[PDF] The Global Competitiveness Report 2011–2012

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  • Qu'est-ce qu'un Formulaire Ave ?

    Le formulaire AVE est le formulaire électronique à l'aide duquel vous pouvez demander votre autorisation de voyage pour le Canada. La demande d'une AVE est obligatoire pour tous les voyageurs qui se rendent en avion au Canada. Vous devez être titulaire d'un passeport français ou belge et satisfaire aux autres conditions liées à l'AVE Canada.

  • Avant de Remplir Le Formulaire

    Il est possible de soumettre une demande d'AVE Canada pour plusieurs voyageurs en même temps à l’aide d’un seul formulaire AVE. Assurez-vous de toujours disposer des informations suivantes, relatives à tous les voyageurs pour lesquels vous souhaitez soumettre une demande d’AVE : 1. les données du passeportdu ou des voyageurs ; 2. l'adresse de l'emp...

  • Étape 1 : Coordonnées Du Demandeur

    La première étape du formulaire AVE consiste à remplir les informations relatives au demandeur de l'AVE. Il ne s'agit que de renseignements d'ordre général. Le demandeur n'a pas besoin de faire partie du voyage au Canada. En effet, il est également possible de soumettre une demande d'AVE pour une autre personne (ou pour plusieurs autres personnes e...

  • Étape 2 : données Du Passeport Du Voyageur

    La deuxième partie du formulaire AVE concerne les données du passeport du (premier) voyageur. Il peut s'agir d'une autre personne que le demandeur. Toutes les informations demandées dans cette partie du formulaire AVE figurent sur le passeport du voyageur.

  • Étape 3 : Informations générales Sur Le Voyageur

    Outre les informations figurant dans le passeport du voyageur, il est également nécessaire d’indiquer l'état civil du voyageur, s'il possède une deuxième nationalité et s'il est titulaire d'un visa ou d’un permis de travail/permis d’étudespour le Canada.

  • Étape 4 : Informations Sur l'employeur

    Il faut ensuite sélectionner la profession du voyageur (ou la profession de la liste qui s'en rapproche le plus). Le nom de l'employeur et le lieu d'activité doivent également être indiqués dans le formulaire. Enfin, il est demandé en quelle année le voyageur a commencé à travailler pour cette entreprise. Si cette personne est sans emploi, il est p...

  • Étape 5 : Les Antécédents

    La dernière étape du formulaire consiste à répondre à quelques questions relatives aux antécédents (oui/non). Il est demandé si le voyageur s'est déjà vu refuser une demande d’AVE ou une demande de visa, s'il a un passé criminel, s'il a ou a eu des maladies transmissibles, s'il est toxicomane et s'il a des problèmes d'ordre psychique.

Qu'est-ce que le formulaire Ave ?

Le formulaire AVE est le formulaire électronique à l'aide duquel vous pouvez demander votre autorisation de voyage pour le Canada. La demande d'une AVE est obligatoire pour tous les voyageurs qui se rendent en avion au Canada. Vous devez être titulaire d'un passeport français ou belge et satisfaire aux autres conditions liées à l'AVE Canada.

Combien coûte une AVE pour le Canada?

Ceci est le site Web officiel du gouvernement du Canada pour présenter une demande d’AVE pour s’envoler vers le Canada ou pour transiter par un aéroport canadien. L’AVE ne coûte que 7 $CAN. un passeport valide délivré par un pays dispensé de l'obligation de visa .

Comment obtenir une autorisation de voyage Ave pour le Canada ?

La demande d'une autorisation de voyage AVE pour le Canada est relativement simple. Vous pouvez utiliser le formulaire réservé à cet effet. Ce formulaire électronique peut être entièrement complété puis envoyé. La procédure prend cinq minutes. Assurez-vous d'avoir votre passeport à portée de main. Qu'est-ce qu'un formulaire AVE ?

Comment imprimer un formulaire Ave ?

En principe, il n'est pas nécessaire de l'imprimer, mais il arrive parfois que la compagnie aérienne demande le « numéro J » ou le « numéro AVE » qui se trouve dans le fichier PDF. En général, ce « numéro J » ou « numéro AVE » n’est demandé que lorsque le formulaire AVE a été rempli en urgence à la dernière minute.

