[PDF] A Bibliography of Books and Articles about UNIX and UNIX

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4.10.6 Connecting to the VNC server over the SSH tunnel . Barrett Daniel J. and Richard E. Silverman

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A Bibliography of Books and Articles about UNIX and UNIX

May 28 2022 Daniel J. Barrett and Richard E. Silverman. SSH: The Secure. Shell: The Definitive Guide. O'Reilly & Associates

A Bibliography of Books and Articles about UNIX and UNIX

May 28 2022 Daniel J. Barrett and Richard E. Silverman. SSH: The Secure. Shell: The Definitive Guide. O'Reilly & Associates

A Bibliography of Books and Articles about UNIX and UNIX

Daniel J. Barrett and Richard E. Silverman. SSH: The Secure. Shell: The Definitive Guide. O'Reilly & Associates Inc.

A Bibliography of Books and Articles about UNIX and UNIX

May 28 2022 Daniel J. Barrett and Richard E. Silverman. SSH: The Secure. Shell: The Definitive Guide. O'Reilly & Associates

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SSH The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide by Richard E. Silverman and Daniel. J. Barrett (O'Reilly). • Linux Security Cookbook by Daniel J. Barrett et al.

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Auteur.e(s) Attaque MITM d'un service SSH et mise en place de contre- ... SSH The Secure Shell : The definitive guide

A Bibliography of Books and Articles about UNIX and

UNIX Programming

Nelson H. F. Beebe

University of Utah

Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB

155 S 1400 E RM 233

Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090


Tel: +1 801 581 5254

FAX: +1 801 581 4148


WWW URL:http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/

11 September 2023Version 4.91


This bibliography records books and historical

publications about the UNIX operating sys- tem, and UNIX programming tools. It mostly excludesnetworks and network programming, which are treated in a separate bibliography, internet.bib. This bibliography was started from material in postings to thesunflash list, volume 46, number 17, October 1992, and volume 57, number 29, September 1993, by Samuel Ko (e-mail:kko@fraser.sfu.ca), and then signicantly extended by the present author. Entry commentaries are largely due to S. Ko.

General UNIX texts

[AL92a, AL95a, AL95b, AA86, AS93b, Ari92,

Bou90a, Chr83a, Chr88, CR94, Cof90,

Coh94, Dun91a, Gar91, Gt92a, Gt92b,

Hah93, Hah94a, HA90, Hol92, KL94, LY93,

LR89a, LL83a, MM83a, Mik89, MBL89,

NS92, NH91, POLo93, PM87, RRF90,

RRF93, RRH94, Rus91, Sob89, Sob91,

Sob95, Sou92, TY82b, Tim93, Top90a,

Top90b, Val92b, SSC93, WMP92]

Catalogs and book lists

[O'R93, Spu92, Wri93] 1 2

Communications software

[Cam87, dC87, dG93, Gia90]


[DS88, JL78, Joh79c, JL87a, LS79a, LS79b,

LMB92, MB90, SF85]




[MP93, Ray91, SD93, WC93]

Document preparation and

typesetting [BR87, BBM85, Geh87a, MM90a]

See also the extensive bibliographies about

the TEX typesetting system available via anonymousftpfromftp.math.utah.eduin pub/tex/bib.


[CR91, CoL92b, Fin91, Hew90, Lam90,

RB92a, SBA92, Sta93]

Electronic Mail and


[FA89, FA94, Har95, LP95]

Graphics les

[BS94, Lev94, Mv94]


[?,?, Cat91, RT74, RT79a] Linux [BBD

96, BF97, HP

95, Kir95a, Kir95b,

PR96b, Sob97, SU94b, SU95, SUM95,

TGB95, TG96, VRJ95, VRJ96, VJR96,

VRJ97, VRFJ97b, VRFJ97c, VRFJ97c,

Wel94b, Wt95a, W

95, Wt95b, WK95,

WK96, Ygg94, Lin94]


Networking and

communications [ACH91, CB94, Gil93b, HH94, KW89,

Kro92, NS94a, RR95b, RW92, Ste91, Ste90b,

TD91, TO92]

See also the extensive bibliographies in

[Bee93a, Bee93b, Qua93].


[Jae89b, Lap87a, Top90a, X/O88c, X/O88a,

X/O88d, X/O88b, X/O89b, X/O89c,


See also entries in thePOSIXsection below.

