.

So we decided it's time to share our vision, and

begin the next st age of MMO's journey with renewed purpose, ambition and identity.

We look forward

to supporting our customers, partners and stakeholders recover, and to work together towards a prosperous future for our seas, coasts and communities.Tom McCormack CEO


to our future

In late 2019, MMO was doing

a lot of thinking about the future. Our focus was about our role in the context of leaving the EU, supporting the new environmental ambitions, and preparing for a range of game-changing legislation for How would MMO create ‘win-win-wins" in the context of climate change, economic recovery and environmental protection, balancing those critical priorities? How could we use our marine skills, expertise and evidence to be a force for good for our seas and coasts? And mostly, what is our vision? What positive changes do we want to help make happen in the next ten years? And what are our plans to get there? •We will actively support government"s huge ambitions in its 25 Year

Environment Plan, including net

zero carbon emissions by 2050 and protecting 30% of the world"s oceans by 2030, along with fundamental changes and as an independent coastal state.

Our ambitions for MMO are also big

- we aim to lead the way in protecting and enhancing our seas whilst enabling industries, people and communities

We are passionate about what we

need to do to ensure a thriving, prosperous future for our seas, coasts and coastal communities.

We want to create more ‘win-win-wins"

across environmental, economic and societal objectives. This needs balanced judgements.

MMO is uniquely placed to

make a positive difference.• We want to become a service- focussed regulator, transforming and creating stronger ongoing relationships with our customers and stakeholders to deliver our objec tives.

Working across

government and with o thers, we will harness the best evidence and technology to make decisions and help deliver our quotas and licen ing wind farms, or helping respond to climate change and b iodiversity objectives.

We already know

a bout some of the big changes to come; other big changes and opportunities still need to as our 'bridging years' - a key time to work with our stakeholders and delivery partners to reset our marine ambitions for the next ten years, and help shape and solve the big questions for our seas and coasts. And doing so whilstquotesdbs_dbs47.pdfusesText_47
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