[PDF] Spécialité BTS NRC Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère

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Spécialité BTS NRC Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère

Spécialité BTS NRC. Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère ANGLAIS. Session 2017. Script n° 1. Durée vidéo : 2'50. Greenwashing.

Spécialité BTS NRC Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère

Spécialité BTS NRC. Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère ANGLAIS. Session 2017. Script n° 2. Durée vidéo : 2'50. Retro Bags.

Spécialité BTS NRC Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère

Spécialité BTS NRC. Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère ANGLAIS. Session 2017. Script n° 1. Durée audio : 1'24. Compulsive buying in America.

Spécialité : BTS MUC Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère

Spécialité : BTS MUC. Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère : Anglais. Session : 2017. SCRIPT 13. FAIR TRADE COFFEE.

Spécialité BTS NRC Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère

Spécialité BTS NRC. Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère ANGLAIS. Session 2017. Script n° 2. Durée audio : 1'50. Will robot take our jobs?

BTS M.U.C Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère : Anglais

Spécialité : BTS M.U.C. Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère : Anglais. Session : 2017. SCRIPT 3 : Fair Trade is improving lives (video 2mn).

BTS MUC 2011

RESULTATS BTS MUC. SESSION 2017. ACADEMIE DE ROUEN LV1 Oral. Anglais : 1124 (502 candidats). Espagnol : 13

Curriculum Vitae

la guitare et à la musique assistée par ordinateur. 2017/2023. BTS. - Professeur d'anglais pour les sections BTS NRC. Profession bancaire et MUC. 2008/2014.

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Brown shoes could mean you fail a job interview (6th September

6 sept. 2016 Spécialité : BTS N.R.C. Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère : Anglais. Session : 2017. Script N:3. Durée audio : 1'55.

Spécialité BTS NRC

Epreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère ANGLAIS Session 2017

Script n° 1 Durée vidéo : 2'50


Going green isn't as easy as simply buying products that claim to be eco-friendly. Hi, I'm Rebecca Breighton and welcome to watchmojo.com. And today we're speaking with environmental writer Adrian Vasil to learn more about the concept of greenwashing. Greenwashing is when a company claims to be green but isn't or is exaggerating the you the problem is so it's spread like it's a pandemic. The amount of products that are making green claims are actually up actually 176% for the last 2 years And when a study was done on big box stores across the continent they found that other products making green claims 98 percent we're guilty of exaggerating the greeness in some way or another. And it seems of them are just making things up like they say they're CFC free which is better for the ozone layer but guess what CFCs have been banned for 20 years so everybody seems to free. It's really not a big take advantage and they could still be made with another ozone-depleting chemical that is so there's a lot of budging going on I mean I've seen some products that say they're great for the environment because they are tree free but meanwhile they're made with 100% non recycled plastic Journalist : could you give us a couple of tips on what to look for ? Tip #1 to avoid never judge a book by it's cover so just because it has the word nature recycled eco-friendly whatever friend doesn't mean it actually is. Number 2 is to actually look for specifics. If it says contains recycled content mmmh that's really vague, it doesn't really mean anything so see what exactly you know what level of recycled content it has. If it says 80% alright that's good, 5% or doesn't tell you a percentage, then move on to the next product. And three look for ingredient lists, so the companies that are at least willing to tell you what exactly they're made of are a bit more transparent and at least being honest with you so you can technically look up that ingredient if you wanted to be serious about the research. So if for cleaning products they don't list the ingredients, immediately move on to the next product because they're hiding something from you. Finally, you know, look for third-party certification. Don't believe the product it they say they're biodegradable unless it says it's bio degradable according to these International standards. So look for these trusted seals like, green sales a good one, eco logos. But again some seals look official for the company could have just made it up in the company meeting. You know you make sure that it actually gives you more information if the seal is just a circle that says eco-safe and it doesn't tell you anything else then it's probably not a real seal, it's probably pretty bogus

Thank you very much / thank you for having me

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