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2nd International

Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for

Reactor applications

29th September - 2nd October, 2009

Cadarache, France

Dear Colleagues,

This is the second announcement concerning the Workshop On Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor

Applications, WONDER 2009.

Second Announcement

Motivation and objectivesMotivation and objectives

The main objective of the workshop is to review

the current modelling and evaluation methods of

nuclear data at low energy (thermal, resolved and unresolved ranges) and to discuss possible areas of


Workshop topicsWorkshop topics

The workshop will cover the following topics:

Nuclear data measurements: new techniques and facilities to cover reactor nuclear data needs (GEN III, GEN IV)

Theory, modelling and evaluation of nuclear data

Evaluation in the resonance range, in particular the Unresolved Resonance Region format and formalism, in connection with the NEA/NSC/WPEC SG 32 'Unresolved resonance treatment for cross section and covariance representation'

Uncertainties and covariance matrices

Status and development of evaluation codes

Gamma production data for reactor physics


It is planned to have sessions with presentations of forty minutes (including ten minutes discussions),

and shorter talks (twenty minutes and five minutes discussions) as well as space for posters during the workshop. 1

Date and placeDate and place

The meeting will be held over four days from Tuesday 29 th , September to Friday 2 nd , October 2009 at the CEA Chateau de Cadarachein France. The castle is located near the CEA-Cadarache research centre, 40 km north-east of Aix-en-Provence, 70 km from the Marseille-Marignane airport ( http://www.mrsairport.com/eng/index.jsp). * Place Charles de Gaulle - La rotonde, in Aix en Provence downtown, near the 'cours Mirabeau'

Tuesday 29th September

12:00 - 14:30

14:30 - 18:15


Registration and Lunch



Château -> Aix en Provence *

Wednesday 30th September


9:30 - 12:30

12:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 18:15

18:30 Bus:

Aix en Provence *-> Château





Château -> Aix en Provence *

Thursday 1st October


9:30 - 12:30

12:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 18:15

18:30 Bus:

Aix en Provence * -> Château





Château -> Aix en Provence *

Friday 2nd October


9:30 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:00Lunch

13:15 Bus:

Château -> Aix en Provence *


Aix en Provence * -> Château


2 If you need help on Tuesday morning to reach the château de Cadarache, please inform us by e-mail: genevieve.arroyo@cea.fr 3

Meals and accommodationsMeals and accommodations

The participants will be responsible for their travel, lodging and food expenses, with the exception of the

four workshop lunches and coffee breaks, which are included in the registration fees.

A few hotel rooms have been provisionally booked:

at the Château de Cadarache (place of the workshop): 60 euros per night including breakfast . The reservation must be made via the workshop secretariat ( genevieve.arroyo@cea.fr). In that case, there will be a possibility to take your dinner at the castle restaurant. Or at the following hotels in Aix-en-Provence : HOTEL CARAVELLE ( http://www.lacaravelle-hotel.com)

29, Bd du Roy René

(70 euros including breakfast)

Tel: +33/(0)4 42 21 53 05

Fax: +33/(0)4 42 96 55 46

HOTEL LE MANOIR ( http://www.hotelmanoir.com)

8, rue Entrecasteaux

(70 euros including breakfast)

Tel: +33/(0)4 42 26 27 20

Fax : +33/(0)4 42 27 17 97

HOTEL ST CHRISTOPHE ( http://www.hotel-saintchristophe.com)

2, av Victor Hugo

(78,80 euros - 6 rooms have been booked up to 30th of July, 2009)

Tel : +33/(0)4 42 26 01 24

Fax : +33/(0)4 42 38 53 17

HOTEL ROTONDE ( http://www.hotel-rotonde.com)

15, av des Belges

(78 euros including breakfast - 6 rooms have been booked)

Tel : +33/(0)4 42 26 29 88

Fax : +33/(0)4 42 38 66 98

HOTEL AQUABELLA ( http://www.aquabella.fr)

2, rue des Etuves

(115 euros including breakfast)

Tel : +33/(0)4 42 99 15 00

Fax : +33/(0)4 42 99 15 01

The workshop participants are asked to make their room reservation ASAP (before the summer since Aix en Provence is a very touristic place!), directly with their preferred hotel quoting WONDER 2009. Ask for the special CEA workshop rate when making your reservation with one of the

Aix-en-Provence hotels above.

For a more detailed list of hotels available in/near Aix-en-Provence, maps, etc., see the following web

sites: http://www.aixenprovencetourism.com/uk/aix-hotels.htm ; http://www.cybevasion.fr/hotels/france/hotels_aix-en-provence_4712.html .

If you choose an hotel in Aix en Provence, don't forget that a bus transportation will be organized between

'Place du Général de Gaulle' (near the 'Cours Mirabeau') and the Chateau de Cadarache. So, be sure that

your hotel is not too far away by walk from this place ! 4


If you intend to participate in this Workshop, please fill in the on-line registration form (available on the

website: http://www.nea.fr/html/science/meetings/WONDER2009/) before June 12, 2009. If

you plan to make a technical contribution, we ask that you also provide a title and an abstract (pdf file,

one page maximum) for the same date.

The workshop fee is 200 Euros which includes the four lunches, the bus transportation, the coffee breaks

and the proceedings. If you wish to be accompanied, a 100 Euros extra fee will be required to cover the

four lunches.

Information for the payment will be given later.


• There is a public shuttle bus every 30 min from the airport to Aix-en-Provence downtown (the fare is about 8 euros),

from where you can easily get to any hotel by Taxi.

• During the workshop, we will provide bus transportation between Aix en Provence downtown and the château of


• If you need help on Tuesday morning to reach the château de Cadarache, please inform us by e-mail:

( genevieve.arroyo@cea.fr)


5 International Advisory Committee:International Advisory Committee: • Gérard BARREAU (CENBG, France) • Mireille COSTE-DELCLAUX (CEA, France) •YaronDANON (RPI, USA) • Walter FURMAN (JINR, Russia) • Frank GUNSING (CEA, France) • Skip A. KAHLER (LANL, USA)

• Paul Edward KOEHLER (ORNL, USA) • Arjan KONING (NRG, Netherlands)•LuizLEAL (ORNL, USA) • Xavier LEDOUX (CEA, France)• Pavel OBLOZINSKY (BNL, USA)• Peter SCHILLEBEECKX (IRMM, Belgium)• Patrick TALOU (LANL, USA) • Anabella TUDORA (University Bucarest, Romania)

Organization committee:Organization committee:

• David BERNARD (CEA Cadarache) • Cyrille DE SAINT JEAN (CEA Cadarache) • Robert JACQMIN (CEA Cadarache) • Olivier LITAIZE (CEA Cadarache) • Gilles NOGUÈRE (CEA Cadarache) •Yolanda RUGAMA (OECD-NEA) • Jean-Michel RUGGIERI (CEA Cadarache) • Olivier SEROT (CEA Cadarache) • Jean-Christophe SUBLET (CEA Cadarache)

Workshop SecretariatWorkshop Secretariat

Geneviève ARROYO,

CEA/Cadarache, DEN/DER/SPRC/LEPh, Bat 230,

FR-13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance, France

Phone: +33 (0) 4 42 25 75 49

Fax: +33 (0) 4 42 25 70 09


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