[PDF] Rapport Annuel Annual Report 2014

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Langage C++ et calcul scientifique

16 déc. 2013 Le contenu de ce livre a fait l'objet de cours de troisième année à l'école na- ... par des exercices qui en constituent des développements ...

Le trouble panique avec paniques nocturnes : état des


Rapport Annuel Annual Report 2014

30 sept. 2016 programme annuel des Cours de l'IHÉS. Ces Cours sont donnés par les professeurs permanents les chercheurs en.

Numéro 71

23 mars 2006 d'un support de cours sur le secteur coopératif comprenant cours et exercices. Il peut être complété par des documents pédagogiques réalisés ...


18 avr. 2016 dants) désignés par le Conseil d'Administration

Interventions psychologiques brèves du trouble panique chez les

12 juil. 2011 Or sans traitement le TP suit généralement un cours ... troubles anxieux les plus courrant (Marchand et Boivin

Etude du trou noir massif central de la Galaxie et de son

15 sept. 2013 devant la commission d'examen composée de : ... AU cours des trois derniers siècles l'idée que le ciel renferme des ... 1966

École doctorale - ED 279 APESA

11 oct. 2021 L'artiste met ici en scène la destruction du Louvre alors en cours d'installation. Cette réflexion sur le passage du temps et la pérennité de ...

Université Bordeaux 2 U.F.R. DES SCIENCES MÉDICALES Année

qui m'ont enseigné l'exercice de la psychiatrie vités en cours et fuient éventuellement la situation dans laquelle ils se trouvent pour chercher.

Rapport Annuel

Annual Report


Le Bois-Marie

35, route de Chartres

F-91440 Bures-sur-Yvette France

T +33 1 60 92 66 00 F +33 1 60 92 66 69 M com@ihes.fr I www.ihes.fr

2Mot du Président ........................................................................

................................................. p. 4 ................................................. p. 8 .............................................. p. 14

Professeurs permanents

.............................................. p. 16

Chaire Léon Motchane

.............................................. p. 21 .............................................. p. 22

Professeur émérite

.............................................. p. 26

Professeur honoraire

.............................................. p. 27

Directeur et anciens directeurs

.............................................. p. 28 .............................................. p. 30 .............................................. p. 36 .............................................. p. 40 .............................................. p. 41 .............................................. p. 47 .............................................. p. 52 .............................................. p. 60 .............................................. p. 61 .............................................. p. 64 ............................ p. 65 ............................................. p. 66 .............................................. p. 67 ....................................... p. 70 Mathematical Physics of Hurwitz Numbers for Beginners ............................................. p. 71

Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics: a Special Day ........................................................................

............................................. p. 72

Quantum Gravity in Paris

............................................. p. 73

Topics in Applied Probability

............................................. p. 74 ........ p. 75 .............................................. p. 77 ........................ p. 78

Note du Directeur

.............................................. p. 80 ........................ p. 82 ........................ p. 84 ........................ p. 86 .............................................. p. 94

Donateurs 2014

.............................................. p. 97 ........................ p. 99 ..................... p. 101 ..................... p. 103 3

Table of contents

A Word from the Chairman

........................................................ p. 4 ................................................. p. 8

Award Received

..................................................... p. 14

Permanent Professors,

research, conferences and publications

Permanent Professors

..................................................... p. 16

Léon Motchane Chair

..................................................... p. 21 ..................................................... p. 22

Professor Emeritus

..................................................... p. 26

Honorary Professor

..................................................... p. 27

Director and Former Directors

..................................................... p. 28

Chair Holders,

research, conferences and publications ...................................................... p.30

Invited Researchers

..................................................... p. 36 ..................................................... p. 40


..................................................... p. 41 ..................................................... p. 47


..................................................... p. 52


..................................................... p. 60

Summer School: Analytic Number Theory

..................................................... p. 61


..................................................... p. 64 .................................. p. 65 ..................................................... p. 66 ..................................................... p. 67


......................................... p. 70 Mathematical Physics of Hurwitz Numbers for Beginners ............................................. p. 71

Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics: a Special Day ........................................................................

............................................. p. 72

Quantum Gravity in Paris

............................................. p. 73

Topics in Applied Probability

............................................. p. 74 ........ p. 75 .............................................. p. 77

Les Publications Mathématiques de l"IHÉS

.................................. p. 78

Administrative Report

Director's Note

..................................................... p. 80

Board of Directors

.................................. p. 82


.................................. p. 84

Financial Report

.................................. p. 86

Development and Communication

Fundraising and Events

..................................................... p. 94

2014 Donors

..................................................... p. 97 .................................. p. 99 ............................... p. 101 ............................... p. 103 4

A Word from the Chairman

, organisé remerciés. mission et de préserver son indépendance.


during the Board of Directors meeting held in May 2014. the Board of Directors since 2008, and as an individual board and economic model will be. truly is essential to industry. The power of models conceptualised community the proper environment for free and curiosity-driven development supported. Since 2001, 45 million euros has been collected during two international fundraising campaigns: it is an outstanding gala, which has been organised every year for the past three partners who enable this institute, a jewel in the crown of French preserve its independence.





Marwan , born on 6 March 1966, is since 2007

Committee of Airbus Group (previously EADS).

