[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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12 avr. 2012 Par courrier du 3 mai 2005 bci Betriebs-AG a informé le Gouvernement que

Projet de construction Rapport technique 6

15 nov. 2006 bci Betriebs-AG. Rapport technique 6 ... Annexe 6: Exigences E8 Déconstruction et gestion des déchets. Annexe 7: Exigences E10 Transport et ...

Projet de construction

15 nov. 2006 bci Betriebs-AG ... l'ensemble du projet et de l'installation de ... projet en fonction des aspects sécurité gestion des eaux

Notice pour lexploitation de lextension du réseau de mesures

24 oct. 2011 Gestion des pots d'échantillonnage et analyses ... [1] Projet d'extension du réseau „Bergerhoff“ bci Betriebs-AG

Notice dimpact sur lenvironnement

6 juin 2007 bci Betriebs-AG. Assainissement DIB : Notice d'impact sur l'environnement. CSD v. 5.13.3. Effet du projet et mesures intégrées .

Complément à la notice dimpact sur lenvironnement du 6 juin 2007

6 juin 2007 bci Betriebs-AG. Assainissement DIB - Complément à la NIE : traitement des effluents gazeux. CSD ii. 5.4.1. Effets du projet et mesures ...

Projet de construction Rapport technique 6

28 juin 2006 bci Betriebs-AG. Analyse de la protection incendie Lot A – Lot B ... Annexe 6: Exigences E8 Déconstruction et gestion des déchets.

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1 juin 2008 conclusion d'un accord avec BaselArea pour la promotion ... Ce Groupe de projet est le répondant direct de bci Betriebs-AG et de ses ...

Annexes du chapitre 5.1 Protection de lair et du climat

10 oct. 2006 bci Betriebs-AG ... projet d'assainissement de novembre 2003. ... lation et de gestion des effluents gazeux » ce qui permet d'atteindre un ...

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Projet relatif au ddveloppement de l'dlevage (avec en annexe

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Traites et accords internationaux

enregistre's ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations * Nations Unies

New York, 1965

Treaties and international agreements registered

or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

1. Nos. 7351-7361

VOLUME 504 1964 I. No. 607



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 5 August 1964 to 6 August 1964 Page No. 7351. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Chile: Guarantee Agreement-Livestock Development Project (with annexed Loan Regulations No. 4 and Loan Agreement between the Bank and Cor- poraci6n de Fomento de la Producci6n). Signed at Washington, on

18 December 1963 ....... .......................... 3

No. 7352. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Chile: Guarantee Agreement-Milk and Meat Processing Project (with annexed Loan Regulations No. 4 and Loan Agreement between the Bank and Cor- poraci6n de Fomento de la Producci6n). Signed at Washington, on

18 December 1963 ... .... ...................... ... 29

No. 7353. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Liberia: Loan Agreement-Road Project (with annexed Loan Regulations No. 3). Signed at Washington, on 8 January 1964 ... ............. ....53 No. 7354. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Thailand: Guarantee Agreement-IFCT Project (with annexed Loan Regulations No. 4 and Loan Agreement between the Bank and the Industrial Finance Corporation of Thailand). Signed at Washington, on 11 March 1964 73

No. 7355. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia:

Agreement concerning co-operation in veterinary matters. Signed at Prague, on 21 June 1957 ... .... .................... ... ....107

Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris

ou classis et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de 'Organisation des Nations Unies

1. No- 7351-7361



II. No 607



Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistris du 5 aoat 1964 au 6 aoat 1964

