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Physics Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the

Abstract. A short personal view is given of trends in the historical philosophical and sociological studies of science and technology over the last several 


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Raffaele Pisano • Danilo Capecchi •Anna Lukešová


Physics, Astronomy and


Critical Problems in the History

of Science and Society

32nd International Congress of the Italian

Society of Historians of Physics and


Roma 2012, Italy

Jacket: Briefings,Copyright © 2013

UDK 53(06)

Ph-09 Pisano R, Capecchi D, Luke3ová A (eds) (2013). Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science and Society. Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy. The Scientia Socialis Press, ćiauliai. ISBN: 978-609-95513-0-2 ISBN 978-609-95219-3-0 © Scientia Socialis, UAB, 2013

Chris Bissell

The Open University, United Kingdom

e-mail: c.c.bissell@open.ac.uk Pisano R, Capecchi D, Lukešová A (eds) (2013). Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science and Society. Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy. The Scientia Socialis Press, Šiauliai. ISBN:



Chris Bissell

Abstract. A short personal view is given of trends in the historical, philosophical and sociological studies of science and technology over the last several decades. This is then related to some issues in the history of science and technology that emerged from two specialist conferences in the summer of 2013. An interdisciplinary stance to our subject that combines the best of the history, philosophy and sociology of both science and technology appears to be the most rewarding approach.

Keywords: Historiography, SCOT, SSK, STS

Foreword ii

The five decades since the publication of Thomas Kuhn"s (1922-1996) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions([1962] 1970) have seen enormous changes in the historical, philosophical and sociological study of science and technology. Of course, there had been significant developments in the historiography of science before Kuhn, not least Boris Hessen"s seminal The Social and Economic Roots of Newtons Principia(Hessen 1931) presented at the Second International Congress of the History of Science in London in 1931. Nevertheless, a good case can be made for the work of Kuhn being the major influence on the development of a variety of modern approaches such as "Science and Technology Studies" (STS), the "Sociology of Scientific Knowledge" (SSK), or the "Social Construction of Technology" (SCOT). The thinking of Kuhn and his successors provoked lively debate in the world of the history and philosophy of science and technology during the final third of the twentieth century, debates that are still active and relevant today. On the technological side, post-Kuhnian scholars in Edinburgh (Bloor [1976] 1991 and others), Paris (Callon 1989; Latour

1984 for example) and most of all, perhaps, the seminal conference at

Twente University in July 1984 on the social construction of technological systems (Bijker, Hughes and Pinch 1987), brought new life to the general area of the socio-historical study of science and technology. While pondering what to write in this foreword, I had the opportunity to attend two significant conferences in July 2013: (i) A comparatively modest meeting entitled Making the History of Computing Relevant, held at the United Kingdoms Museum of

Science, Technology and Medicinein London

1 (ii) The huge (over 1700 participants) 24 th

International Conference of

History of Science, Technology and Medicinein Manchester 2 I was particularly struck by two specific calls to armsmade at these meetings. At the London meeting, the old spectre of technological determinism seemed to have escaped complete exorcism. A number of speakers were concerned that the history of computing, and in particular the story of the development of the internet and the world wide web, was too often 1

Via: www.sciencemuseum.org.uk


Via: http://www.ichstm2013.com(ICHSTM2013).

presented to the public (not by historians, but by politicians and the media) in an overly deterministic, even whiggish, fashion. Recent advances in information and communication technology, it is all too often said, drive economies, social change, and an ever-improving quality of life. Historians of computing (and of other scientific and technological disciplines) thus have a particular duty to give more nuanced accounts, including finding new approaches to the curating of scientific and technological artefacts and making better use of oral history. At ICHSTM2013, the presidential address of the British Society for the History of Science was given by Hasok Chang. The title of what he called his deliberately provocative addresswas "Putting Science back into the History of Science". Chang looked at a number of recent claims that too much history of science was being carried out by scholars with insufficient scientific knowledge, and he re-visited the perennial issue of whether history of scienceshould be a separate discipline, or better incorporated into general departments of history. At first sight, then, we have what appear to be conflicting concerns. The historians of computing in London were worried about technologically deterministic approaches, which too often ignored the roles of society and culture. Chang appeared to be concerned that the emphasis on culture, society and context might have gone too far in the history of science. This conflict, though, was indeed only apparent. Most significant, perhaps, was the way that Chang identified a number of issues regarding 'the functions of the history of science requiring engagement with scientific content".

