[PDF] How should energy be defined throughout schooling?

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Ce terme recouvre plusieurs réalités qui se recoupent partiellement : – l'énergie au sens de la science physique est une mesure de la capacité d'un système à 

Questions de physique autour de lénergie solaire - lénergie solaire

Sep 27 2012 DÉFINITION DE L'ÉNERGIE SOLAIRE. Principes physiques : la lumière. Le soleil émet des rayonnements principalement.

La notion physique dénergie vis-à-vis des définitions du travail et de

R. DE POSSEL. La notion physique d'énergie vis-à-vis des définitions du travail et de la force. Annales de l'institut Fourier tome 2 (1950)

How should energy be defined throughout schooling?

May 11 2017 Keywords: definition of energy

PHYSIQUE-CHIMIE Pistes pour la construction dune progression

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Conversion dénergie et efficacité énergétique

Sep 3 2018 énergétique : aspects physiques et technologies de la conversion d'énergie » [3] ... Rappel des définitions des deux rendements précédents :.

La dépense énergétique

I.2 L'énergie dépensée pour l'activité physique . facteur très important à prendre compte dans la définition des besoins énergétiques individuels.

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définition d'une politique énergétique. Comprendre l'économie physique des territoires. Benoît Duret. Nicolas Mat

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Définition. Activité physique. Tout mouvement corporel produit par les muscles squelettiques qui demande une dépense d'énergie. Activité physique aérobie.

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How should energy

The question of how to teach energy has been renewed by recent studies focusing on the learning and s definition of energy s definition is introduced and s definition is s definition throughout schooling erroneous conceptions; at secondary school,


1. Introduction

Energy is

big ideas that should be taught learning progression in physics today, we is (1963, 4.2) s approach consistency problem.

2. What does physics tell us about energy?

Before studying


To begin with,


I T) E E T) E E E T E nominal and operational definitions of physical concepts A nominal definition seeks to establish the meaning of a concept by relating is represents. formal nominal s definition) s definition is a strong one

2.2 Conservation as a fundamental property

A As we cannot give energy a general definition, the principle of conservation of something energy is what has the property of being conserved. This

2.3 Rankines definition

The second approach s definition

capacity of a system to do work work refers to the quantity defined capacity of a system to do work. During s definition from the mv² only if one by means of work mv² is obtained by calculating the work E system

Quantitatively, a systems

s A B, forms ): A B a A b B with respect to the capacity of the systems under s The statement tenergy describes the capacity of a system to is not satisfactory s definition is not a claim that, in al, the whole amount of energy of a system can be used to produce work T could ideal s definition: it is not the energy s definition] ] this energy concept does not possess universal validity (energy is not only the work with transformation (Doménech et al., 2007) or change (Bunge, 2000, Authors, physical changes t s definition in terms of ch Duit (1981, p. 293) argues it is not able The ability to bring about changes can also c or ability s definition of the capacity of doing work. According to him, the problem with this definition is

Another common

energy is the capacity of doing work. energy is by changing it into the sentenceenergy has

Now, the sentence energy is

energy is of a system T something 2.4 Thus s approach s definition forms of energy s definition can be challenged. The 3. The question of how to define energy throughout schooling has received little attention so far. consistency, it s definition

3.1 Method

We examined the French national programs from grade s definition and formulations of the conservation property. We lexical definitions, which are described by figurative statements, non , [] casual expressions only vaguely related to theory [and] concepts [] related to 3.2 We N

Definitions of energy

French national programsN

No formal definition, but the

The use of an energy source


Energy is what

Energy: possibility for matter or an object to provide heat, Energy makes it possible for an object to set itself in Energy can modify the state of things, make them change Every object of our everyday environment needs energy to ] energy can be used to light (lamp), to set in

Grades 7 to 9Two definitions are provided

Energy appears as the

The energy possessed by a

Grades 7 and 8 (N

1 textbook out of 3 provides a definition:

energy: an object has energy if it can produce actions or

Grade 9 (N

2 textbooks out of 7 provide a definition:

Scientists define energy as the capacity to produce work work is provided in this

Energy: physical quantity wh

Energy: physical quantity which is conserved

The most remarkable characteristic of energy is that i

Energy can neither be created nor lost. Energy is

Grade 11

scientific (note:

No definition

principle of conservat N Energy is a quantity characterizing the capacity of a

To each system, one can associate a quantity c

[Energy has the following] essential properties []: It ] it can be transferred [] it is conserved.

