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Ce document est le fruit dun long travail approuvé par le jury de

œuvre pour interpréter le sens des énoncés en général. Il existe une unité lexicale S'ACCORDER illustrée en (10) qui dénote le ... quot 2008


10 Des périodiques qui ont trouvé place dans le Catalogue des Périodiques reçus par les Bibliothèques suisses

Horloges astronomiques au tournant du XVIIIe siècle : de là-peu

13 sept. 2022 Intérêt d'une carte du ciel respectant les angles . ... mathématicien et historien des sciences anciennes Otto Neugebauer.

Germanica 53

10. Le volume se clôt sur une section entièrement dédiée à l'œuvre de l'écrivain et Si un certain Otto Meyer est le réalisateur de ce film il semble.

Musique et globalisation: musicologie-ethnomusicologie

8 ian. 2013 Le créateur qui mise sur l'hybridation des cultures pour produire une œuvre d'art ne sau- rait être tenu pour responsable et encore moins ...


8 ian. 2011 Similar presentations of the artist and his oeuvre were ... (Les joueurs de cartes around 1890/92) at first seems obvious

Acta Skandinaviska romanistkongressen Göteborg. Alla texterna

2 ian. 2012 Serge Doubrovsky est l'auteur d'une imposante œuvre littéraire dans laquelle il ... exemples repérés dans les dix premières pages de Fils).


d'exposer dans une œuvre poétique

Hiding Making def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-07-13 /

11:15 | Pag. 1

Hiding Making def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-07-13 / ?11:15 | Pag. 2





The Studio from Turner to Tacita Dean

Amsterdam University Press

Hiding Making def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-07-13 /

11:15 | Pag. 3

This book is published in print and online through the online ????? library (www.oapen.org) (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) is a collaborative initiative to develop and implement a sustainable Open Access publica- tion model for academic books in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The Library aims to improve the visibility and usability of high quality academic research by aggregating peer reviewed Open Access publications from across Europe. This publication has kindly been supported by an Open Access Publication Grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scienti?c Research ( Cover design and lay-out: Sander Pinkse Boekproductie, Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press English-language titles are distributed in the ?? and Canada by the University of Chicago Press. 97

8 90 8964 507 4

e-???? 97

8 90 4851 824 1 (pdf)

e-???? 97

8 90 4851 825 8 (ePub)


Creative Commons License

All authors/Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2013 Some rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, any part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photo c opying, recording or otherwise). Every e?ort has been made to obtain permission to use all copyrighted illustrations reproduced in this book. Nonetheless, whosoever believes to have rights to this ma- terial is advised to contact the publisher. Hiding Making def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-07-13 / K11:15 | Pag. 4

Table of Contents

For eword 7

Intr oduction 9 R AC H E L E S NER , SAN D RA K IS T ERS , A NN S O P H IE LE HM ANN P ART I Intr oduction: Old and New Studio Topoi in the Nineteenth


15 S AN D RA K IS T ERS 1 S tudio Matters: Materials, Instruments and Artistic


M ONIKA W AGNER 2 J ean-Léon Gérôme, His Badger and His


4 3 MAT TH IAS K R G ER 3 Sho wing Making in Courbet's The

Painter's Studio



H A T E CH U 4 M aking and Creating. The Painted Palette in Late Nineteenth-

Century Dutch Painting

7 3 TERR Y V AN DRU T EN 5 1

4, rue de La Rochefoucauld. The Partial Eclipse of




The Ar

tist as Centerpiece. The Image of the Artist in Studio

Photographs of the Nineteenth Century

MA YKEN J O NK M AN Hiding Making def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-07-13 / ?11:15 | Pag. 5


Intr oduction: Forms and Functions of the Studio from the

Twentieth Century to Today

1 21
R AC H E L E S NER 7 The S tudio as Mediator 1 36
FRANK R EIJN D ER S 8 A ccrochage in Architecture: Photographic Representations of

Theo van Doesburg's Studios and Paintings

1 57
MAT TH IAS N O E LL 9 S tudio, Storage, Legend. The Work of Hiding in Tacita Dean's

Section Cinema (Homage to Marcel Broodthaers)


The Empty S

tudio: Bruce Nauman's Studio Films 1 88
E RIC D E B R UYN 1 1 H ome Improvement and Studio Stupor. On

Gregor Schneider's

(Dead) House ur 209
W O U T ER DA V I DT S 1 2 S taging the Studio: Enacting Artful Realities through Digital


S ARA H D E R IJCKE E pilogue: "Good Art Theory Must Smell of the Studio" 24
5 A NN S O P H IE LE HM ANN Ind ex 257
Hiding Making def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-07-13 /

11:15 | Pag. 6


The editors and authors of this volume share a fascination with ar tistic practices and their representations. In the wake of Ann-Sophie L ehmann's 2009 conference Showing Making, and the book publica- tion and exhibition Mythen van het atelier (2010), the editors decided it was time to put one of their long-standing hypotheses to the test, namely that such representations have a tendency to oscillate between the two poles of hiding and showing various facets of production - a phenomenon we observed had a certain consistency throughout the history of art, in particular, it seemed, since 1800. Although often ap- pearing to reveal all in their depicitions, artists are never entirely open about their practice, and habitually hide their manual labor in order to present an image of almost magical creative genius. The interna- tional two-day conference Hiding Making - Showing Creation, which we organized in January 2011 in collaboration with Teylers Museum in Haarlem and the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam, demonstrated that we had not been wrong. We were impressed, not to say overwhelmed, by the quality of the individual papers and, especially, their homoge- neity. The subsequent realization of this volume has been a process of rethinking the original concept and carving out a focus on what might be a new ?eld of research within our discipline: studio studies Neither the conference nor the book could have been realized with out the help and inspiration of our colleagues, ?rst and foremost the authors of the various contributions. A special thanks goes to Mar jan Scharloo and Terry van Druten of Teylers Museum and Martijntje Hallmann of the Rijksakademie for their collaboration in the organ ization of the event that set the ball rolling. We are also grateful to Hiding Making def.indd | Sander Pinkse Boekproductie | 02-07-13 /

11:15 | Pag. 7

Sameer Farooq, who provided the original design of the conference materials and generously allowed us to reinterpret his work for the cover of the book. Maaike Groot and Chantal Nicolaes of Amsterdam University Press supported the editorial and production process with enthusiasm and expertise. We also wish to express our gratitude to SNS Reaalfonds, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the VU Univer sity Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam (KRC), the Institute of Culture and History (ICH) of the University of Amsterdam, the Dutch Postgraduate School for Art History (OSK), the Research Institute for History and Culture (OGC) of Utrecht University, the Netherlands In stitute for Art History (RKD), and, in particular, the Netherlands Orquotesdbs_dbs47.pdfusesText_47
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