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Chapter 3: Single Variable Unconstrained Optimization optimization

In a sense nearly all economic problems are constrained because we are interested almost exclusively in non-negative numbers for variables like output and 

Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization

Oct 10th 2017. C. Hurtado (UIUC - Economics). Numerical Methods. Page 2. On the Agenda. 1 Numerical Optimization. 2 Minimization of Scalar Function.

Mathematical Economics (ECON 471) Lecture 4 Unconstrained

That would be the Lagrangian Method. Consider now a constrained optimization problem with equality constraints. max x. F(x).


1 Mathematical and Economic Foundations. A Mathematical Preliminaries. 1 Unconstrained Optimization. 2 Constrained Optimization. B Consumer Optimization. 1 

Public Economics (ECON 131) Section #1: Optimization Review

2 Unconstrained Optimization. 1. 3 Constrained Optimization. 2. 3.1 Mathematicaltools If your constrained optimization is rusty practice deriving this result ...

Enhanced Parallel Sine Cosine Algorithm for Constrained and

3 abr. 2022 algorithms; SCA algorithm; unconstrained optimization. MSC: 49M99 ... Supply-Demand-Based Optimization: A Novel Economics-Inspired Algorithm for ...

Lecture 2: Optimization

There are two types of optimization problems depending on whether the set of feasible solutions is constrained or unconstrained. If the optimization problem is 

Function of Several variables Quadratic forms and Optimization

Level curves in Economics: Example. A simple production function is the Cobb Unconstrained Optimization. Constrained Optimization: Equality constraints.


In economic applications unconstrained optimisation is a relatively rare case. More often

Mathematical Economics Course Code: ECN 3083 (3 credit hours/5

The course covers unconstrained equality constrained and inequality constrained optimization problems including linear programming and a discussion of the Kuhn 

[PDF] Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization

Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization Carlos Hurtado Department of Economics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

[PDF] Mathematical Economics (ECON 471) Lecture 4 Unconstrained

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THEORY AND ECONOMIC EXAMPLES We begin with a constrained optimization problem of the type We then solve the unconstrained maximization problem

[PDF] 1 Unconstrained optimization - Simon Fraser University

This is not a very interesting case for economics which typically deals with problems where resources are constrained but represents a natural starting point 

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economic decision analysis involves determining the action that best achieves a desired goal or objec- Constrained versus Unconstrained Optimization

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Unconstrained Optimization: Single Variable Basic Math for Economics – Refresher o Constrained Optimization on the other hand imposes limits

[PDF] numerical optimization methods in economics - business uzh

Our agents may face constraints such as budget equations short-sale restric- tions or incentive-compatibility constraints There are also unconstrained 

[PDF] Constrained Optimization - Trinity College Dublin

Until now we have consider unconstrained problems Usually economic agents face natural constraints Consumer's problem: Suppose that a consumer has a 

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EC5555 Economics Masters Refresher Course in Mathematics September 2013 Lecture 6 – Optimization with equality constraints Francesco Feri 

Clower, R.W. 1967. A reconsideration of the

microfoundations of monetary theory.Western Economic

Journal6(December), 1-8.

Hahn, F. 1982. Stability. InHandbook of Mathematical Economics, vol. 2, ed. K.J. Arrow and M.D. Intriligator.

Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Steuart, Sir J. 1767.Principles(Book 1). London.

Walras, L. 1874-7.Ele´ments d'e´conomie politique pure. Definitive edn, Lausanne: Corbaz, 1926. Trans. W. Jaffe


Elements of Pure Economics, London: George Allen &

Unwin, 1954.

numerical optimization methods in economics Optimizing agents are at the centre of most economic models. In our models we typically assume that con- sumers maximize utility or wealth, that players in a game maximize payoffs, that firms minimize costs or maximize profits, or that social planners maximize welfare. But it is not only the agents in our models that optimize. Econo- metricians maximize likelihood functions or minimize sums of squares. Clearly optimization is one of the key techniques of modern economic analysis.

The optimization problems that appear in economic

analysis vary greatly in nature. We encounter finite- dimensional problems such as static utility maximization problems with a few goods. An optimal solution to such a problem is a finite-dimensional vector. We analyse infi- nite-dimensional problems such as infinite-horizon social planner models or continuous-time optimal control problems. Here the solution is an infinite-dimensional object, a vector with countably infinitely many elements or even a function over an interval. Our agents may face constraints such as budget equations, short-sale restric- tions or incentive-compatibility constraints. There are also unconstrained problems such as nonlinear least- square problems. Decision variables may even be restricted to be discrete. Agents" objective functions may be linear or nonlinear, convex or nonconvex, many times differentiable or discontinuous. Finally, an economic optimization problem may be deterministic or stochastic. Unless we consider stylized models in theoretical work or make very stringent and often quite unrealistic assump- tions in applied models, the optimization problems that we encounter cannot be solved analytically. Instead we need to resort to numerical methods. The numerical methods that we employ to solve economic optimization models vary just as much as the optimization problems we encounter. It is therefore impossible to cover the wide variety of numerical optimization methods that are useful in economics in a short article. For the purpose of the exposition here we focus on deterministic finite- dimensional nonlinear optimization problems including linear programs. This is a natural choice because such