POSIX [BMR94, CG95a, CLJC95, DDLL94, Eck91, FGP

91, GL91, Gal95, IEE86, IEE88,

KMKO92, LL93a, LL93b, LL95, Lew91,

Mee95, QW93, RAMP94, Rze93, Woo94,




[Ame89, AKW88, Ber92, Cam87, Cop92,

Cur90, Dou91, ET92, ES90, HK82a, HS84,

HS87a, HS91a, HS95, HS87b, Hor92, Hun85,

Jae85, Jae86, Jae89a, Jae89b, Jae91, Jae93,

Jae94a, Jae94b, KP84, KR88, Lap87a, Lib93,

Lip91, OT91, Oua91, Paj92, Pla92, RS90,

Roc85, Sch91a, Sch91b, Sch94b, SR95,

Ste92b, Str86b, Str91a, TG89, Val92a,

Van88, WP90, WS92, War85b, Yag91]

Programming languages:

Awk [AKW88, Dou91]

Programming languages: C

[Ame89, Cam87, Cur90, Dar88, GSN90,

HK82a, HS84, HS87a, HS91a, HS95, Hor90a,

Hun85, Jae85, Jae86, Jae89a, Jae89b, Jae91,

Jae94a, Jae94b, KR88, Lap87a, Lev94, Lib93,

Oua91, RS90, SGN88, Sch91a, TG89, Val92a,

Van88, WP90, War85b]

Programming languages:

C++ [Cop92, Eck93, ES90, Jae93, Lev94, Lip91,

Ope94, Sch91b, SSC93, Str86b, Str91a,


Programming languages:

Icon [GG86, GG83, GG90]

Programming languages:

Perl [DP95, Ger92, Qui95, Sch93d, Til95, WS92]

Programming languages:

Tcl and Tk

[Ame95, Inf95, Lib94, Ous94, SSC95, Wal95c,



[Arn93, Cur92, Far90, GS91, HM91, HR91,

RG91, Sto89, WK85]


[AA86, Ari92, Art90, Art94, BK89, BK95,

KW90, Olc92, Ous94, Ros91, Sou94, Val92b,



[BMS95, Coc94, GGM93, Gra95, HG95a,

HA93, KLM92, Led94, Lei95b, OH93a,

OH93b, OK94, Pew93, SSC93, Sun93b,

Sun93a, Sun93c, Sun93d, Sun95, Tut93,

Win93a, Win93b]


[Ame89, IEE86, X/O88c, X/O88a, X/O88d,

X/O88b, X/O89b, X/O89c, X/O89a]

System administration

[?, BS91, BMS95, BB93, Coc94, CAR93b,

Cur92, FHS91, Fox85, Fri91, Gli92, HG95a,


Hun92a, HH91, Kir95a, Kir95b, Lou90a,

MP92, Mui95, NSS89, NSSH95, Ram94,

Win93a, Win93b]

UNIX internals

[Bac86a, GC94a, Gra95, LMKQ89, MBKQ96]

X Window System

[Ado93, AS93b, AS90, Bar91a, Bea93, Ber91,

Bra92, BM92, Fla94, Gra94, Gre92b, Har94a,

Hel90a, Hel90b, Hel91a, JR89, JR92, JR93,

Joh92, Jon89, Kel90, Kil94, Kim95, Kob91,

Lee92, Man93a, Man93b, McM92, McM93,

Mik90, Mik92, Mil90b, MP92, New92, Nye88a,

Nye88b, NO90a, OT88, OQL88, O'R90b,

Ope91a, Ope91b, Ope94, Par93, QO90, Rei93,

RR92, Ros90, Ros93b, SGN88, Sch89, Seb94,

She93c, Smi92, Sou94, Wom94, Yag91, You89,

You90a, You90b, You92a, YP92, You95]

Title word cross-reference

+ [GS99, Ste01e]. 1 [HBH18]. 2 [HBH18]. $24.95[Ano95b, Ano00a]. 3 [PH87].$39.95 [Sch04, Ano96b].$44.99[Sta07b].$49.95 [Jen05].$49.99[Hid04, Tho05].$59.99 [Koh06]. 81
2 [Pikxx].$89[Gra88]. = [Ste01e]. TM [FPG89].[BS90].[Cap87]. [Hun99].Y 2n [BH1 ]. *[JN88].*BSD[Den99]. -Compiler[PKP05, PKP05].-dienste [WF03].-fully[FPG89].-mcs[CL90b].-me [All86a, All86b, Daw86].-mpm[KV90].-ms [CL90b, Les76b, Les78].-star[HBH18]. [Hoo78]. [?]AudioHooker:1979:RTL. /bin/sh[Ree88]./dev[Kam02]. /etc/passwd[Hoo83].