The Global

Competitiveness Report

2011-2012Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum

The Global Competitiveness Report

2011-2012Schwab The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 © 2011 World Economic Forum

The Global

Competitiveness Report


Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martin

Columbia University

Chief Advisor of the Centre for Global Competitiveness and Performance

World Economic Forum

Geneva, Switzerland 2011

Professor Klaus Schwab

World Economic Forum

EditorThe Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 © 2011 World Economic Forum

The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-

2012 is published by the World Economic 2012 is published by the World Economic 2012

Forum within the framework of the Centre for

Global Competitiveness and Performance

Professor Klaus Schwab

Executive Chairman

Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martin

Chief Advisor of the Centre for Global

Competitiveness and Performance

Robert Greenhill

Chief Business Officer


Jennifer Blanke, Senior Director, Lead

Economist, Head of the Centre for Global

Competitiveness and Performance

Beñat Bilbao-Osorio, Associate Director,


Roberto Crotti, Junior Quantitative


Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, Director,

Senior Economist

Brindusa Fidanza, Associate Director,

Environmental Initiatives

Thierry Geiger, Associate Director,


Ciara Browne, Associate Director

Pearl Samandari, Community Manager

Satu Kauhanen, Coordinator

We thank Hope Steele for her superb edit-

ing work and Neil Weinberg for his excellent graphic design and layout. We are grateful to

Djemila Zouyene for her invaluable research

assistance. The terms country and country and countrynation as used in this report do not in all cases refer to a territorial

entity that is a state as understood by inter-entity that is a state as understood by inter-entity that is a state as understood by inter

national law and practice. The terms cover well-dened, geographically self-contained economic areas that may not be states but for which statistical data are maintained on a separate and independent basis.

World Economic Forum


Copyright © 2011

by the World Economic Forum

All rights reserved. No part of this publication

may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,

electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or other-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or other-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or other

wise without the prior permission of the World

Economic Forum.

ISBN-13: 978-92-95044-74-6

ISBN-10: 92-95044-74-6

This book is printed on paper suitable for

recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources.

Printed and bound in Switzerland by SRO-Kundig.The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 © 2011 World Economic Forum


Partner Institutesv


by Klaus Schwab and Robert Greenhill

Part I: Measuring Competitiveness


1.1 The Global Competitiveness Index 2011-2012: 3

Setting the Foundations for Strong Productivity

by Xavier Sala-i-Martin, Beñat Bilbao-Osorio, Jennifer Blanke,

Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, and Thierry Geiger

1.2 The Long-Term View: Developing a Framework for51

Assessing Sustainable Competitiveness

by Jennifer Blanke, Roberto Crotti, Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz,

Brindusa Fidanza, and Thierry Geiger

1.3 The Executive Opinion Survey: An Indispensable 75

Tool in the Assessment of National Competitiveness by Ciara Browne and Thierry Geiger

Part 2: Data Presentation


2.1 Country/Economy Profiles87

How to Read the Country/Economy Profiles................................89 List of Countries/Economies.........................................................91 Country/Economy Profiles.............................................................92

2.2 Data Tables377

How to Read the Data Tables.....................................................379 Index of Data Tables...................................................................381 Data Tables........................................................................ ..........383

Technical Notes and Sources521

About the Authors525

Acknowledgments527The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 © 2011 World Economic Forum The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 © 2011 World Economic Forum

Partner Institutes


Partner Institutes

The World Economic Forum's Centre for Global

Competitiveness and Performance is pleased to

acknowledge and thank the following organizations as its valued Partner Institutes, without which the realization of The Global Competitiveness Report 2011-

2012 would not have been feasible:


Institute for Contemporary Studies (ISB)

Artan Hoxha, President

Elira Jorgoni, Senior Expert and Project Manager

Denalada Kuzumi, Researcher


Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquée pour le

Développement (CREAD)

Youcef Benabdallah, Assistant Professor

Yassine Ferfera, Director


MITC Investimentos

Estefania Jover, Senior Adviser

South Africa-Angola Chamber of Commerce (SA-ACC)

