[PDF] The Global Competitiveness Report 2008–2009

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The Global Competitiveness Report 2008–2009

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ISBN-13: 978-92-95044-11-1

Thirty years after its first publication in 1979, the Global Competitiveness Reportseries remains one of the world's most respected assessments of national competitiveness. The Report provides invaluable insights into the policies, institutions, and factors that enable robust economic development and long-term prosperity. Produced in collaboration with leading academics and a global network of national Partner


The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 provides users with a wide- ranging dataset on a broad array of competitiveness indicators for a record coverage of

134 economies, accounting for more than 98 percent of the world's GDP. The data used in

the Report come from leading international sources as well as from the Executive Opinion Survey, conducted annually by the World Economic Forum. The Survey provides a unique source of insight by capturing the perceptions of several thousand business leaders in all of the countries included in the Report on topics related to national competitiveness. This year's edition once again presents the rankings of the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), developed by Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martin and originally introduced in 2004. The GCI is based on 12 pillars of competitiveness, providing a comprehensive picture of the competitiveness landscape in countries around the world at different stages of economic development. The pillars included are institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic stability, health and primary education, higher education and training, goods market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market sophistication, technological readiness, market size, business sophistication, andinnovation. The Reportalso includes a key contribution by Professor Michael Porter and his team, which outlines the main features of the new framework for the competitiveness index that the World Economic Forum plans to introduce in next year's

Report.Based on the

successful experience of the GCI as well as the Business Competitiveness Index (BCI) presented in previous editions, this new framework will provide a stable and integrated methodological basis for future

Global Competitiveness Reports.

In addition, the Reportpresents detailed profiles highlighting competitive strengths and weaknesses for each of the 134 economies featured, as well as an extensive section of data tables displaying relative rankings for more than 100 variables.

The 2008-2009 edition of

The Global Competitiveness Reportprovides the latest thinking on competitiveness. As in previous editions, it serves as a crucial tool for policymakers, industry leaders, academia, and civil society to identify the impediments to, and the best practices for enabling, economic development.

The Global

Competitiveness Report

2008Ð2009Michael E. Porter,Harvard University

Klaus Schwab,World Economic Forum

The Global Competitiveness Report2008-2009Porter


Cover design: Ha Nguyen

Cover art: Getty Images;

Dreamstime; iStock;


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World Economic Forum

Geneva, Switzerland 2008


World Economic Forum


Harvard University

Co-Directors, The Global Competitiveness Report

The Global

Competitiveness Report


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The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 © 2008 World Economic For um

World Economic Forum


Copyright © 2008

by the World Economic Forum

All rights reserved. No part of this publication

may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior permission of the World Economic Forum.

ISBN-13: 978-92-95044-11-1

ISBN-10: 92-95044-11-8

This book is printed on paper suitable for

recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. Printed and bound in Switzerland by SRO-Kundig.The Global Competitiveness Report


is published by the World

Economic Forum within the framework of the

Global Competitiveness Network.


Professor Klaus Schwab

Executive Chairman

Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martin

Chief Adviser of the Global Competitiveness


Fiona Paua

Senior Director, Head of Strategic Insight Teams


Jennifer Blanke,Director, Senior Economist,

Head of Global Competitiveness Network

Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz,Director,

Senior Economist

Irene Mia, Director, Senior Economist

Thierry Geiger,Economist, Global

Leadership Fellow

Ciara Browne, Senior Community Manager

Agustina Ciocia, Community Manager

Eva Trujillo Herrera, Research Assistant

Patrick McGee, Research Assistant

Pearl Samandari, Coordinator


Michael Porter

Bishop William Lawrence University



Christian Ketels, Principal Associate

Richard Bryden, Director of Information


Mercedes Delgado, Institute Fellow and

Assistant Professor at Temple University

We thank Hope Steele for her superb editing

work and Ha Nguyen for her excellent graph- ic design and layout.

The terms

countryand nation as used in this report do not in all cases refer to a territorial entity that is a state as understood by inter- national law and practice. The terms cover well-defined, geographically self-contained economic areas that may not be states but for which statistical data are maintained on a separate and independent basis.

