[PDF] Marc Gonin Founded TOFWERK AG in Thun

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Kammer Unabhängiger Bauherrenberater KUB SVIT

hp.bochsler@innoprojekt.ch J. Gitz. Caretta + Gitz AG Baumanagement. Küsnacht. J J J. Glanzmann ... J. J. J. J. Bochsler. Innoprojekt AG. Rheineck. J. J ...

Publikationsliste SU

Bern: Staatlicher. Lehrmittelverlag. 71-93. Ulrich-Bochsler Susi 1984. Anthropologie. In: Suter Peter J. Neuere Mittellatène-. Grabkomplexe aus dem Kanton Bern 

Design and Validation of the MBW Standard Humidity Generators

22 août 2018 MBW Calibration AG (MBW) is the Designated Institute (DI) for humidity ... J. Bochsler Sättiger zu Feuchtegenerator

Kammer Unabhängiger Bauherrenberater KUB SVIT

21 juil. 2020 hp.bochsler@innoprojekt.ch ... Dietziker Partner Baumanagement AG ... Zürich. J J J J. Lehner. LEHNER Bau & Immobilien AG. Kilchberg. J.

The IBEX-Lo Sensor

9 mai 2009 S.A. Fuselier · P. Bochsler · D. Chornay · G. Clark · G.B. Crew · G. Dunn · S. Ellis ·. T. Friedmann · H.O. Funsten · A.G. Ghielmetti · J.

A Proficient Enzyme Revisited: The Predicted Mechanism for

The Ne/O ratios are from J. Geiss R. von P. Bochsler

Marc Gonin

Founded TOFWERK AG in Thun Switzerland; Development and Manufacturing Bürgi A

Neue Indikatoren zur Bestimmung der arithmetischen

Daniel BOCHSLER und Pascal SCIARINI. Université de Genève. Zusammenfassung. Sowohl in der Schweizer Bundespolitik als auch in den Kantonen ist die.

Kammer Unabhängiger Bauherrenberater KUB SVIT

hp.bochsler@innoprojekt.ch LEHNER Bau & Immobilien AG. Kilchberg. J. J J J. Leiser. HEV Zürich ... J. J. J. J. Bochsler. Innoprojekt AG. Rheineck. J. J ...


NAME Marc Gonin

DATE OF BIRTH 10. Dec. 1963

ADDRESS Uttigenstrasse 22,

CH-3600 Thun

PHONE 033 511 11 60

EMAIL gonin@tofwerk.com


2001 MBA, Dean's excellence award; University of Houston, Texas, USA

1995 Dr Phil Nat, Physikalisches Institut,

Dept. for Mass spectrometry, University of Bern


Liz. phil nat, Physikalisches Institut,

Dept. for Mass spectrometry, University of Bern

Major: Physics, Minor: Mathematics and Information Science

1983 Matura, Gymnasium Thun


2004 Tofwerk AG receives CTI Label.

2003 De Vigier award for TOFWERK business plan.

Sept 2002

Founded TOFWERK AG in Thun, Switzerland; Development and Manufacturing of Time-of-Flight Mass spectrometers.

CEO, member of the board.

-2002 Ionwerks Inc., Houston, Texas, USA

Research and development

Project leader for mass spectrometry developments in gas analysis, plasma analysis, aerosol analysis, and surface analysis Presentation of research at international conferences

Publications in international journals

Inventor and Co-Inventor of several Patents

1996 - 98 Institute of physics, Dept. for mass spectrometry, Prof. Wollnik, Giessen,


Post-doctoral fellow with a Swiss National Foundation fellowship In charge of mass spectrometry developments for space science projects 1996

Carba Gas AG Bern

Consultant for industrial quality control and safety in production. Evaluation of a mass spectrometer for the gas industry 1995
Institute of Physics, University of Bern, Prof. Balsiger

Research Associate

In charge of mass spectrometry developments for the space science projects


1990 - 91 Assistent coach in the Swiss National Rowing Team

1989 - 95 Institute of Physics, University of Bern, Prof. Geiss/Bochsler

Tutor for physics students

Master thesis and doctoral thesis on the projects SOHO/CELIAS, WIND/MASS Participation in several measurement campaigns at the institute for nuclear research, Grenoble, France

1986 - 88 Member of the Swiss national Rowing Team

Participation at the Rowing World Championship 1988

1986 - 87 Oester AG, Electro Engineering.

