[PDF] Employment relationships in the media and culture industries

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Deux approches permettent de distinguer de manière claire et précise la relation d'inter-dépendance entre les médias et la culture Il s'agit premièrement 

  • C'est quoi la culture médiatique ?

    Culture de masse, culture populaire, culture médiatique sont autant de termes qui tentent de saisir des objets culturels délégitimés, parce que consommés par des classes dominées, dans des situations d'aliénation ou de domination et sans perspective esthétique ou recadrage idéologique, selon des analyses relayées
  • Quel est le but d'un média ?

    Ils recueillent dans un premier temps des informations auprès de sources d'information, en leur assurant la protection des sources d'information, ce qui leur permet d'acquérir une audience, et valorisent, dans un second temps, leur audience par la vente d'espaces publicitaires.
  • Quels sont les impacts des médias ?

    L'écoute excessive de la télévision contribue à un accroissement de l'incidence d'obésité juvénile (8,9). L'écoute excessive de la télévision peut avoir un effet nuisible sur l'apprentissage et le rendement scolaire (10). L'écoute de certaines émissions peut favoriser des comportements sexuels irresponsables (11).
  • Les médias sociaux de partage (sharing) : ils servent à partager tout type de contenu, en public ou à son réseau (photo et vidéo, musique…). Les médias sociaux de réseautage (networking) : ils servent à créer et développer un réseau.

Sectoral Activities Department

International Labour Office (ILO)

4, route des Morillons

CH-1211 Genève 22

SwitzerlandEmployment relationships in the media and culture industries This Issues paper on employment relationships in the media and culture industries (excluding the graphical subsector) was pre pared by the Office for discussion at the Global Dialogue Forum on Employment Relationships in the Media and Culture Sector,

Geneva, 14 to 15 May 2014.

During the Forum, the tripartite constituents (participants from Governments, Employers and Workers) will discuss employment relationships in this sector, with a view to adopting points of con sensus that would encourage future programme development and inform policy-making on this sector at the international, regional and national levels.



DepartmentGDFMCS/2014Employment relationships in the media and culture industries



Sectoral Activities Department

Employment relationships in the

media and culture industries

Issues paper for the Global Dialogue Forum

on employment relationships in the media and culture sector (14 and 15 May 2014)

Geneva, 2014


Copyright © International Labour Organization 2014

First edition 2014

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Employment relationships in the media and culture industries: Issues paper for the Global Dialogue Forum on

Employment Relationships in the Media and Culture Sector (Geneva, 14 and 15 May 2014), International Labour

Office, Sectoral Activities Department, Geneva, 2014

ISBN 978-92-2-128482-6 (print)

ISBN 978-92-2-128483-3 (Web pdf)

228483-2 (Web pdf): and in Spanish: Las relaciones de trabajo en las industrias de los medios de comunicación y

la cultura: Foro de diálogo mundial sobre las relaciones de trabajo en el sector de los medios de comunicación y la

cultura 978-92-2-328482-4 (print), 978-92-2-328483-1 (Web pdf)

employment / labour relations / social dialogue / work organization / journalist / author / performer / mass media /

film industry / entertainment industry


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Front cover photographs ± Top left: Preparations for filming on a movie set in Moscow, Photographer: M. Crozet,

© ILO, 2006; Bottom left: 101st Session of the International Labour Conference. Geneva, 14 June 2012, © ILO,

2012; Right: Ballet performance, Paris, (Public Domain Dedication), 2011

Back cover photograph: Street musicians, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Photographer: M. Crozet, © ILO 2007

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GDFMCS-R-[SECTO-140121-1]-En.docx iii


This paper is intended to serve as a basis for discussion at the Global Dialogue Forum on employment relationships in the media and culture sector. At its 319th Session

14 and 15 May 2014, would be composed of six Worker and six Employer participants,

selected after consultations with the respective groups of the Governing Body, and would be open to all interested governments; and that representatives of certain intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations would be invited to attend. 1 Its purpose is to discuss employment relationships in the media and culture sector (excluding the graphical subsector), 2 with a view to adopting points of consensus that would encourage future programme development and inform policy-making on the selected topic at the international, regional and national levels. Previous meetings relating to this sector were held in 2000 and 2004. 3 information from sources including ILO publications, academic studies and statistical databases. It was prepared by John Myers (Sectoral Activities Department (SECTOR)), with contributions by Gijsbert van Liemt, Andrew Bibby and Lucie Servoz, as well as several ILO departments, and was reviewed by Oliver Liang and John Sendanyoye.

1 ILO: Sectoral Activities Programme 2012±13 and 2014±15, Governing Body, 319th Session,

Geneva, Oct. 2013, GB.319/POL/4.


to the broader media, culture, graphical sector.

3 Symposium on Information Technologies in the Media and Entertainment Industries: Their Impact

on Employment, Working Conditions and Labour-Management Relations, Geneva, 28 February±

3 March 2000; and Tripartite Meeting on the Future of Work and Quality in the Information

Society: The Media, Culture, Graphical Sector, Geneva, 18±22 October 2004.

GDFMCS-R-[SECTO-140121-1]-En.docx v



Preface ............................................................................................................................................... iii

1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1

2. Employment trends in the media and culture industries ........................................................... 2

2.1. General issues ............................................................................................................... 2

(a) Training ................................................................................................................ 3

(b) Children and young people .................................................................................. 4

(c) Gender aspects ..................................................................................................... 5

2.2. Newspapers and magazines .......................................................................................... 6

2.3. The film industry ........................................................................................................... 7

2.4. Broadcasting ................................................................................................................. 8

2.5. Performing arts .............................................................................................................. 8

3. Employment relationships in the media and culture industries ................................................ 10

3.1. General aspects ............................................................................................................. 10

3.2. New technologies and new forms of work organization ............................................... 12

3.3. The motivation behind freelancing ............................................................................... 13

4. Trends in work, work organization and employment relationships

in the media and culture industries ........................................................................................... 14

5. Regulatory and intellectual property issues in the media and culture industries ...................... 17

5.2. Competition law versus freelance remuneration rates .................................................. 18

6. Social dialogue and employment relationships in the media and culture industries ................ 20

6.1. Collective bargaining in the media and culture industries ............................................ 20

6.2. Social dialogue .............................................................................................................. 22

7. Concluding remarks.................................................................................................................. 24

GDFMCS-R-[SECTO-140121-1]-En.docx 5

12. A report by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation

of Journalists (EFJ) suggests that young people in France are accepting unpaid hours or unpaid internships as a way to enter journalism. 18 This problem exists in other subsectors and countries. For example, the NUJ (UK and Ireland) states ³7OH MNXVH RI quotesdbs_dbs41.pdfusesText_41
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