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14 déc 2018 · Les sVt jouent également un rôle de conseil auprès de l'agence france trésor sur la définition et la mise en œuvre du programme de financement 

CHAPTER 5 Financial instruments financial markets and

financial instruments are discussed in detail in Chapters 11 (CCP) 12 (CSD) 13 (SSS) and 14 (TARGET2 Securities ? T2S) 1 Financial instruments and markets 1 1 The main financial instruments1 A financial market makes it possible to bring together economic agents who need financing and economic agents who can offer financing

Guide to EuropeAid funding instruments - CONCORD

This publication covers four geographical funding instruments two thematic funding instruments (EIDHR and IcSP) and two thematic programmes within the DCI (CSO-LA and GPGC) The diagram below shows the size of the EU’s funding instruments and programmes for 2014–2020

The Use of Tzero™ and Modulated DSC for the Characterization

Jacques Loubens TA Instruments France S A 1 rue Jacques Monod 78280 Guyancourt France ABSTRACT Milk powders are examples of biological samples that are often complex mixtures of sugars fats and proteins Thermal properties aid in product process control the prediction of storage characteristics and in alimentation

Searches related to instruments france filetype:pdf

The MicroFrance® brand is a premier line of ENT instruments known for exceptional quality precision and durability MicroFrance engineers collaborate with renowned ENT surgeons innovating to develop new instruments and surgical techniques that improve patients’ lives

What are the musical instruments of France?

    (1) Trompette ou Clarinette et P… (1) Instrument (s) Et Basse Conti… (1) Cor de Basset [Ou Clarinette… (1) Soprano, Alto, Voix D'Hommes (1) Flûte Traversière Alto et Pi… (1) EORG/VCE::Electric Organ, Vo… (1) Ensemble de Bois et Percussi…

Where to buy musical instruments in Paris?

    To the south of Place Pigalle and especially along rue de Douai, there are many stores selling musical instruments and accessories. The Musée de l’érotisme (Museum of Eroticism) is at 72 Boulevard de Clichy. There are also plenty of cafes, brasseries, restaurants, souvenir shops and money change agencies in the area.

What are financial instruments?

    According to Article L. 211?1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, financial instruments can be grouped into two categories: financial securities, which are instruments for immediate delivery, and futures2 (also known as “financial contracts”), which include derivative financial instruments. 1.1.1. Financial instruments for immediate delivery

What is a French name for a woodwind instrument?

    Here are the French names of common woodwind and brass instruments: Note that speakers generally say le hautbois, and thus (jouer) du hautbois (not: (de) l'hautbois ). Grammar: jouer sur, jouer à or jouer de?

Guide to EuropeAid funding instruments


CSO engagement in EU development cooperation

2 This report aims to provide the reader with a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the instruments and programmes (both thematic and geographic) used by the European Union (EU) in its development cooperation. It highlights the roles played by civil society in policy dialogue on these instruments and prog rammes, and in their implementation. Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 with a particular focus on the development-related instruments and programmes. The various multiannual


RO p E CONCORD is the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development. It s 28 national associations, 18 international networks and 2 associate members represen t over 1,800 NGOs, which are regularly engages in dialogue with the EU institutions and other civil s ociety organisations. At global level, CONCORD is actively involved in the CSO Partnership on Development Effectiveness, the Beyond 2015 campaign and the International Forum of NGO platforms. Find out more abo ut CONCORD on www.concordeurope.org. Th E Fu ND i NG FOR D E v E l O pm ENT


enabling environment, where CSOs can access a large quantity of high-qua lity EU development funding, A C k NOW l EDGE m ENT s Funding for Development and Relief working group, the main contributors being: Hervé Busschaert,

Production coordination: Daniel Puglisi

For further information about this report, please contact Lonne Poissonn ier, Policy and Advocacy



Guide to EuropeAid funding instruments 2014-2020



S list of abbreviations .................................................................... 4 What is a funding instrument? ......................................................... 5 The Eu programming cycle ............................................................ 6 The role of CsOs in Eu development cooperation ................................... 9 Thematic instruments and programmes ............................................. 11

Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities

(CSO-LA) thematic programme . 12 Global Public Goods and Challenges (GPGC) thematic programme . 14

Environment and climate change ........................................................................