Programmer and developer


Woods A., M. Ugarov, T.Egan, K. Gillig, K.Fuhrer, M.Gonin, J.A. Schultz, Lipid/Peptide/Nucleotide Separation with MALDI-Ion mobility TOF-MS , Anal. Chem., 76, 2187-2195, 2004 Tempez A., J.A. Schultz, S. Della Negra, J. Depauw, J. Jaquet, A. Novikov,Y. Lebeyec, M. Pautrat, M. Caroff, M. Ugarov, H. Bensaoula, M. Gonin, K.Fuhrer, A. Woods, Orthogonal time-of- flight ion mass spectrometric analysis of peptides using large gold clusters as primary ions,

Rap. Comm of Mass Spec, 18, 371-376, 2004

Voinov V.G., Y.V. Vasilev, J. Morre, D.F. Barofsky, M.L. Deinzer, M. Gonin, Th.F. Egan, K. Fuhrer, A Resonant Electron Capture Time-of-Flight MS with Trochoidal Electron Monochromator,

Anal Chem

Tempez A., A. Woods, J. A. Schultz, S. Della-Negra, J. Depauw, D. Jacquet, A. Novikov, Y. Lebeyec, M. Pautrat, M. Ugarov, H. Bensaoula, M. Gonin, K. Fuhrer., Analysis of Biological Samples (with no matrix) using Large Gold Cluster Bombardment and an Orthogonal Extraction- TOF MS, Talk at the 51th ASMS Conference, Montreal, Canada, june 8-12, 2003 Ugarov M., K. Gillig, J. A. Schultz, K. Fuhrer, M. Gonin, A. S. Woods , A study of peptide-lipid interactions using MALDI Ion Mobility/o-TOFMS, Poster at the 50 th

ASMS Conference

Orlando FL, June 2 - 6, 2002

Tempez A., M. Ugarov, H. Bensaoula, V. Raznikov, J. A. Schultz, M. Gonin, K.Fuhrer, Y. Le Beyec, A.S. Woods, Orthogonal Time-of-Flight Cluster SIMS of Biological Samples, Poster at the 50

ASMS Conference Orlando FL, June 2 - 6, 2002;

Koomen J.M., B.T.Ruotolo, K.J. Gillig., J.A. McLean, D.H. Russell, M. Kang, K.R. Dunbar, K. Fuhrer, M. Gonin, J.A. Schultz, Oligonucleotide Analysis with MALDI-Ion mobility TOFMS, Anal.

Bioanal. Chem. 373, 612-617, 2002

Woods A., J.A. Schultz, K.Gillig, M.Gonin, K. Fuhrer, T. Egan, M.Ugarov, Angiotensin II/Acetylcholing non-covalent complexes analyzed with MALDI-Ion Mobility-TOFMS" ,

Journal of Biomolecular Techniques, in press

Ruotolo B., K.J. Gillig, E. G. Stone, D.H. Russell, K. Fuhrer, M. Gonin, J.A. Schultz, Analysis of protein mixtures by matrix -assisted laser Desorption ionisation-ion mobility-orthogonal- time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Int. J. Mass spec., 12006,1-15,2002 Woods A.S., J. Koomen, B. Ruotolo, K. Gillig, D.H. Russell, K.Fuhrer, M. Gonin, T. Egan, J.A. Schultz, A Study of peptide-peptide interactions using MALDI ion mobility O-TOF and ESI mass spectrometry, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spec., 2002, 13, 166-169 Gonin M., K. Fuhrer, M. Ugarov, V.Vaughn, S. Ulrich, M. McCully, J.A. Schultz, A rugged and compact orthogonal Time-of-flight mass spectrometer for fast leak detection, 3 rd workshop on Harsh Environment Mass spectrometry, Pasadena, CA, March 25-28, 2002 Gonin M., K. Fuhrer, J.A. Schultz, D. Barofsky, M. Deinzer, W.E. Steiner, B.H. Clowers, H.H.

Hill, 17

th Asilomar Conference on Mass spectrometry, (Environmental Mass spectrometry), Oct 19-23, 2001 Steiner W.E., B.H.Clowers, K.Fuhrer, M.Gonin, L.M.Matz, W.F.Siems, J.A. Schultz, H.H.Hill Jr., Electrospray ionisation with ambient pressure ion mobility separation and mass analysis by orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Rapid Comm. Mass spec. 15, 2221-2226, 2001
Barofsky D.F., M.L. Deinzer, R.B.Cody, M. Gonin, J.A. Schultz, Design and construction of a versatile Gaschromatograph/Electron Monochromator Time-of-Flight Mass spectrometer

System, ASMS proceedings, Chicago, 2001

Stone E., K.J. Gillig, B. Ruotolo, K. Fuhrer, M.Gonin, A. Schultz, D.H. Russell, Surface Induced


tion on a MALDI-ion mobility Orthogonal Time-of-Flight Mass spectrometer: Sequencing Peptides from "In-solution" Protein Digest, Anal Chem,73,2233-2238, 2001 K. Fuhrer, M. Gonin, M.I. McCully, T. Egan, S.R. Ulrich, V.W. Vaughn, W.D. Burton Jr, J.A.

