[PDF] definition of injective immersion

  • What is the difference between embedding and immersion?

    An immersion is precisely a local embedding – i.e. for any point x ? M there is a neighbourhood [sic], U ? M, of x such that f : U ? N is an embedding, and conversely a local embedding is an immersion.

  • What is an immersion in geometry?

    A special nonsingular map from one manifold to another such that at every point in the domain of the map, the derivative is an injective linear transformation.

  • Is injective proper immersion an embedding?

    A function f : Mk ? Rm is an embedding if it is both an injective immersion and proper.
    We define a proper function to be a function for which the preimage of every compact set is compact.
    We note that for any compact manifold, an injective immersion defined over it is automatically proper, so is an embedding.

  • Is injective proper immersion an embedding?

    Examples and properties
    The quadrifolium, the 4-petaled rose. A mathematical rose with k petals is an immersion of the circle in the plane with a single k-tuple point; k can be any odd number, but if even must be a multiple of 4, so the figure 8, with k = 2, is not a rose.

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the extrinsic/concrete definition used by Poincaré (as the set of possible Behind Step 3: Injective immersions are locally nice compactness means there.

Expressing an observer in preferred coordinates by transforming an

19 févr. 2018 trajectories of (x ˆw) may leave the domain of definition of the ... given by the injective immersion ?? defined in (1.3) leads to the ...

Expressing an observer in preferred coordinates by transforming an

19 févr. 2018 In the example above pulling the observer dynamics in the ... given by the injective immersion ?? defined in (1.3) leads to the function ...

3 Immersions and Embeddings

Definition (Immersions) A differentiable mapping. ? : Mm ? Nn of differentiable manifolds is said to be an immersion if d?p : TpM ? T?(p)N is injective 


Definition 6.1***. Suppose f : N ? M is a smooth map between manifolds. The map f is called an immersion if f?x : TxN ? Tf(x)M is injective for all x 


2 août 2018 The map f is called an embedding if it is a proper injective immersion. Remark 2.3.3. In our definition of proper maps it is important that the.

SMOOTH SUBMANIFOLDS 1. Smooth submanifolds Let M be a

Roughly speaking smooth submanifolds are objects that are defined locally by equations In general

1 September 12 2014

26 nov. 2014 Definition 5.5. An immersion f : X ? Y is an embedding if f is injective and proper. 6 September 24 2014.


In 1912 Weyl gave an intrinsic definition for smooth manifolds. Proof. Suppose we already have an injective immersion ? : M ? RK with K > 2m+1.

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