[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

of China: . Agreement concerning the grant of a credit to the People's Republic of China. Signed at Moscow on 14 February 1950 ..

.Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Traits et accords internationaux

enregistr&s ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secrtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies


Treaties and international agreements registered

or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 226 1956 I. Nos. 3103-3126



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 1 January 1956 to 13 January 1956 Page No. 3103. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and People's Republic of China: Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance (with exchange of notes concerning the abrogation of the Treaty of Friendship and Alliance and of the Agreements on the Chinese Changchun Railway, Dairen and Port Arthur, signed on 14 August 1945, and concerning the recognition of the independence of the Mongolian People's Republic). Signed at Moscow, on 14 February 1950 ........ ................. 3 No. 3104. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and People's Republic of China: . Agreement concerning the grant of a credit to the People's Republic of China. Signed at Moscow, on 14 February 1950 ...... ............. 21 No. 3105. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and People's Republic of China: Agreement concerning the Chinese Changchun Railway, Port Arthur and Dairen. Signed at Moscow, on 14 February 1950 .... .... ... 31 No. 3106. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and People's Republic of China: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the extension of the period of joint use of the naval base of Port Arthur. Moscow, 15 September 1952 ... ......................... ...... 45 No. 3107. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and People's Republic of China: Communiqu6 concerning the withdrawal of Soviet military units from the jointly used Chinese naval base of Port Arthur and the transfer of the said base to the full control of the People's Republic of China. Signed at Peking, on 12 October 1954 ........ .................. 51

Traits et accords internationaux enregistris

ou classis et inscrits au rdpertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 226 1956 I. N0





Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistris du j er janvier 1956 au 13 janvier 1956 Pages NO 3103. Union des Republiques socialistes soviftiques et Ripublique populaire de Chine: Trait6 d'amiti6, d'alliance et d'assistance mutuelle (avec 6change de notes con- cernant I'abrogation du Trait6 d'amiti6 et d'alliance et des Accords sur le Chemin de fer chinois de Tchang-Tchouen, Dalny et Port-Arthur, sign~s le 14 ao0t 1945, et concernant la reconnaissance de l'ind~pen- dance de la R6publique populaire de Mongolie). Sign6 h Moscou, le

14 f~vrier 1950 ....... ............................ 3

No 3104. Union des R~publiques socialistes soviftiques et R~publique populaire de Chine: Accord concemant l'ouverture d'un credit la R~publique populaire de Chine. Sign6 a Moscou, le 14 f6vrier 1950 ... ............. ... 21 No 3105. Union des Republiques socialistes sovi6tiques et Ripublique populaire de Chine: Accord concernant le Chemin de fer chinois de Tchang-Tchouen, Port- Arthur et Dalny. Sign6 h Moscou, le 14 fvrier 1950 .... ........ 31 No 3106. Union des Republiques socialistes soviftiques et Ripublique populaire de Chine: Pchange de notes constituant un accord relatif h la prolongation de la p~riode d'utilisation commune de la base navale de Port-Arthur. Moscou,

15 septembre 1952 ...... ....................... ....45

No 3107. Union des R~publiques socialistes sovi~tiques et Ripublique populaire de Chine: Communiqu6 au sujet du retrait des unit6s militaires sovi~tiques de la base navale chinoise de Port-Arthur utilis~e conjointement et de la remise de ladite base sous I'autorit6 pleine et enti~re de la R~publique populaire de Chine. Sign h Pkin, le 12 octobre 1954 ... .............. .... 51

IV United Nations -Treaty Series 1956

Page No. 3108. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and People's Republic of China: Joint declaration. Signed at Peking, on 12 October 1954 .......... ... 57 No. 3109. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and People's Republic of China: Joint declaration concerning relations with Japan. Signed at Peking, on