Schultz, K. Gillig

, D.H. Russell Monitoring of Fast Processes by TOFMS, proceedings of

ASMS, 2001

Stone E., K.J. Gillig, B. Ruotolo, D.H. Russell, K.Fuhrer, M.Gonin, J.A. Schultz, MALDI/IM/SID/O- TOF MS as a rapid MS/MS technique for sequencing of "in-solution" digested peptides,

New Orleans, Pittcon conference, 2001

Gonin M., K. Fuhrer, Michael Ugarov and J. A. Schultz , A New Concept to Increase Dynamic Range Using Multi-Anode Detectors, Talk at the 48 th

ASMS Conference in Long Beach,

June 11

- 15, 2000

Gonin M., K. Fuhrer and J. A. Schultz,

Compact and Rugged Multipurpose TOF

12 th Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry, January 22 - 25, 2000 Gillig K.J., B. Ruotolo, E.G. Stone, D.H. Russell, K.Fuhrer, M. Gonin, J.A. Schultz,

Anal. Chem.



Russell D.H., K.J. Gillig, E.G. Stone, Z. Park, K.Fuhrer, M.Gonin, J.A. Schultz, in : Proceedings of the

SPIE-International Society Optical Engineering, pp 69-78, 2000 Fuhrer K.; Gonin M.; Schultz A.; Gillig K.; Russell D., Combining MALDI with IMS and O-TOF MS to analyze biological samples, proceedings of ASMS 1999 Gillig K.; Russell D.; Schultz A.; Fuhrer, K., Gonin M., .; Coupling IM/TOF MS with MALDI to study desorption fundamentals, proceedings of ASMS 1999 Medelci N., A. Tempez, I. Berishev, E. Kim, and A. Bensaoula, M. Gonin, K. Fuhrer and J. A. Schultz, Photo-assisted RIE of III-V Nitrides in BCl 3 /Cl 2 /Ar/N 2 , Annual Meeting of the

American Vacuum Society, October 25-29, 1999

Chen, Y.H., Gonin M., Fuhrer, K, Dodonov A., Wollnik H., Orthogonal electron impact source for a time-of-flight mass spectrometer with high mass resolving power, Int.J. Mass. Spec. Ion

Proc, 185,221-226,1999

Laurent, and M.A. Coplan; Charge Exchange of low energy ions in thin carbon foils. II. Results for ions of B, C, F, Ne, Na, Si, S, Cl, Ar, K, and Fe. J. Appl. Phys. 73 (1993) 4130- 4139.
Kallenbach R., M. Gonin, A. Bürgi, and P. Bochsler; Charge exchange of hydrogen ions in carbon foilsNucl. Instr. and Meth. B 83 (1993) 68-72. Kallembach R., P. Wurz, L. Gubler, M. Gonin and P. Bochsler; 360º Panoramic view isochronous time-of-flight mass spectrometer; Helv. Phys. Acta 67 (1994) 229-230. Gonin M., R. Kallenbach, and P. Bochsler; Charge exchange of hydrogen atoms in thin carbon foils at 0.4--120 keV;Rev. Sci. Instrum. 65 (1994) 648-652. Gonin M., R. Kallenbach, P. Bochsler and A. Bürgi; Charge exchange of low energy particles passing through thin carbon foils: Dependence on foil thickness and charge state yields of Mg, Ca, Ti, Cr and Ni; Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 101 (1995) 313-320. Gonin M., P. Bochsler and A. Bürgi; Charge exchange of B, C, O, Al, Si, S, F, and Cl passing through thin carbon foils at low energies: Formation of negative ions; R. Kallenbach, Nucl.

Instr. and Meth. B 103 (1995) 111

-116. Gonin M., R. Kallenbach, P. Bochsler and A. Bürgi; Charge exchange of 1 to 10 keV ions passing through thin carbon foils; poster and abstract at the EGS General Assembly Grenoble, 25--

29 April 1994.

Gonin M., R. Kallenbach, and P. Bochsler; Charge exchange of atoms with high first ionization Gonin M., R. Kallenbach, and P. Bochsler; Foil thickness dependence of charge exchange at low energies;poster and abstract at the Particle-Solid Interaction European Resaerch

Conference in San Sebastian, 1-6 Oktober 1994.

Gonin M., A. Bürgi, M. Oetliker, and P. Bochsler; Interaction of solar wind ions with thin carbon foils - calibration of time-of-flight spectrometers; Poster at the SOHO Workshop Annapolis, 25--28 August 1992. Proceedings of the SOHO Workshop Annapolis, ESA SP-

348 (1992) 381


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