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The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 © 2008 World Economic For um


Partner Institutes v

Preface xi

by Klaus Schwab

Part 1: The Competitiveness Indexes 1

1.1 The Global Competitiveness Index: 3

Prioritizing the Economic Policy Agenda

by Xavier Sala-i-Martin, Jennifer Blanke, Margareta Drzeniek

Hanouz, Thierry Geiger, Irene Mia, and Fiona Paua

1.2 Moving to a New Global Competitiveness Index 43

by Michael E. Porter, Mercedes Delgado, Christian Ketels, and Scott Stern

Part 2: Country/Economy Profiles and 65

Data Presentation

2.1 The Executive Opinion Survey: 67

The Voice of the Business Community

by Ciara Browne, Richard Bryden, Mercedes Delgado, and Thierry Geiger

2.2 Country/Economy Profiles 79

How to Read the Country/Economy Profiles ................................81 List of Countries/Economies .........................................................83 Country/Economy Profiles.............................................................84

2.3 Data Tables 353

How to Read the Data Tables......................................................355 Index of Data Tables....................................................................357 Data Tables........................................................................ ..........359

Technical Notes and Sources 493

About the Authors 497

Acknowledgments 500

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The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 © 2008 World Economic For um

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The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 © 2008 World Economic For um

The World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness

Network is pleased to acknowledge and thank the

following organizations as our valued Partner Institutes, without whom the realization of The Global

Competitiveness Report 2008Ð2009would not have

been feasible:


Institute for Contemporary Studies (ISB)

Artan Hoxha, President

Elira Jorgoni, Senior Expert and Project Manager

Denalada Kuzumi, Researcher


Centre de Recherche en Economie AppliquŽe pour

le DŽveloppement (CREAD)

Youcef Benabdallah, Assistant Professor

Yassine Ferfera, Director


IAEÑUniversidad Austral

Mar'a Elina Gigaglia, Project Manager

Eduardo Luis Fracchia, Professor


Economy and Values Research Center

Manuk Hergnyan, Chairman

Sevak Hovhannisyan, Board Member and Senior Associate

Gohar Malumyan, Research Associate


Australian Industry Group

Nicholas James, Economist

Tony Pensabene, Associate Director, Economics & Research

Heather Ridout, Chief Executive


Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)

Karl Aiginger, Director

Gerhard Schwarz, Coordinator, Survey Department


Azerbaijan Marketing Society

Fuad Aliyev, Executive Director

Ashraf Hajiyev, Project Coordinator

Saida Talibova, Consultant


Bahrain Competitiveness Council, Bahrain Economic

Development Board

Nada Azmi, Business Intelligence Specialist,

Research Services Unit

Jawad Habib, Senior Partner, BDO Jawad Habib

Rima Al Kilani, Director, International Marketing


Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)

Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Senior Research Fellow

Kazi Mahmudur Rahman, Senior Research Associate

Mustafizur Rahman, Executive DirectorBarbados

Arthur Lewis Institute for Social and Economic Studies,

University of West Indies (UWI)

Andrew Downes, Director


Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School

Lutgart Van den Berghe, Professor, Executive Director and Chairman, Competence Centre Entrepreneurship,

Governance and Strategy

Bieke Dewulf, Associate, Competence Centre Entrepreneurship,

Governance and Strategy

Wim Moesen, Professor

Benin Micro Impacts of Macroeconomic Adjustment Policies (MIMAP) Benin

Epiphane Adjovi, Business Coordinator

Maria-Odile Attanasso, Deputy Coordinator

Fructueux Deguenonvo, Researcher

Bosnia and Herzegovina

MIT Center, School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo,

University of Sarajevo

Zlatko Lagumdìija, Professor

ùZeljko ùSain, Executive Director

Jasmina Selimovic, Assistant Director


Botswana National Productivity Centre

Dabilani Buthali, Manager, Information and Research Services


Thembo Lebang, Executive Director

Omphemetse David Matlhape, Research Consultant


Funda'o Dom Cabral

Marina Araoejo, Researcher

Carlos Arruda, Professor and Coordinator of Competitiveness and Innovation Center

Juan Rios, Research Assistant

Movimento Brasil Competitivo (MBC)

Cl‡udio Leite Gastal, Director President

Lucas Tadeu Melo C‰mara, Director

Brunei Darussalam

Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources

Pehin Dato Dr. Hj Ahmad Hj Jumat, Minister

Dato Paduka Hj Hamdillah Hj Abd Wahab, Deputy Minister Dato Paduka Hamid Hj Mohd Jaafar, Permanent Secretary