These were:

RUnderstanding the contingent development of scientific knowledge

RLearning about scientific method(s)

RAppreciating past scientific knowledge

RStimulating new scientific knowledge

REnriching scientific education

RBridging the "two cultures" gap

RChallenging the authority of scientists

This is an interesting list, but I would claim that it also applies, mutatis mutandis, more generally to the whole of the history, philosophy and sociology of both science and technology. In particular, all these endeavours involve being both a critical friend and an informed external advocate for scientists and technologists. And some of the best writing over the last twenty years on the history and sociology of science and technology has done exactly that: certainly no-one could accuse Harry iii Chris Bissell

Foreword iv

Collins and Trevor Pinch (Collins and Pinch [1993] 1998), Thomas Hughes (Hughes 2004) or Steven Shapin (Shapin 1992, 1996), for example, of lacking a rigorous scientific approach or of not being both critical friend and informed advocate of the scientific or technological disciplines that they scrutinised. Chang also called on his audience to challenge a number of apparent dichotomies, which I"ll not list fully here, but the most interesting to me of such dichotomies are the following (some of these are Chang"s and some are my own):

Internalismversus externalism

Technological determinismversus social construction

Innovatorsversus users

Historyversus philosophyversus sociology

Scienceversus technology

Now, many scholars have wrestled with these apparent dichotomies, not least Steven Shapin, Merrit Roe Smith and Leo Marx, David Edgerton (Shapin 1992; Smith and Marx 1994; Edgerton 2006). Shapin"s 1992 essay is particularly searching on internalismand externalism, while Smith and Marx closely interrogate determinism, and Edgerton makes a convincing case for a substantial neglect of users in our disciplines. Now, the reason that there are still heated debates on such issues - or even the occasional scholarly article or measured presidential address - is that each of the above listed terms does have its uses. The mistake, however, is to forget that almost any serious study of current or previous science or technology will have to draw on a wide variety of historical, sociological, and philosophical techniques and stances. It seems to me increasingly irrelevant to try to distinguish too rigidly between the above opposed categories. Nevertheless, even if it can be argued that such oppositions are questionable or tendentious, we must bear in mind the history of debates on such dichotomies, and the fact that distinguished scholars have taken and defended various such positions. Which brings me, finally, to the papers in this volume. This Forewordis not the place to attempt any synthesis of the wide variety of scholarly work reported here. However, when reading through the abstracts of the papers I was struck by how much of the interdisciplinarity I argue for above is apparent. Clearly, individual papers vary in the precise way that they are informed by the historiography, philosophy and (to a lesser extent) sociology of science. But taken as a whole, the volume is testament to a broad, and thriving, interdisciplinarity in our subject area, as well as an absence of historiographical dogma.


Bijker WE, Hughes TP, Pinch, TJ (eds) (1987) The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of

Technology. MIT Press, Cambridge-MA

Bloor D ([1976] 1991) Knowledge and Social Imagery. Routledge-The

University of Chicago Press, London-Chicago

Callon M (ed) (1989) La science et ses réseaux. Genèse et circulation des faits scientifiques (Science and its networks. Genesis and dissemination of scientific facts). La Découverte, Paris Collins H, Pinch T ([1993] 1998) The Golem. What you should know about Science. The Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Collins H, Pinch T (1998) The Golem at large. What you should know about Technology. The Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Edgerton D (2006) The Shock of the Old. Profile Books, London Hessen BM (1931) The Social and Economic Roots of Newton"s Principia. In: Bukharin NI (ed). Science at the Crossroads, London [Reprint New

York, 1971] pp 151-212

Hughes TP (2004) Human-Built World: How to Think about Technology and

Culture. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago

Kuhn TS ([1962] 1970) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago Latour B (1984) Science in Action. The Open University Press-The Harvard

University Press, Milton Keynes-Cambridge-MA

Shapin S (1992) Discipline and Bounding: The History and Sociology of Science as Seen through the Externalism-Internalism Debate, History of Science.

