[PDF] Asynchronous Data Streams in Angular 2

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24-Nov-2017 Download the associated type file for example jquery.d.ts. 2. In the typescript file where we want to use the 3rd party library

Angular 2+ Notes for Professionals

22-Jun-2016 Section 8.1: Angular 2 @Input and @Output in a nested component ... Section 11.4: Tracking current interaction example.

Angular 7 i

ii. About the Tutorial. Angular 7 is an open source JavaScript framework for To download Visual Studio Code go to https://code.visualstudio.com/ and ...


Angular 2 is an open source JavaScript framework to build web applications in HTML and components of AngularJS 2 with suitable examples. Prerequisites.

Chapter 2 Rolling Motion; Angular Momentum

displacement) of the wheel during the stopping. Page 5. 2.2. WORKED EXAMPLES. 39. 10 N. 10 N.

Asynchronous Data Streams in Angular 2

TypeScript Dependency Injection


(ii) This is an example of a periodic motion. It can be noted that each term represents a periodic function with a different angular frequency.

Chapter 19 Angular Momentum

19-May-2017 2. 19.2.2 Right-Hand-Rule for the Direction of the Angular Momentum ............... 3. Example 19.1 Angular Momentum: Constant Velocity .


In this guide you'll find example interview questions and answers you can refer to when These interview questions are for Angular versions 2

Worked Examples from Introductory Physics (Algebra–Based) Vol. I

03-Oct-2012 8.2.2 Angular Velocity and Acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 ... This booklet can be downloaded free of charge from:.

Asynchronous DataAsynchronous Data

Streams in Angular 2Streams in Angular 2

by Gerard Sans (@gerardsans)

Angular GDE (Google Developer Expert)

JavaScript and Angular fanboy ^_^

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A little about meA little about me

- February 18thng-nl 2016 @ngnlconf - May 4-6thng-conf @ngconf - April 14-15th

Jfokus - Stockholm

2 Days: Angular 2 Workshop

TypeScript, Dependency Injection, Template Syntax, Components, RxJS, HTTP, Component Router, Forms, Unit Testing, Migration to Angular 2 - Sept 27-28thAngularConnect @AngularConnect AAsynchronous Data Streamssynchronous Data Streams


Asynchronous, register a callback to be

noti fi ed when results are available

Data, raw information: Number, String,

Objects (Arrays, Sets, Maps)

Streams, sequences of data made

available over time


1 1 2 2 3

3[ , , ]



Streams timelineStreams timeline

Also known as

(Unix 3, 1973) (Node.js, 2009) (Angular 2, 2015)

Observable sequences, Observables

pipes streams async pipes

Functional ProgrammingFunctional Programming

Array methods

, , and forEachmapfilterreduce


Array MethodsArray Methods

var team = [ { name: "Igor Minar", commits: 159 }, { name: "Jeff Cross", commits: 84 }, { name: "Brian Ford", commits: 113 } forEachforEach for(var i=0, ii=team.length; i100) { onlyOver100Commits.push(team[i]); var onlyOver100Commits = team .filter(function(member){ return (member.commits>100); reducereduce var total = 0; // initial value for(var i=0, ii=team.length; iCompositionComposition team .filter(over100Commits) .map(projectName) .map(toUpperCase) .forEach(log); function over100Commits(member){ return (member.commits>100); function projectName(member){ return member.name; function toUpperCase(input){ return input.toUpperCase();

Key ConceptsKey Concepts



merge, concat, map and !


onNext, onError, onCompleted



Observable APIObservable API

//Observable constructor let observable = new Observable(observer => { try { //pushing values observer.next(1); observer.next(2); observer.next(3); //finish stream observer.complete(); catch(e) { //error handling observer.error(e);

Basic StreamBasic Stream

//ASCII Marble Diagram ----0----1----2----3----> rx.interval(1000) ----0----1----2----| rx.interval(1000).take(3) ---> is the timeline

0, 1, 2, 3 are emitted values

X is an error

| is the 'completed' signal


Basic StreamBasic Stream

----0----1----2----3----> rx.interval(1000) ----0----1----2----| rx.interval(1000).take(3) rx.Observable .interval(1000) .take(3) .subscribe(item => console.log(item)); // shows 0, 1, 2


observable.subscribe( function onNext(value){ console.log(value); function onError(error){ console.log(error); function onCompleted(){ console.log('Completed'); var observer = new Observer( function onNext(result){ console.log(result); function onError(err){ console.log(err); function onCompleted(){ console.log('Completed'); observable.subscribe(observer);


var subscriber = observable.subscribe( value => console.log(value), error => console.log(error), () => console.log('Completed') //cleanup handlers subscriber.unsubscribe();

Arrays vs StreamsArrays vs Streams

Arrays (sync)

map and fi lter create new arrays source must be in memory

Streams (sync/async)

only deal with one item at a time consume less memory good for large datasets video

ES6 / TypeScriptES6 / TypeScript

ES6 (ES2015)

- Classes, modules, arrow functions


- Types, annotations - Better editor support - Angular Team uses it ^_^

ES6: OverviewES6: Overview

Arrow functions and let keyword; Block scopes

Classes and inheritance; Default parameters

Destructured assignment

Generators; Iterators; Maps

Promises; Rest parameters; Sets

Spread operator; Template Literals


- (ES6/) jsbinBabel

Just another introduction to ES6

ES6 modulesES6 modules

// ES6 deconstructing import { member } from "module-name"; import { reallyLongMemberName as alias } from "module-name"; import { member1 , member2, [...] } from "module-name"; import defaultMember from "module-name"; ES6 //------ lib1.js ------ export function add(x, y) { return x + y; export function square(x) { return x * x; //------ lib2.js ------ export default function square(x) { return x * x; //------ main.js ------ import { add as sum, square } from 'lib1'; import mySquare from 'lib2'; sum(1,2); // 3 mySquare(2,2); // 4 ES5

ES6: ClassesES6: Classes

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