[PDF] Winona Daily News Pope Paul VI hoped for

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Winona Daily News

Pope Paul VI hoped for a. "miracle of good will'' to end p.m. EST after a 55-minute de- ... "If only daddy would l«t me help him assemble thaf gift


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around several other central questions: What does the term punishment mean when françaises et anglaise à la fin du XIXe siècle' in L'Ère du récit

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$)*'&."&'&,R ecommended CitationW inona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1966).W inona Daily News. 806.



Christians put away the cares

and gathered for joyful celebra- tions of the message of eternal peace proclaimed in Bethlehem

1966 years ago.

Millions in many nations

Saturday wrapped the last gifts,

put the final trimmings on the tree and planned to spead

Christmas Eve with their fami-

lies or at midnight religious services.

Pope Paul VI hoped for a

"miracle of good will'' to end the war . Prime Minister Lester

Pearson of Canada said each

person could contribute to peace "through the exercise of love and understanding."

Million- traveled to resell

relatives and friends in time for the holiday. In the

United States; airlines and rail-

roads were crowded and the crippling effects of the winter's first big snowstorm were felt from Oklahoma to the East

Coast just as the Christmas

rush hit the highways.

For Americans unable to

travel, there was the telephone.

The .Few York Telephone Co.

said the nationwide Bell System expected 6.6 million long-dis- tance holidays calls.

Thousands of pilgrims, many

of thero Arab Christians who may visit relatives in Jordan only .at this time of year, crossed the armistice line from

Israel to pray in the Church of

the Nativity in Bethlehem and sing carols in a nearby field where tradition says angels ap- peared to shepherds at the first


. Atop the massive, 4th- _e__ tury chilrch was a neon sip:'-Merry Christmas."

In V. est Berlin, hundreds of

thousands faced a Christmas without visiting relatives in

East Berlin for the first tinte

since 1962. TheTWest Berlin gov- enunent refused East Germany the recognition as a state it de- manded in return for passes through the Berlin Wall, "The

Communists have closed the

narrow gate to humaneness,"

Mayor Heinrich Albertz said.

President Johnson flew to

San .Antonio, Tex., to greet

sick and wounded servicemen flown back from Vietnam, then joined other Johnsons at the LB J

Ranch near Johnson City and

opened gifts Christmas Eve. In

London, Queen Elizabeth II left

Buckingham Palace to spend

the holiday with her family at

Windsor Castle.

At McGuire Air

Force Base In

New Jersey, hundreds of serv-

icemen began a long journey as replacements for troops in

Vietnam. Many would arrive in

time to join their units for

Christmas dinner.

"Sure, there's a definite lack of Christmas spirit here," one soldier said. "But I'd just as soon go before Christmas and get it over with."

Francis Ordinal Spellman,

77-year-old archbishop of New

York and Roman CathoEc Mili-

tary Vicar of the armed forces, was in Vietnam for religious services along with evangelist

Billy Graham.

Spellman celebrated Mass on

a wooden stage covered with a jungle parachute in a muddy clearing at 2nd Field Forces headquarters 20 miles north of

Saigon. Soldiers sat on sandbag


In Florence, Italy, where

Pope Paul celebrated mid-

night Mass in sympathy for the victims of last month's dev- astating floods, downtown hotels were open and large stores were stocked with Christmas goods,

But 3,000 families had not re-

turned to their ruined homes and 2,000 other families were living in unhealed temporary quarters.

In a court In Reading, Eng-

land, Kenneth Eacott called the name of his dog, "Teddy," and won the terrier back when it happily wagged its tail. The dog ran off las August and a wom- an Jn a nearby town claimed ownership. '"We're going to give him. a big bubble bath and a big bone and he's going to have the best Christmas a dog ever had,"

Eacott said.


. Francis Cardinal Spellman, Roman Ca- tholic vicar for the armed forces, sits behind a M60 machinegun in a U.S. Army heli- copter in Long Birth prior to his departure to ray Ninh Saturday in South Vietnam . The

Cardinal celebrated Mass for some 5,000

troops at the headquarters of the 2nd Field

Force at Long Binh, some 20 miles north of

Saigon, earlier. (AP Photofax by radio from

Saigon) .-/.

New York Jef

C rash-Lands

At Mexico



ican jetliner, flying in from TSew

York with Christmas vacation-

ers, slammed into a dry Hake near the International Airport and broke apart in misty pre- dawn darkness Saturday and all aboard survived

A n Aeronaves De Mexico

spokesman In New York said the four-engine DCS left TNew

York Friday night with 138 pas-

sengers and seven crew mem- bers.

An official at the

Red Cross hosp ital here said 21
persons- several of them U.S. citizens- were brought there but that 16 were released after treatment.

The plane came down in -what

officials described as a crash landing in Lake Texcoco, 2V_ miles east of Mexico City. The lake has been draining constant- ly and now is mosfly nitrous desert.

Landing facilities here have

been under investigation. There have been complaints the: air- port's radar system was not functioning properly.

Tho airline's spokesman In

New York said the plane was put

on as an extra flight to handle large holiday traffic. He report- ed it departed, with the desig. nation Flight No. 401A, at 11:25 p.m. EST, after a 55-minute de- lay.

The four-engine

Jet came

down: into the lake at 3:37 a.fln.

The uninjured passengers in-

cluded a Mexican Roman Cath- olic nun returning home from

New York for Christmas. She

said the landing into the lake came without warning as the plane approached the field. "It was very, very sudden," she said. "They gave us instruc- tions to fasten our safety belts, when 'bam' we hit the water hard.

Tl_e nun declined to give her


Thus pilot of the plane was list-

ed a_s Capt. Alfonso Breton and the copilot v. as Everardo Castro


WRECKED AIRLINER . . . This is a semi-general

view of the wreckage of an Aeronaves De Mexico DC-8 air- liner which crash landed Saturday near the Texco Lake near Mexico City with 10L persons aboard. There were several injured, six of them seriously. The overdue craft which left New York last night Is reported to have de- veloped mechanical trouble. (AP Photofax)

Marines Under


Fire in Spite

of Truce

SAIGON, South Vietnam CAP)

- A. U.S. Marine company came under heavy small arms and mortar -fire Saturday, al- most eight hours after the start of a



truce. A military spokesman said the Marines replied with artillery fire.

The clash was the

most signif- icant reported so far during the truce period.

A spokesman In


mili- tary headquarters declined to describe it immediatel y as a major violation of the cease- fire but said it seemed to be "f considerable importance. There were a number of other incidents that marred the first day of the truce.

The spokesman aaid that

Marines estimated that one

company from the 2nd


of the 5th Miarine


re- ceived about 1|000 rounds oi small arms fire and 20 mortar rounds during a firing on its position about 17 miles south- west of Da Nang.

He said the firing came from

an enemy force of itnknown size to the southeast of the company.

The Marines called for artillery

fire and got it with what were described as "good results," the spokesman said.

He said another element ef

the 5th Marines in the same area took the enemy's left flank under fire, but there were no details.

Marine casualties were

termed light and enemy casual- ties were unknown.

In the same area about three

hours earlier, the spokesman said, a Marine security force that was guarding a downedquotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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