12 October 1954 ....... ....................... ....69

No. 3110. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Romania: Treaty on Trade and Navigation (with annex). Signed at Moscow, on 20 February 1947 .......... ........................ 79 No. 3111. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Lebanon: Trade and Payments Agreement (with exchange of letters). Signed at Beirut, on 30 April 1954 ......... ....................... 109 No. 3112. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Poland, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Romania, Bul- garia and Albania: Declaration. Signed at Moscow, on 2 December 1954 .... ......... 153 No. 3113. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Finland : Agreement concerning the renunciation by the Soviet Union of rights to the use of the territory of Porkkala-Udd as a naval base and the withdrawal of Soviet armed forces from the said territory. Signed at Moscow, on 19 September 1955 ..... ..................... ....187 No. 3114. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and German Democratic


Treaty concerning the relations between the Union of Soviet Socialist Re- publics and the German Democratic Republic. Signed at Moscow, on 20 September 1955 ...... .................... ...201 No. 3115. Australia and Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland: Trade Agreement (with annexes). Signed at Salisbury, on 30 June 1955 215

No. 3116. India:

Declaration recognizing as compulsory the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, in conformity with Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. New York, 7 January

1956 ..... .... ............................ ... 235

1956 Nations Unies -Recuedi des Traitis V

Pages No 3108. Union des Republiques socialistes sovitiques et Ripublique populaire de Chine: Declaration commune. Sign~e h Pkin, le 12 octobre 1954 .......... ... 57 No 3109. Union des Ripubliques socialistes soviitiques et Republique populaire de Chine: Dclaration commune concernant les relations avec le Japon. Sign~e k P~kin, le 12 octobre 1954 ....... ................ ...... .... 69 NO 3110. Union des Ripubliques socialistes soviitiques et Roumanie: Trait6 de commerce et de navigation (avec annexe). Sign6 h Moscou, le

20 f6vrier 1947 ........ ........................ ... 79

No 3111. Union des Ripubliques socialistes soviitiques et Liban: Accord relatif aux 6changes commerciaux et aux paiements (avec 6change de lettres). Sign6 h Beyrouth, le 30 avril 1954 ... ............. ...109 No 3112. Union des Ripubliques socialistes soviitiques, Pologne, Tch- coslovaquie, Republique democratique allemande, Hongrie,

Roumanie, Bulgarie et Albanie:

D6claration. Sign~e Moscou, le 2 d~cembre 1954 ..... ........... 153 No 3113. Union des Republiques socialistes soviitiques et Finlande: Accord concernant la renonciation par l'Union sovi~tique h ses droits h 'utili- sation du territoire de Porkkala-Udd comme base navale et le retrait des forces armies sovi~tiques dudit territoire. Sign6 Moscou, le 19 sep- tembre 1955 ........ ......................... ...187 No 3114. Union des Republiques socialistes soviftiques et Republique dimocratique allemande: Trait6 concernant les relations entre l'Union des R~publiques socialistes sovi6tiques et la R6publique d6mocratique allemande. Sign6 h Moscou, le

20 septembre 1955 ....... ...................... .. 201

No 3115. Australie et Federation de la Rhodesie et du Nyassaland: Accord commercial (avec annexe). Sign6 h Salisbury, le 30 juin 1955 ....215

NO 3116. Inde:

Declaration reconnaissant comme obligatoire la juridiction de la Cour inter- nationale de Justice, conform~ment au paragraphe 2 de l'Article 36 du Statut de la Cour intemationale de Justice. New-York, 7 janvier 1956 235

VI United Nations -Treaty Series 1956


No. 3117. Israel and Luxembourg:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement regarding the abolition of visas in the case of holders of diplomatic and service passports. Brussels, 15 October 1954, and Luxembourg, 27 October 1954 .... ......... 241

No. 3118. Israel and Luxembourg:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement regarding the abolition of visa fees. Brussels, 24 March 1955, and Luxembourg, 30 March 1955 .247 No. 3119. Israel and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on most-favoured-nation treatment. Moscow, 15 July 1955 ...... ............... 253

No. 3120. Israel and Norway:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement regarding the abolition of visa fees. Jerusalem, 9 February and 15 July 1955, and Athens, 7 and 26 July 1955 ........ .......................... ...257

No. 3121. Israel and Canada:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement regarding the abolition of visa fees. Jerusalem, 7 February and 15 August 1955, and Tel Aviv, 2 August 1955 ...... .. ......................... ...265 No. 3122. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and