. 15 16

Human development

............... 17 .............. 18

Sustainable energy

................. 19 European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) ............. 20 Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP) . 21

Geographical instruments and programmes

. 22 Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) ..................................... 23 Pan-African programme ........................................................................ ........... 24 The European Development Fund (EDF) ......................................... 25

European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)

. 26

Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA)

............................................... 27

Other Eu funding opportunities for CsOs

........................................... 28 ................. 29 4 L IS T


AAp Annual Action programme

ACp Au

African union


African union Commission

b4liFE Cbss

Country-based support schemes


Cotonou partnership Agreement


Civil society Dialogue Network


Civil society Organisations and local Authorities thematic programme DCi

Development Cooperation instrument


Development Education and Awareness Raising


European Commission


European Development Fund


European External Action service

EiDhR European instrument for Democracy and human Rights ENi

European Neighbourhood instrument


European parliament


European union

Eubli EuRTi FDR Funding for Development and Relief working group within CONCORD Europe FlEGT FsTp

Food security Thematic programme


Global partnership for Education

GpGC Global public Goods and Challenges thematic programme hRbA human Rights-based Approach hRD human Rights Defenders icsp instrument contributing to stability and peace ifs ipA instrument for pre-Accession JAEs

Joint Africa-Eu strategy

lA local Authorities Nip

National indicative programme


Overseas Countries and Territories



The Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic

Co-operation and Development


Regional indicative programme

sD structured Dialogue uN united Nations 5

Guide to EuropeAid funding instruments 2014-2020

EDF: European Development Fund

CSO-LA: Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities programme

DCI: Development Cooperation Instrument

GPGC: Global Public Goods and Challenges programme

ENI: European Neighbourhood Instrument

EIDHR: European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights

IPA: Instrument of Pre-Accession

IcSP: Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace EDF DCI € 19.7 bn ENI € 15.4 bn IPA € 11.7 bn EIDHR

IcSP €

Wh AT is A FuNDiNG iNsTRumENT? The EU budget for development cooperation is divided into different funding instruments, which provide the legal basis for the implementation of the various prog rammes. Some of these funding instruments have a geographical focus, and some a thematic one. Each geographical and thematic programmes. on the basis of negotiated voluntary contributions. This publication covers four geographical funding instruments, two thema tic funding instruments CSOs, in policy dialogue and in implementing aid programmes, varies acro ss the instruments and programmes. 6 TH E E U P ROGRA MMI NG C Y C L E people in many parts of the world come across Eu in a newspaper headline about Eu support for the ag ricultural sector in their country, on a signpost at the roadside announcing that a local waste- management facility is funded by the Eu, or in the form of Eu support for a local hu man rights organisation. but what are the priorities behind all of are the decisions that shape the programming of Eu development cooperation being made? One fundamental decision concerns the allocation of resources. This is done for the Eu as a whole in the seven-year Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), period from 2014 to 2020. The budget lines for devel opment cooperation make up different funding instru ments . These will be described in more detail below. Each funding instrument has its legal basis in a regula countries, regions, thematic programmes or other spe cial programmes will receive development cooperation funding under that instrument, and what rules will ap ply.

To guide the implementation of each country pro

gramme, or regional or thematic or other programme,

Multiannual Indicative

Programme (MIP)

. This is a multi-year plan for each cal programmes, the multi-year plans are referred to as NIPs (National Indicative Programmes) and RIPs (Regional Indicative Programmes) . it is the role of the EC and the Eu delegations to ensure that there are consultations and dialogue with stakeholders, includ ing partner countries, local authorities and civil society. Mid-Term Review being drawn up there is a strategic dialogue between the Ep and the EC about the drafts presented by the EC. For each instrument there is a separate commit tee, on which Eu member states are represented, and this is where the relevant decisions are made. presents its draft

Annual Action Programme (AAP)

for each programme. The AAps are based on decisions in the committees for each instrument. 1 in an AAp, the actions to be funded under that annual budget are de grammes which give further details of the grants it is planned to award during the year.

