[PDF] frida kahlo autorretrato

Redalyc.Título: Autorretrato como tehuana Autora: Frida Kahlo

Moreno Rosa. Título: Autorretrato como tehuana Autora: Frida Kahlo Lugar: México D.F. Fecha: 1943. Técnica: Óleo sobre masonite

Redalyc.Frente al espejo: Una aproximación a las obras

obra de la artista mexicana Frida Kahlo a partir de la pintura “Autorretrato”. (1926)


A través del lenguaje pictórico la artista mexicana Frida Kahlo consigue liberarse del Autorretrato mujer-sujeto-pictórico

La filosofía en el arte de Frida Kahlo. La colisión de mestizajes en

Su rostro persevera estable en un modo de ser europeo en cambio su cuerpo se reentrama con el primer mestizaje. En la obra “Autorretrato en la frontera” se 

Frida Kahlo

En este particular autorretrato la artista mexicana presenta sus dos personalidades: a la derecha

Frente al espejo: Una aproximación a las obras “Autorretrato” (1926

obra de la artista mexicana Frida Kahlo a partir de la pintura “Autorretrato”. (1926)


Durante su vida pinta decenas de autorretratos. También pinta paisajes y retratos de personajes importantes de su época. Muchos de sus cuadros reflejan.

Frida Kahlo

Esta obra se titula Autorretrato con chango y loro y fue realizada por Frida Kahlo en 1942. La técnica es óleo sobre maso- nite y sus medidas son 546 cm.

¿Quién pintó más de 50 autorretratos?

Frida Kahlo nació en una ciudad de México llamada Coyocán. Creció con sus padres y sus seis hermanas. La pequeña Frida fue una niña muy enfermiza.


NOÇOES DE ANDROGINIA NA OBRA DA ARTISTA "FRIDA KAHLO" denominado “Autorretrato con traje terciopelo” del año 1926 después de.

FriDa Kahlo (Mexican 1907–1954) - MoMA

Autorretrato con pelo cortado was conceived and painted at a moment when Kahlo was particularly keen to establish her financial independence from rivera and to make a living from her art 10 it is therefore certainly plausible to view the work as one early critic did and others subsequently have done as a sign of Kahlo’s “determination

What is Frida Kahlo's journal?

Published in its entirety, Frida Kahlo’s amazing, illustrated journal documents the last 10 years of her turbulent life. These passionate, often surprising, intimate records, kept under lock and key for some 40 years in Mexico, reveal many new dimensions in the complex personal life of this remarkable Mexican artist.

What is Kahlo's relationship with Diego Rivera?

Many of her works are self-portraits that symbolically express her own pain and sexuality. In 1929 Kahlo married the Mexican muralist Diego Rivera. They shared political views, and he encouraged her artistic endeavors.

Who is Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón?

Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderón was a Mexican painter, who has achieved great international popularity. She painted using vibrant colors in a style that was influenced by indigenous cultures of México as well as by European influences that include Realism, Symbolism, and Surrealism.

Why did Firda paint a portrait of Diego Rivera?

This painting expresses Firda's desire to possess Diego Rivera, who continues betraying her with his affairs with other women. But she cannot stop thinking about him. She painted a miniature portrait of him on her brow which indicating the obsessive love she has for the famous Mexican artist.

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