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Villa Adriana

barbarian invaders and it fell into neglect. La gestion de la villa Adriana incombe au ministère des ... Les données des fouilles scientifiques au.

Réalités Industrielles - Août 2014 - Les mutations de lindustrie de la

sible la question de la gestion des données person- nelles par des entreprises privées. En 2014 un droit à l'oubli avait commencé à émerger en Europe.


montrant qu'il y a une profusion de données à analyser le principal défi de l' étape semble être le rôle croissant de la gestion culturelle par rapport.


25 janv. 1996 ration militaire par mer et d'invasion ... avez été mêlé de plus près à la gestion ... oeuvre plutôt rarement «donnée»

LÉthique en Archéologie / Ethics in Archaeology

12 déc. 2019 appropriation publique données archéologiques

Les jeux vidéo dans la société française: des années 1970 au début

13 janv. 1979 c) Les simulations les jeux de gestion et les jeux de sport . ... Illustration 4.8: Quelques exemples de mosaïques de l'artiste Invader p.

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Ktc lXéXmXLDlXé T. 53-2013


Karsten Xuereb

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Supervised by Dr. Enric Olivé Serret


d'Història i Història de l'Art




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First of all I wish to thank Dr. Enric Olivé Serret for his constant support and guidance over the

past years in this personal endeavour in the field of research in cultural policy studies in the Mediterranean. I am endebted and grateful to him and his staff. I am also thankful for the decisive and inspirational assistance provided me in my academic, professional and personal development by Abdo Nawar, Driss Ksikes and Karim Sergoua, my colleagues and friends within the Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and Mediterranean who made my field research in their cities possible by opening countless doors. While all limitations and faults are my own, I hope this research may in some way act as a token of acknowledgment and gratitude to Jordi Baltà, Dr. Adrian Grima and Alessandro Stillo who set me on course on this journey of discovery in why the Mediterranean matters. My sincere thanks go to Fanny Bouquerel, Dr. David Raphaël Busuttil, Prof. Carmel Cassar, H. E. Dr. Vicki Ann Cremona, Dr. Sandro Debono, Davinia Galea, Fanny Gillet-Ouhenia, France Irrmann, Abderrahim Kassou, Prof. Greg Richards, Dr. Lilian Richieri Hanania, Prof. Paul Sant- Cassia, Apolline Thibaux, Dr. Raphael Vella, Dr. Aldo Zammit Borda and Abdelaziz Zerrou. Special thanks go to my colleagues and friends at the Valletta 2018 Foundation namely Chairman David Felice, Edward Bonello, Marouska Formosa, Jason Griscti, Margerita Pulé and Graziella Vella. I remain in the debt of all my interviewees who have not only shared their time and experiences but taught me lessons in humanity. My final and most heartfelt thanks go to my father Charles from whom I inherited a love of

culture and research and with whom it was enriching to share parallel research routes in

colonialism in Malta and the Mediterranean, my mother Tracy and sister Karen for their love and encouragement and my in-laws Pat and Alex for their care and support. Most of all, my appreciation goes to my wife Lynsey for accompanying and spurring me on every step of the way with endless belief.

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é SiTthnIh fndhict:eSiTthntmnil nOsThnAl a rnsh:nG h csDnCTrSerrTth 13n

The Scope of the Research 13

The Plan of the Research 14

Overview of the Structure 15

Extrait de texte (Extract in French) 17

glsui cnIh fngeDiecsDnopuc rrTthnThnil nO :Ti ccsh sh 37

1. 1. a. Introduction 37

1. 1. b. Cultural Expression 39

1. 1. c. i. Three Interpretations of the Mediterranean 41

1. 1. c. i. i. The Mediterranean as a Constructed Reality 42

Mediterraneanism 43

The Braudelian vision 45

The Mediterranean Construct as a Conflictual Entity 47

The Camusian Mediterranean


Noucentisme 54

Joan Mirò 56

An Egyptian Perspective 56

A British Perspective 57

An Italian Perspective 58

1.1. c. i.ii. The Mediterranean as Metaphor 60


#'>"?*@*A*3-?*@ T. 53-2013 6

The Sea 60

The Myth of Progress 61

Conflict and Cooperation 62

Home and Nostalgia 63

1.1. c. i. iii. The Mediterranean as a Project 65

West meets Orient: Napoleon Bonaparte's Expedition to Egypt 65

Division or Encounter: The Latin Lake vs the Muslim Domains 67

Acknowledging and Bridging the Gap 70

Al Andalus 73

The Mediterranean as a Project of Your Own Choice 75

The Euro-Med Partnership 76

The French Project 78

1. 1. d. Common Aspects in the Mediterranean 80

Cultural expression and commonality 80

The value of the past 81

Colonialism 81

Constructs of commonality 82

The third space 87

1.1. e. Perceptions 89

North-South relations in Europe 93

Representations of the self 95

Perceptions of the Mediterranean 96


#'>"?*@*A*3-?*@ T. 53-2013 7

glsui cnAEtfngeDiecsDndhmDe hS nThnil nO :Ti ccsh sh 99

1. 2. a. Introduction 99

1. 2. b. Power Relations: Theory 100

Power struggles and the implementation of cultural policies 100

Power relations renegotiated 103

International Relations 107

Does the empire strike back? Bennett on governmentality and resistance 108

Cultural influence in the arts: globalisation, centres and peripheries 113

Culture and Development 121

1.2. c. Colonialism 122

Introduction 122

The relationship between Europe and the Mediterranean 122

The influence of the (colonial) past on the present 126

The legacy of colonialism 126

Colonisation and colonialism 128

French influence in Tunisia 133

French influence in Lebanon and Syria 136

Orientalism 138

France and the Mediterranean 139

The Mediterranean of the post-)&*$+#)*,-$*.$(: Camus and Audisio 142

The Euro-Med Paradigm 154

Identities in the South Mediterranean - the Maghreb 161


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Cultural expression and colonialism 163

Outliving empire? 167

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1. 3. a. Cultural Diplomacy 169

Diplomacy and cultural relations 169

Cultural diplomacy between North and South 172

French policy 175

British policy 178

Diplomacy and domestic policies 183

Diplomacy and foreign policy 184

EU cultural diplomacy 185

Diplomacy and technology 187

1. 3. b. Cultural Cooperation 189

The heritage of colonialism 190

The false neutrality of culture 192

Exploiting the colonial influence 195

Dialogue across colonial borders 198

Cultural cooperation and Mediterranean state policies 200

Cooperation projects in practical terms 203

1. 3. c. Festivities and Tourism 210

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2. 1. a. Introduction 212


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2. 1. b. Algiers 216

Introduction 216

Cultural institutes 217

The roles of artists 220

The South and the North 221

Identities 229

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