[PDF] The Worlds 500 Most Influential Muslims 2020 - The Muslim 500

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?e Muslim ?tt: ?e World's ?tt Most Inouential

Muslims, 2525

ISBN: print: -?-?--2

e-book: -?-?-?-

Jordan National Library

Deposit No: 25//?52

© 25 ?e Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre

25 Sa'ed Bino Road, Dabuq


Amman ?, JORDAN

www.rissc.jo All rights reserved. No part of this book may be repro- duced or utilized in any form or by any means, electron- ic or mechanic, including photocopying or recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, with- out the prior written permission of the publisher. Views expressed in 0e Muslim ?22 do not necessarily re0ect those of RISSC or its advisory board.

Set in Garamond Premiere Pro

Printed in ?e Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Calligraphy used throughout the book provided courte- sy of www.FreeIslamicCalligraphy.com

Title page Bismilla by Mothana Al-Obaydi

Chief Editor: Prof S Abdallah Schleifer

Contributing Guest Editor: Omayma El-Ella

Managing Editor: Mr Aab Ahmed

Editorial Board: Dr Minwer Al-Meheid, Mr Moustafa

Elqabbany, and Ms Zeinab Asfour

Researchers: Lamya Al-Khraisha, Moustafa Elqabbany,

Zeinab Asfour, Noora Chahine, and M AbdulJaleal


Typeset by: M AbdulJaleal Nasreddin



P??? 0Introduction

0Persons of the Year - ????

?A Selected Survey ???e House of Islam ?0?e Top 50

5?0Honourable Mentions

55??e 450 Lists



5?0Administration of Religious A?airs

5??Preachers & Spiritual Guides

50?Philanthropy, Charity & Development

50?Social Issues


5??Science & Technology

5??Arts & Culture

5?īur'an Reciters


5??Celebrities & Sports

5??Top Extremists

5??e Obituaries

50Guest Contributions

5?Towards a Postmodern Synthesis of Islamic Science and Modern

Science: 2e Epistemological Groundwork

by Professor Osman Bakar ???Alive and Awake: āe First and Greatest Novel by Oussama Hamza ??0Can Ethics be Taught and Learned? by Qamar-ul Huda, PhD ???Evolution and Islam - A Brief Review by Dr Shoaib Malik ?5?āe Enduring Ornament of Civilisation by Sheikh Faid Mohammed Said ?5?Integrating the 0ur'an, the Shari'ah. and Muslims into America during the Era of Articial Intelligence by Robert D. Crane and Sa Kaskas ?5Accounting for the Rise of Populism by Isobel Ingham-Barrow ???āe Uyghurs and the Fate of China by Dr Azeem Ibrahim iv

771Why I Created Britain's Muslim Heritage Trails and Why We Need

More of 2em

by ?arik Hussain

77?Where You From?

by Riz Ahmed

78?Book Reviews

78?Major Events

743Appendix I - Population Statistics

723Appendix II - Social Media Statistics

718Glossary of Islamic Terms

71??e Indices

736Index by Name

731Index by Country

?at which is with you will come to an end, but that which is with God remains. And He shall surely pay those who were patient, their reward according to the best of what they used to do.

Whoever acts righteously, whether male or female, and is a believer, him verily We shall revive with a

goodly life. And We shall surely pay them their reward according to the best of what they used to do.

?e Bee, 96 - 97 Calligraphy by Jawahir Al-Qur'an © FreeIslamicCalligraphy.com 1


In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful:

Praise be to God; Lord of all Worlds.

?e Compassionate, the Merciful.

Master of the Day of Judgement.

You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help.

Guide us to the straight path:

the path of those whom You have favoured, not the path of those against whom there is wrath, nor of those who are astray. ?e Opening, 1 - 7 Calligraphy by Hasan Kan'an © FreeIslamicCalligraphy.com 3 W elcome to the eleventh annual issue of ?e Muslim 500: ?e World's 500 Most

Inuential Muslims. We are very pleased

that we have made it this far and that the book has evolved as it has. We thank you for all your support and suggestions and look forward to continually re- ceiving them. ?ere are approximately 1.93 billion Muslims in the world today, making up 25% of the world's popu- lation, or just under one-quarter of mankind. As well as being citizens of their respective countries, they also have a sense of belonging to the ‘ummah', the worldwide Muslim community. ?is publication sets out to ascertain the in0u- ence some Muslims have on this community, or on behalf of the community. In0uence is: any person who has the power (be it cultural, ideological, - nancial, political or otherwise) to make a change that will have a signicant impact on the Muslim world. Note that the impact can be either positive or negative, depending on one's point of view of course. ?e selection of people for this publication in no way means that we endorse their views; rather we are simply trying to measure their in0uence. ?e in0uence can be of a religious scholar directly ad- dressing Muslims and in0uencing their beliefs, ideas and behaviour, or it can be of a ruler shaping the so- cio-economic factors within which people live their lives, or of artists shaping popular culture. ?e rst two examples also point to the fact that the lists, and especially the Top 50, are dominated by religious scholars and heads of state. ?eir dominant and last- ing in0uence cannot be denied, especially the rulers, who in many cases also appoint religious scholars to their respective positions. ?is doesn't discount the signicant amount of in-

0uence from other sectors of society. ?e publication

selects Muslim individuals from a range of categories of in0uence, 13 in total:



Administration of Religious Aairs

Preachers and Spiritual Guides

Philanthropy/Charity and Development

Social Issues


Science and Technology

Arts and Culture

Qur'an Reciters


Celebrities and Sports Stars


?e individuals are listed in each category accord- ing to geographical region (Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania,

North America, South America), then in alphabeti-

cal order by country and surname.

