[PDF] Section 5 Public Key Crypto Topics

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Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical

Cryptography Engineering. Design Principles and. Practical Applications. Niels Ferguson. Bruce Schneier. Tadayoshi Kohno. Wiley Publishing Inc.

Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical

Cryptography Engineering. Design Principles and. Practical Applications. Niels Ferguson. Bruce Schneier. Tadayoshi Kohno. Wiley Publishing Inc.

Cryptography Engineering Design Principles And Pra Copy - m

guide Cryptography Engineering Design Principles And Pra as you such as. Practical Cryptography Niels Ferguson ... level cryptographic applications.

Section 5 Public Key Crypto Topics

29.10.2020 Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications. Wiley Publishing 2010. Exercise 6.3 p. 97) ...

ESE 360 Network Security Engineering Spring 2019 Instructor

Office Location: Room 258a Light Engineering building. Text: Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications. N. Ferguson

An Open Letter from US Researchers in Cryptography and

24.01.2014 Author Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications. Michael Fischer. Professor

Common Flaws of Distributed Identity and Authentication Systems

Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications Ferguson

Section 6: RSA and CBC-MAC

Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications. Wiley Publishing 2010. Exercise 6.3 p. 97). Page 28. Exercise: CBC-MAC Vulnerability.

CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice MATH AND

Cryptography Engineering - Design Principles and Practical Applications. Niels Ferguson Bruce Schneier

[PDF] Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical

Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications Generating good randomness is a vital part of many cryptographic operations

Cryptography Engineering Wiley Online Books

6 oct 2015 · Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications The ultimate guide to cryptography updated from an author team 

Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical - Wiley

The ultimate guide to cryptography updated from an author team of the worlds top cryptography experts Cryptography is vital to keeping information safe 

[PDF] Cryptography Engineering Design Principles And Practical - HKU

17 jan 2021 · Right here we have countless ebook Cryptography Engineering Design Principles And Practical Applications Niels Ferguson and collections to 

[PDF] Read Free Cryptography Engineering Design Principles And

Cryptography Engineering Design Principles And Practical Applications is available in our book collection an online access to it is set as public so you can 

Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and - ResearchGate

Request PDF On Jan 1 2010 Niels Ferguson and others published Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications Find read and 

Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles - PDFCOFFEECOM

Book Description read ebook Online PDF EPUB KINDLECryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications pdf Cryptography Engineering: 

[PDF] Cryptography Engineering by Niels Ferguson eBook Perlego

Cryptography Engineering Design Principles and Practical Applications Niels Ferguson Bruce Schneier Tadayoshi Kohno Read this book now Share book

[PDF] Cryptography Engineering - Design Principles and Practical

Cryptography Engineering - Design Principles and Practical Applications · N Ferguson B Schneier Tadayoshi Kohno · Published 2010 · Computer Science 

  • What is the application of cryptography in engineering?

    Cryptographic Engineering covers the theory and practice of engineering of cryptographic systems, including encryption and decryption engines, digital signature and authentication systems, true random number generators, and the design, implementation, testing, and validation of cryptographic systems.
  • What are the principles of cryptography?

    Cryptographic principles are the fundamental concepts and techniques that are used in the field of cryptography to secure communication and protect data. These principles include confidentiality, integrity, authentication, non-repudiation, and key management.
  • Is cryptography a math?

    Cryptography is the science of using mathematics to hide data behind encryption. It involves storing secret information with a key that people must have in order to access the raw data. Without cracking the cipher, it's impossible to know what the original is.
  • Cryptography is a method of protecting information and communications through the use of codes, so that only those for whom the information is intended can read and process it.

Section 5 Public Key Crypto TopicsCalculating RSA, Cryptanalysis, and Crypto EthicsEric Zeng, Keanu VestilOctober 29, 2020

AdministriviaLab 1 due date extended to Friday, October 30 @ 11:59pm○Please do not make any further changes to files after submittingHomework 2 out now -due Friday, November 6 @ 11:59 pm○Written exercises about cryptography conceptsFinal project checkpoint #1 -due Friday, November 13 @ 11:59pm○Group members' names + NetIDs and brief description of the presentation topic

Calculating RSA:Key generation, encryption, and decryption

Public Key Cryptography ReviewScenario: Alice wants to send Bob a message on the internet○Goal: confidentiality of data○Problem: people eavesdropping on network ➞can't share symmetrickeys secretly

Public Key Cryptography ReviewSolution: public key cryptography (aka asymmetriccryptography)○Bob generates a key pair: one private key (secret), and one public key that is safe to share with anyone○Alice encrypts a message using Bob's public key○Bob decrypts with Bob's private key

RSA -a public key cryptosystemRSA can:Generate public/private key pairsEncrypt plaintextDecrypt ciphertextRSA is based on computing modular exponentiation with large primesEasy to compute, hard to reverse (without the private key)

RSA Algorithm ReviewKey GenerationSelect two large primes, pand qLet n= p~qLetϕ(n)= (p -1)(q -1)Select a random prime e such that eand ϕ(n)are relatively primeCompute d such thate~d≡1 mod ϕ(n)(equivalent to solving 1 = (e~d) mod ϕ(n))Notation:Public Key: (e, n)Private Key: dMessage: m(no common factors other than 1)Encrypting m: c = memod nDecrypting c: cdmod n = (me)dmod n = m