P ages

No 7351. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpe- ment et Chili: Contrat de garantie -Projet relatif au ddveloppement de l'dlevage (avec, en annexe, le R~glement no 4 sur les emprunts et le Contrat d'emprunt entre la Banque et la Corporaci6n de Fomento de la Producci6n). Sign6 A Washington, le 18 d6cembre 1963 ... ................. 3 No 7352. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d~veloppe- ment et Chili: Contrat de garantie -Projet relatif au traitement du lait et de la viande (avec, en annexe, le Rglement no 4 sur les emprunts et le Contrat d'emprunt entre la Banque et la Corporaci6n de Fomento de la Producci6n). Sign6 A Washington, le 18 d6cembre 1963 .... ............... ....29 No 7353. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpe- ment et Liberia: Contrat d'emprunt -Projet relatif au rdseau routier (avec, en annexe, le Rglement no 3 sur les emprunts). Sign6 A Washington, le 8 janvier

1964 ......... ............................ ... 53

NO 7354. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le ddveloppe- ment et Thailande: Contrat de garantie -Projet relatif h I'IFCT (avec, en annexe, le R~glement no 4 sur les emprunts et le Contrat d'emprunt entre la Banque et 'In- dustrial Finance Corporation of Thailand). Sign6 A Washington, le 11 mars 1964 ......... .......................... ... 73

No 7355. Tch~coslovaquie et Yougoslavie:

Accord de coop6ration en mati~re v6t6rinaire. Sign6 A Prague, le 21 juin 1957. 107

IV United Nations -Treaty Series 1964


No. 7356. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia:

Agreement concerning co-operation in public health. Signed at Belgrade, on

5 October 1963 ...... .... ........................ 151

No. 7357. Czechoslovakia and German Democratic Republic: Declaration on the aims and purposes of the policy of the two countries. Signed at Prague, on 23 June 1950 ..... ................ ...163 No. 7358. Czechoslovakia and German Democratic Republic: Agreement concerning railway traffic between the Czechoslovak Republic and the German Democratic Republic. Signed At Berlin, on 24 October 1955 ........ ........................ ... 173 No. 7359. Czechoslovakia and German Democratic Republic: Agreement concerning prolongation of periods of priority in connexion with inventions and trade marks. Signed at Prague, on 26 June 1958 221

No. 7360. Czechoslovakia and Hungary:

Agreement concerning the settlement of technical and economic questions relating to frontier watercourses. Signed at Prague, on 16 April 1954 231 No. 7361. Czechoslovakia and German Democratic Republic: Agreement concerning co-operation in matters of veterinary medicine. Signed at Prague, on 30 August 1955 ....... ............... 279 II

Treaties and international agreements

filed and recorded from 30 June 1964 to 6 August 1964 No. 607. Czechoslovakia and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Treaty (with Protocol) concerning the Trans-Carpathian Ukraine. Signed at Moscow, on 29 June 1945 ...... ................... ...299 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United


International Labour Organisation:

No. 585. Convention (No. 2) concerning unemployment, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisa- tion at its first session, Washington, 28 November 1919, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946: Ratification and declarations ..... .... .................... 318

1964 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitds V


No 7356. Tchicoslovaquie et Yougoslavie:

Accord de cooperation en matire de sant6 publique. Sign6 Belgrade, le

5 octobre 1963 ..... ... ........................ .. 151

NO 7357. Tchicoslovaquie et Ripublique democratique allemande: D6claration relative aux buts et principes de la politique des deux pays. Sign~e APrague, le 23juin 1950 ..... ................. ...163 No 7358. Tchicoslovaquie et Republique democratique allemande: Accord relatif au trafic ferroviaire entre la Rpublique tchcoslovaque et la Rpublique d~mocratique allemande. Sign6 A Berlin, le 24 octobre 1955 .173 No 7359. Tchicoslovaquie et Ripublique ddmocratique allemande: Accord relatif A la prorogation des d~lais de priorit6 en mati&e d'inventions et de marques de fabrique ou de commerce. Sign6 A Prague, le 26 juin

1958 ..... .... ............................ ... 221

No 7360. Tchicoslovaquie et Hongrie:

Accord sur la r~glementation de questions techniques et 6conomiques concernant les cours d'eau limitrophes. Sign6 A Prague, le 16 avril 1954 231 No 7361. Tchicoslovaquie et R~publique dimocratique allemande: Accord concernant la cooperation dans le domaine de la m~decine vt&rinaire. Sign6 A Prague, le 30 aoit 1955 ..... .. ................. 279 II

Traitis et accords internationaux

classis et inscrits au rdpertoire du 30juin 1964 au 6 aoat 1964 No 607. Tchicoslovaquie et Union des Ripubliques socialistes sovii- tiques : Trait6 (avec Protocole) concernant l'Ukraine transcarpatique. Sign a Moscou, le 29juin 1945 ...... .................... ... 299 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhisions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistris au Secritariat de l'Organisation des

Nations Unies

Organisation internationale du Travail:

No 585. Convention (no 2) concernant le chfmage, adoptde par la Con- fdrence ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail sa premiere session, Washington, 28 novembre 1919, telle qu'elle a t6 modifide par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification et dgclarations ... ........................ ... 319

VI United Nations -Treaty Series 1964

Page No. 586. Convention (No. 3) concerning the employment of women before and after childbirth, adopted by the General Con- ference of the International Labour Organisation at its first session, Washington, 29 November 1919, as modified by the final Articles Revision Convention, 1946: Ratification ............ ............................ 320 No. 588. Convention (No. 5) fixing the minimum age for admission of children to industrial employment, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its first session, Washington, 28 November 1919, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946: Notification ......... ........................... ...321 No. 590. Convention (No. 7) fixing the minimum age for admission of children to employment at sea, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its second session, Genoa, 9 July 1920, as modified by the Final

Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

Notification ......... ........................... ...322 No. 591. Convention (No. 8) concerning unemployment indemnity in case of loss or foundering of the ship, adopted by the Gen- eral Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its second session, Genoa, 9 July 1920, as modified by the Final

Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

Declaration ........... ........................... 322 No. 593. Convention (No. 10) concerning the age for admission of chil- dren to employment in agriculture, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva, 16 November 1921, as modified by the

Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

Ratification and declarations ......... .................... 323 No. 594. Convention (No. 11) concerning the rights of association and combination of agricultural workers, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva, 12 November 1921, as modified by the

Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

Declaration and notification ....... ................ ....324

1964 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitds VII

Pages No 586. Convention (no 3) concernant l'emploi des femmes avant et apris 1'accouchement, adoptee par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa premiere ses- sion, Washington, 29 novembre 1919, telle qu'elle a iti modi- fiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946:
Ratification ............ ............................ 320 No 588. Convention (no 5) fixant l'Age minimum d'admission des en- fants aux travaux industriels, adoptie par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa premikre session, Washington, 28 novembre 1919, telle qu'elle a kt modifiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Notification ......... ........................... ...321 NO 590, Convention (no 7) fixant l'ige minimum d'admission des enfants au travail maritime, adoptie par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail, A sa deuxi~me session, G~nes, 9 juillet 1920, telle qu'elle a &46 modifiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946:
Notification ......... ........................... ...322 No 591. Convention (no 8) concernant l'indemniti de ch6mage en cas de perte ou de naufrage, adoptee par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa deuxiime ses- sion, Genes, 9 juillet 1920, telle qu'elle a iti modifiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: D6claration ........... ........................... 322 No 593. Convention (no 10) concernant l'ige d'admission des enfants au travail dans l'agriculture, adoptie par la Conference gene- rale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa troisiime session, Genive, 16 novembre 1921, telle qu'elle a iti modi- fie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946:
Ratification et d~clarations ....... .................... ...323 No 594. Convention (no 11) concernant les droits d'association et de coalition des travailleurs agricoles, adoptie par la Con- firence ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa troisiime session, Genive, 12 novembre 1921, telle qu'elle a iti modifiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: D6claration et notification ...... ..................... ... 324