Center for Economic Development

Anelia Damianova, Senior Expert

Burkina Faso

SociŽtŽ dÕEtudes et de Recherche Formation pour le

DŽveloppement (SERF)

Abdoulaye Tarnagda, Director General


University Research Centre for Economic and Social Development (CURDES), National University of Burundi

Richard Ndereyahaga, Head of CURDES

Gilbert Niyongabo, Dean, Faculty of Economics & Management v

Partner Institutes

Partner Institutes

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The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 © 2008 World Economic For um


Economic Institute of Cambodia

Sok Hach, Director

Tuy Chak Riya, Research Associate

Hang Sambopisith, Researcher


ComitŽ de CompŽtitivitŽ (Competitiveness Committee)

Lucien Sanzouango, Permanent Secretary


Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity

Lance Bialas, Researcher

Roger Martin, Chairman and Dean of the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

James Milway, Executive Director

Chad Groupe de Recherches Alternatives et de Monitoring du

Projet PŽtrole-Tchad-Cameroun (GRAMP-TC)

Antoine Doudjidingao, Researcher

Gilbert Maoundonodji, Director

Celine NŽnodji Mbaipeur, Program Officer


Universidad Adolfo Ib‡-ez

Ignacio Briones, Associate Professor of Economics,

School of Government

Leonidas Montes, Dean, School of Government


Institute of Economic System and Management

National Development and Reform Commission

Zhou Haichun, Deputy Director and Professor

Chen Wei, Research Fellow

Dong Ying, Professor

China Center for Economic Statistics Research, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics

Lu Dong, Professor

Jian Wang, Associate Professor

Huazhang Zheng, Associate Professor


National Planning Department

Orlando Gracia Fajardo, Entrepreneurial Development Director

Carolina Renter'a Rodr'guez, General Director

Mauricio Torres Vel‡squez, Advisor

Côte d'Ivoire

Chambre de Commerce et dÕIndustrie de C™te dÕIvoire

Mamadou Sarr, General Director


National Competitiveness Council

Martina Hatlak, Research Assistant

Mira Lenardic, General Secretary


Cyprus College Research Center

Bambos Papageorgiou, Head of Socioeconomic and

Academic Research

The Cyprus Development Bank

Maria Markidou-Georgiadou, Manager, International

Banking Services Unit and Business Development

Czech Republic

CMC Graduate School of Business

Dagmar GlŸckaufov‡, Academic Dean

Filip Hrn''Þ, President


Copenhagen Business School, Department of International

Economics and Management

Lise Peitersen, Administrative Director

Ole Risager, ProfessorEcuador

Escuela de Postgrado en Administraci - n de Empresas (ESPAE) Escuela Superior PolitŽcnica del Litoral (ESPOL)

Elizabeth Arteaga, Project Assistant

Virginia Lasio, Acting Director

Sara Wong, Professor


The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies

Hanaa Kheir-El-Din, Executive Director and Director of Research


Estonian Institute of Economic Research

Evelin Ahermaa, Head of Economic Research Sector

Marje Josing, Director

Estonian Development Fund

Kitty Kubo, Head of Foresight

Ott PŠrna, Chief Executive Officer


African Institute of Management, Development and Governance

Tegegne Teka, General Manager


ETLAÑThe Research Institute of the Finnish Economy

Petri Rouvinen, Research Director

Pasi Sorjonen, Head of the Forecasting Group

Pekka YlŠ-Anttila, Managing Director


HEC School of Management, Paris

Bertrand Moingeon, Professor, Deputy Dean

Bernard Ramanantsoa, Professor, Dean of HEC School of


Gambia, The

Gambia Economic and Social Development Research Institute (GESDRI)

Makaireh A. Njie, Director


Business Initiative for Reforms in Georgia

Giga Makharadze, Founding Member of the Board of Directors

Tamar Tchintcharauli, Executive Director

Mamuka Tsereteli, Founding Member of the Board of Directors


WHUÑOtto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar

Ralf Fendel, Professor of Monetary Economics

Michael Frenkel, Professor, Chair of Macroeconomics and

International Economics


Association of Ghana Industries (AGI)

Carlo Hey, Project Manager

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