RSA Activity (Canvas Quiz)Q1. Given these RSA parameters: p = 5, q = 7, e = 5n= p~qϕ(n)= (p -1)(q -1)e~d≡1 mod ϕ(n)1 = (e~d) mod ϕ(n)Encrypt: c = memod nDecrypt: cdmod n = (me)dmod n = mEncrypt 16Decrypt 12What is n?What is ϕ(n)?What is d?(https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1396608/quizzes/1331770)

Encrypt 16165mod 35 = 11Decrypt 12125mod 35 = 17What is n?n = 5~7 = 35What is ϕ(n)?ϕ(n) = (5 -1)(7 -1) = 24What is d?5~d ≡1 mod 241 = (5~d) mod 24d = 5RSA Activity (Canvas Quiz)Given these RSA parameters: p = 5, q = 7, e = 5n= p~qϕ(n)= (p -1)(q -1)e~d≡1 mod ϕ(n)1 = (e~d) mod ϕ(n)Encrypt: c = memod nDecrypt: cdmod n = (me)dmod n = m

How to calculate decryption key on homework without trial/error?Extended Euclidean Algorithm....Or WolframAlpha :)

RSA Primitive versus Real Life

Demonstration: finding vulnerabilities in CBC-MAC with cryptanalysis

Is encryption (confidentiality) enough?"Final!!!KNE 110Monday 2:30PM"franzi@csAES 128-bit key,CBC modeokIn this case, an adversary doesn't gain anything important by learning the content of this message.Scenario: Franzi wants to send out an email about exam times -and a hacker has learned the encryption key

Is encryption (confidentiality) enough?"Final!!!KNE 110Saturday 12:30AM"484 Student????Tampers with message in transitBut, the attacker could tamper with the message during transmission, and the recipient would not know -so we need to ensure integrity

MAC (Message Authentication Code)Provides integrity and authentication: only someone who knows the KEY can compute correct MAC for a given message.

When do we MAC?The good:Encrypt-then-MACMAC-then-encryptNot as good as Encrypt-then-MACThe bad (& ugly):Encrypt-and-MACMAC is deterministic! Same plaintext →same MAC

How do we create a MAC? CBC-MAC: Encrypt the message in CBC mode, use the last block as the MACk = secret key Last block of ciphertext used as MACInitialization vector is 0*CBC-MAC is not the only MAC algorithm -today most use HMAC; we'll show why next

Is CBC-MAC vulnerable?How could we find out?Cryptanalysis: using mathematical analysis to rigorously reason about a cryptographic systemLet's use cryptanalysis to find a collisiontwo different inputs leading to the same MAC tag(violating collision resistance)

Exercise: CBC-MAC collision vulnerabilitySuppose aand bare both one block long, and suppose the sender MACs a, b, and a || bwith CBC-MAC. An attacker who intercepts the MAC tags for these messages can now forge the MAC for the message b || (MK(b) ⊕MK(a) ⊕b)which the sender never sent. The forged tag for this message is equal to MK(a || b), the tag for a || b. Justify mathematically why this is true.abEKEKTAG(Ferguson, Schneier, & Kohno. Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications. Wiley Publishing 2010. Exercise 6.3 p. 97)

abEKEKEK(EK(a)⊕b)MK(a) =EK(a)MK(b) = EK(b) (not shown)MK(a || b) = EK(EK(a)⊕b)EK(a)EK(a)⊕bExercise: CBC-MAC collision vulnerability(Ferguson, Schneier, & Kohno. Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications. Wiley Publishing 2010. Exercise 6.3 p. 97)Prove: MK(b || (MK(b) ⊕MK(a) ⊕b))= MK(a || b)

bEK(b)⊕EK(a)⊕b EKEKEK(EK(a) ⊕b) EK(b)EK(a) ⊕bMK(b|| (MK(b) ⊕MK(a) ⊕b)) = MK(b|| (EK(b) ⊕EK(a) ⊕b)) = EK(EK(b) ⊕EK(b) ⊕EK(a) ⊕b)= EK(EK(a) ⊕b)This is the same as MK(a || b)!Exercise: CBC-MAC collision vulnerabilityThese terms cancel outProve: MK(b || (MK(b) ⊕MK(a) ⊕b))= MK(a || b)

So what?We can prove, just using the specification of CBC-MAC, that the messages b || (M(b) ⊕M(a) ⊕b) anda || bshare the same tag. This approach is a common method used in cryptanalysis.We broke the theoreticalguarantee that no two different messages will never share a tag.If you were to use CBC-MAC in a protocol, it provides information about specific weaknesses and how not to use it.

Safer CBC-MAC for variable length messagesFor a message mof length l:1.Construct s by prepending the length of mto the message: s = concat(l, m)2.Pad s until the length is a multiple of the block size3.Apply CBC-MAC to the padded string s.4.Output the last ciphertext block, or a part of it. Don't output intermediates.Warning: Appending to end is just as broken as what we showed!Or encrypt output with another block cipher under a different key (CMAC). Or use HMAC, UMAC, GMAC.Follow latest guidance very carefully! l + padEKEKb1TAGEKbl......

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