Exchange of notes constituting an agreement regarding the construction of the Owen Falls Dam, Uganda. Cairo, 30 and 31 May 1949 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement regarding the construction of the Owen Falls Dam, Uganda. Cairo, 5 December 1949 ... ...... 273 No. 3123. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (on behalf of Uganda) and Egypt: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement regarding co-operation in meteorological and hydrological surveys in certain areas of the Nile Basin. Cairo, 19 January, 28 February and 20 March 1950 ....... 287 No. 3124. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Union of South Africa,

India, Pakistan and Iraq:

Agreement regarding war cemeteries, graves and memorials of the British Commonwealth in Iraq resulting from the war of 1939-1945. Signed at Bagdad, on 18 February 1954 ....... .................. 297

1956 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitds VII


No 3117. Israel et Luxembourg:

]change de notes constituant un accord relatif h la suppression des visas pour les titulaires de passeports diplomatiques et de service. Bruxelles,

15 octobre 1954, et Luxembourg, 27 octobre 1954 ......... 241

No 3118. IsraEl et Luxembourg:

tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif k la suppression des droits de visa. Bruxelles, 24 mars 1955, et Luxembourg, 30 mars 1955 ....247 No 3119. Israel et Union des Republiques socialistes soviftiques: tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif au traitement de la nation la plus favoris~e. Moscou, 15 juillet 1955 ... .............. ... 253

No 3120. Israel et Norvige:

]change de lettres constituant un accord relatif i la suppression des droits de visa. Jerusalem, 9 f~vrier et 15 juillet 1955, et Ath~nes, 7 et 26 juillet

1955 ..... .... ............................ ... 257

No 3121. Israel et Canada:

tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif la suppression des droits de visa. J6rusalem, 7 f~vrier et 15 aofit 1955, et Tel-Aviv, 2 aofit 1955 265 No 3122. Ro aume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et

Rgypte :

lechange de notes constituant un accord relatif la construction du barrage des chutes d'Owen, en Ouganda. Le Caire, 30 et 31 mai 1949 ]change de notes constituant un accord relatif h la construction du barrage des chutes d'Owen, en Ouganda. Le Caire, 5 d6cembre 1949 ....... 273 No 3123. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord (au nor de l'Ouganda) et Vgypte: tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif h une cooperation en matire d'6tudes m~t~orologiques et hydrologiques dans certaines regions du bassin du Nil. Le Cake, 19 janvier, 28 f~vrier et 20 mars 1950 ....287 No 3124. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Canada, Australie, Nouvelle-Zelande, Union Sud-Africaine,

Inde, Pakistan et Irak:

Accord relatif aux cimeti~res, s~pultures et monuments militaires du Com- monwealth britannique en Irak d6di6s k la m6moire des morts de la guerre de 1939-1945. Sign6 h Bagdad, le 18 f6vrier 1954 ............ ...297

VIII United Nations -Treaty Series 1956

Page No. 3125. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and


Cultural Convention. Signed at Lisbon, on 19 November 1954 ....... 305 No. 3126. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Iraq: Exchange of notes (with annex) constituting an agreement for the settlement of financial claims. Bagdad, 30 April 1955 ..... ............ 319 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United


No. 36. Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland relating to air services between their respective territories. Signed at Bermuda, on 11 February 1946: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement supplementing the schedule of routes annexed to the above-mentioned Agreement. Washington, 4 and 16 August 1955 ...... ...................... ...330 No. 742. Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Republic of Finland. Signed at Moscow, on 6 April 1948: Protocol concerning the extension of the above-mentioned Treaty. Signed at Moscow, on 19 September 1955 ...... ................( 338 No. 814. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Signed at Geneva, on 30 October 1947: Notification by the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland .......... ... 342 No. 1397. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between Belgium and the Netherlands on reciprocal reparation for war damages to private property. Brussels, 4 and 14 June 1951:
Exchange of notes constituting an agreement modifying the above-mentioned Agreement. Brussels, 14 September and 17 October 1955 ....... 346 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement completing the above-men- tioned Agreement of 14 September and 17 October 1955. Brussels,

