[PDF] present perfect in past simple – dodatni primeri

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Past Simple vs. Present Perfect Simple

21. maj 2020 Past Simple pa izraža dejanje ki se je zgodilo ob. NATAN?NO DOLO?ENEM ?ASU V PRETEKLOSTI. (npr. two hours ago

present perfect in past simple – dodatni primeri

PRESENT PERFECT IN PAST SIMPLE – DODATNI PRIMERI. Razlaga v slovenš?ini: https://www.go-tel.si/instrukcije/present-perfect-tense. Past simple: se je zgodilo 

Delo na daljavo - 8. teden Present perfect Past simple

11. maj 2020 V 7. tednu bomo naredili razliko med ?asoma present perfect and past simple da dokon?amo pravilno uporabo ?asa present perfect simple.

Present perfect Past simple

V 7. tednu bomo naredili razliko med ?asoma present perfect and past simple da dokon?amo pravilno uporabo ?asa present perfect simple.

Past Simple Present Perfect Simple Present Simple

14. apr. 2020 Past Simple. -ed /2. obl. nepr. glagola. He lived in Ljubljana for 25 years. (ne živi ve? v Lj.!) V Ljubljani je živel 25 let.

Choose the present perfect or past simple

Choose the present perfect or past simple: 1. I. (never / go) to Vienna. 2. My great great grandfather. (have) five sisters. 3. He 

Past Simple / Present Perfect Past Simple / Past Continuous

Past Simple / Present Perfect. Since computers were first introduced to the public in the simple machines designed for basic tasks. They. (have not) ...

Present Perfect or Past Simple 2

2012 www.perfect-english-grammar.com. May be freely copied for personal or classroom use. Present Perfect or Past Simple 2. Choose the present perfect or 

Past Simple / Present Perfect Past Simple / Past Continuous

Past Simple / Present Perfect. Since computers were first introduced to the public in the simple machines designed for basic tasks. They. (have not) ...


Slovenci smo precej majavi predvsem


tudi ve, kdaj se je zgodilo.


He boarded the ship last night. Vkrcal se je na ladjo. He hit his brother this morning. Udaril je svojega brata. He won his first gold medal 2 years ago. Prvo zlato kolajno je osvojil pred dvemi leti.

Present perfect ima posledice v sedanjosti.

Uporablja se za nekaj, kar se je pravkar zgodilo.

Uporablja se za nekaj, kar se je zgodilo v preteklosti, a ne vemo tocno kdaj. He has just declared his independence from his parents. Pravkar je razglasil svojo He had just won his first gold medal. Pravkar je osvojil prvo zlato medaljo.

She has read the book. Knjigo je prebrala - bistǀeno je, da jo je prebrala, ne kdaj je konēala z

branjem. I'ǀe been to Thailand. Bila sem ǎe na Tajskem - ni pomembno, kdaj, ampak da sem tam ǎe bila. Dodatne naloge za utrjeǀanje tǀorbe ēasa present perfect so dostopne na:quotesdbs_dbs48.pdfusesText_48
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