Vol. 30, pp 333-369

Shapin S (1996) The Scientific Revolution. The University of Chicago Press,


Smith MR, Marx L (eds) (1994) Does Technology Drive History? The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Cambridge-MA v Chris Bissell

Raffaele Pisano

Centre Sciences, sociétés, cultures dans leurs évolutions, University of Lille 1, France/Research Centre for Theory and History of Science, University of West

Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic

e-mail: pisanoraffaele@iol.it

Danilo Capecchi

University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy

e-mail: danilo.capecchi@uniroma1.it

Anna Lukešová

Research Centre for Theory and History of Science, University of West Bohemia,

Pilsen, Czech Republic

e-mail: alukesov@kfi.zcu.cz Pisano R, Capecchi D, Lukešová A (eds) (2013). Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science and Society. Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy. The Scientia Socialis Press, Šiauliai. ISBN: 978-609-95513-0-2


Raffaele Pisano, Danilo Capecchi and Anna Lukešová vii Acknowledgments


We are indebted to many persons and institutions for their integrated efforts to realize this meeting. Firstly and foremost we would like to thank the members of our Organizing Committee. It has been a great pleasure to work with our colleagues and staff in these committees. The presidential chairpersons were given to Danilo Capecchi and Raffaele Pisano; particularly the organizing competences and professionalism of especially Raffaele Pisano and Anna Lukešová should be appreciated, since they worked very hard during the past moths: setting up an outstanding and attractive program and staging it in a comfortable surrounding that would make the congress a scientifically and socially enjoyable event. The effort of Raffaele Pisano who supervised the whole management work deserves to be particularly acknowledged. We warmly thank Fabrizio Vestroni, Dean of the Faculty of engineering(University of Roma La Sapienza) for his kind hospitality and financial support. Mary Joan Crowley, Director of the department Library,and Laura Barattucci, Director of "Giovanni Boaga" Libraryof the Faculty of Engineering, for their interesting ancient books exhibition. Fulvio Medici, printing&graphics Centre (Faculty of Engineering), for his technical support. Pietro Maioli, IT staff coordinator (Faculty of Engineering). Thus we also thank the Department of Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica(Faculty of Engineering), particularly its Head, Augusto Desideri for his support concerning proceedings, and Giuseppe Rega, Director of Ph.D. school in Civil Engineering and Architecture, who allowed his Ph.D. students to kindly help us during this

3-days Congress: Stefania Caravelli, Oriana De Gaudenzi, Giannicola

Giovino, Giuseppe Habib, Agnese Murali, Carlo Priori, Valeria Settimi, Giovanna Valeri. We thank Past President of SISFA, Enrico Giannetto, for having paid his attentions during our organization and encouragement. Marco Ceccarelli (University of Cassino, Italy), Jean Dhombres (Centre Alexandre Koyré/CNRS/EHESS, France), Peter Heering (University of Flensburg, Germany), Radim Koěandrle (RCTHS, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic), and Walter Noll (Carnegie Mellon University, United States of America) for their kind acceptance and Raffaele Pisano, Danilo Capecchi and Anna Lukešová viii distinguished lectures. Last but not least, Frank A. J. L. James (The Royal Institution of Great Britain, United Kingdom) for offering the "General Faraday Lecture". Particularly we are proud to have offered our hospitality in Italy to mathematical worldof Walter Noll and present science and correlated technologies in an exciting manner (like Michael Faraday used to do), talking to large audience and exploring the fascinating world of pure and applied sciences. Aleandro Nisati (I.N.F.N. Sezione di Roma... CERN, Italy/Switzerland), ATLAS Physics coordinator, for having shared with us his latest results (4 July, 2012) from ATLAS...CERNon search of the Higgs boson particle at Large Hadron Collider(LHC).Thanks also goes to Maestro Claudio Buccarella (I Musici) and Giulia Capecchi (Conservatorio Santa Cecilia) for the splendid concert for two violins kindly dedicated to all SISFA 2012 participants. And for the following Journals and their Editors in-chief such as partnership involved in SISFA

2012 Congress:Springer Verlag...Italy(Francesca Ferrari, Italy) Springer

NL HMM book series, (Nathalie Jacobs & Anneke Pot, The Netherlands), Centaurus(Ida Stamhuis, The Netherlands), History Research(Felix Smith, David Publishing, U.S.A), Philosophy studies(Karen Garcia, David Publishing, U.S.A), Scientia Educologica Methodical Centre & publisher (Vincentas Lamanauskas, Šiauliai University, Lithuania). Thus we would like to thank all our transient and regular SISFA participants in Roma