VIII United Nations -Treaty Series 1964

Page No. 595. Convention (No. 12) concerning workmen's compensation in agriculture, adopted by the General Conference of the Inter- national Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva, 12 November 1921, as modified by the Final Articles Revision

Convention, 1946:

Notification ......... ........................... ...325 No. 598. Convention (No. 15) fixing the minimum age for the admission of young persons to employment as trimmers or stokers, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva, I1 No- vember 1921, as modified by the Final Articles Revision

Convention, 1946:

Notification ......... ........................... ...326 No. 599. Convention (No. 16) concerning the compulsory medical exam- ination of children and young persons employed at sea, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva, 11 No- vember 1921, as modified by the Final Articles Revision

Convention, 1946:

Notification ........... ........................... 327 No. 600. Convention (No. 17) concerning workmen's compensation for accidents, adopted by the General Conference of the Inter- national Labour Organisation at its seventh session, Geneva,

10 June 1925, as modified by the Final Articles Revision

Convention, 1946:

Ratification and declaration ........ ..................... 328 No. 601. Convention (No. 18) concerning workmen's compensation for occupational diseases, adopted by the General Con- ference of the International Labour Organisation at its seventh session, Geneva, 10 June 1925, as modified by the

Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

Ratification ......... ............................ ...329 No. 602. Convention (No. 19) concerning equality of treatment for national and foreign workers as regards workmen's com- pensation for accidents, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its seventh session, Geneva, 5 June 1925, as modified by the Final Articles

Revision Convention, 1946 :

Ratification and notification ....... .................... ...330

1964 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitds IX


NO 595. Convention

(no 12) concernant la riparation des accidents du travail dans l'agriculture, adoptee par la Conference ginerale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa troisiime session, Genive, 12 novembre 1921, telle qu'elle a &6 modifi~e par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Notification ......... ........................... ...325 NO 598. Convention (no 15) fixant l'ige minimum d'admission des jeunes gens au travail en qualit6 de soutiers ou de chauffeurs, adoptie par la Conference g~nerale de l'Organisation inter- nationale du Travail A sa troisiime session, Genive, 11 no- vembre 1921, telle qu'elle a 4W modifiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Notification ......... ........................... ...326 NO 599. Convention (no 16) concernant l'examen medical obligatoire des enfants et des jeunes gens employis A bord des bateaux, adoptee par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation inter- nationale du Travail, A sa troisiime session, Genive, 11 no- vembre 1921, telle qu'elle a iti modifie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Notification ......... ........................... ...327 No 600. Convention (no 17) concernant la riparation des accidents du travail, adoptee par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa septiime session, Genive,

10 juin 1925, telle qu'elle a t6 modifie par la Convention

portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification et dclaration ...... ..................... ....328 No 601. Convention (no 18) concernant la r6paration des maladies professionnelles, adoptie par la Conference g~n~rale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa septikme ses- sion, Genive, 10 juin 1925, telle qu'elle a kti modifiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification ............ ............................ 329 No 602. Convention (no 19) concernant l'galiti de traitement des travailleurs 6trangers et nationaux en matiire de riparation des accidents du travail, adopt~e par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa septikme session, Genive, 5 juin 1925, telle qu'elle a ktk modifie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification et notification ......... ...................... 330

X United Nations -Treaty Series 1964


No. 605. Convention

(No. 22) concerning seamen's articles of agree- ment, adopted by the General Conference of the Inter- national Labour Organisation at its ninth session, Geneva,

24 June 1926, as modified by the Final Articles Revision

Convention, 1946:

Declarations ........ ........................... ... 331 No. 607. Convention (No. 24) concerning sickness insurance for workers in industry and commerce and domestic servants, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its tenth session, Geneva, 15 June 1927, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946: Declarations ........ ........................... ...333 No. 608. Convention (No. 25) concerning sickness insurance for agricul- tural workers, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its tenth session,quotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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