17 October 1955 ....... ....................... ...356

1956 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitds IX

Pages No 3125. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Por- tugal: Convention culturelle. Sign~e h Lisbonne, le 19 novembre 1954 ... ...... 305 No 3126. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Irak: Rchange de notes (avec annexe) constituant un accord relatif au r~glement de certaines cr6ances. Bagdad, 30 avril 1955 ..... ............ 319 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhdsions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitis et accords internationaux enregistris au Secritariat de l'Organisation des

Nations Unies

No 36. Accord entre les Atats-Unis d'Amirique et le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord relatif aux services de transports aeriens entre leurs territoires respectifs. Signi aux Bermudes, le 11 f~vrier 1946: Rchange de notes constituant un accord compltant le tableau des routes annex6 h l'Accord susmentionn6. Washington, 4 et 16 aofit 1955 ....331 No 742. Traiti d'amiti , de cooperation et d'assistance mutuelle entre l'Union des R~publiques socialistes soviftiques et la Ripu- blique de Finlande. Signi A Moscou, le 6 avril 1948: Protocole relatif la prorogation du Trait6 susmentionn6. Sign6 k Moscou, le 19 septembre 1955 ...... ... ..................... 339 NO 814. Accord giniral sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce. Signi

A Genive, le 30 octobre 1947:

Notification par la F~d~ration de la Rhod~sie et du Nyassaland ... ...... 343 NO 1397. 12change de lettres constituant un accord entre la Belgique et les Pays-Bas concernant la reparation reciproque des dommages de guerre a la propriete privee. Bruxelles, 4 et 14 juin 1951: Rchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6. Bruxelles, 14 septembre et 17 octobre 1955 .... ............ ... 346 Rchange de notes constituant un accord compltant l'Accord susmentionn6 des 14 septembre et 17 octobre 1955. Bruxelles, 17 octobre 1955 ....356

X United Nations -Treaty Series 1956

Page No. 2127. Agreement between the Egyptian Government and the Gov- ernment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning self-government and self- determination for the Sudan. Signed at Cairo, on 12

February 1953:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement modifying the above-men- tioned Agreement. Cairo, 3 December 1955 ............. ....360 Supplementary Agreement (with annex) concerning the establishment of an International Commission to supervise the process of self-determina- tion in the Sudan. Signed at Cairo, on 3 December 1955 ......... 366 No. 2260. Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between Belgium and Greece regarding the reciprocal abolition of visas. Athens, 1 and 5 August 1953: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement modifying the above-men- tioned Agreement. Athens, 31 October and 3 December 1955 ....375 No. 2572. Sterling Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Japan. Signed at London, on 29

January 1954:

Prolongations ......... .......................... ...378 No. 2576. International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea,

1948. Approved by the International Conference on Safety

of Life at Sea, on 10 June 1948: Acceptance by Japan ...... ....................... ....379 No. 2889. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Funda- mental Freedoms. Signed at Rome, on 4 November 1950: Declaration by Norway ....... ...................... .. 380 No. 2937. Universal Copyright Convention. Signed at Geneva, on 6

September 1952:

Ratification by Switzerland ...... ..................... ...381 No. 2949. State Treaty for the re-establishment of an independent and democratic Austria. Signed at Vienna, on 15 May 1955: Accession by Yugoslavia ....... ...................... ... 382 No. 2989. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between Israel and France regarding the reciprocal exemption from customs duties on publicity materials for the encourage- ment of tourism. Paris, 15 September 1952: Prolongation ........ ........................... ...383

1956 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitds XI

Pages No 2127. Accord entre le Gouvernement igyptien et le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord concernant l'autonomie du Soudan et son droit i disposer de lui-mime. Signi au Caire, le 12 fivrier 1953: Rchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant 'Accord susmentionn6. Le Caire, 3 dcembre 1955 ..... ................... ... 361 Accord compl6mentaire (avec annexe) concernant la creation d'une Com- mission internationale charg6e de surveiller l'exercice du droit de libre disposition au Soudan. Sign6 au Caire, le 3 dcembre 1955 ... ...... 367 NO 2260. 9change de lettres constituant un accord entre la Belgique et la Grece pour la suppression des visas des passeports.