2012. We owe gratitude to many such people and will never manage to

thank them all appropriately. Without the generous support and collaboration of the Faculty of Engineering, (University of Roma La Sapienza), Research Centre for Theory and History of Science(University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic), and the Department of Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica,this meeting and related official international proceedings would not have been possible. To all these and other involved institutional partners we express our warm gratitude: Società Astronomica Italiana già degli spettroscopisti,Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario di Filosofia e Fondamenti della Fisica,Dipartimento di Scienze di Base e Fondamenti,Associazione Italiana di Storia dell"Ingegneria,Museo del Mezzi di Comunicazione. Finally we want to thank all anonymous referees who intensively worked for 2 months making sure that a high quality of the papers published is maintained. The result is excellent. It was a pleasure to have all of You in Roma for fruitful discussions and exchanges during the congress, and a pleasant stay in the historical city of Roma.

Lille-Roma-Plzeij, May 2013

Pisano R, Capecchi D, Lukešová A (eds) (2013). Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science and Society. Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy. The Scientia Socialis Press, Šiauliai. ISBN: 978-609-95513-0-2



Chris Bissell (United Kingdom) i


Raffaele Pisano (France), Danilo Capecchi (Italy)

Anna Lukešová (Czech Republic)


Plenary Speakers

An Outline of History of Mechanism Design in

Servicing Science

Marco Ceccarelli (Italy) 1

The Role Played by Mathematics during the

Revolutionary and Imperial Paris up to the

Restoration in the Education of Engineers with

Lazare Carnot as a Witness

Jean G. Dhombres (France) 11

Some Methodological Remarks on the Replication


Peter Heering (Germany) 25

The Earth Floats Unsupported in Space

Radim Koěandrle (Czech Republic) 39

Physics and Mathematics without Coordinates

Walter Noll (United States of America) 53

Invited Guest Physics Lecture

The Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson

at the Large Hadron Collider

Aleandro Nisati (Italy-Switzerland) 63

Invited Talks

The Qiqi Tushuo by the Jesuit Johann Schreck:

Europeans Theatra Machinarum in China in the

16th Century

Michela Cigola (Italy) 77


Steffen Ducheyne (Belgium) 87

The Helium Atom and the Majorana Solutions to

the Two-Electron Problem Salvatore Esposito (Italy), Adele Naddeo (Italy) 95

The Structures of Spacetime Geometry

Mauro Francaviglia (Italy), Lorenzo Fatibene (Italy) 103

Historical Approach to Physics according to Kant,

Einstein, and Hegel

Young Suh Kim (United States of America) 113

The Concept of Work in the Development of Applied

Mechanics: Carnot and Coriolis

Agamenon Rodrigues Eufrásio Oliveira (Brazil) 123

Early Modern Histories of Astronomy: the Views

on the Progress of Astronomy

Daniel Špelda (Czech Republic) 131


The History of Science and Science Education:

aPlanetariumat School

Enzo Bonacci (Italy) 141

Digitization and Online Publishing of the Whole

Historical Archives of the Department of Astronomy of the University of Bologna Fabrizio Bònoli (italy), Elena Cenacchi (Italy), Agnese Mandrino (Italy), Raffaella Stasi (Italy), Diego Zuccato (Italy) 147

The Ontological Levels of Scientific Theories and

Technical, Ethical and Educational Progress

Giuseppe Boscarino (Italy) 153

The Polytechnic Schools in Germany in 19th


Danilo Capecchi (Italy), Giuseppe Ruta (Italy) 161 Attributions and Misattributions at the Origins of

Special Relativity

Marco Mamone Capria (Italy), MariaGrazia Manini

(Portugal) 171

Surveying Methods and Instruments in the Sixth

Book of Ieronimo Pico Fonticulano"s Treatise

on Geometry (1597) Mario Centofanti (Italy), Stefano Brusaporci (Italy) 177

Drawings concerning Artistic Techniques in the

Diderot"s and D"Alembert"s Encyclopaedia

Emanuela Chiavoni (Italy) 185

A Social Mechanics: from Leibniz to Pareto

Vincenzo Cioci (Italy-Czech Republic), Antonino Drago (Italy) 193

Notes on Historiography of Engineering in Italy

during the 20th Century

Salvatore D"Agostino (Italy) 201

Tito Gonnellas Planimeter

Alessandra d"Amico Finardi (Italy) 209

The Dualism Wave-Particle and Principle

of Relativity

Pietro Di Mauro (Italy) 217

The Emergence of Two Options from Einstein"s

First Paper on Quanta (1905)