0[Ano16b, Hid04, Koh06, Lud77b, Lyc74a,

Ral78, Sch04, Sta07b, Tho05].




[Koh06].0.1[Ral78, Sha79b].0.2 [MK84a, MK84b].0.3[MK85b].0.6[MK90]. '03[ACM03].046[Sav11].'05[MS05].

1[Hub79, Jen05, LPLF91, The91, She03,

Wil83a, Wil83b, ZRB


[Jen05].1-GHz[Ano03c].1.0 [Coc01b, CM78b, Hai78d, Koe78b].1.1 [NS94a].1.x[KGG00].1/2[Kri84a, Kri84b].

1/2-inch[Kri84a, Kri84b].10

[Cal06, Cal08, Cal09, DWV06, JDB09, MM07,

MMG07, SG06, San07, Vea10, VSC



[Duf90a, Kil90].11[Bor14, BSW78, Bur76,

Cod86, Ern11, GT78b, JF12, Jen75, Kar83,

Lin79a, MH78, May78, McG79, Mue78a,

Pog17, Ros78, SHLR80, Whi75b].11.x

[Pon99b, Pon99a].11/44[Tuo82].11/45 [LB75b, BR77, HR79a, LB75a].11/70 [Cla79, McG79, Sch77].11/780 [Tuo82, Cod86, KM79b, LR78, SHLR80].

11D[Swa77].11i[Pon05a, TOML04, CM04,

Pon01, Pon03, SRW04].11's[GT78a].11th


1394[Ale00].15th[NIS92, USE01a].16

[Arn78, Scu78].17[Jos19].1969[MN69].



[NB84].1989[Ame89, Ass89c].1990s [MvT



[UNI77, Vog6 , Vog76b, Vog77c].1st [MM06a, Fis73].1Z0[Ern11, Sav11].



2[Com00, Com03, Gab07, Ger92, Goe07,

Har93, HK86, Jos97, LMOT02, MK04,

Pon05a, Pow84a, Pow84b, SAS94b, Tho03,

TNY94a, TNY94b, Wil11, Woo94].2-inch

[Kri84a, Kri84b].2.*[OH93a, OH93b].2.0 [BF03, Bol01, Coc01c, Koc09, McN99a,

PS79, Swe01a].2.0.1[ISO05].2.1[CV00].


[Ano00c, Bra04, VBD00, VBD01].2.2.6 [Ano98a].2.3a[Bee86a].2.4[Cal00a].2.6 [BS05, PTS

14, TCM07].2.x

[HG95a, Gra95].20[Bee87].200 [Cal08, Cal09, SG06].2000 [Bru02, FGP

91, Har00, MYH00, Sha00a,

USE00a, War01, Wit01].2003

[ACM03, Ano03e].2004[ACM04].2006 [MM06a].2011[Ano11, Gre11].202 [CKT80, SG06].21[FR75].21st[IJ98].




2D[GL06, Tho06b].2e[Str94].2nd

[Ano86, Ano00b, USE98a, Wei93].

3[And09, CC07, Gra05, HBG

06a, HBG

06b, Hid04, ML09, TV04, Wal95b,

Zuc83b, Zuc83c].3-7908-0700-1[Wei95].


[Lei98].3100[Edd90].32-Bit [Ano02c, Joh79a, Ano98a, Che94, Cus92].



370[BS79a, Bur79b, Eyk86, Fel79e, FMM84,

HLMR79, Pri78, Rob75].37th[IEE04].390

[Ano97b].3D[Gla92, Rul96, SML06].3rd [USE99a].

4[AH11, Ano16a, G

06a, Jen05, Koh06].4.0

[Ano02b, Ano03g, CBB

91, Kni92, Mat07b,

MF99].4.1BSD[CQ83a, CB83].4.1C

[CQ83b, Lar83].4.2[Cod86, Daw86, Kir84].

4.2BSD[Mor85, BH86, CKM85, JTUB85,

KM83, Kri84a, Kri84b, LKM84, MK85a,

McK84, O'D83a, PBL86, QSP85].4.3[CTJ99, Kri91, LMKQ90, McK91, McK92a].


[LMKQ90].4.3bsd [Hib96, GZ89, KM86c, KTB

88, LMKQ89,

LM91, MKL85a, MKL85b, MK88, MKB89,

MKB90b, QSP85, Tre88].4.3BSD-tahoe


88].4.4[Ano98a, Hus92, McK92b].

