[PDF] Reach for A : an Efficient Point-to-Point Shortest Path Algorithm

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6.006 Introduction to Algorithms Lecture 13: Dijkstras Algorithm

Lecture 13: Dijkstra's Algorithm. Review. • Single-Source Shortest Paths on weighted graphs. • Previously: O(

Reach for A : an Efficient Point-to-Point Shortest Path Algorithm

MIT 2/17/09 Scanning method and Dijkstra's algorithm. ... Reach-based query algorithm is Dijkstra's algorithm with prun- ing based on reaches.

6.006 Lecture 16: Dijkstra

Dijkstra's Algorithm. Readings. CLRS Sections 24.2-24.3. Review d[v] is the length of the current shortest path from starting vertex s. Through a.

L16 - Dijkstra

5. 4. 2011. Introduction to Algorithms. 6.006. Lecture 16 ... Today: Dijkstra. – O( (V+E)logV ) time ... Dijkstra's algorithm d[s] ? 0.

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Example: Parallelism in Dijkstra's Algorithm. 4. Finds shortest-path tree on a graph with weighted edges. A. B. C. D. E. 3. 2. 2. 4. 1. 3. 3 source. Page 14 

Rubiks Cube

9. 11. 2011. 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms. Recitation 16 ... and on the inner workings of Dijkstra's algorithm. At the time when Dijkstra visits a ...

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Dijkstra's Algorithm. Readings. CLRS Sections 24.2-24.3. Review d[v] is the length of the current shortest path from starting vertex s. Through a.

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13. 4. 2011. Solution: True. Both algorithms are guaranteed to produce the same shortest- path weight but if there are multiple shortest paths

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23. 11. 2011. Let's look at Dijkstra's algorithm for comparison. Dijkstra for Shortest-Paths. Given a graph G with V vertices and E edges

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Reach for A?: an Efficient

Point-to-Point Shortest Path Algorithm

Andrew V. Goldberg

Microsoft Research - Silicon Valleywww.research.microsoft.com/≂goldberg/

Joint with Haim Kaplan and Renato Werneck

Einstein Quote

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simplerReach for A?MIT 2/17/09 1

Shortest Paths with Preprocessing


•Nonnegative and arbitrary arc lengths.

•Point to point, single source, all pairs.

•Directed and undirected.

Here we study

•Point to point, nonnegative length, directed problem.

•Allow preprocessing with limited (linear) space.Many applications, both directly and as a subroutine.Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 2

Shortest Path Problem

Input:Directed graphG= (V,A), nonnegative length function ?:A→R+, origins?V, destinationt?V.

Preprocessing:Limited space to store results.

Query:Find a shortest path fromstot.Interested in exact algorithms that search a (small) subgraph.Related work:reach-based routing

[Gutman 04] , hierarchi- cal decomposition [Schultz, Wagner & Weihe 02] ,[Sanders &

Schultes 05, 06]

, geometric pruning [Wagner & Willhalm 03] , arc flags [Lauther 04] ,[K¨ohler, M¨ohring & Schilling 05] ,[M¨ohring et al. 06]

Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 3

Motivating Application

Driving directions

•Run on servers and small devices.

•Typical production codes≈5 years ago:

◦Use base graph or other heuristics based on road cate-gories; needs hand-tuning. ◦Runs (bidirectional) Dijkstra or A?with Euclidean bounds on "patched" graph. ◦Non-exact and no performance guarantee. •We are interested in exact and very efficient algorithms.

•New results finding their way into products.This talk is not about modeling ... but exact algorithms help.Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 4


•Scanning method and Dijkstra"s algorithm.

•Bidirectional Dijkstra"s algorithm.


•ALT Algorithm

•Definition of reach

•Reach-based algorithm

•Reach for A?


Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 5

Scanning Method

•For each vertexvmaintain its distance labelds(v) and status

S(v)? {unreached,labeled,scanned}.


vertices haveds(v) =∞.

•Ifds(v) decreases,vbecomes



scan a labeled vertexv, for each arc (v,w), ifds(w)> ds(v) +?(v,w) setds(w) =ds(v) +?(v,w).

•Initially for all vertices are unreached.

•Start by decreasingds(s) to 0.

•While there are labeled vertices, pick one and scan it. •Different selection rules lead to different algorithms.

Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 6

Dijkstra"s Algorithm

[Dijkstra 1959] ,[Dantzig 1963] •At each step scan a labeled vertex with the minimum label.

•Stop whentis selected for scanning.Work almost linear in the visited subgraph size.Reverse Algorithm:Run algorithm fromtin the graph with all

arcs reversed, stop whentis selected for scanning.

Bidirectional Algorithm

•Run forward Dijkstra fromsand backward fromt.

•Maintainμ, the length of the shortest path seen: when scan- ning an arc (v,w) such thatwhas been scanned in the other direction, check if the correspondings-tpath improvesμ. •Stop when about to scan a vertexxscanned in the other direction. •Outputμand the corresponding path.Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 7

Bidirectional Algorithm: Pitfalls

The algorithm is not as simple as it looks.