Energy describe

Grade 12


No definition

N The total energy of an isolated system is conserved. Note: the parentheses () are those of the authors, whereas the brackets [] are added by us. s definition in terms of changes energy rather energy possibility, makes it )s def energy can modify the state of s original definition (see above, se s changes effects or actions rather than changes). s s de

3.3 Method, par

Our goal being to

How do you describe

· a

· an operational definition of energy (i.e., reference to the way energy is measured, to its

· the

· some


Is it an important feature of energy in with a Likert scale, because the word important is rather subjective. Instead, to assess this students must write down in their science (resp. physics and chemistry) or which [they] provide to [their] students only in it does not help students to understand what energy is it is too abstract and you did not know this definition They could also provide a free an students cannot understand it it is not (in the case of primaryyou did not know (in the case of primary teachers) or there are many items in the program and it (in the case of secondary teachers). Again, they could

3.4 Outcomes, part 2

The questionnaire was submitted electronically to primary teachers and secondary teachers in N N s definitionenerg (Q2), 90% answer yes Among those answering yes s definition s definition, yes. yes, Selection of some teachers answers to the open question on the description of energy

Open question:

Answers of primary teachers (extracts)

Adapted versions of Rankines definition:s definition or adapted versions of it: Energy is necessary in order to move, to heat, to

Energy is the s

Element which enables producing motion, heat,

That which enables producing work

Possibility (invisible capacity) of a system to Capacity of a system to cause moving, deformation, Quantity which enables quantifying the capacity of a

A body has e

Ability to produce an effect such as to lift or to

Conservation of energy:

No teacher refers spontaneously to conservation.

Conservation of energy

A physical quantity which is conserved

A physical quantity for which one cannot give a As Lavoisier tells it, which can be applied to the

Nothing is lost,

Energy defined as belonging to the field of mechanics, s definition):

It is the work of a force

Energy is all that is

In relation to the notion of work

Other types of description or definition:

I describe it in terms of energy renewable or not, of

Tool for comfort

These are the elements which enable livin

Energy is something which

Other types of description or definition:

A thing associated with an object, which it can

Quantity [which is] the product of power x time

Something which always changes its form

Something which is exchanged

It is a quantity which enables quantifying the motion, Energy is not an object. Energy is an abstract concept Non Energy is a force which enables to obtain light or It is a force which enables to move, to transform, to

Energy is a type of fuel which

Energy is difficult to describe:

I do not address this topic because I do not have I do not describe it, there are several energies. Fossil, Energy is difficult to describe/define or can

It is very complicated to define.

Energy is a concept and therefore cannot be described. I do not discuss energy in general, but tackle along As varied as there are forms of energy. No definition alone s definition in terms of changes (Q*2), yes yes, s definition s definition changes work Ms definition effects a system can capacity means effects are only potential or possible ( s definition, yes yes, 3.5

As expected, this survey shows a

s approach (which s s approach s s definition is provided to s definition is ignored. We curricular coherence (Fortus built incrementally (ibid.) s definition, then Rankines definition and s definition, disciplinary core ideas, including energy, from kindergarten to definitions of energy referring to the definitions of the 4.

We propose to

s def s definition and conservation. Let us discuss 4.1

C s

produced and consumed (Duit, 1981, Lijnse, 1 energy. Second, to understand energy forms of energy without considering the transformat conversion processes then en (Kuhn, 1959, Elkana, 1974 lay the groundwork for a more quantit (2012, p. 27). This option is also favored by Lacy et energy lens, that is, the lens s definition

Let us turn now s

s definition at primary school, making use s definition changes work). s ) without proposing anothe s definition erroneous conceptions compartmentalization s definition s definition in terms of changes s definition the capacity of a system to produce changes s definition change and answers analyzed in our case study are in system could be s definition only in a second step, system could be avoided. Two options sys) could be Energy is what is

A lamp

capacity potential property (McIldowie, 2004) could capacity is used, it seems s definition capacity capacity capacity without misrepresenting Rankins definition allow Energy is what


s definition and energy conservation are essential cognitive maturation (Liu s definition of 5

In this paper, we

s s s definition s definition, and another that introduces both Rankines definition s definition declared practice is to make use of Rankines definition in s


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Proceedings of the World Conference on Physics . Pegem Akademi.


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The nature of physical reality. New York: McGraw

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ability to

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s musings on teaching about energy. In

Outlines of the science of energetics.


, 3(3), 285

The Cambridge


, 5, 49

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International Journal of Science Education, 12(4), 343 International Journal of Science Education, 13(1), 1 s energy concepts: a crossInternational Journal of

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énergie en physique à partir de la question

Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 6(1), 89

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Physics Education, 26(1), 8

Physics Education, 18, 213



The programs and textbooks analyzed in the study

The French national programs

Education nationale, France)enseignement de lécole primaire,

Education Nationale

enseignement de physique Education Nationale, spécial n° 6 du 28 août 2008. enseignement spécifique de physique Education Nationale, spécial n°4 des 9 et 30 septembre 2010. enseignement spécifique et de spécialité de physique Education Nationale, spécial n°8 du 13 octobre 2011.

Education Nationale, 5 jan

The textbooks

Boëche, S. (ed.) (2011). Les reporters, Sciences, CE2, CM1, CM2. Toulouse: Sedrap. scientific scientific The two versions of the questionnaire submitted to the teachers

Questionnaire submitted to primary teachers


Q2: Do you tell

necess Q*2: Do you tell your students that energy is the (quotation If Q3: The definition of energy as what is necessary so is a definition: A1: A2:quotesdbs_dbs50.pdfusesText_50
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