4.4BSD[Com94b, Com94c, Com94d,

Com94e, Com94f, Com94g, MTY01,


90, McK94b, MBKQ96, PW94, PM95].

4.4BSD-Lite[PM95, Com94b].4.a[Gal93].


[Ano93-33, Dow77, Whi75b].40-Year-Old [Ora21].400[DuC94, HR94, Tay96].44 [Tuo82].440[R


[LB75b, BR77, HR79a, LB75a].48-Bit [Rob82, Rob79a].486s[FJPR93].4BSD [JLSG84, Lan84].4M[CJ94].4th[Sch04].

5[Ano02b, War05].5.2

[Hab01, JH00, Lew01, MNN04, P


[Mat97].5.7[dR15].50-and[FJPR93].500 [WLHC84].528[FHS78a, GG99].5L [Mly09].5th[USE95a].

6[Hon06, Lef81, Sch04, Sha81, Tho05, TU06,

Web95].6.1[HS99, NS94b, SPS95].6.2

[Mat07a].6000[Cer96, CMR

90, CBH


Kel96, Lei96a, Tip92].622[Lev98, RRW84].

64[Ano00d, Ano00f, Gig06].64-Bit

[Cha06, Ano03c, Var96a].64-Way [Ano00d, Ano00f].64Bit[Ano96e].66 [FJPR93].66-MHz[FJPR93].68000/Unix [Gar86].681[Hol75].6th[Ano95h, Lio96].

7[HS00, Hon08, Lud78b, Neg01, Rob99b,

Rob99c, Hag00, Win99, Ano00a].7.1

[Bar01c].7.2[BW02].70 [Cla79, HR79a, McG79, Sch77].'73[Fis73]. '76[MAT85b].77 [FW78, Fel79b, FW90, GG99, Mei84].771 [BG97].780 [Cod86, KM79b, LR78, SHLR80].7th [Ano93-31, Gue87]. 6

8[Ang77, Ano03a, BSW78, Bus02, Gre02,

Kir77, Neg02, RS78, Rov77, Rov78, Smi99,

Sob03, Sta07b, Wat02, Win01].8.13



[Vog78a].8086[BM79].819.188 [McK91, McK92a].819.209[Swi91].

819.235[McK92b, MK96, McK96b,

McK97b, McK97a].'82[ACM82].821

[Ern11].8234[Lud77b].85[Den79].'86 [Ano86, BBJ86, BM79, Bur76, BR77].'87 [BSK87].'89[ACM89].8th[IEE83]. 9 [Bai96, Cal03, Doc03, Duf90b, Dufxx, Gan08,

Goo90, MGK

03, PPT

xx, Pikxx, Prexx,

PPTTxxb, Siv03, Sko98, WN02, Win02a].


[Pon05a].90s[Hun92d].'91[IEE91b].911 [Kir84].'93[ACM93].'94 [Ano93-33, IEE94c].95 [Don95, Fos96, Fre98, LBSL97, Mer97, WS96].

95/NT[Fre98, LBSL97].978

[Ano16a, Ano16b].978-0-12-805105-4 [Ano16a].978-1-59327-601-0[Ano16b]. '99[DFG99, USE99b, USE99c, PKP05].9X [Ano95a, GMB93]. =[Ano92k, RB08].







[Luc02, Luc03a, Luc08, Luc13a, Luc18a].

Abstract[Car83a, ATS94, Hol82, LGJS91,

Str80a, Str82].Abstraction[Str84c].




[IBM05].Accelerator[PGW 20].


[ALO90, AU3 , AU74, Ano92j, Bey77, FA88, Fil79, HP89a, HP89b, Kra88a, Law98, Lio79a,MC85a, MC85b, McS78, McS79, Pol93,

Ric85, Roy93, RW93, Sat90b, Str90, Stu78b,

Hu86, Koh99, Luc13b, MHO

76, McN00,


87, Red97, Wei97, EM79, MC85a].

accessible[Pay84a, Pay84b].Accessing [Far79].Accidental [Ray99c, TD01, Ray01b].accommodates [YHR92].according[DD05].Account [CKDS90, Cur91, PMD88, Moh85].


[FE77, GP88, Haz99, Rie94, Sim91, WH83].





Acid[Lew99b, Reh03].ACLs[Str90].

ACM[ACM03, ACM04, DFG99, Fis73,

IEE02, MS05, ACM75, Mei84].