5 x2 2 s tba5 5 The searches meat atx, butxis not on the shortest path.Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 8

Example Graph

1.6M vertices, 3.8M arcs, travel time metric.

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Dijkstra"s Algorithm

Searched area

Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 10

Bidirectional Algorithm

forward search reverse search

Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 11


[Doran 67] ,[Hart, Nilsson & Raphael 68]

Similar to Dijkstra"s algorithm but:

•Domain-specific estimatesπt(v) on dist(v,t) ( potentials •At each step pick a labeled vertex with the minimumk(v) = d s(v) +πt(v).

Best estimate of path length.

•In general, optimality is not guaranteed.

Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 12

Feasibility and Optimality

Potential transformation:Replace?(v,w) by?πt(v,w) =?(v,w)-πt(v) +πt(w) (reduced costs).Fact:Problems defined by?and?πtare equivalent.

Definition:πtisfeasibleif?(v,w)?A, the reduced costs are nonnegative. (Estimates are "locally consistent".) Optimality:Ifπtis feasible, the A?search is equivalent to Dijk- stra"s algorithm on transformed network, which has nonnegative arc lengths. A

?search finds an optimal path.Different order of vertex scans, different subgraph searched.Fact:Ifπtis feasible andπt(t) = 0, thenπtgives

lower bounds on distances tot.Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 13

Computing Lower Bounds

Euclidean bounds:[folklore]

,[Pohl 71] ,[Sedgewick & Vitter 86] For graph embedded in a metric space, use Euclidean distance. Limited applicability, not very good for driving directions.We use triangle inequality v wa b dist(v,w)≥dist(v,b)-dist(w,b); dist(v,w)≥dist(a,w)-dist(a,v).Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 14

Lower Bounds (cont.)

Maximum (minimum, average) of feasible potentials is feasible.•Select landmarks (a small number). •For all vertices, precompute distances to and from each land- mark. •For eachs,t, use max of the corresponding lower bounds for t(v).

Why this works well(when it does)

s ta x y ?πt(x,y) = 0

Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 15

Bidirectional Lowerbounding

Forward reduced costs:?πt(v,w) =?(v,w)-πt(v) +πt(w).

Reverse reduced costs:?πs(v,w) =?(v,w) +πs(v)-πs(w).What"s the problem?Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 16

Bidirectional Lowerbounding

Forward reduced costs:?πt(v,w) =?(v,w)-πt(v) +πt(w). Reverse reduced costs:?πs(v,w) =?(v,w) +πs(v)-πs(w). Fact:πtandπsgive the same reduced costs iffπs+πt= const.[Ikeda et al. 94] : use ps(v) =πs(v)-πt(v) 2 and pt(v) =-ps(v)

Other solutions possible.

Easy to loose correctness.

ALT algorithms useA?search and landmark-based lower bounds.

Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 17

Landmark Selection


•Random selection is fast.

•Many heuristics find better landmarks.

•Local search can find a good subset of candidate landmarks. •We use a heuristic with local search.Preprocessing/query trade-off. Query •For a specifics,tpair, only some landmarks are useful.

•Use only

active landmarks that give best bounds on dist(s,t).

•If needed,

dynamically add active landmarks (good for the search frontier). Allows using many landmarks with small time overhead.Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 18

Bidirectional ALT Example

Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 19

Experimental Results

Northwest (1.6M vertices), random queries, 16 landmarks. preprocessing query method minutes MB avgscan maxscan ms

Bidirectional Dijkstra

- 28

518723 1197607 340.74

ALT 4 132

16276 150389 12.05

Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 20

Related Systems Work

Network delay estimation:Use delays to beacons to estimate arbitrary node delays.E.g., IDMaps [Francis et al. 01]

Theoretical analysis

[Kleinberg, Slivkins & Wexler 04] : for ran- dom beacons and bounded doubling dimension graphs, get good bounds for most node pairs. Good bounds are not enough to prove bounds on ALT.Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 21

Reach Intuition

Identify local intersections and prune them when searchingfar fromsandt.Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 22


[Gutman 04]•Consider a vertexvthat splits a pathPintoP1andP2. rP(v) = min(?(P1),?(P2)). r(v) = maxP(rP(v)) over all shortest pathsPthroughv.

Using reaches to prune Dijkstra:


d(s,v) w v t s

Ifr(w) d(v) +?(v,w) ,LB(w,t) ) then prunew.

Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 23

Obtaining Lower Bounds

Can use landmark lower bounds if available.Bidirectional search gives implicit bounds (Rtbelow). Rt


d(s,v) w v t s

Reach-based query algorithm

is Dijkstra"s algorithm with prun- ing based on reaches. Given a lower-bound subroutine, a small change to Dijkstra"s algorithm.

Reach for A?MIT 2/17/09 24

Computing Reaches

•A natural

exact computation uses all-pairs shortest paths. •Overnight for 0.3M vertex graph, years for 30M vertex graph. •Have a heuristic improvement, but it is not fast enough. Can use reach upper bounds for query search pruning.

Iterative approximation algorithm:

[Gutman 04]


partial shortest path trees of depthO(?) to bound reaches of verticesvwithr(v)< ?. •Delete vertices with bounded reaches, add penalties.quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23

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