[PDF] English for - Telephoning OXFORD and OXFORD ENGLISH are

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Oxford Guide to English Grammar (PDF)

A useful feature of the book is the inclusion of example texts and conversations many of them authentic

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speaking activities included in the students' textbook (Hello 6) some Oxford (1992: 154) defines the skills underpinning speaking competences in.


Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Colloquial English Episode 2 talking about…books.

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Book lessons there is a range of material that you can use according to your students' needs 'G + V + P = confident speaking'

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English for - Telephoning

OXFORD and OXFORD ENGLISH are registered trade marks of telephone communication more problematic than a face-to-face conversation. However.


Mar 31 2021 Oxford Cambridge and RSA. Cambridge English Qualifications are in-depth exams that make learning English enjoyable

English for - Telephoning

English for



David Gordon Smith




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Adapted from David Gordon mith

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o MultiROM Engtlsh for Telephoning is accompanied by a MultiROM which has a number of features. Interactive exercises to practise useful phrases, vocabulary, and communication through your computer. listening extracts. These are in enhanced audio format that can be played on a conventional CD·player or through the audio player on your computer. Useful documents including an A·Z word list in PDF format that you can print out and refer to, If you have any problems, please check the technical support section of the readme file on the MultiROM.


mustrarions by Jaquie O'Neill

Photo credits: Oxford University Press, Classet

Coverimdgesrourtesyof Corbis (main image/Kevin Dodge), Getty

Images (

bottom left/Justin Pumfrey/Iconica), and Punchstock (top left/Photodisc)



5 I'Sha11l .ut you

Telephoning basics: identifying • Using first names through?' yourself, getting through • Giving bad news (I'm afraid,

Making excuses

I'm sorry, actually)

Dealing with communication problems


I 'Could you spell

Exchanging and checking information • How to be less direct that for me?' Spelling over the phone • Active listening strategies

Saying email addresses


I 'Let me get back

Voicemail greetings • How to structure a message to you on that.' Leaving and taking messages • Referring to previous communi-


cation (reported speech) 26

I 'When would suit

Making and confirming arrangements • Small talk you?' Saying times and dates • Changing an arrangement

More prepositions (politeness strategies)

Mobile phone calls

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