[PDF] Vertigo Years : Europe 1900-1914

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Tsafon 76

1 déc. 2018 de la mystique juive ancienne dont la littérature des heykhalot (Palais divins)

Vertigo Years : Europe 1900-1914

objets anciens; here we find fresh green asparagus which people love here the French equivalent to the German Blut und Boden. It had been formu-.

New Orleans and the Global South

Entre la Caraïbe et l'Amérique du Nord: le créole louisianais et son and the divisive contention (Aus-einander-setzen) but rather

The Vertigo Years




A Member of the Perseus Books Group



List of Illustrationsviii

Acknowledgements xi


1: The Dynamo and the Virgin

2: The Changing of the Guard

3: Oedipus Rex

4: A Strange Luminescence

5: His Majesty and Mister Morel

6 : In All Fury 7 : Dreadnoughtand Anxiety

8: Dreams and Visions

9: Ladies with Rocks

10: The Cult of the Fast Machine

11: Human Nature Changed

12: People's Palaces

13: Questions of Breeding

14: Wagner's Crime

15: Murder Most Foul





List of Illustrations

Text Illustrations

p. Porte monumentale, World Fair Paris, ???(Roger-Viollet/Getty) p. A view of the World Fair from the Alexandre III bridge, Paris, ??? (Roger-Viollet/Getty) p. ?The hall of dynamos,World Fair Paris, ???(Roger-Viollet/Topfoto) p. ??Edward VII (Corbis) p. ??Ernst, Duke of Saxony-Altenburg with his family (Schlossmuseum,Altenburg) p. ?Kaiser Wilhelm II, ???(Topfoto) p. ??Sigmund Freud with his grandchildren, ???(Mary Evans Picture


p. ?AEG turbine factory, Berlin, by Peter Behrens (AKG images) © DACS ???? p. Fagus works, Alfeld by Walter Gropius (AKG images) © DACS ???? p. ?Gustav Klimt, Judith, ???, Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna (Bridgeman Art Library) p. ?Gustav Klimt, Cover of Ver Sacrum, the journal of the Viennese


, Historisches Museum der Stadt, Vienna (Bridgeman

Art Library)

p. ??Marie and Pierre Curie, ??(Getty) p. ??Albert Einstein (Topfoto) p. ?Leopold II of Belgium (Corbis) p.

Edward Dene Morel (Anti-Slavery International)

p. ???Father with his daughter's severed hand, Congo (Anti-SlaveryInternational) p. ???Ludwig Deutsch, The Nubian Guard, Fine Art Society, London (Bridgeman Art Library) p. ???Russian peasants, c.???(Weidenfeld & Nicolson Archive) p. ??Father Gapon surrounded by supporters (AKG images) p. ?Admiral Jackie Fisher, c.???(TopFoto) viii p. ???Duel Landau-Maurras, ?December ????(Roger-Viollet/Bridgeman

Art Library)

p. ???Bertha von Suttner (AKG images) p. p. ???Young Wandervogelactivists, ????(AKG images) p. ???Elena Petrovna Blavatsky and Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, ???? (Bridgeman Art Library) p. ???Rudolf Steiner, ????(AKG images) p. ???Mary Gawthorpe, January ????(Mary Evans Picture Library) p. ???Emmeline Pankhurst arrested outside Buckingham Palace, January????(Getty images) p. ???Leonora Cohen (Leeds Museum and Galleries, City Art Gallery) p. ???Lillian Lenton, police identity photograph, c.????(National Portrait

Gallery, London)

p. ???Louis Blériot flying over the Channel, July ????(Topfoto) p.

???Mikhail Larionov, Autumn, c.????-??, Musée National d'ArtModerne, Centre Pompidou, Paris (Bridgeman Art Library) © AGAGP, Paris and DACS, London ????

p. ???Georges Braque, Still Life with a Violin and a Pitcher, ????, Kunstmuseum, Basel (Bridgeman Art Library) © ADAGP, Paris and

DACS, London ????

p. ???Photograph by Thomas Eakins (Weidenfeld & Nicolson Archive) p.

???Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase, No. ?, ????,Philadelphia Museum of Art Pennsylvania (Bridgman Art Library) © Succession Marcel Duchamp/ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London????