Antonino Drago (Italy) 227

Planck"s "Long and Multiply Twisted [and

Inconclusive] Path" Towards a Black Body Theory

Antonino Drago (Italy) 235

From Science to Philosophy: Alfred North

Whitehead and the Notion of Process

Francesco Maria Ferrari (Italy) 243

1772-1813. On Early Scientific Activity of the

Astronomical Observatory at University of Coimbra

Fernando Bandeira Figueiredo (Portugal...France) 251

Ludwik Silberstein in Italy


Court Engineering in Ptolemaic Alexandria

Helen Fragaki (France) 265

Field Equations or Conservation Laws?

Mauro Francaviglia (Italy), Marcella Palese (Italy),

Ekkehart Winterroth (Italy) 271

"... May God Protect You from Lightning ..."

Arturo Gallozzi (Italy) 279

Mathematics and Narratology: Exploring the

Structure of Pirandello"s Novels according to

Dimitra Giannara (Italy) 287

Confirming Special Relativity in Spite of Himself.

The Origin of Ives-Stilwell Experiment

Roberto Lalli (United States of America) 297

Gerald James Whitrow"s Philosophical Approach

to the Expanding Universe

Giovanni Macchia (Canada) 305

The Count Paolo Ballada de Saint Robert and his

Receding of the Glaciers

Federica Maffioli (Italy), Gianfranco Medici (Italy) 313

Ptolemaic and Copernican Globes in the

17th Century: short Remarks on the Handbooks

by Blaeu and Bion

Flavia Marcacci (Italy-Vatican City) 321

Paul de Saint Robert and his True Meaning of

a Tercet of Dante Gianfranco Medici (Italy), Federica Maffioli (Italy) 32,

Notes on the Concept of Force in Kepler

Raffaele Pisano (France), Paolo Bussotti (Czech

Republic) 337

The Modern Thermodynamics as Based on the

Principle of Virtual Work

Raffaele Pisano (France), Antonino Drago (Italy) 34Ȳ

The Developments of English Science and

Scientific Popularization between 1700 and 1800

Arcangelo Rossi (Italy) 3Ȳ3

The Techniques and Methods of Italian

Architectural Drawings of the Early 20th Century

Antonella Salucci (Italy) 3Ȳ,

The Variable Radius Cartography: the New

Experimental Discipline

Giancarlo Scalera (Italy) 3+)

Art and Science of Building in the Work of

Giuseppe Damiani Almeyda

Cesare Tocci (Italy) 3)Ȳ

The Scientific Work of Antonio Maria Jaci in


Maria Luisa Tuscano (Italy) 3ō3

Galileo"s Use of Practical Knowledge

Epaminondas Vampoulis (Greece) 3,3

Giordano Bruno and the Proportional Eight Spike


Valentina Zaffino (Vatican City) 3,Ȳ

A Structural Analysis of the Timber Trusses in Italy (1800-1950)

Emanuele Zamperini (Italy) 403


Remembering Mauro Francaviglia

Marcella Palese (Italy), Ekkehart Winterroth (Italy) 411

Remembering Epaminondas Vampoulis

Dimitra Giannara (Italy) 413


The Venue & Lobby Desk 416

Congress" Sites & Facilities 417

Chairpersons & International Committees 419

International Key-Note Scholars and Invited Guest 421

Invites Talks & Chairpersons of the Sessions 429

Patronages & Involved Institutions 431

Involved Institutions/Collaborations 432

Special Events on Higgs Boson Discovery 433

Posters 434

Some Images during the Event in Roma 441

Index 449

Raffaele Pisano

Centre Sciences, sociétés, cultures dans leurs évolutions, University of Lille 1, France/Research Centre for Theory and History of Science, University of West

Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic

e-mail: pisanoraffaele@iol.it

Danilo Capecchi

University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy

e-mail: danilo.capecchi@uniroma1.it

Anna Lukešová

Research Centre for Theory and History of Science, University of West Bohemia,

Pilsen, Czech Republic

e-mail: alukesov@kfi.zcu.cz Pisano R, Capecchi D, Lukešová A (eds) (2013). Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science and Society. Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy.The Scientia Socialis Press, Šiauliai. ISBN:



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