Roger Ballard-Tremeer, Hon Chief Executive


IAE - Universidad Austral

Cristian Alonso, Project Manager

Eduardo Luis Fracchia, Professor


Economy and Values Research Center

Manuk Hergnyan, Chairman

Sevak Hovhannisyan, Board Member and Senior Associate

Gohar Malumyan, Research Associate


Australian Industry Group

Carola Lehmer, Senior Research Coordinator

Heather Ridout, Chief Executive

Nikki Wilson, Administrative Assistant


Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)

Karl Aiginger, Director

Gerhard Schwarz, Coordinator, Survey Department


Azerbaijan Marketing Society

Fuad Aliyev, Project Manager

Ashraf Hajiyev, Consultant


Bahrain Competitiveness Council, Bahrain Economic

Development Board

Nada Azmi, Manager, Economic Planning and Development

Mohammed bin Essa Al-Khalifa, Chief Executive

Maryam Matter, Coordinator, Economic Planning and



Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)

Mustafizur Rahman, Executive Director

Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Senior Research Fellow

Kishore Kumer Basak, Research Associate


Arthur Lewis Institute for Social and Economic Studies,

University of West Indies (UWI)

Andrew Downes, Director


Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School

Priscilla Boairdi, Associate, Competence Centre

Entrepreneurship, Governance and Strategy

Wim Moesen, Professor

Leo Sleuwaegen, Professor, Competence Centre

Entrepreneurship, Governance and Strategy


CAPOD - Conception et Analyse de Politiques de


Epiphane Adjovi, Director

Maria-Odile Attanasso, Deputy Coordinator

Fructueux Deguenonvo, Researcher

Bosnia and Herzegovina

MIT Center, School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo,

University of Sarajevo

Zlatko Lagumdzija, Professor

Zeljko Sain, Executive Director

Jasmina Selimovic, Assistant Director


Botswana National Productivity Centre

Letsogile Batsetswe, Research Consultant and Statistician

Parmod Chandna, Acting Executive Director

Phumzile Thobokwe, Manager, Information and Research

Services Department


Fundação Dom Cabral

Marina Araújo, Economist and Researcher, The

Competitiveness and Innovation Center

Carlos Arruda, Executive Director, International Advisory

Council and Professor, The Competitiveness and

Innovation Center

Fabiana Madsen, Economist and Researcher, The

Competitiveness and Innovation Center

Movimento Brasil Competitivo (MBC)

Erik Camarano, Director President

Nikelma Moura, Communications Assistant

Tatiana Ribeiro, Project Coordinator

Brunei Darussalam

Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources

Pehin Dato Yahya Bakar, Minister

Dato Dr Amin Abdullah, Permanent Secretary


Center for Economic Development

Anelia Damianova, Senior ExpertThe Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 © 2011 World Economic Forum

Partner InstitutesPartner Institutes


Burkina Faso

lnstitut Supérieure des Sciences de la Population (ISSP),

University of Ouagadougou

Samuel Kabore, Economist and Head of Development

Strategy and Population Research


University Research Centre for Economic and Social Development (CURDES), National University of Burundi

Banderembako Deo, Director

Gilbert Niyongabo, Dean, Faculty of Economics &



Economic Institute of Cambodia

Sok Hach, President

Seiha Neou, Research Manager

Sokheng Sam, Researcher


Comité de Compétitivité (Competitiveness Committee)

Lucien Sanzouango, Permanent Secretary


The Conference Board of Canada

Michael R. Bloom, Vice-President, Organizational

Effectiveness & Learning

Anne Golden, President and Chief Executive Officer

P. Derek Hughes, Senior Research Associate

Cape Verde

INOVE RESEARCH - Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Lda

Sara Mendes, Senior Researcher

Júlio Delgado, Partner and Senior Researcher

Frantz Tavares, Partner and Chief Executive Officer Chad Groupe de Recherches Alternatives et de Monitoring du

Projet Pétrole-Tchad-Cameroun (GRAMP-TC)

Antoine Doudjidingao, Researcher

Gilbert Maoundonodji, Director

Celine Nénodji Mbaipeur, Programme Officer


Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Fernando Larrain Aninat, Director of the Master in Management and Public Policy, School of Government