???Oskar Kokoschka, The Dreaming Boys, ????, Scottish National Galleryof Modern Art, Edinburgh (Bridgeman Art Library) © FoundationOskar Kokoschka/DACS ????

p. ???Alfred Kubin, War, c ????, Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden © Everhard


p. ???Postal Strike in front of the Cinema Palace-Gaumont, ????(Roger-

Viollet/Bridgeman Art Library)

p. ???Max Linder in a film still, c.????-?(Roger-Viollet/Topfoto) p. ???Sarah Bernhardt (Topfoto) p. ???Enrico Caruso (Alinari/Bridgeman Art Library) p.

???Photographs by Jacques Henri Lartigue, Donation Lartigue © Ministère de la Culture, France/AAJHL

p. ???Kellogg's corn flakes magazine advert, c.????(Advertising Archives,


p. ???Women cyclists (Mary Evans Picture Library) p. ???Ernst Haeckel, Ascidiae, plate ??from Kunstformen der Natur, ????(Bridgeman Art Library) ix p.???Cesare Lombroso, Specimen of Criminals, from L'Homme Criminel, published by Felix Alcan, ????(Bridgeman Art Library) p.???Alfred Kubin, Salto Mortale,c.????, Albertina, Vienna © Everhard


p.???Marius Jacob dir Escande (Roger-Viollet/Bridgeman Art Library) p.???Henriette Caillaux arriving at the Courts of Justice, ????(Roger-

Viollet/Bridgeman Art Library)

p.???Jean Metzinger, The cycle-racing track, ????, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice (The Art Archive) © ADAGP, Paris and DACS,


p.???Photograph by Eugène Atget (private collection)

Colour Plate Section

Egon Schiele,

Nude Self-Portrait

, Leopold Collection, Vienna (AKG images) Carlo Carrà, Interventionist Manifesto, ????, Mattioli Collection, Milan (Bridgeman Art Library) Luigi Russolo, The Dynamism of an Automobile, ????, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris (Bridgeman Art Library)

Robert Delaunay,

Champs de Mars

, Art Institute of Chicago (Scala)

Umberto Boccioni,

Landesmuseum, Hanover (Bridgeman Art Library)

Henri Matisse, Le Bonheur de Vivre, ????-?, The Barnes Foundation, Merion, Pennsylvania (Bridgeman Art Library) © Succession H. Matisse/DACS

Kazimir Malevich,

Taking in the Rye, ????, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (Bridgeman Art Library)

Kazimir Malevich,

An Englishman in Moscow

, Stedelijk Museum,

Amsterdam (Bridgeman Art Library)

Pablo Picasso,

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

, Museum of Modern Art, New York (Bridgeman Art Library) © Succession Picasso/DACS

Gustav Klimt,

(Corbis) Giorgio de Chirico, The Uncertainty of the Poet, ????Tate Gallery, London


André Derain, At the Suresnes Ball, ????, St Louis Art Museum © ADAGP,

Paris and DACS, London ????

Unless otherwise credited all photographs were loaned from private collections. While every effort has been made to trace copyright holders , if any have inadvertently been overlooked the publishers will be happy to acknowledge them in future editions. x Nothing is less ethical than so-called sexual ÔmoralityÕ; which re?sts entirely on social convenienceÉperhaps the most important psychological fact of our time is the tension between ethics and social rules, which is growing slowly and being more and more acutely felt. On this Procrustean bed the modern soul is so overstretched, so wrenched apart in its innermost Þbres and made oversensitive, that it is hard to see a parallel in all of intellectual historyÉ Second problem: that of modernity, how to reconcile with the soul the enormous mass of the new. The particular character of today lies in the fact that no other time had to conquer such a multitude of new elements.

Ð Count Harry Kessler,




T hey are standing on the side of a tree-lined country road; men and boys mostly, full of anticipation. The heat of the summer bears down on them. They look down the road stretching out ahead, as far as they ca n see. A faint humming sound becomes audible. A car appears on the straigh t line between the streets, small and surrounded by a cloud of dust, and growing, growing with every passing second. It hurtles towards the spect a- tors, its powerful engine speeding it on, roaring ever more loudly, a vi sion of concentrated power. One of the onlookers, a young man of eighteen, readies his camera to take the shot he has been waiting for. The vehicle is coming closer, roa ring,quotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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