CsO involvement can strengthen each step of Eu

programming. For geographical programmes, stake holder consultations at country level are prescribed in the regulations of each instrument. CsO participation in programming is an Eu priority 2 demonstrating the importance of ensuring systematic, meaningful CsO AAps, in both geographical and thematic programmes. Greater diversity in how aid is delivered, including through delivery mechanisms known as “aid modali ties", has also generated a need for new transparency measures and greater dialogue between CsOs and the Eu institutions.

1 The members of these committees are representatives from

engagement with Civil society in external relations, 2012 stakeholder dialoguestrategic dialogue, EpComitology

EC dialogue with

stakeholders, incl. civil societyEC dialogue with the European parliament states´decisions on programming in committees for each instrument Draft

EC and EEAs

of programming 7

Guide to EuropeAid funding instruments 2014-2020

Funding opportunities for CSOs are often

published as calls for proposals. These calls for proposals come with


, which are drawn up either in an EU delegation or at EC headquarters in Brussels. The calls are public and are always available on the EuropeAid website: proposals_en

Calls for tenders relating to EU development

cooperation are also available in the Funding section of the EuropeAid website: https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/node/1072

The website of each EU delegation will also

publish calls for proposals for a particular country. EU delegation websites can be found through: en.htm

Establishing relations with EU delegations is

key to monitoring funding opportunities and EU policies at country-level. to be aware of upcoming funding opportunities and the approximate time of publication of calls for proposals. M onitoring EuropeAid funding opportunities 8 TH E P ROGRA MMI NG


mFF strategy 2014-2020


AAp 2014
AAp 2015
AAp 2016
AAp 2017
AAp 2018
AAp 2019
AAp 2020


for calls for proposals 9

Guide to EuropeAid funding instruments 2014-2020

TH E RO L E OF C S OS I N E U DE V E L O PM ENT COO P ERAT I ON in 2011 in busan, during the fourth high-level forum on aid effectiveness, CsOs independent development actors who “play a vital role in enabling peo ple to claim their rights, in promoting rights-based approaches, in shaping dev elop ment policies and partnerships, and in overseeing their implementation. They also provide services in areas that are complementary to those provided by states." At the level of Eu development cooperation, CsOs have played this import ant amounting to around one billion euros annually, out of the total annual EC aid of 4 Apart from being direct implementers, CsOs also play nu merous other roles in relation to the aid programmes and development pol icies tion, monitoring and policy dialogue at all levels. This makes CsOs key actors in Eu development cooperation. Open, transparent and regular dialogue with civil society is a principle in all Eu policies. 5 recognise CsOs as key partners was the 2000 Cotonou Agreement. The prin ciples of CsO participation and dialogue at the programming and implemen ting levels have since been reinforced, and extended to the other instruments CsOs are a diverse group of actors, operating on different levels with differ ent mandates and roles. The CsO landscape is constantly evolving, with new types of actors emerging, and eventually a more strategic Eu approach to engagement with CsOs was needed. This was in 2010. This intensive consultation process brought together to improve the effectiveness of all those involved in Eu develop ment cooperation. Following this, a ment 6 was established, to follow up on the structured Dialogue and dialogue on global policy issues. 5 lisbon Treaty, Article 8b policy_forum_on_development


landscape is constantly evolving, with new types of actors emerging, and eventually a more strategic

EU approach

to engagement with CSOs was needed 10 The 2012 EC Communication on the role of civil society states that "t he EU parent CSOs which share its commitment to social progress and to the funda mental values of peace, freedom, equal rights and human dignity". 7 Existing EU development policies such as the European Consensus on Devel of CSO participation. In setting a direction for future activities, the latter says: "There is also scope for the EU to work more closely with the private sector, foundations, civil society and local and regional authorities as their r ole in de velopment grows". 8 ties into account, the EU will need to adapt and di versify its aid modalities and forms of dialogue over the coming years. One step in this direction is the decision by the EU to develop country-level "CSO Roadmaps", as they are called: a tool to help each EU delegation map out a strategy for the EU´s in teractions with CSOs, and to monitor its progress. Also, as a result of the Structured Dialogue, twelve different aid modalities 9 were recommended, in or der to reach the broadest possible range of civil so ciety actors, while respecting their diversity. In thequotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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