[PDF] definition of language according to scholars

Henry Sweet, an English phonetician and language scholar, stated: “Language is the expression of ideas by means of speech-sounds combined into words. Words are combined into sentences, this combination answering to that of ideas into thoughts.”
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  • What is Chomsky's definition of language?

    Chomsky's theory posits that language consists of both deep structures and surface structures: Outward-facing surface structures relate phonetic rules into sound, while inward-facing deep structures relate words and conceptual meaning.

  • What is language according to Edward Sapir?

    Language is a purely. human and noninstinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by. means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols.

  • How does Aristotle define language?

    Again different with Chomsky's view that human language is innate and universal, Aristotle thinks that human language is social and diverse.
    He regards human language as a kind of man-made arbitrary symbol, the meaning of this symbol is not from the voice itself, but established by convention among human beings.

  • How does Aristotle define language?

    Language is the use of a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds or written symbols.
    Students examined how children acquire language.
    Language is not art but both are forms of human behavior.
    Synonyms: speech, communication, expression, speaking More Synonyms of language.

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