[PDF] FICHE UVRE Autoportrait - Musée national Picasso-Paris

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Autoportrait 1907

Autoportrait 1907. Mon carnet de peintre. Nom Picasso. Prénom Pablo. Epoque 1881-1973. Nationalité Espagnole. Profession Peintre. Sculpteur


Autoportrait à la mèche. 1907. Dernier autoportrait


Regarde son autoportrait quand il avait 13 ans (fichier 1 de Pablo Picasso

Diapositive 1

Picasso 1907. Autoportrait. Cézanne 1881. Autoportrait. Léonard de Vinci 1514. D'autres autoportraits Autoportrait. Paul Gauguin 1875-1877.

Arts plastiques présentation du projet

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FICHE UVRE Autoportrait - Musée national Picasso-Paris

icheuvre : Autoportrait L art de Picasso reprend ici un topos celui de la figure de l artiste mélancolique Cet autoportrait n est pas le premier de l artiste mais il est le seul de la période dite «bleue» qui débute à l automne 1901 à la suite de la mort de son ami Carlos Casagemas

  • 15 Years Old

    Picasso's self-portrait from 1896 was made when the artist was just 15 years old. At this point, he represented himself in a realistic style with visible brushstrokes and a plain background.

  • 18 Years Old

    Just three years later, Picasso's style has already evolved significantly. His self-portrait from 1900 was made with charcoal on paper. Once again, he renders his face with anatomical correctness, but his lines have become looser and sketchier.

  • 20 Years Old

    Picasso's self-portrait from 1901 displays a more modern aesthetic. His likeness is still somewhat realistic, but the color palette is limited to whites and blues, with a less modeled appearance.

  • 24 Years Old

    In 1906, when Picasso was 24 years old, he created a self-portrait with a clear expressionist style. In this drawing, his face is stylized with simplified facial features that are clearly exaggerated and bold black lines.

  • 25 Years Old

    The following year, Picasso's art transformed again. His self-portrait from 1907 portrays the artist with a more stylized face, featuring his iconic almond eyes. Additionally, his use of black lines is sharper and bolder, clearly defining his portrait before the orange background.

  • 35 Years Old

    A decade later, Picasso created a self-portrait that resembles his realistic approach from his youth. Here, he captures a three-quarter view of his face that is realistic yet also simplified to just a pencil outline.

  • 56 Years Old

    When he was in his mid-50s, Picasso created a self-portrait that reflected his world-famous aesthetic. Created with charcoal on paper, this drawing shows him at his studio with a palette and brush in hand. His face is heavily abstracted, with his almond eyes nearly overlapping one another.

  • 83 Years Old

    At 83 years old, Picasso's creative output had not slowed down at all, and his energy clearly shows in his self-portrait from this time. He is portrayed in a seated position and rendered in blues, greens, and reds.

  • 85 Years Old

    At age 85, Picasso's self-portrait embodies many characteristics the world associates with his art. Though rendered with only line art and no color, this piece features a stylized version of his figure that overlaps with his own shadow. Most of his body and the furniture behind him is filled with distinct patterns and lines.

How old was Picasso when he made his self-portrait?

Picasso's self-portrait from 1896 was made when the artist was just 15 years old. At this point, he represented himself in a realistic style with visible brushstrokes and a plain background. Just three years later, Picasso's style has already evolved significantly. His self-portrait from 1900 was made with charcoal on paper.

How did Picasso change his art?

The following year, Picasso's art transformed again. His self-portrait from 1907 portrays the artist with a more stylized face, featuring his iconic almond eyes. Additionally, his use of black lines is sharper and bolder, clearly defining his portrait before the orange background.

Who was Pablo Picasso?

Known as one of the most prolific painters of Modern Art, Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) was undoubtedly a man of many talents. The Spanish artist experimented with and excelled in many mediums, from painting and drawing to sculpting and collaging.

What color palette did Picasso use?

Following his blue period, Picasso’s work began to show Primitive influences. He also began to use a warmer color palette of pinks during his Rose Period, and, in 1907, his well-known Cubist stage began. As apparent in his self-portrait of the same year, this style incorporates geometry, fractured forms, and thick, black lines.

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