problems are ubiquitous in economic analysis. Moreover,the techniques for these problems play also an important

part in many other numerical methods such as those for solving economic equilibrium and infinite-dimensional problems. The interested reader should consultCOMPUTA-




andDYNAMIC PROGRAMMING. We first indicate some of the fundamental technical difficulties that we need to be aware of when we apply numerical methods to our economic optimization prob- lems. We then highlight the basic theoretical founda- tions for numerical optimization methods. The popular numerical optimization methods have strong theoretical foundations. Unfortunately, current textbooks in com- putational economics, with the partial exception of Judd (1998), neglect to emphasize these foundations. As a result some economists are rather sceptical about numerical methods and view them as rather ad hoc approaches. Instead, a good understanding of the the- oretical foundations of the numerical solution methods gives us an appreciation of the capabilities and limita- tions of these methods and can guide our choice of suitable methods for a specific economic problem. We outline the most fundamental numerical strategies that form the basis for most algorithms. All presented numerical strategies are implemented in at least one of the those computer software packages for solving opti- mization problems that are most popular in economics. We close our discussion with a look at mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs), a promising research area in numerical optimization that has useful applications in economics.1 Newton's method in one dimension We start with the one-dimensional unconstrained opti- mization problem min x2R fðxÞ. (1) Perhaps the first (if any) numerical method that most of us learnt in our calculus classes is Newton"s method. Newton"s method attempts to minimize successive quad- ratic approximations to the objective functionfin the hope of eventually finding a minimum off. To start the computations we need to provide an initial guessx(0) . The quadratic approximationq(x)off(x) at the pointx 0 is qðxÞ¼fðx 0


0 ðx




1 2f 00 ðx




2 wheref 0 andf 00 denote the first and second derivative of the functionf, respectively. Solving the first-order condition q 0


0 ðx



00 ðx





numerical optimization methods in economics4647 on the assumption thatf 00 ðx


Þa0 yields the solution





f 0 ðx


f 00 ðx


Now we repeat this process using a quadratic approxi- mation tofat the pointx (1) . The result is a sequence of points,fx










;..., that we hope will converge to the solution of our minimization prob- lem. This approach is based on the following theoretical result.


is the solution to the minimization problem (1). Suppose further thatfis three times con- tinuously differentiable in a neighborhood ofx and that f 00 ðx n

Þa0. Then there exists somed40 such that if

jx n ?xð0Þjod, then the sequence {x (k) } converges quad- ratically tox , that is, lim k!N jx


?x n j jx


?x n j 2 ¼k for some finite constantk.&

We illustrate this theorem with a simple example.

Example 1A consumer has a utility functionuðx;yÞ¼ lnðxÞþ2lnðyÞover two goods. She can spend $1 on buying quantities of these two goods, both of which have a price of $1. After substituting the budget equation, x+y=1, into the utility function the consumer wants to maximizefðxÞ¼lnðxÞþ2lnð1?xÞ. Setting the first order condition equal to 0 yields the solutionx n 1 3 (This quantity is globally optimal because the functionf is strictly concave.)

Suppose we start Newton"s method with the initial

guessx (0) =0.5. Then the first Newton step yields x



f 0


f 00


2 ?12¼1 3. Newton"s method found the exact optimal solution in one step. This (almost) never happens in practice. Much more usual is the behaviour we observe when we start withx (0) =0.8. Then Newton"s method delivers as its first five steps



We observe that the sequence rapidly converges to the optimal solution. The corresponding errors |x (k) ?x



?5 ;1:4078?10 ?9 converge to but never exactly reach zero. The rate of convergence is called quadratic sincejx


?x n jo Ljx


?x n j 2 for some constantLoncekis sufficiently large.& But, of course, contrary to this simple example, we typically do not knowx and so cannot compute the errors |x (k) ?x |. Instead, we need a stopping rule that indicates when the procedure terminates. The require- ment thatf 0 ðx


Þodmay appear to be an intuitive

stopping rule. But that rule may be insufficient for func- tions that are very ‘flat" near the optimum and have large ranges of non-optimal points satisfying this rule. There- fore, a safer stopping rule requires bothf 0 ðx









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