Camila Chadwick, Project Coordinator

Leonidas Montes, Dean, School of Government


Institute of Economic System and Management

National Development and Reform Commission

Zhou Haichun, Deputy Director and Professor

Chen Wei, Research Fellow

Dong Ying, Professor

China Center for Economic Statistics Research,

Tianjin University of Finance and Economics

Lu Dong, Professor

Hongye Xiao, Professor

Bojuan Zhao, Professor

Huazhang Zheng, Associate Professor


National Planning Department

Alvaro Edgar Balcazar, Entrepreneurial Development Director

Hernando José Gómez, General Director

Nelson Fabián Villareal Rincón, Advisor

Colombian Council of Competitiveness

Rosario Córdoba, President

Côte d'Ivoire

Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Côte d'Ivoire

Jean-Louis Billon, President

Jean-Louis Giacometti, Technical Advisor to the President

Mamadou Sarr, Director General


National Competitiveness Council

Jadranka Gable, Project Administrator

Kresimir Jurlin, Research Associate

Mira Lenardic, Senior Advisor


Cyprus College Research Center

Bambos Papageorgiou, Head of Socioeconomic and

Academic Research

cdbbank - The Cyprus Development Bank Maria Markidou-Georgiadou, Manager, International Business


Czech Republic

CMC Graduate School of Business

Tomas Janca, Executive Director


Innoption EMEA ApS

Carsten Snedker, Managing Partner


ESPAE Graduate School of Management, Escuela Superior

Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL)

Elizabeth Arteaga, Project Assistant

Virginia Lasio, Director

Sara Wong, Professor


The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies

Iman Al-Ayouty, Senior Economist

Omneia Helmy, Deputy Director of Research and Lead


Magda Kandil, Executive Director and Director of Research


Estonian Institute of Economic Research

Evelin Ahermaa, Head of Economic Research Sector

Marje Josing, Director

Estonian Development Fund

Kitty Kubo, Head of Foresight


African Institute of Management, Development and


Tegegne Teka, General Manager


ETLA - The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy

Petri Rouvinen, Research Director

Markku Kotilainen, Research Director


HEC School of Management, Paris

Bertrand Moingeon, Professor and Deputy Dean

Bernard Ramanantsoa, Professor and Dean

Gambia, The

Gambia Economic and Social Development Research Institute (GESDRI)

Makaireh A. Njie, Director


Business Initiative for Reforms in Georgia

Tamara Janashia, Executive Director

Giga Makharadze, Founding Member of the Board of


Mamuka Tsereteli, Founding Member of the Board of

DirectorsThe Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012 © 2011 World Economic Forum

Partner InstitutesPartner Institutes



IW Consult GmbH, Cologne Institute for Economic Research

Adriana Sonia Neligan, Head of Department

WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar

Ralf Fendel, Professor of Monetary Economics

Michael Frenkel, Professor, Chair of Macroeconomics and

International Economics


Association of Ghana Industries (AGI)

Patricia Djorbuah, Projects Officer

Cletus Kosiba, Executive Director

Nana Owusu-Afari, President


SEV Hellenic Federation of Enterprises

Michael Mitsopoulos, Coordinator, Research and Analysis Thanasis Printsipas, Economist, Research and Analysis



Edgar A. Heinemann, President of the Board of Directors

Pablo Schneider, Economic Director

Juan Carlos Zapata, General Manager


Institute of Development Studies, University of Guyana

Karen Pratt, Research Associate

Clive Thomas, Director


Private Sector Economic Forum

Edouard Baussan, Deputy Coordinator

Reginald Boulos, Coordinator

Bernard Craan, Secretary General

Hong Kong SAR

Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

David O'Rear, Chief Economist

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

Alexandra Poon, Director

The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce


KOPINT-TÁRKI Economic Research Ltd.

Peter Vakhal,, Project Manager

Éva Palócz, Chief Executive Officer


Innovation Center Iceland

Karl Fridriksson, Managing Director of Human Resources and


Ardis Armannsdottir, Marketing Manager

Thorsteinn I. Sigfusson, Director


Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General

Marut Sengupta, Deputy Director General

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