Athines, ler et 5 aofit 1953:

Echange de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6. Ath~nes, 31 octobre et 3 dcembre 1955 ..... ............. 374 NO 2572. Accord entre le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande- Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et le Gouvernement japonais relatif aux paiements en livres sterling. Signi i Londres, le 29 janvier 1954: Prorogations ........ ........................... ...378 NO 2576. Rigles internationales pour privenir les abordages en mer,

1948. Approuvies par la Conference internationale pour la

sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer, le 10 juin 1948: Acceptation par le Japon ....... ...................... ... 379 NO 2889. Convention de sauvegarde des droits de 'homme et des liber- tes fondamentales. Signee a Rome, le 4 novembre 1950: Dclaration par la Norv~ge ..... ..................... ....380 NO 2937. Convention universelle sur le droit d'auteur. Signie A Geneve, le 6 septembre 1952: Ratification par la Suisse ......... ............. ...... .381 NO 2949. Traiti d'Etat portant ritablissement d'une Autriche indipen- dante et dimocratique. Sign A Vienne, le 15 mai 1955: Adhesion par la Yougoslavie ...... .................... ... 382 NO 2989. 9change de notes constituant un accord entre Israel et la France relatif A l'exoniration riciproque des droits de douane pour le materiel et les documents de propagande touristique. Paris, 15 septembre 1952: Prorogation ........... ........................... 383

XII United Nations -Treaty Series 1956

Page No. 2997. Statute of The Hague Conference on Private International Law (revised text). Drawn up at the Seventh Session of the Conference held at The Hague from 9 to 31 October 1951:
Acceptances by Finland and by the Federal Republic of Germany .... 384 No. 3010. International Convention to facilitate the importation of com- mercial samples and advertising material. Done at

Geneva, on 7 November 1952:

Accessions by Australia and Czechoslovakia ... .............. ... 385 ANNEX C. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the League of


No. 170. Protocol of Signature of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Geneva, 16 December 1920: Notification by India ....... ....................... ...388

1956 Nations Unies -Recuedi des Traitds XIII

Pages No 2997. Statut de la Conference de la Haye de Droit International Priv6 (texte revise). Atabli A la septiime session de la Con- f~rence tenue i La Haye du 9 au 31 octobre 1951: Acceptations par la Finlande et par la Rpublique f~d~rale d'Allemagne ..384 No 3010. Convention internationale pour faciliter l'importation des ichantillons commerciaux et du materiel publicitaire. Faite i Genive, le 7 novembre 1952: Adhesions par l'Australie et par la Tch~coslovaquie ............. ....385 ANNEXE C. Ratifications, adhisions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistrds par le Secritariat de la Socidtd des


No 170. Protocole de signature du Statut de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale. Genive, 16 dicembre 1920 : Notification par l'Inde ....... ....................... ...388


Under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations every treaty and every international agreement entered into by any Member of the United Nations after the coming into force of the Charter shall, as soon as possible, be registered with the Secretariat and published by it. Further- more, no party to a treaty or international agreement subject to registration, which has not been registered, may invoke that treaty or agreement before any organ of the United Nations. The General Assembly by resolution 97 (I) established regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter (see text of the Regulations, Vol. 76, p. XVIII). The terms "treaty" and "international agreement" have not been defined either in the Charter or in the Regulations, and the Secretariat follows the principle that it acts in accordance with the position of the Member State submitting an instrument for registration that so far as that party is concerned the instrument is a treaty or an international agreement within the meaning of Article

102. Registration of an instrument submitted by a Member State, therefore, does not imply a

judgement by the Secretariat on the nature of the instrument, the status of a party, or any similar

question. It is the understanding of the Secretariat that its action does not confer on the instrument

the status of a treaty or an international agreement if it does not already have that status, and does

not confer on a party a status which it would not otherwise have. Unless otherwise indicated, the translations of the original texts of treaties, etc., published in this Series, have been made by the Secretariat of the United Nations.quotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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