Prior to re-joining EADS, M. Lahoud had run MBDA as Chief

M. began his career at the French Defence

procurement agency DGA (Délégation générale pour l"armement) in 1989 at the Landes test range. and Space Systems. was appointed as Advisor to the French where he was responsible for the industrial consolidation programmes rolled out in February 1996. Development where he was responsible for negotiating agreements with Groupe Lagardère for the Aerospatiale-Matra

Hautes Technologies merger.

and Planning for Aerospatiale Matra, where he also served as After the foundation of EADS in 2000, he was appointed he oversaw the creation of Airbus, MBDA, Astrium and EDSN. of the Board and chairman of the audit committee of BPCE,

Board of Directors


engineering graduated of French aeronautics and space institute 8 et Richard . . Le programme de a rencontré James de nombreuses autres directions ont été présentés traitant


being held on a regular basis. These lectures are being given by

Laurent ,

MERLE and Richard gave

lectures. made available online, giving this activity broader reach. A high- level Summer School designed for doctoral students and recent PhD holders or more advanced scientists is being organised, as part of this lectures series. The 2014 Summer School was organised by Emmanuel and Philippe .

The 15-day programme on

was a great success. organisers had to select 100 young participants Z HAnG and one of the Polymath projects organised by Terence T

Ao on the gaps between prime numbers

and the Harald H


proof of the ternary Golbach conjecture. These developments, as well as many others, were

BLoMER, Harald Andrés HELFGoTT,

Andrew , Emmanuel ,

Philippe , Kannan , Terence TAo et

the year, with over 200 lectures in mathematics, theoretical physics, and mathematical biology in the form of seminars, seminar activity was also intense with the seminar on arithmetics and algebraic geometry, the seminar the analysis seminar. The seminar, the maths-physics and a special day on were an conferences organised over a total of ten days were organised, 9

Le séminaire

ont permis des

Algebra, Geometry and Physics

: a conference in honor of



Nombres d'Hurwitz.

1 er

Janvier 2015.

au cas des des contributions Piotr et

, which included lectures by more than 30 leading international scientists - among whom were three wide range of interests at the interface of mathematics and theroretical physics. Finally, special thematic days were held on topics as varied as Random Maps, or

Alexander Grothendieck

with the algebraic geometry seminar held in Bois-Marie. His

Permanent Professors

Thibault DAMouR developed with Alessandro NAGAr an non-zero spins). With Donato he obtained high order perturbative contributions to the relativist dynamics of two bodies of very different masses in three different cases: non-spinning bodies, spinning bodies, and bodies distorted by wave effects.

With Piotr

et Gerhard SCHÄFFEr, he calculated the interaction Hamiltonian (of comparable masses) to the 4PN , he obtained supergravity. Maxim


Paul et Sean KEEL, he solves essentially all

conjectures on cluster algebra concerning canonical bases and positivity. His approach is motivated by mirror symetry and

With David

, Gabriel KErr, Colin and Ludmil varieties. They also gave a symplectic interpretation theory of , he also formulated the notion of rationality for wall-crossing structures and proved algebraicity of transformations corresponding 10 et Yan


Alain et p gave a new approach for a possible - still hypothetical - demonstration of the Langlands automorphic and representations of symmetric powers of its dual. The crucial point, from which everything derives, is a stability property of the of the multiplication point by point of functions). Hitchin systems, monopoles and instantons. He also began to investigate with Thibault groups structures in the gravitational theories, as well as

Leon Motchane Professor

With Caterina , Alain introduced the

of adele class spaces and enabling progress to be made in the analogy between the Weil demonstration for function , he showed solutions give gravitation coupled with the standard model. Ahmed Michel GrOS on p-adic Hodge theory following the approach cohomology of rigid spaces.

Francis BRoWn

o fer rAMErO spaces and the Faltings' purity theorem. He contributed to the


spreading out in rigid analytic geometry. He continued the study results of rational triviality torsors to this case.

Christophe SouLÉ

of the lattice of sections of Hermitian line bundles on arithmetic surfaces. With Henri , he obtained an arithmetic riemann- Nadia , he discussed a possible formalisation of his on the development of organisms. , he investigated certain entire


-BOHr, Barry r. and Ludovic , he analysed the properties of amplitudes between massive matter and massless matter interacting gravitationally. He calculated one-loop corrections in the of the interaction dependent on the spin. 11 de , John et Ludovic et Matt

With Stephen D. et Michael GrEEN, he fully

determined the coupling of 1/8 BPS contributions to effective The coupling is given by a modular function for group


which is not an Eisenstein series. The solution thus found appears

BLOCH et Matt

K E rr , he showed that the Feynman integral of the three-loop


problem. He also made progress on his ongoing research plan:

David focused on the application of statistical

climatology and biology problems, where these applications are currently receiving a growing amount of attention.

Frank continued his research on singularities in

René Thom Professor

Robert focused on two principal projects at the

, gives coordinates that are close to lambda lengths for the moduli spaces of OSp(2,1)-connections on a surface. This case differs drastically from the bosonic spaces, as the group does not act in a transitive way on the super light cone. The second one combines Paul 's enumerative polynomials that arise in the graphical description of r iemann's moduli spaces. These polynomials are now understood to be project at the interface of mathematics and biology evolved from a discussion with Nadya leading to a model for which there is good biological reason. He also began another vertices replaced by cycles.

Louis Michel Chair Professor

Ali H.

with Alain CONNES in pushing the program of noncommutative geometry, where they have spectral model of particle physics. They are now in the process of 12 domaine avec Piotr Ali trous noirs.



Israel Gelfand Chair Professor

Spencer BLOCH made some progress in the understanding of Feynman amplitudes, and how functions more complicated thanquotesdbs_dbs21.pdfusesText_27
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