How to measure this in0uence is of course the

most challenging aspect of the publication, and the one where opinions diverge the most. In0uence can sometimes be gauged on a quantitative basis, the number of followers, the number of books written, the amount of sales etc., but more oen it is not something measurable in quantitative terms and is more related to the qualitative and lasting eect of that in0uence. A combination of social metrics, public opinion (we have a month-long open call for nominations every year, and all of the suggestions are considered) and expert opinion are the basis of this attempt to measure in0uence. ?e achieve- ments of a lifetime are given more weight than achievements within the current year. People who are trailblazers, or the lone voice in a remote area are also taken into account as we give weight to people breaking barriers and to local in0uence as well as global in0uence. ?is means that our list of names will change gradually, rather than dramatically, year-on-year. ?is list acts as an opportunity to shed some light on the many challenges and pioneering triumphs that are present at the very crux of shaping the Muslim community.


As well as the updated Top 50 and 450 lists, we

have our regular House of Islam essay which gives an overview of Islam and its branches.

Our distinguished chief editor gives his thoughts

on the Persons of the Year. We then have a contrib- uting guest editor giving us ‘A Selected Survey'. She shares her insights on events in selected countries and regions which have aected the Muslim world over the past twelve months.

Our Guest Contributions section has exclusive ar-

ticles covering a wide range of issues. ?ese are sure to stimulate thought and discussion on current pressing issues.

Our Book Reviews review some important books

that have been published recently. ?e ‘Major Events' section provides a timeline of the major events that have taken place over the past year. Appendices I and II provide us with lots of statis- tics. Appendix I shows total population and Muslim population by country, for all the countries in the 4 world. Appendix II compiles a list of the highest

Muslim Facebook, Twitter and Instagram users, as

well as the highest in the world.

To give a richer visual experience we have also

included several calligraphy pieces throughout the book, which we hope will serve as a beautiful remind- er to pause and re0ect as you go through the book.

We have also added write-ups within the main body

of the text about major initiatives (see Eco Legal Per- sona on page 22, the Amman Message on page 51, A

Common Word on page 119, the Marrakesh Dec-

laration on page 126, ?e Muslim Council of Elders on page 134, Free Islamic Calligraphy on page 142,

UN World Interfaith Harmony Week on page 154,

and Altafsir.com on page 167).

Our website [www.?eMuslim500.com] is a pop-

ular destination. We welcome your feedback and will take nominations for the 2021 edition through it. ?ere is no compulsion in religion. Rectitude has become clear from error; so whoever disbelieves in the false deity, and believes in God, has laid hold of the most ?rm handle, unbreaking; God is Hearing, Knowing. ?e Cow, 256 Calligraphy by Jawahir Al-Qur'an © FreeIslamicCalligraphy.com 5


by Professor Abdallah Schleifer

Woman of the Year


American Congresswoman Rashi-

da Tlaib (Democrat, Michigan) is this year's Muslim 500 Woman of the Year. She is the rst Palestinian-American wom- an and joint rst Muslim woman (along with Ilhan

Omar (Democrat, Minnesota) to be elected to the

American Congress as member of the House of Rep-

resentatives. (see their respective bios on page 134).

She took her individual oath of oce with her hand

on the Quran.

Although she is serving her rst term

in oce she is certainly one of the most publicized members, largely because of President Trump who has publicly accused her and three other congress- women of colour (collectively known as ‘the squad') of hating America and saying that they should “go back to where they came from"—a trope that has been used by white American nativists (a polite way to refer to racists) since the 19 th century responding to waves of immigrants—Irish, Italians, Jews (over- whelmingly from Russia and Poland), Latin Ameri- cans (popularly referred to as Hispanics) ignoring or oblivious to the fact that while Tlaib's parents are Pal- estinian immigrants, Tlaib was born in America, so the best she could do is go back to Detroit..

Although Trump has denounced all of ‘?e

Squad' he seems particularly obsessed with the

Muslim congresswomen. ?ey represent all that he

despises. Apart from their faith, gender, and ethnic background, both are professed socialists. Tlaib is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and Omar, while not a member of the DSA, has expressed a sympathy for democratic socialism. Both support the various welfare state measures proposed by Sen- ator Bernie Sanders. President Trump has referred to their politics as “socialist-communist." Is Trump so ignorant not to know that rst in Russia and then nearly three decades later in eastern Europe no party suered under Communist rule as much as the So- cial Democrats (invariably the name of democratic socialist parties in Central and Eastern Europe)? Or is Trump malignant in his not at all exceptional indif- ference to the truth?

But the most malicious move undertaken by Trump

against the two Congresswomen involves his aborting Representative Rashida Tlaib listens to Representative Ilhan Omar addresses the press. 5 6 their trip to Israel and the occupied West Bank. Both women are outspoken critics of Israel and in particular of its occupation of Arab Jerusalem and the West Bank and the Israeli treatment of Palestinians in general and they support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) movement against Israel.

But even

pro-Israeli American Jewish organizations did not call upon Israel to refuse them permission to visit. ?ey were aer all, members of Congress—a branch of the American government, but on the eve of their travel

Trump publicly called upon Netanyahu not to admit

them. Netanyahu caved, and declared on the eve of their trip that they were banned because they support- ed the BDS movement, as if that were a new discovery of his. A number of Senators and Congressmen, in- cluding Republicans as well as Democrats, including Jews as well as Muslims and Christians were critical of Trump's move. More than the American public, the people who are most embarrassed by Netanyahu's compliance to Trump's malignant suggestion, are the

Israelis. Until this incident

no people in the word were more pro-Trump than the Israeli public. So there is a certain sense of cosmic judgement to their sense of shame. Tlaib was subsequently given permission to visit her ailing 90 year grandmother in the occupied West Bank, but she declined as the permission camequotesdbs_dbs27.pdfusesText_33
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