[CKDS90, Cur91].acoustic[Kaz05].


[BRD77, Har80, Kra78b, Stu78a].acronyms [Lev96].Across [MWCR90, MWCR91, MAP

22, Mon00b,

RT93, Xia97, IBP03, Len97, Var96b].ACS

[Ede77, Mar78g].Action[Jan08, NR03]. activations[SS95b].ActiveX[Kro99].

Activities[Hae90e, McC88, Sto93c, Sto93a,

Sto93b, Sto93d, Sto94b, Sto94a, Sto94c,

Wal92a, Wal92b, Wal92c, Wal92d, Wal93a,

Wal93b, UNI93].Activity

[BG88, Eve78, Hae89, Hae90a, Hae90b,

Hae90c, Hae90d, Hae91a, Hae91b, SW91a,

Wal91a, Wal91b, Wal91c, Wal92e, Wal92f].

Acumen[Kro99].Ada[ACM93, Ano95a,

Ano95a, EST86, Fis86a, Fis86b, Gal91b,

Gar86, Gar90, Geh84, Geh87b, GMB93,

IEE92a, Lam83, Lar94, NB84, SR85a,

SR85b, SHLR80, Ska94, Wan90].ADAPT

[BS79a].adaptability[Han77].Adaptable [AQ84, SAN08].Adaptation[BBG85]. adapted[FRAC85, Yos85].Adapter [ZST


[JAV86, Rob84b, Wat88, GG99].Adaptive 7 [AS93a, AS95, AS97, HK89, SJP 09,


[FG80, Mat80, Sau88].addicts[Mil01].

Adding[Ano93-32, AR07, HK79, HJAW88,

Ano95d, Ano03a, DJM86].Address

[CLFL94, Che87a, Tin78c].Addressing [FA89, FA94, Lit80].adds[Ano03e].


[?, Alb77b, Arc93, Bau03, BGMR91, Bor14,

Cam04, CDD00, CHL16, CJ92, Cuc90, Dat88,

FHS91, Fri91, Fri03, Gag01, GA04, HP98,

Hes94, Hun92a, Hun00a, Hun00c, Hun00b,

Hun01, Hun02b, HH91, Hun92c, JDB09,

JF12, KC98, KPSS79, LH01a, McN92, NSS89,


01, NSH02, Now90, O


Ass99a, Pon98, Pon99b, Pon99a, Pon01,

Sat90a, Sat93, TSO

96, USE88d, USE89d,

USE91b, USE92a, USE93b, USE94d,

USE96a, USE97a, USE97b, USE98c, USE98d,

USE00b, USE01a, Wei04, AT07, Ano93-31,

Aul01, BAC

89, Bro97, Cal06, Cal08, Cal09,

Col02, DeR97, FSS99, GJ08, Han01, Har00,

Her93, KC00, Lev02, Max02, NSH06,

NSHW10, Pon96, Pon03, Pon05a, Pon05b,

Reh00, Ron05b, Sha00b, Sha01, Smi01, SS01,

SS02, SS00, Tay03, TB05, WG98, Zad01,?].

Administrative[AHPS79, Hai77, RW86a].


[Aul96, BS91, Che79b, Ern11, Hes94, Hil98,

Hun92b, Kap99, Kir95a, Kir95b, Mag04,

Moh99, MP92, Mui95, Sab77, SG06, San07,

USE90b, Wat02, Wei98, Win01, Zie93,

BDP05, BDH00, Che99, Che02, DRP01,

HG95a, KD00, MM00, Par00, Pon94, Pon97c,

SAS88a, SAS91b, Win93a, Win93b, Win00,

Bus02, Doc03, Gre02].Administrators

[BMS95, Bia99, BDD

06, Chu98, Cur92,

FT09, HSM03, Lim05, Man01b, Mic08,

MYH00, Sha00a, USE87c, KCTT06, Kom96,

Man01a, MY03, SHN97, Bee96a, Bee96b].



Adoption[Ksh04, CM06, Che97].Adopts

[Bar01b].Advanced[Bor14, Cal93, CF20,Col92a, Cop92, DH05, Gar99, Gay00a,

Ger02, HH91, JR90, JL16, Ker79a, MRM06,

MB03, MOS01, Nor93a, OH05, Reh03,

Roc85, Roc04, Ron05a, SPS93a, Smi02b,

Ste92b, SR04, SR05, SR08, SR13, Ste92c,

Tur87, Win01, Geh84, GS99, KPT

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